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Reset from Diet Failures

Everyone fails and if you don’t fail, then you’re probably not human. Diet failures happen for many different reasons. Sometimes, it’s your fault, but other times, it could be the fault of the diet you chose.

Failures can be as short as messing up your eating plan for an hour or two. The failure might last for a day or a week or a month. Or maybe you’re someone who failed and you’ve been stuck on that path for years.

The good news is that none of that means your diet wishes are permanently gone. You can start again the very second you make the decision to change your life.

What’s Behind the Failure?

Whenever you fail at anything, including a diet, there is always an underlying reason. Once you figure out the reason, that’s when you can change it and find success.

There are some pretty common reasons why people experience diet failure. It usually starts because there’s no planning. Other than a desire to lose weight and you can picture your end goal, you don’t really have a map or plan on how you’re going to get from point A to B.

Another reason is because your short term goals aren’t reasonable. You’ve set the bar too high and can’t reach them – so when you fail in the beginning, it can cause discouragement.

This can make you more reluctant to get back on the diet. The first week is when most diets ultimately fail and nine times out of ten it’s because the short term goals are the culprit.

If you have an “everything and the kitchen sink” mentality toward dieting, then that can also set the stage for failure. This is what happens when you try to make too many changes all at one time, like thinking you’ll completely clean out the pantry and toss everything that you deem unhealthy for you.

Completely overhauling the way you eat all at once makes a diet unappealing. Maybe you’ve started your diet out with an eating plan that’s so strict, you haven’t budgeted anything in there that’s familiar.

So you’ve tossed all of the regular food and replaced it with an eating plan that’s too limited. Then, you decide that the only beverage you’ll consume is water. That you’ll workout every single day. For at least half an hour. No, wait. An hour.

Longer is better, right? When enthusiasm for your body to change overrides your ability to stick to it, your motivation goes down the drain. You can’t count on sheer force of will to keep you fired up enough to carry on with your diet when you’ve overwhelmed yourself with too many changes at the same time.

Signs You’re Headed Toward Diet Failure

There are warning signs with every diet that can tell you if it’s going to be successful or not. Instead of finding that you feel much better eating this new way, you discover that you feel a lot worse.

Your diet is too over the top with its limitations. You’ve cut your food choices down to items that are foreign to you as well as unappetizing. This level of strictness will cause you to quit pretty fast because no one wants to eat things they don’t like regardless of how well motivated you might be.

From the beginning of your diet and on, you’ve battled constant hunger. Diets are supposed to let you feel that hunger. It means it’s working right? Wrong. It’s a myth that far too many believe that any diet you undertake should leave you feeling hungry even right after you finish a meal.

The truth might shock you. A diet that’s healthy and based on your calorie needs should actually keep you feeling full throughout the day. Even a diet that’s portion controlled shouldn’t leave you feeling hungry.

If it does, then you’re eating the wrong things. Cravings that just don’t stop can be a sign that you’re heading toward diet failure. Most cravings for foods that aren’t healthy will end once your body adjusts to eating better.

But the biggest mistake that you can make is to try to keep plugging along with the cravings nipping at your heels. The desire for that particular food will only grow stronger on some diets because the body goes into a sense of deprivation.

Your mind thinks that the body will always be deprived of that food because the word diet is symbolic with doing without. Your diet needs to have a craving allowance built in.

You let yourself eat a controlled portion of the food that you like and you don’t assign any one food to never-again land. Have it and enjoy it, just be wise about it.

Another sign that you’re heading toward diet failure is if you’re someone who practices emotional eating. Dieting is not going to make those emotions feel better.

In fact, if you’re an emotional eater and you suddenly limit all the foods you used to self-comfort, you’re going to feel worse. For those who use food to deal with emotions, you must find a way to handle your feelings as you’re dieting.

This way, you’re not essentially starving the emotional component of yourself. When you treat the need behind emotional eating, you’ll find that your dieting motivation is stronger.

Having a lot of peer pressure is another sign you might be headed toward diet failure. These come at you from well meaning (though sometimes not) people who tell you go ahead and splurge – that you deserve it.

They tell you things like you look good just as you are, that you’re really fine overweight and as you to come celebrate by overeating with them. If you are someone who knows you give in to peer pressure in other ways, it could be easier for you to give in to diet peer pressure.

The Role of Shame in Dieting

You might be aware of this or you might not be. But the odds are high that you engage in diet shaming. And shaming isn’t something that can be successfully used to lose weight or keep it off.

Some common diet shaming things that you might have said to yourself include internal comments about your meals. “Oh, I was a total pig. I ate all the wrong stuff today.”

It might be about your physical appearance. “I hate to walk past others in a restaurant. Everyone is thinking about how fat I am.” Or maybe you’ve internalized shame about how your body looks to the point that you’re too uncomfortable to eat a meal in a restaurant.

Maybe you order the food to go and eat in your car. Saying unkind things when you eat and hiding out when you eat is shaming yourself. Some people get stuck in this rut, not realizing the damage that it does.

They don’t know that shaming keeps them stuck in diet failure. Shaming yourself isn’t self acceptance. It’s not loving who you are, failures and all. At its core, diet shaming is a sense of self-hatred for how you eat, what your body looks like and what you perceive as an inability to change anything.

This keeps you feeling powerless when the truth is that you do have the power to change. You’ve always had it, but maybe you just haven’t understood how to use that power.

When a failure happens, don’t blame yourself. You’re a human being. That means that you have flaws, you’ll make mistakes and that it is perfectly natural to do that.

You have to stop blaming and shaming yourself when a diet doesn’t work out. So you failed. Big deal. It doesn’t mean the world is going to end because this diet didn’t work out.

And it doesn’t matter if it was your first diet or your hundred and first diet. The shame is not yours to take on. When you allow shame to have a hold on your diet process, it will kick your butt every time you look in the mirror.

You’ll despise your image. You won’t want to do anything to make a change. You won’t love and accept yourself. Worst of all, when you give shame room within your diet failure, it always spreads.

It will transfer to other areas of your life.

Begin Again Without Shame

Whether you’ve failed once or hundreds of time, the blame is still not yours to carry. When you experience shame after a failed diet, check out what’s going on in your thought process and in your feelings.

If you do that, you’ll see that shame means that you feel unworthy or inferior. But that feeling doesn’t make it the truth. You feel the shame or the unworthiness or inferiority because you’ve been taught that there should be shame when you fail.

Failure should always be seen as an opportunity inviting you to try something different rather than the final say in any situation. The feelings of shame when it comes to diet failures are caused because you feel inferior to the standards that were placed on you by others such as people or businesses.

You’re taught that you’re inferior if you’re overweight and if you fail in your quest for the “perfect body” it means you’re unworthy and you’re flawed. It might surprise you to learn the reason that shame doesn’t belong to you is because you’re not the problem.

The diet is. Less than 10% of all diets work. Yet, they’re so popular. They’re popular because the sheer amount of people seeking to lose weight and the constant bombardment from the media about the perfect body has given rise to a dieting industry that makes billions of dollars every year.

Shaming is a tool that many of the diet businesses will use to try and get you to purchase what they’re selling. So you do. Then you feel shame when you don’t achieve the results you wanted.

Stop focusing on diet and instead focus your attention on healthy eating. Focus on giving your body the food that it deserves for a long and healthy life. Prepare meals that nurture your body.

Eat in a way that works for your body regardless of what others are doing. So how can you start again without shame? Don’t do the same things you’ve always done.

You’ll end up with the same result – feeling shamed when it doesn’t work out. Instead, choose a different method than what you’ve always done. If you tried hard with a strict diet and you exercised until you loathed that word, then don’t do that anymore.

Choose a diet that’s not strict. Pick actions that move your body to burn calories in a way that’s fun – in a way you look forward to. Put falling off the wagon into perspective.

It was a sign that something wasn’t working with your diet plan. Adjust whatever led to the fall. Fix it, change it, do something new. But if you can’t because it was just that you got sick of dieting that led to your failure, then mentally and emotionally wipe the slate clean.

Don’t allow yourself any internal name calling, no bringing up past mistakes. This is a brand new journey with no baggage.

Moving Forward Without Fear of Failure

When people fail at dieting, they tend to be wary. They struggle with the thought of getting back on the wagon – the very thing that they fell off of. The psychology behind the wariness is easily understood.

Risk is uncomfortable and often, it’s far more uncomfortable than the familiar feelings of shame. And people don’t like to be uncomfortable. Risk means leaving the comfort zone.

But you can move forward without fear of failure. Motivate yourself with plenty of successes right from the start. You can do that by creating a list with small, easily achieved steps on it.

Every day, write down five things that you can do that promote success. This might be something like eating a piece of fruit for a snack rather than the gooey cake you’d rather take instead.

As you check off each thing that you accomplish this way, you’ll feel more empowered. Realize that if you’ve experienced shame or body limitations because of your weight or health problems, then where you were can be a worse place than failure.

You deserve to love and accept yourself. You’re worthy of moving forward. Acknowledge each victory, regardless of how small you might think it is. A victory can be something like you took the stairs instead of the elevator.

You went for a walk at lunch time instead of hanging out in the break room. Give yourself grace. Being tempted isn’t a failure. Having to start over again isn’t a failure.

This means that negative self-talk is forbidden. You won’t speak to yourself unless it’s with love and kindness. You will say and think the things that edify you.

Give yourself patience. If you lose the weight more slowly than you like, that’s okay. There is no diet race. There is only healthy living and loving yourself. It doesn’t matter if someone else can lose weight faster.

They’re not you. They don’t have your circumstances. They don’t have your ups or downs. Recognize that failure is about perspective. It only means you experienced a temporary setback.

It’s a winding curve in the road that will loop you back to the beginning, but it’s not the end of the road. Keep your eyes on where you want to end up, not on the roadblocks that will sometimes slow you down. You will get around them. You will succeed.

A Guide to Group Fitness

Many studies have shown that focusing on fitness – regardless of how much you weigh – is necessary to lower your health risks. Yet, it’s easier to focus on the weight loss rather than the fitness aspect of dieting.

The reason is because losing weight is a personal journey. But there are a number of benefits when you engage in group fitness, on both a physical and mental level.

Losing Weight Is Easier With Support

When it comes to losing weight and getting fit, it’s always better to have support rather than to try to go it alone. You don’t have to get involved in a large group if you’re the kind of person who likes to keep things low key.

But it’s important that you have someone in your life who is on the same journey to fitness that you are. Statistics have repeatedly shown that people who use the fitness buddy system end up not only losing weight and getting fit faster, but they tend to keep it off long term.

Having someone who understands what you’re experiencing helps with discouragement. Being able to share the journey keeps your motivation strong. It also keeps you on track because you’ll quit on you before you’ll quit on someone else.

That’s just human nature. We hate to disappoint other people much more than we hate disappointing ourselves. Losing weight and getting fit with the help of a buddy system is easier, too – because we tend to talk ourselves into things that aren’t good for us if it’s something we want.

This includes things like deciding that we need to blow off eating healthy because we’ve worked hard all week. A diet and fitness buddy will be there to help you through those times when you’re rationalizing taking steps that can potentially derail your success.

Having someone in your corner can make exercising more fun. You’ll look forward to the social connection. Support means that you have someone who can help keep you in check when you’re exercising to make sure you’re not overdoing it or that your body is properly aligned when you’re working out on the machines at the gym.

When you have someone to help support your weight loss and fitness efforts, you’ll discover that you’re challenging yourself to work out harder and longer than you would if you were trying to do it on your own.

Having someone else along on the same journey not only helps give you support but opens up a bit of a competitive drive within you. It’s part of human nature to want to compete to be the best at what you’re doing when you’re engaging in the same physical activity with someone else.

When you share a weight loss and fitness journey with an accountability partner, you’ll see that losing weight and getting in shape can become something to look forward to that’s much easier than it has been in the past.

What to Look For in an Accountability Partner

When you’re looking for an accountability partner, the first thing you need to check is that the other person is truly committed to getting into shape. A lot of people talk about making changes but don’t actually perform any action that will lead to weight loss or getting fit.

You should be up front with whoever you decide to walk the fitness journey with. The level of commitment needs to be the same for both of you. Whoever you have as a partner needs to be someone that you can trust.

Having a fitness partner requires honesty and if there’s no trust, you won’t ever feel truly comfortable with that person. It’s a good idea to discuss what you can and can’t do with the person and you need to set boundaries so that each of you knows what to expect.

You might want to go ahead and plan out how often you’ll meet to talk and for exercise. Deciding whether or not you want to set up time for phone encouragement sessions or email discussions is also important.

When you coordinate your time right from the beginning, then the relationship gets off to a positive start. You should also set up what types of challenges you’re looking for and what kind of feedback.

Discuss what you need to hear when you do have fall off the wagon. When you do find someone who helps you with your fitness goals, there are certain things that can help make the relationship a successful one.

That success is found in what you discuss with the other person. You do need to be as open and as up front as you feel comfortable being. You should discuss your weight loss goals.

Mention how much you want to lose and your motivation behind it. You want to do this because then your accountability partner has the knowledge to be able to help keep you motivated.

He or she can remind you of your goal to lose weight for health reasons or for bikini season. Whatever the reason, the other person can act as someone who can nudge you closer to your long term goal.

Another thing you’ll want to discuss are the roadblocks that have always been in your way before when you’ve tried to lose weight and get fit. If your accountability partner knows up front that you find it harder to work out after you have a stressful day at work, then he or she will be able to help push you through that block.

Sometimes, all it takes is for someone else to tell you that you can do it and that you’ll feel better for your mindset to change. Instead of going home and sitting in front of the television to destress, you’ll find that your accountability partner has motivated you to head to the gym instead.

Discussing what things in your lifestyle try to hinder you from reaching your goals can help your accountability partner be able to openly discuss ways that you can work around those hindrances.

When you’re working with an accountability partner, you also want to discuss challenges. Find out how you can challenge each other to push harder to reach levels you never have before.

You should talk about what fitness levels you’re hoping to reach so that the other person knows when to spur you forward in a workout. An accountability partner doesn’t have to be in real life.

You can find one online and there are pros and cons to both. For an accountability partner that’s in real life, it can be more social. You can meet up for face-to-face time.

You have the benefit of socializing and getting encouragement in real time. This doesn’t always happen when the other person is an online accountability partner because if they’re not online, then you won’t have that support available.

When you’re feeling like you’re about to fall off the fitness wagon, you can call a real life accountability partner and ask to meet up for a workout. But having support online can be equally beneficial to some people.

This is especially true if you’re an introvert and you find it difficult to be open when you’re faced with someone in real life. Online accountability partnerships offer a degree of separation that some people prefer.

Plus, you might find it easier to talk to someone who isn’t in your immediate social circle. The upside to having a real life accountability partner is that you’re less likely to want to let them down than you would someone online.

It’s also easier to be more competitive and challenge yourself in real life than online. An online accountability partner can make it easier for your goals to become more concrete and for you to get a visual for tracking your progress.

As you type out your messages back and forth, you’ll have a record of how well you’re doing and you’ll be able to see how you sound – whether you sound upbeat or discouraged.

Sometimes, seeing something written out makes it easier for you to recognize what needs to change so that you can stay motivated. The connection to an accountability partner who is online can sometimes actually be stronger than one in real life because people tend to put aside their masks when they’re online.

There can be a lowering of the guard with someone else when there’s a screen between the two of you. It can be easier to vent your weight loss or fitness frustrations to an online accountability partner when you might hold back with someone who’s in real life.

The Person to Avoid Choosing for Your Accountability Partner

It can be tempting to ask a close friend or a family member to be your accountability partner. But although that person might love you and want the best for you, sometimes they just don’t make the best accountability partner.

The reason is because they’re often too easy on you, too willing to help to de-motivate you by telling you that everything is fine, that you look fine, that skipping your healthy eating plan or fitness routine is no big deal because they love you just as you are.

While that’s sweet, it’s not the kind of thing that you need. Your friends and family won’t often give you the butt kicking that you need to stay on track. They won’t actually hold you accountable and tell you that you can do better, that you made certain goals and need to stick to them.

In other words, they let you off easy. When that happens, it’s easy to chill out than to work out. It’s not always best to make your spouse your accountability partner because it can be too easy to either let one another slide with goals or to get upset with each other.

You don’t want your fitness journey to cause tension at home when someone gets upset or frustrated with the other person. You also want to avoid people who tell you the truth but aren’t compassionate about it.

You do need to be held accountable but you don’t need to be sliced and diced either. If someone rips you to shreds and makes you feel like scum, that’s not helpful.

You should avoid choosing the person who uses put downs or makes fun of other people when they make a mistake. They’ll do the same to you when you have a setback.

While it’s always helpful to find an accountability partner who also wants to lose weight, you don’t want to partner with someone who’s a downer. Hearing someone say, “I’ll never lose this weight” or, “working out is just too hard” will eventually wear on you.

When you’re with someone who is a downer, you rarely pull them up emotionally. Instead, they end up making you feel worse. Skip partnering with a rationalizer. This is the type of partner who can always find a way to get out of eating healthy and working out.

They say they need to skip eating healthy because they had a hard day. Or they can’t work out because they don’t feel like it and they say they want to get fit, but they spend more time talking about it than actually doing anything about it.

Your accountability partner must be motivated and determined to get fit. Otherwise, it won’t be a beneficial relationship for you. You also want to avoid the sabotager.

This is the accountability partner who encourages you to blow your diet or skip the workout to go do something “fun.” You’ll find that they undermine you. They’re always pointing out what else you could be doing or tempting you to make bad choices.

Get Involved in a Big Group Fitness Program

While having an accountability partner has been shown to be a successful way to stick to your fitness goals, you shouldn’t overlook big group fitness programs either.

These work because you gain the team mentality when you work out with a group. Plus, people who work out in a group fitness program are more likely to exercise more often each week than people who aren’t involved in group fitness.

There is power and plenty of challenges to be found when you’re working out with a group of people. That’s one of the reasons why things like Zumba have become so popular.

When you’re surrounded by large groups of people who are doing the same thing, it’s easier to stay motivated not only during the workout – but it keeps your motivation level high during the week.

You look forward to meeting up with the class or program again. There are groups that are decided to fitness such as hiking groups. You get to work on your fitness while exploring new areas with people who all have the same goal.

Dance exercise classes are an extremely popular fitness program because they’re social, fun and give you a great workout. When people interact with others in a positive way, the brain releases endorphins.

Social interaction like this that causes the endorphin levels to rise makes you feel happier and associate working out as something pleasurable. Working out with a group of people helps you see that you’re not alone.

Regardless of how you feel when you arrive, you leave feeling motivated and full of energy. Bonding over a common goal takes place in a group setting and that can raise the accountability level.

More people will notice if you’re not there. The instructor gets used to seeing your face and people will question your absence when you return. You gain friends through group fitness programs and many of these people end up doing activities together beyond the fitness class.

This builds your social circle of like minded people who help you stay on target even when you’re not working out. The bond that carries over from being in a group together makes it easier to make smart choices when you go out to eat with people who want what you want.

Lose Weight By Implementing Small Changes

The idea of starting a diet is daunting to many men and women. It signifies drastic deprivation and severe lifestyle changes that often make it feel more like punishment than a benefit.

So a better way to shed pounds for many people is to do away with traditional diet plans and instead focus on implementing small changes throughout the year. These changes will be so small that you won’t be focused on it 24/7.

You can make one change every week that helps you lose weight. For example, you might start out with the promise to drink a small, 8-ounce glass of water before each meal.

That means not declaring you’ll limit yourself to a certain number of calories, but just giving your stomach a padding of “fullness” before you begin to eat your meal. Eight ounces is tiny, too – so you won’t have to down a big, 24-ounce bottle.

Another change you might make is to take the stairs or park your car farther when you go somewhere. You’ll be getting more exercise and revving up your metabolism as you burn a few more calories here and there.

Sometimes, your changes won’t have anything to do with food or exercise. For instance, getting a proper amount of sleep can help you lose weight. So one change you might make for one week is to start going to bed at the same time every night (or getting up at the same time every morning).

Being on a set sleep schedule does wonders for your weight loss journey. But that means keeping to a schedule whenever possible – including weekends when you ight otherwise want to stay up late and sleep in late.

With food choices, you might begin to taper off the amount of food that you eat. If you usually get two scoops of mashed potatoes, try one. If you drink two sodas with dinner, drink one and a glass of water instead.

Weaning yourself off of the typical super sized portions we’ve become accustomed to in this world is easy when you do it bit by bit. Embrace the bottom “better than the day before” so that your only focus is improvement, not perfection right off the bat.

There are 52 weeks in a year. If you implement one small change each week, you’ll discover that you are seeing the scale move – and it won’t even feel like you’re trying to succeed!

Click here to learn about the 7 “FATTY” Foods that Can Help You to Get a Flat Stomach

The Best Long and Short Terms Diet Plans

Dieting is a rollercoaster for many people. They’ve done it for years, losing and gaining the same amount of weight over and over again. Usually, the short term weight loss is due to the dieter embracing a short term diet plan.

These are commonly known as fad diets, or extreme diets. That might be something like eating nothing but cabbage soup for weeks on end, or having a concoction of hot water with lemon and chili powder in a detox solution.

These types of short term diets definitely work. There’s no way your body can hold onto anything (including muscle) when you’re starving it. There’s a better way to conduct a short term diet, and there are also long term diets that help keep the weight off for good.

If you really need to drop pounds fast, consider doing something like a Low Carb, High Protein diet. These can be done in a myriad of ways, but if you start off with a ketosis level of carb counting (under 20 grams a day), the weight will drop easily.

Then, you simply up the carbs a bit at a time so that you’re still considered low carb at under 100 grams per day, but not so extreme that you end up quitting after a few weeks and gaining the same weight back.

Or, if you really do love fasting and detoxing, try the intermittent kind. This way, you’re not starving your body for days on end, but you’re replenishing your energy while simultaneously helping your body burn calories.

If you’re not in a rush and you’d rather do it once, the right way rather than many times the wrong way, then try something simple like learning how to eat smaller portions. You can do this using a plan like Weight Watchers, where you gradually eat fewer points until you’re at a level you should be eating from that point on.

Or, learn how to use mindful eating to whittle your weight. This starts with the idea that no foods are considered bad or off limits. However, you have to learn to actually listen to your hunger cues.

That means eating only when hungry and stopping when you aren’t hungry anymore – not after you’ve gotten to the point of “stuffed.” This helps a lot of people lose weight because they aren’t in deprivation mode.

Click here to discover the 3 Unique Veggies That Fight Abdominal Fat?

Why More Experts Now Recommend More Fat

Fat used to be hailed as an enemy of every dieter who struggled to lose weight. Maybe it’s because it’s fat that we’re trying to lose, but the fat that you eat isn’t all bad. In fact, eating more of it might actually make your weight loss journey a bit easier!

If you’ve traditionally been cutting calories and fat from your diet, you may have noticed how bland your foods are. They also don’t fulfill your hunger needs for very long. That’s because fat gives you both flavor and fullness.

The key is to get the right kinds of fat. For example, olive oil is a fat that is very healthy in more ways than one. Not only does it give you a fuller feeling after a meal, but it flavors your food nicely and contributes to a healthier heart.

Don’t avoid things like full fat milk or cheese. It’s better to have a smaller portion of full fat, flavorful products than it is to eat larger portions of the fat free items that simply keep you hungry shortly after a meal.

If you like using fats in cooking, such as using marbled steaks or real butter, then you may want to consider a low carb, high protein and high fat diet. This way, you can fry chicken or grill a beautiful steak out and even pair it with broccoli and cheese or some other delicious side item.

If you’re into desserts, then consider making fat bombs for your post-meal snack. Fat bombs are made with a healthy coconut oil, a sweetener like Stevia, cocoa powder, and flavored extracts for example.

They’re bite sized concoctions that pack a powerful, sweet taste and plenty of fat, but keep you in a low carb state so that your body gains energy and fullness, without the blood sugar spike of a regular carb-laden dessert.

Doctors say that sugar is more of an enemy than fat is. But most consumers simply connect the two as one in the same. If something has fat, then it’s “bad” for you. This isn’t the case.

Researchers have seen dieters cut sugar and fats in various studies and cutting fat hasn’t worked over the course of several decades, while sugar being cut from someone’s diet did produce good results.

This doesn’t mean you want to go load up on trans fats in your diet. Those are the unhealthy versions. You want natural, healthy fats like the marbling in meat, real butter, peanut butter and coconut oil.

Making Meals Richer in Protein

Protein is a key component when it comes to weight loss and building muscle. You can make your meals richer in protein in a variety of ways. One of the easiest ways is to add it to foods so that you have a greater concentration of protein.

You want to make sure that you have a higher concentration of protein in everything that you eat. By making your meals richer in protein, you get a weight loss boost because you’ll feel fuller, longer.

A quick and easy way to do that is by adding wheat protein isolate. Adding a serving of this won’t change the texture or the taste of whatever it is that you’re preparing.

This will also enable you to gain extra protein without a lot of additional calories. It doesn’t contain many carbohydrates, either – which helps keep the fat content of the supplement lower.

The carb content of these products are only about 3 grams while the fat content is only 1 gram per serving. When you’re looking to build muscle mass, wheat protein isolate is something that you’ll definitely want to add to your meals because it can stimulate your muscles to grow bigger, faster.

There are different types of protein isolates, but you want to choose wheat because of the fact that it’s better suited for people who are trying to lose weight. It doesn’t have any dairy in the product, which is one of the reasons that the fat content is lower than in other types of protein isolates.

If you’re worried about the added calorie content, then you shouldn’t be. You can add this to anything that you make and only gain about 100 calories per serving of the wheat protein isolate.

But the additional calorie content evens out because you end up eating less – since the protein it contains will work to help curb your appetite. Even better news is that wheat protein isolate packs a lot of protein in just a little serving.

You can gain as much as 20 grams of protein in your meals. Because the product is so versatile, you can add it to anything. It can be put in appetizers, main meals, side dishes, desserts, homemade bread mixes – and in shakes or smoothies.

If you’re making bread or other baked goods using wheat protein isolates, the benefit is that unlike other types of protein, this one helps the structure of what you’re making.

It can add the protein without messing with the basic makeup of the dough – whereas other isolates can’t do the same. The product works better with other ingredients that you would put into dough in order to make your meals more protein rich.

Study Shows How Protein Helps Eliminate Obesity

Obesity in America has risen to levels that are at an all time high. Not only has this weight epidemic struck adults, but children as well. This health condition makes everyone a target for developing diseases like diabetes, coronary disease, and even certain cancers.

But your diet can change all of that – especially if it’s one that’s filled with protein. There are many diets on the market that promote eating a lot of protein. As it turns out, those diets were definitely on the right track.

When you consume a diet that’s rich in protein it actually does help you lose weight. There’s a scientific reason why your body likes you eating protein and responds with weight loss.

When you eat a diet that’s high in protein, it helps your appetite slow down. You get a natural appetite suppressor by eating protein. Eating protein causes your body to create an amino acid that makes you lose weight.

This acid is known as phenylalanine. This, in turn, triggers the response from your body that tells you that your appetite has been satiated. When you feel full, you don’t end up eating as much.

Eating a diet that’s high in protein is a lot easier than you think. Foods each have a different amount of protein. Some of these foods are higher in protein than others, but if you create healthy meals where the focus is on filling your plate with protein items, then you’re going to lose weight.

You can snack on protein items, too – such as boiled eggs, which are high in protein – or have some cubed chicken breast, which also has a lot of protein. Each time you eat foods that contain protein, your body produces the phenylalanine.

In studies conducted on how this affects weight loss efforts, it was shown that subjects given phenylalanine had higher levels of GLP-1. This is a natural way of controlling your appetite as well as lowering the amount of hormones that make you feel hungry.

Not only did the phenylalanine in the test subjects help them lose weight, but it also helped them be more physically active. Even better news is that when studies were done on test subjects that were obese, the ones given phenylalanine also lost weight.

It worked by specifically directing its focus on the CaSR, which is a receptor in the body that’s used to lower your appetite. The results of these new studies can be used to help stop the rising tide of obesity and help those currently dealing with the issue to successfully lose weight.

Why Whey Protein May Be Your Top Choice for Lean Muscle Mass

It’s important to make sure that you have protein once you’re finished with your workout. A hard session of toning and working your muscles causes your body to use up energy and it has to be replaced the right way.

Your body needs an infusion of protein. Protein is what helps give your muscles what they need nutritionally as well as helps with the recovery period once you’re finished with your workout.

But the type of protein that you have does matter. One of the easiest ways to get protein is through powder. What most people do when trying to lose weight and build muscle mass is they use powder to create delicious smoothies or shakes.

With all of the different types of protein powder to choose from, it can be hard to know which one is the right one. The one that sells the best and that most consumers all agree on is whey protein because of what it contains.

You’ll want to use whey protein because it’s the best when it comes to building your lean muscle mass. The reason that it’s the best is because it contains the amino acids that are specifically used to help people build muscle.

Within these amino acids, one of them stands out as very important in helping with muscle growth. That acid is leucine. This particular amino acid prompts your body to be able to use the protein that you take in.

So obviously, you’d want to choose the protein powder that offered the most benefit to your muscles. Since that’s the one with leucine, it makes whey powder the best choice.

Out of all the protein powders that you can buy, whey has the most concentration of leucine. Without the right amount of leucine in a protein powder, the process that your muscles go through during and after a workout isn’t as beneficial.

That’s because your muscles can’t put the protein to use as easily as it can when you use whey protein. Leucine is the key that stimulates your muscles to cause them to take in the protein. The more leucine that you have, the better absorption you’re going to end up getting.

What this scientific lingo means for you is that you’re going to see the results of your weight loss and your muscle building faster than you would if you chose to go with other protein powders.

When your body is able to take in the protein from the powder, you gain the muscle and not the fat. You’ll be able to see the results that you want to have quicker than you thought possible.

Consumers Using Insects as Primary Protein Source

Future menus and at home meal planning might just start including insects. As more people are becoming aware of what goes on in the manufacturing of protein from animals, there has been a shift in thinking.

This shift has seen more awareness that there are other types of protein that are good for weight loss and for building muscle mass than traditional means of protein.

Some dishes featuring insects can offer you just as much protein value as eating something like steak or chicken. While the idea of eating insects might seem disturbing to some consumers, many more, such as millennials, are open to the idea.

One of the reasons that more people are okay eating insects to get the protein that they need has to do with how meat affects the health. Eating certain types of animal protein has been linked to conditions such as heart disease, raised blood pressure and other health issues.

Eating insects as a way to get the protein you need to help with weight loss doesn’t have the same health issues attached to it as eating animal proteins do. So people can eat insects and actually be healthier than if they were to get their protein from something like red meats.

Those who want to lose weight and build muscle mass but want to follow a semi vegetarian diet can find a lot of benefit from consuming insects. They’ll get all the protein that they need without having to eat a lot of plant based proteins or large animals such as cows and chickens.

Studies have shown that you have to consume a lot more plant based proteins to get the same amount that you’d get from eating meat. So for those who don’t eat red meat, this option is also a good idea.

But that’s not the only reason that interest in insect consumption as a protein is on the rise. Many consumers are aware that insects are more sustainable than a meat option.

Some countries already practice serving insects as an alternative source of protein. You can find dishes in Australia where roasted scorpion is served up. You can also purchase snack crickets, ones that are roasted or dehydrated ants.

A serving size of crickets has an impressive 13 grams of protein and they’re low in calories with only about 120 calories. Eating insects to gain the protein to help you lose weight and build muscle mass is something that you can really sink your teeth into.

Be Careful About Which Protein You Choose Post Workout

When you want to lose weight and build muscle mass, you not only improve your health, but you improve your posture, the way that your body can move, your stamina and you even gain more energy.

After working out, there’s a lot of advice that will tell you that it’s best for you to get some protein in your system. Since no one wants to down a full meal (including protein) right after finishing up a workout, what most people do is reach for something quick and convenient that’s loaded with protein.

For some people that’s a protein bar. For others, that’s a protein shake. After all, if it’s loaded with protein, it has to be good for you, right? Maybe. But then again, maybe not.

The foods that you choose after your workout might not be the best ones for you. In fact, they might actually be working to hinder your weight loss efforts. Many of the protein foods or drinks that you can get for use after a workout concentrate on building muscle rather than weight loss.

This means that you have to pay attention to the label. Some of them are going to have more than twice the amount of calories and protein level that you really need.

Stick to the protein that’s best for your weight loss if that’s your goal. However, if you want to build muscle mass while losing weight, then you’re going to want to choose the protein product that helps you with that goal.

The protein food for after your workout should also be in line with the amount of exercise you’re performing during it. The harder you work out, the more protein that you need.

One of the ways that your protein choice might not be so good for you is found in the type of sweetener the product contains. You can find some with real sugar and some with artificial sweeteners.

While the artificial ones are often sweeter than sugar and don’t give you the same high calorie content, artificial sweeteners aren’t right for everyone. When selecting a protein food for after your workout, look for those that are high in taste quality but lower in sugar.

Pay attention to ingredient lists that have a lot of milk content or nut butters because these can pile on the sugar. Make sure that if you use protein powder that it has quality ingredients and isn’t heavier on the carbs than it is the protein.

Watch out for powders that have a lot of unnecessary ingredients. If you do choose protein powder, it should have at least 20 grams of protein per serving. To get the most from your protein choice, make sure you consume it within 60 minutes of your workout so that your muscles get the most benefit.

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