Clean Eating to Maximize Your Bodyweight Training - Better Health Solutions

Clean Eating to Maximize Your Bodyweight Training

Clean Eating to Maximize Your Bodyweight Training

You may have heard about clean eating and been a bit confused. Is it eating foods without pesticides? Eating only organic, home-grown fruits and vegetables? Eating foods that won’t wreck your health?

Clean eating can help you enhance your bodyweight training so that you get the most out of your exercises.

If you need clarification on what clean eating is all about, and some guidance on whether or not it’s right for you, you’ll find it easier to make that decision after reading this.

What Is Clean Eating?

Clean eating is a method of providing good health for your body that doesn’t require an exhausting array of technical calculations. Part of the reason many people quit dieting is because they hate the calorie counting, the food weighing, the percentages of fats and carbs and proteins, the BMI calculations and more.

They just want to live and eat and enjoy life without making everything such a hassle. Clean eating can do that for you once you learn the ins and outs of it. You’ll simply focus on adding as many whole food options as possible, choosing the best varieties that assist you in weight loss and maintenance, as well as gaining nutritional benefits.

You know how most diets allow a certain amount of “cheating?” Well clean eating is no different. You can make 50% of your diet clean, and 50% processed, or go all out and try to achieve a 100% clean eating regimen – the choice is up to you.

You can start with a light approach, maybe doing only 25% of your meals with clean foods. Pick one day in the week where you eat clean, and don’t worry yet about the rest of the days.

Continue adding days (or meals) until you reach a level of clean eating that you can live with. Some people go all the way, and that’s great! But it’s also harder to achieve and stick with than a more moderate plan that still offers some benefits.

When you start living a clean eating lifestyle, you’re looking for foods in their most original form. That means it hasn’t been processed, it hasn’t had pesticides on it, it hasn’t had anything added to it – it’s as close to picking it off the vine or tree as possible.

Your clean eating diet should consist of organic fruits and vegetables, raw, unsalted nuts and grains, and the best lean meat your budget can afford. Marbling might taste nice, but it wreaks havoc on your body.

Whenever you go into your kitchen to reach for food, look at the ingredients. Is it one ingredient, like “corn?” Or is it a whole slew of hard-to-pronounce ingredients that sound like they just came out of a science lab?

If it’s the latter, then that’s a good sign that this food source isn’t as clean as you would like it to be. It’s been processed. It’s had additives combined with it to form something that isn’t good for your health.

One of the great things about clean eating is that your body will experience fewer cravings and energy crashes throughout the day. Your fullness levels will stay intact and your energy will climb over time.

That means you learn to listen to your hunger cues and only eat when your body alerts you to a low level of food stores. You won’t feel like making a run to the vending machine to stave off a 3 o’clock slump in the afternoon at work.

Keep in mind that when you’re clean eating, that doesn’t mean you can cook the food in a way that ruins its perfect form. Frying lean meat after coating it with processed, white flour defeats the point of choosing it in the first place. …

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