The Mediterranean Diet is of course a diet that involves emulating the way that people eat on the continent. The diet became popular ever since it was found that people who ate a Mediterranean Diet actually lived longer and experienced a lower incidence of heart disease and other issues.
And at first this surprised researchers – after all, the Mediterranean Diet mainly consists of eating fats (olive oil and cheese) and wine! These are things that are traditionally thought to be bad for us.
Upon further inspection it happens that in moderation – and when combined with a nutrient rich diet – they can actually be beneficial.
So what exactly is this nutrient rich diet? How do you eat like a Mediterranean? What foods are on the menu? Let’s take a look…
One of the mainstays of a Mediterranean Diet is salad. Salad is highly nutritious and provides the body with lots of iron, calcium and other minerals. At the same time, it also helps to bulk up a meal without adding many calories.
One of the very best salads out there for the Mediterranean Diet is Greek salad. This meal consists purely of chopped tomato, cucumber, pepper and feta cheese with a little oil drizzled on top!
Being near the warm Mediterranean means being near tons of fish. And as it happens, fish is actually incredibly good for you.
The biggest benefit of eating lots of fish is that it will provide lots of essential fatty acids and amino acids without adding too many calories. Fish is lean. Fish is great for the brain, it keeps you full and is all round an excellent option.
Try some calamari to enjoy sea food at its finest!
Seeds and Nuts
On the Mediterranean Diet, a lot of dishes include seeds and nuts for flavouring (alongside lots of herbs). This is a great addition to any diet for numerous reasons once again.
For starters, seeds and nuts keep us full and make a brilliant snack that won’t pack on calories. At the same time, they also provide us with nutrients (zinc, potassium, magnesium) and really make any salad a lot more delicious!
Fruits and Vegetables
Living in a sunny climate also facilitates lots of berries, grapes, tomatoes and root vegetables being ripe for the picking and for adding to the diet. This is a big cornerstone of a Mediterranean Diet and is one of the biggest ‘secrets’ when it comes to making sure that you enjoy a long, healthy lifespan without getting ill!
Finally, the Mediterranean Diet contains all of the healthy kinds of fats. That means saturated fats (not trans fats!) which aid in testosterone production while also enhancing nutrient absorption and improving cholesterol!
Click Here to Discover The Mediterranean Diet eBook
Paleo diet is the contemporary version of what our ancestors ate from Palaeolithic era about 10,000 years ago. The diet plan mainly lays stress on foods that can be gathered or hunted naturally like fruits, vegetables, eggs, nuts, seafood, seeds, poultry etc. Small quantity of healthy oil is permitted though dairy products, grains and processed foods are a complete no-no.
So let’s take a closer look at pros and cons of the Paleo diet and whether it is good to follow it or not.
Paleo diet is packed with soluble fibre, photo chemicals, antioxidant vitamins, monounsaturated fat, omega 3 fatty acids as well as low glycemic carbs. Also, it is gluten free and has less added sugar, salt, trans fat.
Foods that people generally overindulge in include chocolate caramel brownie etc and they are completely off the limits in Paleo diet. Thus, the health benefits like high energy levels may be less linked with this diet and could be a result of cutting down the high caloric processed food.
The diet stresses on the importance of eating grass fed, raw, organic foods. As our agriculture system is not like the way it used to be in previous times, our food has thus become low in quality. With toxic pesticides, harmful animal feeds etc, the food we eat these days is not safe for our health. Thus the Paleo diet places much emphasis on eating the food items that are grown naturally and organically. So, in a way, going Paleo simply means going back to basics of old times.
Paleo eating has a number of qualities and benefits. It emphasizes on fruits, lean proteins, whole foods, fruits, healthy fats and vegetables. Including more of such food items in your diet will surely help a great deal in maintaining a healthy and fit body. However as there are two sides to a coin, the diet has some cons as well.
First of all, it allows low carbs. As bodybuilders, fitness freaks and athletes, such people need more carbs than the average individual. The brain and body is fuelled by carbohydrates and by following an active life, it is impossible to get all these carbs you require from the vegetables only and that too when majority of them are non starchy.
A lot of Paleo athletes follow modified version of the diet that incorporates some rice and potatoes in order to meet the carbs needs.
Also, the diet is a bit restrictive when it comes to choosing what to eat. Talking about the Paleo diet, some foods that are generally considered to be healthy are not allowed in this diet. Legumes, grains and dairy products seem to get bad reputation today due to Paleo popularity. But for majority of people, such good nutritional staples do not have to be avoided even when they follow this diet.
These are just a few cons of the diet. But on the whole, Paleo living is more of a boon for the population.
Paleo is not only a diet and this is one of the most common misconceptions. Diets need you to measure your food and be restricted in what to eat and what not to. But there are no limitations when you are on a Paleo diet. The only things you have to check and control before eating are the ingredients you use.
Paleo is basically a lifestyle which promotes a way of eating a healthy diet. As Atkins diet is the one that helps you to lose weight and South Beach diet is the one that prevents the problem of heart disease. In the same way, Paleo offers a lot of health benefits. Surely it cannot help you to get into your swimsuit in a day or so, you need to be highly dedicated and follow a proper Paleo diet, it will make your life all the more healthy and wonderful.
All types of processed foods are a complete no-no on the Paleo diet. All you need to eat is what is naturally available in the nature.
10 rules of Paleo diet:
1. Do not eat processed food at all
2. Eat nuts, grass fed meats and eggs
3. Give up gluten
4. Say no to grains and sugars
5. Avoid taking alcohol and the non coloured spirits are good like gin and vodka
6. Include coconut in your diet in any form like coconut oil, coconut water, coconut flour etc
7. Have natural sweeteners only
8. Bypass legumes and beans
9. Include loads and loads of veggies in your diet
10. Do not sip any sugars and sodas
So, if you are excited about starting the Paleo diet, you may be looking for how to start with it. All you need to do is to just go to the local grocery store and buy naturally raised, all organic and grass fed items like pork, beef, venison, bison, salmon, perch, tuna, shrimp, scallops, spinach, broccoli, greens, onions, fresh herbs, cabbage, sprouts, mushrooms, bell peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes etc. When it comes to buying fruits, you can take mango, avocado, watermelon, orange, banana, apple, peach, cantaloupe, plums and blueberries. Also, you can have coconut oil and milk along with some nuts and seeds. Do not take peanuts.
At your home, just discard off everything that is not Paleo. This means you should trash refined sugars, grains, legumes, starchy tubers, processed meats, vegetable oils like soybean, peanut, corn, cottonseed etc, iodized salt and other non Paleo items. You can use Himalayan salt in the Paleo meals.
Paleo health benefits
Apart from weight and fat loss, there are certain benefits of the diet including:
• Enhanced energy and better sleep patterns
• More mental clarity
• Healthy skin and hair
• Good attitude and mood
• More muscles and better fitness
• Reduced depression and stress
• Better glucose tolerance
A lot of Paleo followers see that they lose weight and muscles easily with this diet. So, along with eating a strict Paleo meal diet, it is also important if you do some exercise and get ready to shake hands with good health.
If you are new to starting with Paleo diet, it is about eating natural food with no or little processing.
In simple terms, paleo diet lays emphasis on eating in a way in which our Mother Nature has intended for us to eat.
When starting with the Paleo living, a lot of experts recommend taking the 85/15 approach after the very first month. It means 85 percent of the time you can stick to Paleo diet strictly while 15 percent you can have the non paleo items. When doing this, pay close attention to the way you feel as you reintroduce such things in your diet.
In a way, paleo diet helps in removing simple carbohydrates from the diet. And when this happens, our body can no longer be healthy with cheap carbs as they need energy and so the body is forced to make use of the fat stores.
Without constant flow of cheap carbs that the body would generally turn into sugar, the blood sugar falls to normal and insulin level starts regulating. And so, regulated insulin level allows lipolysis to take place. Lipolysis is basically the process where your body releases fat stores to be then burned in the form of energy. So, by lowering down the cheap carbs in your body, paleo diet helps the body to start burning fat in no time.
Further, the diet works through focusing mainly on the unprocessed and real foods which have been there for thousands and thousands of years.
Below we present a quick guide to what foods are allowed on paleo diet. These are the foods that our ancestors had access to.
• Lean meats – beef, veal, venison, lamb, chicken, bison etc (try eating grass-fed version of these)
• Fish – salmon, tilapia, bass, etc.
• Seafood
• Eggs
• Vegetables – don’t leave these
• Berries and the less sugary fruits are good
• Nuts – not too much (avoid peanuts)
• Natural oils – olive, coconut and avocado oils
So, keep in mind that you can eat such foods when on the paleo diet. Make your diet plan accordingly and enjoy paleo living effortlessly.
How To Recognize What Is and Isn’t Paleo?
Many times it is clear what paleo is. Beef is found naturally and so it is paleo but ice cream is not paleo as it is manufactured by the humans. But there are certain times when you cannot judge between paleo and non paleo food. Like you may think that peanuts are paleo as nuts are considered to be so but you will be surprised to know that peanuts are legume and not paleo.
The basic reason why people find paleo diet to be so good and effective is that it helps in losing fat and turns the body from carb burning machine into fat burning system.
So, by now you must have got an idea as to what is the paleo diet, what to eat in it, what is paleo and what is not. This beginners guide can be of your help if you are looking forward to start paleo living and have a healthy life ahead.
If you are looking for a healthy diet to change your life for the good then Paleo diet is the best option available. This diet is actually based on the idea of eating foods that our bodies were actually made for thousands of years ago. Such foods were there to the early people through gathering and hunting. During the modern times, innovation in technology have made other foods like processed items, dairy products etc. which are not that simple to digest. Foods that are recommended in this diet provide the body with longer lasting and more efficient results that even help in burning the fat.
The Paleo diet is believed to be perfect for regulation of blood regulation, digestion, better sleep and metabolism. There is no right way of eating in this diet. Everyone eats as per their body type and preferences. While some eat low carb diet, others opt for high carb one with loads of plants.
What types of foods are included in the Paleo diet?
It is often confusing as to what all to eat in the Paleo diet. There are a lot of fish, meats, poultry, vegetables, fruits, eggs, healthy fats from avocado, coconut etc that can be had in this diet. Actually the options are innumerable and your plate will always be filled with something interesting to eat. So, what all to eat? Let’s check it below:
• Meats: Beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, pork and others.
• Fish and Seafood: Salmon, trout, haddock, shrimp, shellfish, etc. Choose wild-caught if you can.
• Eggs: Choose free-range, pastured or Omega-3 enriched eggs.
• Vegetables: Broccoli, kale, peppers, onions, carrots, tomatoes, etc.
• Fruits: Apples, bananas, oranges, pears, avocados, strawberries, blueberries and more.
• Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and more.
• Healthy Fats and Oils: Lard, tallow, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil
• Salt and Spices: Sea salt, Himalayan salt, garlic, turmeric, rosemary, etc.
What to avoid in Paleo Diet?
Soy, refined sugar, alcohol, grains, pasteurized dairy etc. are some of the items that you need to avoid when following the Paleo diet. Also, you don’t need to keep a record of the macronutrients or calories on this diet. But if you want to lose weight then it is recommended that you cut on carbs and restrict your consumption of potatoes and nuts.
So, now as you are aware of what all to eat and what to avoid, you can prepare your meal diet properly and follow the diet without any hassle.
More than a diet
Apart from providing a fit body, there are a lot of health benefits as well that can be enjoyed with the Paleo diet. For many people the very fact that this diet offers best results is what all they need. Enhanced blood lipids, less pain from autoimmunity and weight loss are the proof. A lot of people are not actually satisfied with following the recommendations like a strict diet or exercise schedule.
So, in all, it can be said that Paleo diet is not just any diet which helps in keeping fit, it is a healthy lifestyle to adopt.
A lot of health specialists believe that modern civilization’s rate of diseases like heart attacks, diabetes, cancer etc. stem from adopting a diet that is rich in processed foods, further exacerbated by sedentary lifestyle and eating habits. But by adopting healthy ways of eating, one can enjoy having a healthy body.
The two popular diets that follow the early times of eating and living include the Paleo diet and the Primal Diet. Paleo or the Caveman diet was introduced by Loren Cordain in the year 2002 and it follows the plan that dates back to the times when people ate meals that were there with freshly caught fish, grass fed game, seeds, berries, vegetables, nuts and fruits.
Created by Mark Sisson in the year 2009, the Primal Blueprint is in a way similar to Paleo diet to certain extent. For instance, as you follow primal diet, you can easily consume the healthy meats, fats, vegetables, fruits and even dark chocolate. The main concept behind this is that such foods are mainly made up of fats and proteins.
Linda Larsen, the popular author as well as follower of The Big Book Of Paleo Recipes says that both the diets focus mainly on the way the ancestors ate. The main goal is to stay away from the grains and processed foods which are manipulated differently when compared with the cavemen period. She further said that the main difference between the diets is respective attitude of them towards saturated fats.
People who follow the Paleo diet avoid saturated fats. On the other hand, the Primal blueprint followers consume fatty meats etc. Also, primal diet lays emphasis on your whole lifestyle like there is emphasis on immunity and fitness. There is much stress on taking the antioxidants and supplements. The Paleo diet focuses more on the diet over exercise.
How to follow the diets? What to keep in mind
Eating more of healthy fat and less foods which spike the insulin level is the very first step towards primal diet. It is also important to avoid the industrial oils such as corn and soy that are rich in omega 6s and trans fat. As you eliminate taking refined carbs, industrial oils and sugar, you eliminate all the convenience food items.
It is observed that these days there are toxins almost everywhere and some pollutants cannot be avoided at any cost. However you can avoid some. It is good if you eat the organic foodstuffs whenever possible, use the natural cleansers etc. In fact, primal living is more than just a diet. It is a kind of lifestyle that you follow. As you eat in the way that is optimal for your body, you don’t have to look back again.
Also if you are thinking if treats and cheats are allowed on these diets, then don’t fear. Both the diets have many options for desserts and other treats. An easy dessert on Primal diet can be coconut macadamia bars with coconut oil, unsweetened coconut, macadamia nuts, salt and chia seeds. And what can be your favourite Paleo dessert? The blueberry coconut crisp can be made from honey, lemon juice, coconut, blueberries, vanilla, butter, coconut flour and salt.
Primal diet is the latest buzz all around as it offers great results without following any fad diet. The diet has become a lifestyle. It originated in the year 2009 when Mark Sisson created the Primal Blueprint. Since that time, the diet has grown to be a lifestyle.
More and more Mark studied about the ancestors, more he got to know that not just the lifestyle behaviour but even diet contributes to a healthy life. Food that our ancestors consumed, the direct sunlight they received and the type of free movement they were engaged in helped them to develop their genome. While there has been a change in the world in the past 10,000 years, human genome has altered very less. In simple words, if you wish to have a good future, it is important to listen to and relate with the past. And this is where Primal Blueprint comes into limelight. They tell you not just how to eat in the way that it helps the genes and body to become efficient but even how to increase longevity of your life by saying goodbye to illness and diseases.
A typical primal diet
So, when it comes to knowing what to eat when on the primal diet, your typical day can start with a cup of black coffee with some scrambled egg, zucchini and spinach. Then you can have mid morning meal as some almonds and coconut. Later, your lunch can include mixed greens with olives, chicken, apples, sunflower seeds dressed with vinegar and olive oil. Your evening snack can be celery with almond butter or chopped cashews on it. At last, your typical primal dinner can have steak or broiled fish with sautéed broccoli and baked sweet potato.
While a lot of people have the notion in their mind that Primal eating is all about eating huge amounts of raw meat, it is not the case. Plants were also a big part of this diet just like they were a part of the ancestor’s diet.
Usually the darker green vegetables are denser when it comes to nutrient level. A nice example is kale and spinach, the two things that are packed with antioxidants and vitamins. As you lightly cook or steam these two veggies, you basically increase absorbability of minerals and nutrients.
Primal diet is not just following a diet, it even includes some physical activity. You can indulge yourself in some low level aerobic exercises for 2-4 hours every week. These may include hiking, walking, swimming or bike riding. Indeed low level activity is important in every way. Ideally, whenever possible, find some time and go out for some activity. The mixed effect of this will be a sort of increase when it comes to fat burning and capillary perfusion as well as integration of muscle flexibility and strength.
So following such a diet is surely a great addition to one’s lifestyle. It not just lets you be fit, it helps a great deal in being healthy and happy.
Following the primal diet and choosing foods that are natural and organic is in fact the best approach towards optimum health. Going Primal means that you eat and exercise just the way our ancestors did before the agricultural dawn. This approach is indeed the best that we can do in 21st century where life has become so fast and we indulge in poor, unhealthy eating habits.
Agriculture has been there for about 10,000 years, which is just a small sliver of long existence of humanity. Before that an average the human spent most of the time gathering and hunting food, foraging fruits, plants, seeds and nuts.
So, what does a primal follower actually consume? Well, they put emphasis on fruits, animals, oils, nuts, plants and seeds. Going deep in what you can eat on a primal diet include:
Vegetables of all sorts can be eaten
Meat of all sorts like chicken, pork, beef, fish, eggs etc can be taken in large quantities in a primal diet
Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and others are good to eat in this diet
Walnuts, almonds, macadamias are included. Peanuts are not allowed in primal living because they are legumes
Coconut oil, olive oil and fish oil are some options that can be chosen for primal meals
What’s not included?
The non primal foods include sugars, processed items, dairy products and grains of all sorts like rice, bread, pasta etc.
The benefits of a primal lifestyle are wide but let’s take a look at some of them including:
• Fat burning and weight loss
• Increased level of energy
• Slower pace of aging
• Less risk of facing heart disease and other problems
In all, this diet abstains from the foods that the metabolism was not actually made to eat or digest. Our modern day diet has changed considerably since the Cavemen times but the metabolism is still unaltered genetically coded mechanism of our ancestors.
So, is the primal lifestyle worth the efforts and time? Surely, if you start eating the diet for some time, you will notice marked difference in your overall wellbeing and health. Your sleep pattern will improve, you will be more alert with better mental clarity and will have enhanced energy all through the day.
The benefits of primal living can be great. By eliminating unhealthy foods, increasing intake of healthy Omega 3 body fat as well by reducing the intake of high glycemic index sugar, you will be able to reduce pounds from your body in no time. Also, your cholesterol level will improve and you will face reduced risk of serious illnesses. Your resistance to diseases will also improve and you will face better performance of your body cells.
So, to conclude, it can be said that eating like our ancestors is a great way to remove modern meals and lead a healthy life. What are you waiting for? Go ahead and lead a primal life.
Okay, maybe ten times is hyperbole… but it got your attention right?
Seriously though, sometimes the trick to sticking to a diet more effectively is just knowing the right meals and combinations of foods that you can enjoy in order to save yourself time in the kitchen while keeping your diet nutritious and low in calories!
Here are some meals that will prove to be the perfect example of that…
Mushroom Sandwiches
While bread isn’t quite the terrible enemy that a lot of people claim it to be, it is nevertheless still a common source of simple carbs and can contribute a lot of calories.
If you want to make a sandwich without bread though, there are plenty of options! One such option is to slice the top off of two mushrooms and then to use these in order to sandwich your filling. Not only does this work just as well to keep everything in place but the mushrooms provide tons of nutrition all of their own and are very good for you indeed!
There are many more breadless sandwiches out there too. A simple one? Mix up some filling and then just wrap it in a large leaf of cabbage. It’s cheaper than bread too!
Greek Yogurt Pudding
Here’s a quick and simple dessert that is excellent for packing in the nutrition and keeping those calories relatively low. Simply take some plain Greek yogurt, add some blueberries and add just the tip of a teaspoon of honey. When you mix all this up, you’ll be left with something deliciously sweet that doesn’t break the calorie bank and is filled with antioxidants!
Tuna Avocado
Here’s a delicious way to start your day that will give you plenty of energy and help you to stay full until lunch.
Simply take an as avocado and cut it in half, removing the stone. Now mix up some tuna with a little mayo and horseradish and then dollop into the hollowed out center. This will fill you with protein, omega 3 fatty acid, healthy fats and tons of other good stuff!
Eggs Royale
The ultimate brunch meal: eggs royale. This is simply some bread (such as brioche) with a slice of salmon, a poached egg and some sunflower seeds. If you want to keep it as healthy and low-cal as possible, then add vinegar for seasoning. If you feel like treating yourself, then use Holondaise sauce instead!
One of the hardest parts of eating clean is turning down the tasty snacks that you know are bad for you. You don’t have to starve yourself of course or eat all that strictly. There’s nothing wrong with a nice pasta dish packed with vegetables and meats…
But what you should avoid is that massive chocolate cake after dinner that will add 450 calories to your diet and leave you feeling sick. It provides zero nutrition and it sets your diet back in a way that can sometimes be hard to recover from psychologically.
But don’t worry – there’s a trick!
What is CBT?
CBT stands for ‘cognitive behavioural therapy’. This is a psychotherapeutic approach that involves training the brain to overcome negative thoughts. The belief is that your thoughts can reinforce negative beliefs and can have unwanted effects on your behaviour.
For instance, if you’re trying to get over a phobia of heights, the thing you need to change is the thought process that involves imagining falling or telling yourself it’s not safe!
What Does This Have to do With Eating Clean?
So what does all this have to do with eating clean?
Simple: it gives you the ability to reprogram your thoughts and thereby to remove the desire to indulge in cakes etc.
To do this, you simply need to think ahead and focus on how you’re going to feel after the meal. Focus on the cake and the taste and you’ll produce the reward hormone dopamine. Instead, you need to focus on the last time you made yourself feel sick from eating too much cake. You probably felt bloating, stuffed and guilty and most likely you couldn’t finish it. Concentrate on that sensation and suddenly the cake doesn’t seem so appealing.
Now instead, imagine how good it would feel to have a refreshing dessert that would perk you up and leave you feeling good about yourself. How about a hot drink? Or maybe you could get an ice cold lemon sorbet that will cleanse your palette without adding too many calories!
This makes all the difference to your desire for pudding and you’ll find that you actually would prefer the fresher dessert. If you do this regularly enough, then you will actually create new associations to the point where you actually don’t want to eat that huge cake.
The same goes for reprogramming your diet in every other area too!