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Rowing Machine Buying Tips

If you’re looking for an effective cardio machine that also builds upper body strength, rowing machines are an excellent choice. A moderate session on the rowing machine burns 500+ calories an hour and also tones your arms and upper back. Unfortunately, with all the different types and brands of rowing machines on the market, choosing one to buy can be very difficult. In this article I aim to simplify the buying process and help you make your decision by providing you with three effective rowing machine buying tips.

1) Determine How Much You Can Afford To Spend

When you’re buying any type of exercise machine, the first thing you need to decide is how much you can afford to spend on it. Whether that amount is $100, $500 or $1,000 or more, it’s important that you get a specific figure in your head. This will ensure that you don’t spend lots of time looking for the perfect rowing machine, only to discover it’s out of your price range.

2) Choose The Type Of Rowing Machine Resistance

Another key thing to consider is the type of resistance you need for your rowing machine. There are four main types; air resistance, hydraulic resistance, magnetic resistance and water resistance.

With air resistance, a finned flywheel sucks air in as you row and uses this to provide you with resistance automatically. The benefit of air resistance rowing machines is that you don’t need to use any levers or clamps to change the resistance. Instead, you just get on with your workout and increase the resistance by rowing faster and harder or reduce the resistance by rowing slower and with less force. The drawback of air resistance rowing machines is that they are generally larger and more expensive than other rowing machines. Air resistance is also the noisiest type of rowing machine resistance.

With hydraulic resistance, hydraulic pistons provide the resistance and you can adjust the level of resistance using a clamp or lever. This benefit of hydraulic resistance rowing machines is that you can choose the level of resistance that’s right for you and change it during your workout. Rowing machines with hydraulic resistance are also generally cheaper and more compact than rowing machines with other types of resistance. The drawback of hydraulic resistance rowing machines is that it isn’t as smooth as the other types of rowing machine resistance, so you don’t get an authentic rowing experience. Hydraulic resistance also mainly targets your arms, so you don’t get a good a full body workout with this type of resistance.

With magnetic resistance, a combination of a flywheel and electromagnets are used to provide resistance. The benefit of magnetic resistance rowing machines is that they’re a lot quieter and smoother than most other rowing machines. The drawback of magnetic resistance rowing machines is that they are generally very large, so you need a reasonable amount of workout space to accommodate them.

With water resistance, a tank of water with spinning paddles is used to provide resistance. The benefit of water resistance rowing machines is that they provide you with an authentic rowing simulation that feels like you are rowing on real water. They also provide you with the same hands free, automatically adjusting resistance that is found on air rowing machines. The drawback of air resistance rowing machines is that they are large, heavy and expensive. They are also relatively noisy and the second noisiest type of rowing machine behind air resistance rowing machines.

The type of rowing machine resistance you choose will depend on a number of factors. If you’ve only got a small amount of workout space or you’re on a tight budget, then a hydraulic resistance rowing machine will probably be the best choice for you. If you’re worried about noise, you’ll probably prefer a magnetic resistance rowing machine. If you’re looking for a rowing machine that challenges you and provides a really intense workout, then an air resistance rowing machine or water resistance rowing machine are probably your best bets.

To make the final decision on which type of rowing machine resistance is best for you, write down the five most important things that you need from a rowing machine. Then choose the type of rowing machine resistance that matches most of these requirements.

3) Check Out Existing Customer Reviews

Once you’ve decided how much you can spend and the type of rowing machine resistance that’s right for you, you just need to choose a rowing machine. To do this, check out existing customer reviews on a number of different rowing machines. Start by looking at the rowing machines with the highest amount of positive feedback as these are much more likely to be quality rowing machines. Then look at these rowing machines in detail and write down what’s good and bad about each one. Make a shortlist, review it and then choose the rowing machine with the pros that are closest to your requirements.


I hope this article has given you a good overview of all the things you need to take into account when buying a rowing machine. If you consider all the tips on this list before making your final decision, you’ll be sure to find a rowing machine that helps you achieve your fitness goals, matches your budget and meets your individual requirements.

Exercise Bike Buying Tips

If you’ve made the decision to buy an exercise bike, then you’re well on your way to improving your health and fitness and achieving your weight loss goals. Unfortunately, there’s still one big decision left to make – choosing the right exercise bike. In this article I aim to help you find the best exercise bike for you by listing seven key exercise bike buying tips.

1) Set A Budget

As with any big buying decision, setting a budget is crucial. If you don’t set a budget before you start selecting exercise bikes you’re either going to end up out of pocket (by purchasing an exercise bike you can’t afford) or end up disappointed (because the exercise bikes you have been looking at cost more than you can afford). Therefore, before you do anything else, choose a maximum price that you are willing to pay for an exercise bike and then stick to this price throughout the rest of the buying process.

2) Measure Your Workout Space

After you’ve settled on a maximum price for your exercise bike, you then need to think about how much space you actually have for it. If you have an expansive home gym with lots of open space, you’ll be able to buy a larger exercise bike with no problems. However, if you’re going to use the exercise bike in your living room or your bedroom, you will need to double check the dimensions and make sure the exercise bike you choose is small enough to fit in the room and cycle on without cramping your style.

3) Decide Whether You Want An Upright Or Recumbent Seating Position

Another important decision to make when buying an exercise bike is the seating position. Exercise bikes with an upright design are very similar to regular outdoor bikes and if you are planning to use your exercise bike to train for an outdoor race, you may prefer this design. Additionally, upright exercise bikes are more flexible and allow you to use them sitting down, standing up or leaning forward. Finally, many experts believe that upright bikes offer a more intense workout than recumbent exercise bikes.

On the other hand, recumbent exercise bikes provide you with lower back support and place less strain on your knees, so if you have problems in either of these areas, you’ll probably find this design more comfortable. Recumbent exercise bikes are also easier to cycle on for longer periods, so if you are planning to do longer, stamina building workout sessions, a recumbent design may be better for you.

4) Choose The Type Of Resistance Control You Need

There are generally two types of resistance control on exercise bikes – manual and electronic. Exercise bikes with a manual resistance control are generally cheaper but since you have to lean and change the resistance manually, they can disrupt the flow of your workout. Exercise bikes with an electronic resistance control do cost a bit more to buy but since you can change the resistance at the push of the button, you get a much smoother ride.

If you generally cycle at the same pace, you’ll probably be fine with a manual resistance control. However, if you do lots of interval training on your exercise bike and are constantly changing speed, you’ll be better off buying a bike with an electronic resistance control.

5) Choose How Much Resistance You Need

Another thing you’ll need to consider when buying an exercise bike is how much resistance you actually need. If you just want an exercise bike that gives you a light workout and gradually improves your fitness, an exercise bike with a limited range of resistance may be suitable for you. However, if you’re training for a race or want to lose a lot of weight, you may need an exercise bike with a wider range of resistance.

The resistance on an exercise bike is determined by two things – the flywheel and the magnets. Exercise bikes with a large, heavy flywheel and a large number of magnets offer a much wider range of resistance than exercise bikes with a small, light flywheel and fewer magnets. Exercise bikes with electromagnetic resistance also generally offer a much wider range of resistance than ones without, so bear these features in mind when choosing your exercise bike.

6) Check Out Existing Customer Reviews

If you follow the steps above, you should be able to make a shortlist of exercise bikes that do what you need at a price that’s affordable to you. To whittle down this shortlist down into your final choice, checkout what other customers have to say about each exercise bike on your shortlist. If there’s any overwhelmingly negative feedback towards any of the exercise bikes, remove them from your shortlist. Then with the remaining bikes, see what the customers like best about each one, match that up to the features that are important to you and make your final choice.


I hope these tips have helped you choose an exercise bike that suits your needs. Buying an exercise bike is a big decision but if you follow the tips in this article it’s one that will most certainly pay off. Good luck and happy cycling.

Elliptical Trainer Buying Tips

Elliptical trainers are a highly versatile cardio machine and one of the few that give you a full body workout by exercising your arms and legs in equal measures. However, when it comes to buying an elliptical trainer, it’s often difficult to know where to start. With hundreds of different models to choose from and each one having their own unique set of features, knowing which one is right for you can seem impossible. In this article I’m going to help simplify the process of choosing an elliptical trainer with four elliptical trainer buying tips.

1) Decide On Your Budget

As is the case with any big purchase, setting a budget for your elliptical trainer is crucial. If you can only afford to spend $500 then there’s no point wasting your time looking at elliptical trainers that cost $1,000+. Similarly, if you have a lot to spend and want a feature packed elliptical trainer, you don’t want to be looking at budget models that won’t do what you need. Instead of looking at all the elliptical trainers, decide how much you’re willing to spend and then narrow your search to models that fall within this price range.

2) Choose The Type Of Elliptical Trainer Design You Want

Once you’ve outlined how much you’re going to spend on your elliptical trainer, the next decision you have to make is what type of elliptical trainer design you want. There are currently three main elliptical designs on the market; front drive, rear drive and center drive.

With front drive elliptical trainers, the drive axle is located in front of you. The benefit of this design is that it’s generally cheaper, lighter and more compact than both rear drive and center drive elliptical trainers. However, front drive elliptical trainers aren’t as smooth as these other two designs and they also have more moving parts which means they generally require more maintenance.

With rear drive elliptical trainers, the drive axle is located behind you. The benefit of this design is that there are fewer moving parts and as a result, rear drive elliptical trainers are smoother to use and require less maintenance. However, rear drive elliptical trainers are also larger and more expensive than front drive elliptical trainers.

With center drive elliptical trainers, the drive axle is located close to the center of the machine which means it’s usually slightly in front of you or slightly behind you. Sometimes center drive elliptical trainers also have two drive axels. The benefit of this design is that your weight is perfectly balanced and as a result, your movements and workout are more efficient. However, center drive elliptical trainers are the most expensive of the three designs.

The type of design you go for will largely depend on your budget and your fitness goals. As a general rule, center drive elliptical trainers provide you with the most efficient workout at a premium price whereas front drive machines still provide you with a good workout but are more of a budget option. Rear drive elliptical trainers fall somewhere in the middle and strike a good balance between price and function.

If you don’t have much to spend or your workout space is limited, you’re best off going for a front drive elliptical trainer. Although they’re the cheapest of the three, if you shop around and do your research, you can still find a front drive elliptical trainer that does everything you need.

However, if you have a bit more to spend and have the space to store a larger machine, you’ll want to look at rear drive and center drive elliptical trainers. If you’re going to be using the elliptical trainer daily as part of an intense workout machine, a center drive elliptical trainer is the best option but if you’re following a less intensive fitness routine, a rear drive elliptical trainer is a good choice.

3) Check The Elliptical Trainer Specifications

After you’ve finalized your type of design and the maximum price you’re willing to pay, the next step is to check out the specifications on the elliptical trainers and started putting together a shortlist. The specifications you look for will depend entirely on what you want out of your elliptical trainer. For example, if you want one that’s easy to store after your workout, look for folding elliptical trainers. If you want to measure improvements in your heart rate, look for elliptical trainers with a heart rate monitor. If workout variety is top of your priority list, look for elliptical trainers with a wide range of programs. Once you’ve decided what specifications are important to you, choose five elliptical trainers based on these specifications and add them to your shortlist.

4) Review Feedback From Existing Customers

Once you have your final five elliptical trainers, there’s just one more thing left to do – review the customer feedback on each of these models and make your final decision. If one model has much more positive feedback than the other four, then it’s an easy decision. However, if all the models have a similar level of positive feedback, go through the customer feedback in detail and write up a list of pros and cons for each of the five. Then review each list carefully and choose the model which matches most of your elliptical trainer requirements.


I hope this article has helped turn what may seem like a complicated decision into a simpler one. If you break it down into simple steps using the tips above, the entire elliptical trainer buying process becomes a whole lot easier and you’ll be able to find the perfect elliptical trainer for you with minimum effort.

Treadmill Buying Tips

Buying a treadmill is a big decision and one that should not be taken lightly. With many treadmills now costing well over $1,000 and each model having all kinds of different, innovative features, there’s a lot to think about before you part with your hard earned cash. In this article I aim to make your treadmill buying experience a little easier by focusing on the key things you need to look at and providing you with seven treadmill buying tips.

1) Set A Budget

The first and most important step when buying any treadmill is to set a budget. You may have found a treadmill that’s the perfect size, has all the features that you need and has five star ratings across the board but if it costs $2,000 and you can only afford to spend $1,000, all the rest doesn’t really matter. Determine how much you can realistically spend on a treadmill and then make sure the treadmills you are looking at fall within this price range.

2) Measure Your Workout Space

Once you’ve decided how much you can afford to spend, the next thing you need to consider is what size of treadmill you can actually fit in your home. If you have a large home gym with plenty of free space, treadmill size probably isn’t going to be an issue. However, if you’re planning to use the treadmill in a smaller room, make sure you measure the room and then choose a treadmill that will fit comfortably inside.

3) Check The Treadmill Specifications

Choosing a treadmill with the right specifications is another important step in the buying process. There are three main specifications you need to look at; the motor, the belt and the shock absorption. For the motor, make sure that it has a continuous duty rating of at least 1.5HP if you are a light user and at least 2.5HP if you are a heavy user. For the belt, make sure it’s at least 18 inches wide and at least 45 inches in length if you want to use it for light walking and jogging or 60 inches in length if you want to use it to run at full stretch. The shock absorption will vary by treadmill type and manufacturer but make sure whatever it offers is adequate to protect your ankles, knees and lower back from the impact of running.

4) List The Features You Need

After you’ve sorted your budget and treadmill specifications, you then need to decide what you want the treadmill to do in terms of performance. If you just want a model that allows you to burn a few extra calories while you watch TV at night, a basic treadmill will probably suffice. However, if you’re a fitness fanatic or have some serious weight loss goals, you’ll want to look at how fast the treadmill can go, what kind of inclines it offers and how many different workout programs it has. If you like to listen to music while you run, you may want to consider a treadmill with an MP3 docking station and built in speakers. Alternatively, if you don’t have much storage space in your home, you may want to consider a space saving folding treadmill.

No matter what you need, there’s likely to be a treadmill on the market that can provide it. So have a long, hard think about the exact features you want from your ideal treadmill, write them down and then find a few that match most of your requirements and that also fall within your budget and price range.

5) Check The Warranty

The warranty that comes with the treadmill is another important aspect of the buying process and as a general rule, the longer the warranty period is, the more confident you can be in your purchase. For peace of mind, make sure your treadmill comes with at least a 1 year on all its parts. Anything more is a bonus but anything less should be avoided.

6) Check Out Existing Customer Reviews

A treadmill may look brilliant based on the manufacturer’s description but existing customer reviews are the real acid test. Try and go for treadmills that have at least 80% positive feedback from existing customers. If there’s no treadmills that have the features you require with this level of positive feedback, make sure you analyze the negative feedback very closely before going ahead with your purchase as there could be some underlying issues which aren’t clear in the general product description.

7) Analyze The Pros & Cons

By this point you should now have a shortlist of treadmills to choose from. To make your final decision, write down all the pros and cons for each treadmill, based on the steps above. For example, treadmill A may have the best features but be the most expensive. Treadmill B might be missing some of the features you want but have the highest customer feedback rating.

Once you have your list of pros and cons, go for the treadmill with the most pros and the least cons. If it’s close, decide which one feature is the most important to you and then choose the treadmill that excels in that area.


I hope these treadmill buying tips help you find a high quality treadmill that provides you with the features you need at a price you can afford. So if you’ve not started looking already, re-read this article, put the tips into action and go find a treadmill that’s right for you.

The Benefits Of Elliptical Trainers

Elliptical trainerElliptical trainers are one of the most diverse home cardio machines you can buy. They engage both your arms and your legs, they can be used in both a forward and reverse motion and they provide you with a combination of cardio and resistance training. In this article I’m going to be expanding on what makes elliptical trainers such a good piece of home workout equipment and discussing five of their main benefits.

1) Full Body Workout

The most notable benefit of elliptical trainers is that they give you a full upper and lower body workout at the same time. Unlike exercise bikes, steppers and treadmills which only target your lower body and don’t engage your upper body at all, elliptical trainers target your upper body with their rotating arms and your lower body with their rotating pedals.

The best part is that you can use this unique design to get a range of different results. If you want to strengthen and tone your arms, back and chest, you can let your upper body do most the work. Alternatively, if you want to build up your legs, you can let go of the rotating arms and work the machine solely with your feet. If you want to strengthen and tone your upper and lower body equally, you simply let your arms and legs do equal amounts of pushing.

2) Dual Motion

Another unique benefit of buying an elliptical trainer is that the dual motion allows you to target different muscles by simply changing direction. If you glide forward, you target your hamstrings, triceps and chest whereas if you glide backwards you target your quadriceps, biceps and upper back.

You can also focus on just chest your chest and triceps by gliding forward and letting your arms do most of the work, just your hamstrings by gliding forward and letting your legs do the work, just your biceps and upper back by gliding backwards and letting your arms do most of the work or just your quadriceps by gliding backwards and letting your legs do most of the work.

No other cardio machines allow you to target the major muscles in your upper and lower body this specifically and if you really want to focus on developing individual muscles, it’s a great feature to have.

3) Zero Impact Cardio

If you find running on a treadmill causes pain in your ankles, knees or hips, elliptical trainers are a fantastic zero impact alternative. Unlike treadmills which place pressure on your joints with every step you take, elliptical trainers guide your feet through the motions using a rotating platform. As a result, your feet never leave the platform and no pressure is ever applied to your joints. This means you still get a good workout but without any pain or pressure in your ankles, knees or hips.

4) High Calorie Burn

In terms of calories burned, elliptical trainers are the third most efficient home cardio machine on the market after treadmills (which burn 825 calories per hour when jogging at 10kph) and steppers (which burn 735 calories per hour when stepping at a moderate pace). Just one hour of moderate exercise on an elliptical trainer burns through a notable 679 calories which is over 100 calories more than one hour of moderate cycling on an exercise bike or one hour of moderate rowing on a rowing machine.

While burning an extra 100 calories a day may not sound like a huge amount, if you exercised for an hour every day it would equate to losing an extra 14 ounces of weight each month and an extra 10.4 pounds of weight over the year. When you consider that this is in addition to the weight you’d lose from cycling or rowing, it’s quite an impressive figure, especially if weight loss is one of your main goals.

5) Low Maintenance

One final benefit of elliptical trainers compared with other home cardio machines is that they are relatively easy to maintain. This is because elliptical trainers don’t have very many moving parts, so there are fewer points where they can actually break. In addition to this, the smooth, low impact, gliding motion of elliptical trainers places very little pressure on the moving parts and because of this they last a lot longer than the moving parts in other cardio machines.


If you’re looking for a home workout machine that gives you a varied, full body workout and combines cardio with resistance training, you can’t go wrong with an elliptical trainer. It’s the only cardio machine on the market that allows you to target specific muscles while also burning an impressive number of calories at the same time. So if the elliptical trainer sounds like the perfect cardio machine for you, get online and get shopping for one right now.

The Benefits Of Exercise Bikes

If you want to burn some extra calories and improve your fitness within the comfort of your own home, exercise bikes are a fantastic choice. They get your heart pumping, they place no pressure on your joints when you cycle and they’re also a surprisingly good way to tone and strengthen your legs. In this article I take a deeper look at exercise bikes and explain why you should consider adding one to your home workout collection.

exercise bike

exercise bike

1) Lower Back Support

One of the best things about exercise bikes is that they’re the only cardio machine available that provide lower back support. Elliptical machines, steppers and treadmills all require you to stand up and if you have lower back problems, exercising on them can be difficult or even impossible. Rowing machines are slightly different and allow you to sit down but don’t provide you with any lower back support while you are sitting, so can still be very uncomfortable.

Therefore, if you have a lower back problem that prevent you from using most traditional cardio machines, a recumbent exercise bike may be exactly what you need. The unique seat design on recumbent exercise bikes gives full support to your lower back and keeps it straight at all times while the pedals allow you to get an intensive workout without placing any stress or strain on your lower back.

2) Multi-Functional Workout

Another great thing about exercise bikes is that they allow you to build up your leg muscles or enjoy a lung busting cardio workout using just the one piece of equipment. If you want to strengthen and tone your legs, you simply crank up the resistance as high as you can manage and then cycle away. Alternatively, if you want to increase your cardiovascular fitness, you can use a lower resistance setting and focus on speed instead of power.

With the exception of steppers, no other home cardio machines allow you to strengthen and tone your legs like this while also boosting your cardiovascular fitness. This means if you’re training for a sport that requires strong, powerful legs and a high level of cardiovascular fitness (such as ice hockey or soccer), exercise bikes are an excellent choice that allow you get the most out of your workout sessions.

3) Compact

In addition to the benefits listed above, exercise bikes are also a lot smaller than treadmills and elliptical machines, so if you don’t have much spare room in your home, they’re definitely a cardio machine you should consider purchasing.

On average, exercise bikes are around 10 inches shorter in length than treadmills and elliptical machines, so they take up a lot less floor space. In addition to this, many of the exercise bikes available for sale can be folded when not in use to save even more space. Once folded, you can neatly pack them away in a closet or the corner of the room, so that they don’t clutter up your home.

4) Zero Impact Cardio

Exercise bikes aren’t just a good choice if you’ve got lower back problems. They’re also great if you have joint problems. Unlike running on a treadmill which can aggravate your ankles, hips and knees with the impact of each step, cycling on an exercise bike is a smooth, fluid, no impact motion which prevents joint pain and allows you to have an effective cardio workout, even if you’re joints aren’t 100%.

5) Low Cost

If you’ve not got much money to spend on a home cardio machine, exercise bikes are something you should definitely check out. Most exercise bikes cost less than $500 and there are very few that cost more than $1,000. When you compare this to treadmills which generally cost $500+, this is quite a big saving and if money’s tight, exercise bikes are definitely one of the more affordable cardio machines on the market.

6) Weather Proof

Yet another benefit of purchasing an exercise bike is that it allows you to carry on cycling and keep your fitness sharp all year long. Even if the roads are iced up outside and it’s too dangerous to go outdoor cycling, you can use an exercise bike to maintain your fitness levels and avoid the hazardous outdoor conditions until the weather improves.


I hope this article’s given you a good overview of why exercise bikes are such a good choice when it comes to getting fit. So if you think an exercise bike is the best cardio machine for you, get online, get one purchased and cycle your way to good health today.

The Benefits Of Stair Steppers

benefits of steppers

The Benefits Of Stair Steppers

Steppers are a unique but useful piece of home cardio equipment that allow you to get all the fitness benefits of running up and down your stairs, without annoying everyone in your house. In this article I’m going to be focusing on the benefits of stair steppers, discussing them in more detail and explaining exactly why they are such a good home workout machine.

1) Leg Toning & Strengthening

One of the biggest benefits of steppers is that they can add some serious strength and tone to your legs. While cycling, rowing, running on a treadmill and gliding on an elliptical trainer all help to build up some strength in your legs, they simply don’t compare to the effectiveness of a stepper. The constant stair climbing motion is the fastest way to build strength and tone in your leg muscles using a cardio machine and if this is your main fitness goal, a stepper is an excellent purchase.

2) High Calorie Burn

Another great thing about steppers is that behind treadmills, they’re the most effective cardio machine in terms of calories burned with one hour of moderate stepping burning through an impressive 735 calories. In comparison, one hour of moderate cycling on an exercise bike or moderate rowing on a rowing machine burns through just 572 calories – a difference of 163 calories.

If you exercised for an hour every day this adds up to a difference of 1,141 calories a week, 4,944 calories a month and 59,332 calories a year. In terms of weight loss, that equates to losing an extra 5 ounces every week, an extra 1.4 pounds every month and an extra 17 pounds every year. This is a huge difference and if weight loss is one of your main goals, a stepper can really help you rapidly drop the pounds and achieve your goal.

3) Zero Impact Cardio

As well as doing a great job of burning calories and strengthening your legs, steppers are also very kind to your joints. If you’ve got arthritis or any other kind of painful joint problem that prevents you from running on a treadmill, buying a stepper is a great way to carry on exercising. You’ll burn almost as many calories but you’ll do it without hurting your ankles, hips or knees and you’ll also prevent any further damage from developing.

4) Low Cost

Stair steppers are one of the cheapest home cardio machines around and a great option if you’re operating on a tight budget. With the exception of the stair climber design, almost all the steppers on the market cost less than $500 to buy and many cost less than $100. When you compare this to the vast majority of treadmills which cost $500+, it’s a big difference and if cost is one of your key concerns, steppers represent excellent value for money.

Check out this Amazon link featuring one of the absolute bestsellers for this type of equipment!

5) Compact

Steppers are also one of the most compact home cardio machines available, so if you only have limited workout and storage space at home, they’re a brilliant alternative to larger home cardio machines such as treadmills.

Most mini-steppers measure less than 20 inches in length and width and are less than 15 inches in height which means that all you need to do is find a small amount of floor space and you’re ready to start stepping. The super small design also makes storing them a breeze and they can easily fit into a small pocket of space in a closet or slot comfortably under your bed. Even full sized regular steppers with handles generally take up very little floor space when you’re exercising and a lot of them can be folded for easy storage when they’re not in use.

6) Full Range Of Motion

One final benefit of steppers is that they guide your legs through a full range of motion when you workout. A lot of other cardio machines on the market fail to do this and as a result, certain areas of your body get neglected and lose flexibility.

For example, exercise bikes focus on your legs but never allow them to fully extend. As a result, using an exercise bike regularly can cause your legs to stiffen up and also prevent certain parts of your leg from getting a proper workout.

Exercising on a stepper allows you to fully extend your legs which gives them a more effective workout and also keeps them supple.


As you can see, there’s a lot to like about stair steppers. They’re kind to your joints, they’re kind to your wallet and they don’t take up much space in your home. So if these benefits have you convinced, get online, get one bought and start stepping away those calories right away.

The Benefits Of Treadmills

treadmillsIf you’re looking to buy cardio training equipment for your home, treadmills are a very popular choice. They’re easy to use, they allow you to control the intensity and duration of your workout and they also have a number of key benefits over regular road running. In this article I’m going to be taking a more detailed look at treadmills and discussing the benefits of adding a treadmill to your home workout collection.

1) High Calorie Burn

One of the best things about treadmills is that they burn a lot more calories than almost any other piece of home workout equipment. For an average person, an hour of moderate jogging on the treadmill at 10kph will burn through 825 calories. This is over 250 calories more than an hour of moderate exercise on an exercise bike or rowing machine and over 100 calories more than an hour of moderate exercise on an elliptical trainer.

In terms of weight loss, this means that by jogging on a treadmill moderately for one hour every day, you’ll lose an extra half a pound every week compared with cycling on an exercise bike or rowing on a rowing machine moderately for the same period of time. You’ll also lose an extra quarter of a pound every week compared with exercising moderately on an elliptical trainer for one hour every day.

This might not sound like much but it adds up to losing an extra 2.2 pounds per month and an extra 26 pounds per year compared with cycling or rowing and an extra 1.1 pounds per month or 13 pounds per year compared with elliptical training.

2) Effective Cardio Training

Another great thing about treadmills is that they’re one of the most effective machines for improving your cardiovascular fitness. While all cardio machines improve your cardiovascular fitness to some extent, the extra effort you expend on a treadmill means that your heart becomes stronger and your lung capacity increases at a faster rate than it does when using other cardio machines. This means by using a treadmill you’ll be able to see faster results than if you use other cardio machines and maximize your fitness in the shortest time possible.

3) Strengthens Your Bones

As well as boosting your fitness and burning lots of calories, treadmills are also one of the few cardio machines that strengthen your bones. Unlike cycling, rowing or stepping, running on a treadmill is a weight bearing exercise which causes your bone mineral density to increase. As a result, your bones become stronger and less susceptible to breaks and fractures when you run on a regular basis.

4) Lower Impact Than Road Running

If you’re a fan of outdoor running but it’s started to take its toll on your joints, treadmill running is a fantastic, low impact alternative. While treadmill running still involves some impact, the cushioned surface absorbs the vast majority of the impact and as a result treadmill running is much kinder to your ankles, knees and hips than road running.

5) Weather Proof

Another perk of treadmill running is that it allows you to carry on running, even when the weather outside is bad. No matter how much you love outdoor running, sometimes the rain, wind or snow make it impossible and force you to stay indoors. In these situations, owning a treadmill allows you to get some exercise, burn some calories and put a few miles on the clock, even if there’s a storm going on outside.

6) Safer Than Road Running

One final benefit of buying a treadmill is that it can be safer than road running. When you run on the road there are plenty of hazards such as potholes and broken glass that can lead to serious injuries. In addition to this, if you only have time to run late at night when it’s dark outside, it’s very difficult for cars to see you and this can lead to you being knocked down.

By running on a treadmill, you avoid all these hazards and stay safe when you run. The treadmill belt is smooth and even which means you don’t have to worry about unexpected objects throwing you off course or injuring you. Also, since your running within the comfort of your own home, you’re completely safe from oncoming traffic.


As you can see, there are plenty of reasons you should buy a treadmill. It’s one of the most efficient types of cardio machine on the market and if you put the effort in, you can burn through some serious calories when running on a treadmill. In addition to this, it’s a great way to carry on running when the weather outside is bad. So if these benefits match up to your fitness goals, get shopping and go find a treadmill that’s right for you.

The Benefits Of Rowing Machines

Rowing machines are one of the few home cardio machines that give you a solid upper body workout while still burning an impressive number of calories. When you add to this that they also place very little strain on your joints, strengthen your core and more, they can definitely be a valuable addition to your home workout collection. In this article I’m going to be focusing on rowing machines and discussing their main benefits in greater detail.

1) Effective Upper Body Workout

The main benefit of buying a rowing machine is that it focuses on your upper body. Most cardio machines such as exercise bikes, treadmills and steppers all focus on your lower body and leave your arms, back and chest with little to do. Elliptical machines are slightly better and do engage your upper body but they don’t challenge it significantly.

However, rowing machines are different and fully utilize your arms, back and chest with every stroke you take. Just a few weeks of regular rowing machine use can significantly improve the strength and tone of your upper body. This is particularly beneficial if you play sports that require good upper body strength, such as baseball or tennis, as the regular rowing will help you develop a stronger pitch, swing, serve or shot.

row machines2) Effective Lower Body Workout

Although rowing machines are one of the only cardio machines to give you an effective upper body workout, that doesn’t mean they neglect your lower body. Every stroke requires you to push off from the platform with as much power as possible using your legs and this helps to develop strength, power and stamina in your lower body. If you’re looking for a cardio machine that will strengthen and tone your legs at the same time as working your upper body and improving your cardiovascular fitness, there are very few that do it better than a rowing machine.

3) Full Range Of Motion

Another great thing about rowing machines is that they allow you to move through a full range of motion as you exercise. Many cardio machines limit your range of motion and this can cause you to become inflexible or weak in certain areas of your body.

For example, elliptical machines don’t allow you to fully stretch your arms or legs when you use them. Over time this can cause your legs and arms to tighten up and also cause certain muscle groups to get neglected when you workout.

By using a rowing machine you can avoid these problems, as both your arms and legs fully bend and extend with every stroke. This ensures that they stay flexible and also ensures every single part of your arms and legs gets a full workout.

4) Core Conditioning

As well as giving you a challenging upper and lower body workout, rowing machines are also a great way to strengthen your core muscles. Very few other cardio machines engage your core muscles, so if you want six pack abs or a strong lower back when using these machines, you have to do separate core work. However, since there’s no lower back support on the seat of a rowing machine, your core muscles have to work constantly to keep your back straight and keep you in an upright position as you row.

The best part is that the core workout you get from rowing is much more effective than the core workout you get from doing specific abdominal or lower back work because instead of engaging the core muscles in short bursts, you engage them constantly. For example, if you do 100 sit-ups, you’ll probably engage your abdominal muscles for 2 minutes in total. However, if you do 30 minutes of rowing, you’ll be strengthening and toning your abdominal muscles and lower back muscles for the full 30 minutes.

5) Zero Impact Cardio

One final benefit of rowing machines is that they’re a zero impact cardio machine and place no pressure on your joints. If you have problems with your ankles, hips and knees and have found treadmill running too intensive, rowing are a gentle but effective alternative. Rowing will still burn the calories and boost your fitness but it won’t cause pain in your joints.


As you can see, rowing machines are a fantastic home workout option that challenge all areas of your body without placing any pressure on your joints. I hope these rowing machine benefits have helped you make your final decision as to whether this is the right piece of home workout equipment for you. Good luck and happy shopping.

Weslo Crosswalk 5.2T Treadmill Review

Product Summary:

One of the most impressive things about the Weslo Crosswalk 5.2 T Treadmill is that it allows you to work out different muscle groups in your body. Not all treadmills can help you to get a complete full body workout like this one can. There are four pre-programmed application workouts that will help you to get a great workout in if you do not have a ton of time. They are also a great place to start if you have never worked out before. There is a unique feature on this treadmill with an upper body/arms feature that helps you to tone up those areas as well.

Product Features:
• Special CrossWalk Upper Body/Arms Feature
• Impulse O Motor Featuring 2.25 HP
• Special Cushioning to Help Reduce Impact
• Four Different Pre-Programmed Workout Applications
• 2 Position Incline
• Special Folding, Space Saving Design
• Easy to Read LCD Window Screen
• 250 lb Maximum Capacity
• 90 Day Parts and Labor Warranty
• Thumb Controlled Heart Rate Monitor
• Digital Speed Control 0MPH-10MPH

Plus Points:

1. Get a Full Body Workout – One of the things that makes the Weslo CrossWalk 5.2T Treadmill so great is that it features extra workout equipment with the CrossWalk Upper Body/Arm system. This system allows for you to get in a nice arm workout that will help you to tone your upper body while you are on the treadmill. It can also be great for switching up routines and being able to do more with your treadmill.

2. Simple Assembly – While some treadmills might be a struggle to put together, this treadmill will go together easily and quickly. This means that you can start using it to help become a better and healthier you quicker. It also means that you are not frustrated or struggling to get the machine together.

3. Shock Absorbing Cushions – The cushions that are built into the Weslo CrossWalk 5.2T Treadmill are there so that you do not have to worry about the impact that you have when you are running on the treadmill. If you have struggled with bone or joint issues or even just bone or joint pain after running, you will no longer have to worry about struggling. Instead you are going to be able to run in comfort with virtually no pain.

4. Great for Small Spaces – One thing is for certain when treadmill shopping. It can be very hard to find a great treadmill that has all of the features that you want when you only have a small space to work with. In most cases if using your treadmill requires a lot of moving furniture or work, you are not going to use it as often as if you can just unfold it. Thankfully since this treadmill has been built with space saving features in mind, you will find that it can fit in nearly any small space that you might have.

Things to Consider:

1. Low Maximum Weight – Many people who are working out might find that having a 250 lb weight limit can be a deterrent. This is because you are not going to want to buy something that you cannot use if you gain a few pounds or that you have to lose weight to use. Many treadmills in the same price range have maximum weights that are higher.

2. Limited Warranty – There are is no warranty on the motor for this treadmill past 90 days. Not a lot is going to happen in the first three months that you own a high quality product. However, over time small things can wear out. If you plan on using your treadmill for years to come, you might want to choose one that has more of a warranty than what is features with the Weslo CrossWalk 5.2T Treadmill.

Product Summary:

The Weslo CrossWalk 5.2T Treadmill has all of your bases covered. You will not only be able to get a great workout in running and walking, but also with the special CrossWalk arm and upper body feature which will help you to work out the muscles in your arms that might not get much workout with a traditional treadmill. This treadmill also is known for being stable and for working in small spaces. It is a great option for those who want more from their treadmill.

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