How to Stop Your Hyperthyroidism From Stealing Your Sleep - Better Health Solutions

How to Stop Your Hyperthyroidism From Stealing Your Sleep

How to Stop Your Hyperthyroidism From Stealing Your Sleep

Hyperthyroidism occurs when your thyroid gland becomes much too active. This produces excessive amounts of the thyroid hormone. You are probably thinking that since the thyroid gland controls your metabolism, having extra thyroid hormones would be a good thing.

Your metabolism will crank up, you will burn fat and lose weight, and look great. But unfortunately, that is not necessarily the case, and your sleep often suffers.

The thyroid gland is located on the front part of your neck. Your nervous system, body weight and temperature, heart rate and breathing are all directly affected to the work that your thyroid gland does. When your thyroid gland goes crazy and starts overworking (the “hyper” in hyperthyroidism), you can experience minor symptoms such as nervousness or anxiousness, and more serious symptoms such as hand tremors and a rapid heartbeat.

Insomnia is also a frequent companion of hyperthyroidism. Many different bodily functions are put into overdrive. Because of this, your body makes it very difficult for you to go to sleep in the first place, and stay asleep once you get there. Your thyroid whips your internal functions into a frenzy, you sleep restlessly if at all, and your daytime productivity and relationships suffer

Hyperthyroidism is most usually caused by an autoimmune disorder called Graves’ disease. Like other causes of a hyperactive thyroid, too much thyroid hormone is produced, your body gets supercharged all of the time, and your sleep is negatively affected. If you believe you have a hyperactive thyroid, consult your doctor and make sure to mention the insomnia symptom you are experiencing.

Simple tests can indicate whether or not your thyroid is the cause of your poor sleep patterns, and treatment can be prescribed.

Effective treatment for hyperthyroidism can include radioactive iodine therapy. This actually damages or kills some of the cells that make thyroid hormones. You can alternately be treated with anti-thyroid medications. You may also find your doctor prescribing beta-blockers to treat your hyperthyroidism symptoms, such as accelerated heartbeat or hand tremors.

As with most internal physiological disorders, a proper diet can help combat hyperthyroidism. That means lots of fruits and vegetables, plenty of dietary fiber, at least 2 quarts of water a day and 3 to 5 hours of moderately intense exercise every week.

If you believe that your chronic anxiety, nervousness and insomnia are springing from a hyperactive thyroid, consult a doctor for immediate and proper treatment. If not, your “always on” thyroid could cause much more serious problems than a poor night’s rest.
