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How to Pick the Right Weight Loss Diet for You

Are you looking for the most effective weight loss diet? When looking for the right diet, try not to fall for the gimmicks. As you browse magazines, websites, and listen to advice from your friends, you will be bombarded with suggestions and tips that may not work for your fitness goals.

Instead of listening to what other people have to say, learn how to choose the best diet for your specific needs.

Talk to Your Doctor

The first thing you should do is visit your doctor, before you start exploring which weight loss diet is going to work for you. When you visit your doctor, they will offer advice that could help you pick the right diet. They will also consider any existing medical conditions that you have and let you know if any of your medications will be affected by the diet.

Let them know about the diets that you are considering and discuss tips for getting proper exercise. Listen to your doctor’s advice, as he or she likely has a good idea of what options are the healthiest for your exact physical condition.

Think About Diets You Have Previously Tried

As you look into various weight loss diets, take into consideration any diets that you have tried before. What was it that you did or did not like about the diet? Did it help you lose weight? Did you have trouble sticking to the diet? By looking at past dieting attempts, you may be able to avoid the same mistakes.

Consider Your Food Budget

Some diets may require a membership fee, expensive meal plans, or weight loss supplements. If there are any additional costs related to the diet, will these costs work with your current budget? Fully evaluate any added costs before making a final decision.

Factor in Any Medical Conditions

If you have a specific medical condition that requires you to eat or avoid certain foods, then you will need to find a diet that will work around your medical condition. As mentioned, your doctor should be able to provide you with further insight into this.

What Should You Look for in a Diet?

Comparing different diets and searching for a good weight loss plan, you should look for specific factors. Try to find a diet that is flexible. You will be more likely to stick to your diet if it does not restrict you from eating specific food groups or force you to eliminate certain foods. The diet you choose should be flexible and contain a variety of foods.

Make sure that the diet contains a good balance of nutrients. Eating a balanced diet is something that almost every doctor will recommend. When you completely eliminate a food group or source of nutrition, you could be depriving yourself of essential vitamins and minerals. If you need to take a vitamin supplement, on top of following a diet plan, then you may want to continue searching for a different weight loss diet.

You should also try to find a diet that includes food that you like. If you hope to find a diet that you can stick with a long period of time, it is vital that you will be satisfied eating the foods on the diet. Otherwise, you may end up eating unhealthy junk food, to fill the gap left by the diet.

Keep all of these considerations in mind, as you search for the perfect weight loss diet. Start by talking to your doctor. You should also think about past dieting attempts and take your food budget into account. Find something that meets your individual needs and avoid relying on the advice of friends or following the latest diet trend.

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8 Foods to Avoid for Healthy Weight Loss

The food that you eat can be just as important as the food that you avoid, when it comes to healthy weight loss. If you want to lose weight, but are not looking for a restrictive diet, then you may be able to start losing weight by avoiding certain foods. Use the following list of 8 foods that you should avoid.

#1 – Frozen Meals

Frozen meals are often full of potentially harmful ingredients, in order to increase their shelf live and help the food stay fresh in your freezer. One of the ingredients that is often included to help with this preservation is sodium. Consuming too much sodium will cause your body to retain more water – leading to bloating.

#2 – Soda (Diet or Regular)

Studies have shown that drinking diet soda can lead to an increase in sugar cravings. The artificial sweetener provides the drink with a taste that is similar to a regular soda drink, but without the sugar. In studies of people that regularly drink diet soda, researchers found that people tend to make unhealthy food choices throughout the day.

Regular, non-diet soda can also be bad for your health, due to the abundance of sugar. By cutting soda, diet or non-diet, from the drinks that you consume, you are sure to lose weight.

#3 – Alcohol

Almost all alcohol contains empty calories with no nutritional value. Also, your liver treats alcohol like a toxin, and will focus on expelling it from your body, limiting your body’s ability to burn fat. Many alcoholic beverages also contain a lot of sugar, which can lead to weight gain. It is highly unlikely that you will find a doctor that will recommend that you drink alcohol for healthy weight loss.

#4 – Candy, Snacks, and Sweets

Cut candy, snacks, and sweets from your diet. Cookies, baked goods, doughnuts, and other snacks have no benefit for your body. Consuming these treats can increase your bad cholesterol, potentially increasing your risk of heart disease and other medical issues.

#5 – Fast Food

Fast food meals are often heavily processed and contain a large amount of unhealthy saturated fats. Greasy French fries, hamburgers, and shakes may sound appetizing, but they can be incredibly bad for your body. Instead of relying on fast food, make your own meals at home.

#6 – Fruit Juice

The majority of the fruit juices sold in grocery stores do not contain a high concentration of real juice. Even the drinks that claim to be 100%, natural juice, are often full of sugar and other harmful ingredients.

#7 – Gluten-Free Foods

Unless you are allergic to gluten, you have no reason to avoid it. In fact, eating gluten-free foods has no real benefit for people that do not have a medical condition that would require them to avoid gluten. These gluten-free products are typically made with an increased amount of sugar, corn syrup, and other ingredients, in order to replace the missing gluten. Unless you have a sensitivity to gluten, avoid gluten-free products.

#8 – Bread

You do not need to completely remove bread from your diet, but cutting down on your intake of bread could help you lose weight more effectively. If you are having a sandwich, consider making it an open-faced sandwich – using just a single slice of bread, instead of two slices.

Avoiding these foods is a great way to kick start your healthy weight loss. You may not need to make a drastic change to your diet or your lifestyle. Instead of completely changing the food that you eat, simply start eliminating some of the unhealthy options in your diet. You can begin by cutting out the foods listed above.

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Find Out if Weight Loss Pills Really Work

Weight loss pills may seem like an easy way to drop a few pounds, but do they really work? They are often marketed as being the answer to your weight loss problems. They are readily available and promise to give you results and help you lose weight. Before you spend your hard earned money on these pills, find out if they actually work.

Pills Can Be Useful Tools for Weight Loss

The first thing that you need to realize about pills marketed for weight loss is that they are not likely to be your complete weight loss solution. There is no magic pill that will help you instantly lose weight. You need to put in the effort to live a healthy life – eating a balanced diet of healthy food.

The weight loss pills that you may be considering could be a useful tool for helping with your weight loss, but they are not the complete solution. They may help improve your metabolism or help you burn calories more effectively; however, you should look for additional methods of getting in shape.

Pills Often Have Little Research or Verification

The claims made by companies promoting weight loss pills are not always backed by scientific research. In fact, many pills make it to the market with no clinical studies or evidence to support their weight loss claims, other than supposed customer reviews and testimonials.

While these pills often lack scientific research, they could help you to lose weight, when combined with healthier choices. A 2014 study looked at the effects of prescription drugs for helping people lose weight. Researchers found that using a weight loss drug could increase the likelihood of a person losing weight, as long as they included moderate exercise and healthier eating options.

Two Categories of Weight Loss Pills

When you look at weight loss pills, there are two specific categories – nonprescription drugs and dietary supplements. As far as the standards and marketing regulations for these two distinct categories, there are major differences. Nonprescription drugs must use clinical trials to verify the effectiveness of any claims that they make and pass this information to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

Dietary supplements do not have to have their claims backed by clinical research or submit evidence to the FDA for review. This means that they are free to market their product however they choose.

Remember the difference between the two types of weight loss pills. This is the first thing that you should consider, when looking at pills for weight loss. If it is a nonprescription drug, then the claims have been researched and verified. If it is a dietary supplement, the maker of the pill does not need scientific backing to make claims.

Consult with Your Doctor

Consulting with your doctor is always a good idea, whether you are starting a new diet, considering a weight loss pill, or looking for suggestions to start losing weight. Schedule a doctor’s appointment and let them know about any pills that you intend on taking. They may have additional information about the pill and even be able to provide you with some advice about losing weight. This is also important if you take any prescription medications. Your doctor will be able to check and determine whether the pills will interfere with your medications.

Weight loss pills may not be the complete solution to your fitness goals, but they could help you get there. If you take a pill to help with weight loss, consider eating a balanced diet with a variety of foods. You may also want to include moderate exercise in your daily routine. Keep this in mind if you plan on taking a weight loss pill.

Fast Weight Loss – How to Drop 5 Pounds in a Week

Do you want fast weight loss? While taking a slow and steady approach to weight loss is often the best method, there are times when you may want to get rid of a few pounds as quickly as possible. Using the steps below, you can easily drop 5 pounds in a week.

Drink Lots of Water

The first step is to make sure that you drink lots of water. Water has no calories, no sugar, and no harmful ingredients – unless you have unsafe tap water. Drink a gallon of water each day. This comes out to 8 glasses of water. Avoid drinking too much more than this, as there have been cases of people dying from drowning their body with too much water.

Make water the only liquid that you consume for the week. Cut out soda, juices, energy drinks, or anything else, other than water. With that said, you may have a cup or two of coffee or tea in the morning, as long as you do not add anything to it – such as milk, creamer, or sugar.

Cut the Carbs

For one week, remove almost all carbohydrates from your diet. Consuming too many carbohydrates is the primary cause of sugar cravings and over-eating. Remove foods that contain a lot of carbs, such as breads, pasta, rice, and baked goods.

Increase Your Protein

With a reduction of carbohydrates, you need something to fill your body. Eat more protein. Have eggs for breakfast, turkey for lunch, and chicken or fish for dinner. Before you start these steps for fast weight loss, find some recipes for cooking meat in different ways. This will help you enjoy your protein-based meals more, so that you do not get tired of eating plain meat during the week.

Buy More Citrus

Buy oranges, lemons, and other citrus. The vitamin C, antioxidants, and other beneficial vitamins and minerals, found in citrus fruits will help detox your body and flush your system of unneeded waste.

Exercise Each Day

Try to include at least some moderate exercise each day. If you do not normally workout, start by going for a walk. Go for a half hour walk, each day. You could walk around your block or go plan out a short trip.

If you want a little more intensity from your workout, you could consider running, cycling, or swimming. These are all simple ways to include a bit of exercise without learning an entire routine. Whichever form of exercise you choose, try to get a half hour to an hour of exercise each day, depending on your fitness level.

Avoid Snacks and Fast Food

The final step is to avoid snacks and fast food. Cut out anything that you do not need, including candy, cookies, and other junk food. Skip the fast food restaurants. Plan meals that you can make at home and lunches that you can take to work. The entire focus of your diet for the week should be protein, complex carbohydrates, and other healthy options.

By following these steps, your body will flush out your water weight and reset your metabolism. Most people that follow these suggestions end up losing anywhere from 5 to 7 pounds by the end of the week. Use this is a springboard for a healthier lifestyle.

This is a short term solution for fast weight loss and should be used as a long term method of losing weight. Once the week is over, you may want to consider making changes to your diet or including regular exercise in your daily routine to continue losing weight in a healthy manner.

Discover the Most Effective Weight Loss Exercise

A quality weight loss exercise can be just as important as the food that you eat – in helping you drop some unwanted pounds. Getting exercise is one of the healthiest ways to lose weight and get in better shape. Before you decide to start a diet or purchase weight loss pills, discover the most effective weight loss exercises.

#1 – Walking

This first exercise is something that most of us do every day – walking. You do not need any special equipment, other than a comfortable pair of shoes. It has less impact on your knees than running and is a simple way to start adding exercise to your daily routine. This is especially beneficial for people that do not regularly exercise.

Try to walk for at least 30 minutes, 4 or 5 times a week. Take a walk around your neighborhood. To make the trip a little more enjoyable, take your dog with you or find a walking friend. Walking can help you burn between 5 and 8 calories per minute.

#2 – Swimming

Swimming can help you lose weight, gain muscle, increase your flexibility, and improve your cardiovascular system. It does not even matter what type of stroke you use, whether you use a breast stroke or dog paddle. It is a very low impact exercise. You do not need your own backyard pool to go swimming.

Check and see if there is a YMCA near you or a health club. The YMCA is often more affordable than a gym membership, but if you do not have one in your area, you may be able to find a deal on a health club. You could even pick up some swimming tips at a health club or the YMCA, from a trained instructor.

#3 – Cycling

Riding your bicycle is another low impact weight loss exercise. Riding a bike can help you burn up to 1,000 calories per hour. Cycling is fairly easy on your joints and a growing number of cities are making their roads more bike friendly. Being able to cover a variety of terrains in the city will help provide you with a well-rounded workout than riding on flat terrain the entire trip.


If you do not own a bike or do not want to ride around your town, you could take a spinning class or use a cycling machine at the gym. Many people enjoy the group activity of joining a spinning class, as it helps the time go by quicker.

#4 – Running

Running can help improve your cardiovascular system and burn calories, but it can also have an impact on your knees, if you do not have a good pair of running shoes. When running, you could either set a time limit or map out your destination using a web-based map, such as Google Maps, to determine how many miles your path takes you.

An old myth about running is that you should warm up before you run. This could increase your chances of injury or knee damage. Instead of stretching, you should jog in place for a minute or two, or simply start with a light walk and then pick up the pace.

#5 – High Intensity Interval Training

High intensity interval training will definitely help you lose weight, but you need to make sure that you are in good enough shape. If you are obese, do not work out regularly, or have a heart condition, you may want to consult with your doctor before performing interval training.

Interval training involves working out at high intensity for a short period of time and then switching to a lower intensity. This back and forth helps increase the amount of calories that you burn and is one of the most effective weight loss exercises.

Choose at least one weight loss exercise to get started on a path towards a healthier lifestyle. You may also want to consider making changes to your diet, cutting back on sugary foods and eating more fresh produce. If you stick with it, you are sure to see some great results in a relatively short period of time.

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Compare 3 of the Most Popular Diet Plans and Choose the Right One

Every time you turn around, there seems to be a couple more diet plans being discussed online. The abundance of diet plans that you have to choose from can make finding the right one incredibly challenging and frustrating. How do you know which is the right one for you? For starters, you can take a look at this comparison of three of the biggest diet plans – learn more about Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and the Bigger Loser Diet.

How Long Do These Diet Plans Last?

Both Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers are diet plans that you could stick with for life, or as long as it takes for you to reach your fitness goals. With the Biggest Loser Diet, you will follow a 12 week program. While Weight Watchers has no specific end date, after 6 weeks you can become a lifetime member.

How Expensive Are These Diet Plans?

At all three of these options, the Biggest Loser Diet is the one with the lowest cost. To join the online club, you will be charged a weekly fee, but you could also just purchase the book. Jenny Craig has the highest membership fee. With Weight Watchers, you will also pay a membership fee, but only for the first 6 weeks.

Can a Vegetarian Follow These Diet Plans?

If you are a vegetarian, you may have difficulty following the Biggest Loser Diet. There are a few vegetarian recipes, but the majority of the diet is focused on protein from animal sources.

The Jenny Craig plan includes Jenny’s Cuisine, a selection of meals approved for the diet, and there are some vegetarian options. If you follow the Jenny Craig plan, and purchase your own meals, you should not have too much trouble sticking to a vegetarian diet.

Weight Watchers offers the easiest transition for vegetarians, with a large selection of tips and suggestions for totaling points for veggie meals.

Do These Diet Plans Require Exercise?

Exercise is a major part of the Biggest Loser Diet. As for Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers, the choice is yours, but they do provide some tips for including exercise in your daily routine. Weight Watchers provides some workout ideas and even some guidelines for your workouts.

With the Biggest Loser Diet, the 12 week program also includes a detailed workout schedule. If you pay for the online membership, you will have access to a variety of additional workouts and video instructions.

Do They Provide Suggestions and Advice?

The Biggest Loser Diet does not really offer any additional suggestions, other than the instructions detailed in the 12 week program. If you choose Jenny Craig, you will find a variety of training modules that provide suggestions on how to socialize without over-eating, how to get the best results from the diet, how to stick to your diet, and more.

Weight Watchers has the largest amount of advice, as well as one-on-one sessions. Weight Watchers can be more of a group experience, if you follow the online club or join a local Weight Watchers group. Their website is also full of articles with weight loss advice and tips for avoiding the common causes that often lead people astray from their dieting plans.

Consider one of these 3 diet plans, to start losing weight. Finding the right diet does not have to be a major challenge, if you know what to look for. If you do not feel that any of these diet plans are right for your situation, then use the categories and the questions asked to evaluate other popular diets and make a more informed decision.

7 Secrets to a Healthy Diet to Get in Better Shape

Finding a healthy diet to lose weight and get in better shape may not be as difficult as you think. By following some basic guidelines, you can increase your chances of success and start losing weight in a healthy and effective way. Before you choose a diet, look over these 14 secrets to a healthy diet.

#1 – Eat a Balanced Diet

First off – your diet should contain a balance of substances. If the diet that you are considering completely removes a food group, you may not get all of the nutrients that you need for a healthy body. Certain foods contain disease fighting properties and vitamins or minerals that can improve your health. The best diet will be a balanced one, with a large variety of foods.

#2 – Pay Attention to Portion Sizes

Paying attention to portion sizes can have a major impact on your weight loss. Even if you are eating healthy foods, you may gain weight, if you end up eating too much. Take a look at the serving size, when reading food labels to determine nutritional values. If you are not used to looking at the recommended serving sizes of common foods, you may be surprised by the portion size.

For example, most condiments recommend a serving size of one tablespoon. It is very easy to pour two or three tablespoons of salad dressing on a salad – which could derail your weight loss goals.

#3 – Eat Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh produce provides the healthiest sources of essential vitamins and minerals that your body requires for proper function. Generally, it is recommended that you eat two cups each of vegetables and fruits each day. Pay attention to the color the fruits and vegetables that you buy, as it is often an indicator of what types of nutrients they contain. Make it your goal to eat a rainbow of produce, throughout the day, or at least throughout the week.

#4 – Cut Back on Refined Sugar

Refined sugar, found in white bread, pasta, and the majority of processed foods and candies, have relatively no nutritional value. Foods that are high in carbohydrates tend to have a lot of refined sugar and basically contain empty calories, resulting in weight gain.

#5 – Eat More Fish

Most fish contain unsaturated fats, including omega-3 fatty acids. The majority of Americans have an improper balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, both of which are polyunsaturated fats. You should strive for a more equal balance of these two fats, by eating more fish and other foods that contain an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. This can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and heart related issues.

#6 – Get Rid of Trans Fats

Trans fats are modified fats that have been hydrogenated, using a process that involves hydrogenating vegetable oils. Trans fats are normally added to food to increase the shelf life of products, but they have been found to be harmful to your health. Food manufacturers now have to list the amount of trans fats contained in a product on the food label. Consuming trans fats can raise your bad cholesterol and reduce your good cholesterol, causing an increased risk of heart disease.

#7 – Limit Your Consumption of Sodium

Consuming too much sodium can raise your blood pressure and lead to other harmful medical conditions. Most people should consume 2,300 milligrams or less of sodium each day. For people over the age of 50, and people with hypertension should consume 1,500 milligrams or less per day. Foods that often contain a lot of sodium include cookies, junk food, and soda.

Along with a healthy diet, you should do your best to follow these suggestions for a healthy diet. This will be key to your weight loss. By paying attention to what you put in your body, you will boost your chances of reaching the fitness goals that you set.

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6 Simple and Easy Weight Loss Tips

With the right weight loss tips, dropping a few pounds or reaching your ideal weight does not have to be an overly complicated process. You may not even need to follow a specific diet. If you are trying to find some simple solutions for weight loss, then take a look at these 6 easy tips.

#1 – Eat a Filling Breakfast

Before heading to work, eat a filling breakfast. You have all day to burn off the calories that you consume for breakfast. Make sure that your breakfast is filling and contains a healthy amount of carbohydrates. These carbs will give you energy to get through the day without having to rely on a variety of snacks and a heavy lunch.

#2 – Take a Snack to Work

Avoid the vending machines at work or the fast food restaurants for lunch. Bring a snack to work, so that you can stay away from junk food and other unhealthy options. Some simple snacks that you could pack with your lunch include peanuts or beef jerky. Both options are low in carbs and contain a healthy amount of protein. Eating a snack that is low in carbs will help fill you up without causing a sugar crash later in the day.

#3 – Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated, which is good for your skin, your metabolism, proper blood circulation, and a variety of other body functions. It will also help you avoid food cravings throughout the day and between your meals. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.

#4 – Ditch the Soda

Soda, carbonated beverages, soft drinks, pop, whatever you want to call them – get rid of them. There are healthier ways to get your energy boost using caffeine. In fact, a cup or two of coffee each day has a number of health benefits. Drinking a limited amount of coffee can improve brain function, boost your metabolism, and get you going in the morning.

Ditching soda is one of the best weight loss tips. Soda, unless you drink diet soda, typically contains a lot of sugar. If you regularly drink one bottle of soda each day, simply replacing it with water will almost guarantee that you start to lose weight.

#5 – Have Dinner with the Family

When it comes to dinner, eat together as a family. Plan your meal in advance and try to eat dinner at least several hours before you intend to go to bed. When you eat together as a family, you are less likely to grab fast food on the way home from work. If you live by yourself, you can still plan on eating at home. Prepare your own meals and avoid eating out or grabbing a quick meal at the nearest fast food restaurant.

#6 – Eat a Light Lunch

Along with eating a filling breakfast, you should eat a light lunch. If your breakfast is satisfying enough, a light lunch and a simple snack should be enough to keep you energized and alert for the entire work day. Some ideas for a healthy, light lunch include a simple salad, yogurt, or a small serving of leftovers from the previous night’s dinner.

These weight loss tips are relatively easy to follow. You do not need to make drastic changes to your lifestyle, in order to start losing weight and improving your health. Actually, you will be better off making small changes, one at a time. Trying to change too much at once is a recipe for disaster, which is why many people fail at dieting. Instead of finding the perfect diet, you may be better off adjusting your daily lifestyle.

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What is a Low Carb Lifestyle?

A low carb lifestyle in one in which those who wish to slim down or improve their health cut the amount of carbs, or carbohydrates, that they consume every day. Carbohydrates are present in a range of foods, particularly those made with grains and sugars.

Carbohydrates can provide valuable energy when eaten in moderation. Healthy carbs include wild rice, quinoa and brown rice. The trouble is that in the modern world, we are surrounded by les healthy carbs, most of them derived from white wheat flour and sugar.

Complex carbs such as brown rice release their energy slowly over time. Simple carbs such as sugar drinks and candy release them rapidly, providing what is commonly referred to as a sugar rush. The energy release cannot be sustained, however, leading to tiredness, food cravings, and even a ‘carb hangover’ for those very sensitive to carbs.

Eating a high carb meal such as pizza and pasta can leave you feeling bloated and full, but hungry a short time later.  Excess energy that is not burned through physical activity such as exercise will be stored in the body as fat and over time, will cause noticeable weight gain.

Lifestyles high in carbohydrates have been linked not just to weight gain and obesity, but to serious medical conditions such as Type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.  Studies have shown that the average American eats between 200 and 300 grams of carbs per day. Therefore, you owe it to yourself to try to be the best and healthiest you can be by cutting carbs and maintaining a healthy weight

Even if you have tried other diets in the past and not succeeded, a low carb lifestyle is guaranteed to help you shed pounds quickly and keep them off provided you stick to it. There are a number of popular low carb, high protein plans you’ve most probably heard of, such as Atkins, Dukan, South Beach and Paleo. The last 3 are variations on the original Atkins plan from the 1970s which has been improved over the years.

Eating the Atkins way is easy thanks to all the free information and recipes online. Atkins also produces a wide range of pre-packaged foods to help people eat low carb even on the go. Carbs are all around us, in everything from cereal to salad dressing. The Atkins food line provides low carb substitutes for a range of products, from ketchup to pancake mix.

The Atkins program has 4 phases that take you from losing weight to keeping it off.  The most significant weight loss should happen in Phase 1, Induction. During Induction, you will be expected to cut your carbs all the way down to only 20 to 22 grams per day, 15 of them from permitted leafy greens and vegetables on the allowed foods list. This many sound impossible given the average carb consumption statistics we mentioned above.

Induction is tough, but in just a few days you should see a significant drop in weight. The reason for this is that body will undergo significant chemical changes which will trigger it to shed water weight and begin to break down fat.

You can choose to stay on Induction as long as you wish depending on your weight loss goals and how long you can tolerate eating so few carbs. The recommendation is generally 2 weeks before moving on to Phase 2, Balancing. During Balancing, you are allowed to add 5 grams more of carbs as you choose, for example, adding 5 more each week per day as you continue eating low carb, from 20 to 25, to 30, up to 60 grams per day.

Low carb is not for everyone because Induction can be so tough, but if you are concerned about your weight, you owe it to yourself to try, if only to make you more aware of how many carbs you are eating and what carbs are your ‘kryptonite’ when it comes to shedding pounds especially at the holidays when you are surrounded by so many tempting treats.

Doctor support makes weight loss easier

The problem of weight loss has been treated a million times and will probably remain a hot topic for after all most us would love to lose “some” weight and look much better than we do now, at least that’s my personal situation and I imagine it might be yours too since you’re reading this post..

Well here’s an article that might give some further clues as to how best approach this weight loss venture:
Do you have trouble losing weight? Or would you like to lose faster? You’ve finally come to exactly the right place.The sad truth is that conventional ideas – eat less, run more – do not work long term. Counting calories, exercising for hours every day and trying to ignore your hunger? That’s needless suffering and it wastes your time and precious willpower. It’s weight loss for masochists. Eventually almost everyone gives up. That’s why we have an obesity epidemic.Fortunately there’s a better way. Get ready for effortless weight loss.

The bottom line? Your weight is hormonally regulated. All that’s necessary is reducing your fat-storing hormone, insulin, and you’ll effortlessly lose excess weight.

Below is a practical step-by-step guide to do exactly that.
1. Choose a Low-Carb Diet

If you want to lose weight you should start by avoiding sugar and starch (like bread). This is an old idea: For 150 years or more there have been an infinite number of weight-loss diets based on eating less carbs. What’s new is that dozens of modern scientific studies have proven that, yes, low carb is the most effective way to lose weight.

Obviously it’s still possible to lose weight on any diet – just eat less calories than you burn, right? The problem with this simplistic advice is that it ignores the elephant in the room: Hunger. Most people don’t like to “just eat less”, i.e. being hungry forever. That’s dieting for masochists. Sooner or later a normal person will give up and eat, hence the prevalence of “yo-yo dieting”.

The main advantage of low carb diets is that they cause you to want to eat less. Even without counting calories most overweight people eat far fewer calories on low carb. Sugar and starch may increase your hunger, avoiding it may decrease your appetite to an adequate level. If your body wants to eat an appropriate number of calories you don’t need to bother counting them. Thus: Calories count, but you don’t need to count them.

A 2012 study also showed that people on a low carb diet burned 300 more calories a day – while resting! According to one of the Harvard professors behind the study this advantage “would equal the number of calories typically burned in an hour of moderate-intensity physical activity”. Imagine that: an entire bonus hour of exercise every day, without actually doing it.

Bottom line: A low carb diet reduces your hunger and makes it easier to eat less. And it might even increase your fat burning at rest…

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