How Journaling Can Help You Lose Weight - Better Health Solutions

How Journaling Can Help You Lose Weight

How Journaling Can Help You Lose Weight

Most people can’t remember what they ate for lunch every day much less how they felt while doing it. Yet eating and how you feel that day can often determine whether or not you’re going to have a good day during your weight loss journey.

Keeping a journal can help you to lose weight because it can track the type of exercise that you’re doing and how much you’re exercising. It can let you know how you felt when you ate a meal or when you grabbed a snack.

You’ll be able to know if you were eating more when you were upset or not. Keeping a journal can help you lose weight by tracking how much water you drink. It can also help you track how much mindless eating you’re doing.

Having a record of your weight loss can help you see when you get off track and it’s one of the best and simplest tools to use for keeping weight off for good. What a journal does is it teaches you about yourself.

You’ll be able to pick out how you act when you’re under stress and what triggers the desire for crunchy, salty junk or fast food. You’ll be able to understand the motivation behind why you do what you do when it comes to your eating habits.

If you have a bad day, a journal will help to show you what was going on and let you see how you reacted to it. A journal forces you to be mindful of what you’re doing and how you’re eating.

It can reveal patterns or ruts that you get into when it comes to certain issues such as having to work late, dealing with fatigue and so on. Most people find that changing their diet isn’t enough to stay on track and even when they add exercise, they still have many days where they struggle to lose weight.

When you keep records and make yourself accountable, it lets you see past any excuses or problems. This, in turn, enables you to identify them and learn methods to succeed.

If you’re someone who craves sweet, calorie laden food when you feel down, write that in your journal. Then the next time that you struggle with the same emotion, you’ll be able to see what you did to overcome it.

This type of accountability is like a supportive friend in that it makes you aware of issues about your weight loss that you may not have understood. Everything related to your weight loss should go in your journal.

Include things like how you felt that day, what you ate and why as well as if it was for breakfast or a snack or you reached for something because you were mad or hurt or whatever.

You should track the times that you overate as well as how much sleep and how well you slept that day as well because poor sleep habits can be tied to weight gain. For best results, make journaling a daily habit.

You can either handwrite or use an app for it. Keeping a weight loss journal lets you see the days that you had the most success and shows you how you can make that into a pattern for your life.

Be sure that you record the goals that you reach while you’re journaling as well as your every day journey.
