Shed Your Belly Fat with One of These Diets - Better Health Solutions

Shed Your Belly Fat with One of These Diets

Belly fat is where many men and women carry the bulk of their weight when obesity sets in. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s also unsightly and embarrassing when you’re trying to squeeze into clothes that gradually get smaller and smaller as you gain.

There are many diets that help you lose weight all over, but some promote better digestion and reduce the bloating commonly associated with dietary changes. If you don’t mind the weight coming off slowly, then you might opt for a plan like Weight Watchers or Mindful Eating, where you can curtail the amount of food that you eat and watch your stomach deflate as you shed pounds.

But sometimes, you’re in a hurry – and you want to lose weight more rapidly. You might want to go on a low carb, high protein diet to eliminate belly fat faster. Carbs sometimes make people feel bloated, and cutting them in exchange for lean protein can help trim your waist quickly.

Using a Mediterranean or Whole Food diet where you’re getting plenty of fiber in the form of vegetables can help you say goodbye to belly fat. Choose vegetables rich in fiber such as lentils, artichokes and broccoli.

Vegetables help reduce constipation, which makes the bloating disappear. So as you lose weight, your body will reflect a flatter, trim stomach. Make sure you cook them in a nutritious manner so they don’t lose their nutrients.

Eat vegetables raw whenever possible, or steamed or grilled lightly to cause the least amount of breakdown possible. Add on a bit of olive oil for a healthy fat that delivers rich taste and even more benefits to your health.

Sometimes a good detox diet can help get rid of belly fat. It’s only temporary if you go back to your old ways of eating, though – so many sure you adopt healthier habits afterwards.

A sugar detox diet can promote better stomach health, banishing bloating and allowing your body to function better in many ways. Or, go on a low sodium diet to get rid of the water retention issues that often cause a stomach to bloat, too.

You could go on a fast from fast food for awhile. Junk food, and other processed foods, contribute to the inflammation that can invade your body and cause a massive amount of bloating and digestive issues.

No matter what, if you begin treating your body better by giving it more of the things it wants (such as probiotic yogurts and whole foods) and fewer foods that disrupt it (such as sodium and sugar), you’ll notice a big difference in the way your stomach is now, compared to how it flattens out on a new regimen.
