Staying in Shape – Mixing Dog Walking With Exercise - Better Health Solutions

Staying in Shape – Mixing Dog Walking With Exercise

If you’re looking for an enjoyable way to keep fit, dog walking is a great idea. There are a lot of benefits that come from owning a dog and exercise is just one of them.

While simply getting out on a dog walk is good exercise in itself, there are other ways to tweak it so you gain even more exercise benefits. Below, you’ll discover several more ideas for using dog walking for exercise.

Make Sure You Set a Routine

The best way to use dog walking as exercise is to get into a set routine. Depending upon the breed of dog you own, it is recommended you walk twice a day for 30 minutes. Most people find it best to go early in the morning and then again in the early evening.

When you establish a routine, you’ll get plenty of exercise without really thinking about it.

Walking over Different Terrains

One way that dog walking can help to boost your exercise routine, is to walk over different terrains. You might not think about it, but you use different muscles when walking over different types of terrain.

Try to mix up your dog walks. Sometimes you can stick to paths, while other times you can go on grass and even hike up mountains. By mixing up your dog walk, you’ll also have less chance of getting bored with the routine. So, pick different places you can go, particularly at the weekends where you can typically travel a little further afield....

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