Benefits of Giving Up Dairy - Better Health Solutions

Benefits of Giving Up Dairy

Benefits of Giving Up Dairy

If you have digestive issues, skin problems, or overall health and diet issues, you may
have come to the realization that it could be from the large amount of dairy you
consume. If you’re curious to learn more, here are a few benefits of giving up dairy.

Your Cancer Risk Drops Massively

Believe it or not, a benefit may be that you reduce your risk from cancer. Researchers in
Europe have been able to predict cancer in patients, noting that adult women who drink
more than a glass of milk a day increase their chances of getting ovarian cancer by
more than half. That would be bad news for anyone, but it’s particular troubling for
families that have a history of cancer. In men, instances of cancer increase by more
than a 3rd, so if you or someone you know has a history of cancer in their family, then
you might want to let them know their options. There are a variety of great milk
replacements on the market that are delicious and marginally more expensive.

It Reduces Stress on Your Body

Researchers have linked milk to different forms of oxidative stress on tissues of the
body. These minor issues won’t be a problem right away, but they can slowly erode your
general health by laying the ground for the possibility of disease. Some figures suggest
an increase in deaths as high as 13%. Currently it’s thought to because by a type of
sugar found in the milk. These agitations of your system can cause flare ups of chronic
diseases, like Crohn’s. Acidity and other pH issues can also cause aggravation that can
even damage the DNA in cells, which can result in cancer.

Your Skin Might Clear Up

A lot of people have low level allergies to certain foods, and milk is among the most
common food items to trigger such a muted response in people. Many people
experience some form of dairy intolerance and shrug it off due to the benign nature of
the symptoms. Few recognize that gas and bloating are signals that tell you something
in your digestive process isn’t functioning properly, but some allergies can be confused
for normal things like acne. For some, the presence of dairy can cause their skin to clog
with excess fats that make you a perfect breeding ground for all sorts of acid producing
bacteria. Cutting back or eliminating milk can reduce much of the appearance of the
blemishes and allow your body to deal with fats more efficiently.

