5 Ways to Get Six Pack Abs in 2020
5 Ways to Get Six Pack Abs in 2020
One of the ultimate ways to showcase your fitness is by showing off your six pack abs. It’s become a common badge of honor among fitness enthusiasts to be able to prove that they have them.
There are many things you can do to shed fat and reveal the toned and carved ab muscles you want everyone to see – or just for your own personal satisfaction! Sometimes it has nothing to do with showcasing anything, and everything to do with simply feeling strong and healthy.
Increase Cardio to Tone Your Tummy
When people think about what they’d look like being in shape, one of the most commonly sought after features is having six pack abs. Everyone wants abs because it’s seen as a pinnacle in fitness, meaning that not only do you have a flat stomach, but you’ve also toned and worked it out to where the abs can shine through.
There are a lot of steps to get to that point, one of which is using cardio to tone up your midsection. For many people, their lack of abs is from a combination of excess fat hiding them as well very little (if any) definition from a lack of exercise.
This is why cardio is a great starting point to work towards them. Cardio helps you burn fat, but it also engages your core along with your legs, helping you develop muscles there so that you can see your abs a bit faster to begin with.
There are some forms of cardio that just happen to work better than others for this purpose. For example, rowing machines and jumping rope force you to engage your abs more, making them more defined.
Things like swimming are mostly for burning belly fat. It’s not a really massive difference, so as long as you’re doing a form of cardio you enjoy, that’s what matters. As far as scheduling goes, you should be doing cardio around 3 times a week.
Whether you combine it with your weightlifting days or keep them separate is up to you, though many people prefer to keep them separate so they’re not too tired to do either the weightlifting or the cardio....