Author Archives: bhealth
Author Archives: bhealth
It looks like high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, excess body fat around the waist and abnormal cholesterol levels combined definitely increase your risks of diabetes:
“Metabolic syndrome could be more of a risk to people’s health than originally thought, according to new research. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism suggests that people with metabolic syndrome are more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those without the condition. Meanwhile, another new study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, suggests that metabolic syndrome may increase cardiovascular risk more in black women than in white women”
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Clean Eating to Maximize Your Bodyweight Training
You may have heard about clean eating and been a bit confused. Is it eating foods without pesticides? Eating only organic, home-grown fruits and vegetables? Eating foods that won’t wreck your health?
Clean eating can help you enhance your bodyweight training so that you get the most out of your exercises.
If you need clarification on what clean eating is all about, and some guidance on whether or not it’s right for you, you’ll find it easier to make that decision after reading this.
What Is Clean Eating?
Clean eating is a method of providing good health for your body that doesn’t require an exhausting array of technical calculations. Part of the reason many people quit dieting is because they hate the calorie counting, the food weighing, the percentages of fats and carbs and proteins, the BMI calculations and more.
They just want to live and eat and enjoy life without making everything such a hassle. Clean eating can do that for you once you learn the ins and outs of it. You’ll simply focus on adding as many whole food options as possible, choosing the best varieties that assist you in weight loss and maintenance, as well as gaining nutritional benefits.
You know how most diets allow a certain amount of “cheating?” Well clean eating is no different. You can make 50% of your diet clean, and 50% processed, or go all out and try to achieve a 100% clean eating regimen – the choice is up to you.
You can start with a light approach, maybe doing only 25% of your meals with clean foods. Pick one day in the week where you eat clean, and don’t worry yet about the rest of the days.
Continue adding days (or meals) until you reach a level of clean eating that you can live with. Some people go all the way, and that’s great! But it’s also harder to achieve and stick with than a more moderate plan that still offers some benefits.
When you start living a clean eating lifestyle, you’re looking for foods in their most original form. That means it hasn’t been processed, it hasn’t had pesticides on it, it hasn’t had anything added to it – it’s as close to picking it off the vine or tree as possible.
Your clean eating diet should consist of organic fruits and vegetables, raw, unsalted nuts and grains, and the best lean meat your budget can afford. Marbling might taste nice, but it wreaks havoc on your body.
Whenever you go into your kitchen to reach for food, look at the ingredients. Is it one ingredient, like “corn?” Or is it a whole slew of hard-to-pronounce ingredients that sound like they just came out of a science lab?
If it’s the latter, then that’s a good sign that this food source isn’t as clean as you would like it to be. It’s been processed. It’s had additives combined with it to form something that isn’t good for your health.
One of the great things about clean eating is that your body will experience fewer cravings and energy crashes throughout the day. Your fullness levels will stay intact and your energy will climb over time.
That means you learn to listen to your hunger cues and only eat when your body alerts you to a low level of food stores. You won’t feel like making a run to the vending machine to stave off a 3 o’clock slump in the afternoon at work.
Keep in mind that when you’re clean eating, that doesn’t mean you can cook the food in a way that ruins its perfect form. Frying lean meat after coating it with processed, white flour defeats the point of choosing it in the first place. …
Read on by clicking here
Fight Fatigue with These Energy-Boosting Foods
Feeling sluggish every day? You’re not alone. Many men and women wake up tired, and go through their day feeling exhausted. In an effort to stay awake and function, they turn to food – but it’s the sugary, high caffeine options that have them crashing 30 minutes to an hour later.
You can use food to provide energy to your body, but it has to be done the right way. For instance, if you’re used to eating a chocolate candy bar for energy, then switch to a couple of ounces of dark chocolate instead.
You get the caffeine and sugar, but also the health benefits of this wonderful food and in moderation, you won’t suffer from the typical sugar crash you have after a milk chocolate candy bar.
Flavor your meal with some spicy herbs for a quick energy boost. Foods with capsaicin – like hot chili peppers – can boost your energy and provide other health benefits, too.
If you need a snack to wake up and get tasks done, reach for a banana. The potassium helps keep your blood sugar levels stable so that you don’t have that midday crash in energy.
A great high fiber, high carb snack that won’t pack on pounds is popcorn. Eat the healthier versions, not those laden with tons of movie theater butter slathered all over it.
Iron-rich foods like leafy green vegetables can supply you with tons of energy. When your iron levels wane, it makes you feel weak and lethargic. Try greens like kale, spinach, collard, mustards and turnips.
Fresh fruit can do the job! Grab a handful of grapes, or use citrus fruits as a quick pick-me-up. Oranges, or even lemon added to your water, can perk you up if you start slumping.
Find a food cooked with curry! Not only is it delicious, but curry stabilized blood sugar to prevent crashes – and it also helps with the circulation in your body to keep your body well oxygenated.
And don’t forget water. Although it’s a drink and not a food, it’s what helps keep your body operating in tip top shape at a cellular level. Without proper hydration, it won’t matter what foods you eat because the nutrients won’t be able to do their job.
What You Need to Know to Reverse Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas. When you eat food, your pancreas naturally releases insulin. This insulin helps your body balance your blood sugar level.
If your pancreas is diseased, it may not be able to release as much insulin as you need or it may not release any insulin. There are two types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes happens when your pancreas can’t produce any insulin.
People who have type one often have to give themselves shots of insulin to help their body regulate their blood sugar levels. In people with Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas produces some but not all of the insulin the body needs.
Both types of diabetes require you to carefully monitor your blood sugar level. If your level gets too low or too high, you won’t feel your best and you can develop other health issues as well.
There are medications available to people with either form of diabetes. However, research has shown that you can reverse the effects of diabetes. One of these ways is through weight loss.
While anyone can develop diabetes, you’re more likely to have the condition if you’re already overweight. Losing weight helps take some of the strain off your pancreas.
Watching what you eat can also help you. Your goal should be to keep your blood sugar levels consistent throughout the day. You don’t want your sugar level to spike too high or drop too low.
Some people with diabetes have found that they can reverse the disease by avoiding snacks and meals high in carbohydrates. There are two types of carbohydrates and those are fast acting carbs and slow acting carbs.
You can find fast acting carbs in many popular junk foods. If a food contains white flour or high amounts of sugar, it’s probably a fast acting carb. These types of carbs often give you a sugar rush and provide a temporary amount of energy thanks to a spike in your blood sugar level.
There are also slow acting carbs. These carbs are much better for your body because they release slowly over time and don’t cause sudden sugar spikes. If you’re looking for some slow acting carbs, reach for black beans, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal.
Getting older is simply part of living. However, you might have things in your life that are actually causing your body’s aging process to speed up. So you end up looking and feeling older than you really are.
A study performed on biological markers showed that there was more aging in people who suffered from certain conditions. To prevent premature aging, you need to avoid these top ten causes.
Did you know that there’s something called lifestyle-induced aging? This means that what you do or don’t do can cause your body to age earlier than it should. You might be in your thirties or forties, but the age of your biological markers can be a decade or more older.
One of the ways that you can induce aging is by not drinking enough water. With all of the admonitions to drink between six and eight glasses of water daily, it can be easy to start turning a deaf ear toward the advice.
Everyone knows that water is a necessary part of keeping the organs healthy and is needed to help keep your skin moist. But it turns out there’s a valid aging reason that you need the water.
When you don’t get enough water – and instead, you replace that liquid intake with other fluids such as caffeinated coffee or sodas, you can cause premature aging.
That’s because caffeine has the same effect on the body that a diuretic does. It forces the body to get rid of water. You end up with organs not being able to function properly as well as dry, sagging skin.
When you lack the right water intake, you end up dehydrated. Most people believe that if they reach that point, they’d feel thirst, but you often don’t feel thirst with dehydration until it’s pretty well established.
You know that when you don’t get enough sleep, you don’t feel like you’re at your best. You might even be aware of all of the studies that talk about how you don’t perform as well at home or at your job on less than the optimal amount of sleep your body needs.
Not getting enough sleep speeds up the aging process. When you don’t get enough sleep, it can cause anxiety, and depression as well. When you lose sleep, the body experiences a surge of cortisol, which is the stress hormone.
Under normal circumstances, this stress hormone is healthy and enables you to deal with situations, but a steady influx of this hormone actually causes your body to slow down the production of collagen.
Since collagen is necessary for healthy looking skin, your skin will begin to show the effects of this lack of collagen, caused by not getting enough sleep. Your skin begins sagging.
Plus, the extra cortisol causes internal premature aging as well. You’ll also develop lines and dark circles under your eyes. Besides the extra cortisol, you’ll experience a lack of growth hormone when you lose sleep. You need this growth hormone to keep your bones from becoming weak.
Not only can certain bad habits cause problems with the health of your organs and lead to life-threatening conditions, but they can also lead to premature aging. Smoking can cause a host of health problems that can shorten your life.
But it accelerates aging because it triggers the aging process within your body. It kicks enzymes into high gear that work against your appearance and health. That means that you’ll develop wrinkles, lines, bags and sagging skin.
The cause behind the sagging skin occurs because smoking works to inhibit the production of collagen – plus, nicotine thins the skin, which impacts how smooth the skin appears to look.
Not only is smoking a habit that can cause premature aging, but so is drinking alcohol. Besides causing liver damage, drinking alcohol speeds up aging. When you drink, the ingredients in alcohol destroys cells that your body normally uses in the detoxification process.
These toxins make your body age faster. Plus, alcohol can cause you to become dehydrated. As if that’s not enough, many drinks are packed with sugar, which leads to cell damage.
Drinking also causes changes in how your body is able to handle the blood circulation. This causes your body to age prematurely inside as well as out. One of the outward changes you’ll see from this impacted blood flow is the development of spider veins on your legs.
Everyone on the planet is familiar with the effects of stress. There can be small stressors that you have to deal with on a day by day basis. These don’t last long and usually don’t cause a lot of harm to the body.
But on the other hand, there can be major stressors, which can lead to premature aging. Your body has DNA strands. These strands have ends on them known as telomeres.
These are what protect your DNA strands. It’s instrumental in enabling your cells to be able to divide. When cells can no longer divide, they die. In healthy bodies, these telomeres have a longer length.
In unhealthy bodies, the length is short. These telomeres can be shortened by stress, which can lead to premature aging, disease and even death. There are studies that link shortened telomeres to work stress, emotional stress, and chronic anxiety or worry.
If you’re under a lot of stress, to prevent premature aging, you’ll want to take steps to deal with this and eliminate it from your life as soon as possible. Use some self nurturing and counseling if you have to – whatever works to stave off the aging process.
Read on to learn more about Ridding Yourself of Chronic Stress
With so many articles focused on making sure you have a low BMI to stave off weight-related diseases, it can be easy to think that having a low BMI is a good thing.
That’s wrong. The leading cause of a low BMI is not carrying the right amount of weight for your body’s frame. While it might be tempting to think that the thinner a person is, the better it will be for their overall health, that’s simply not true.
A too-low BMI can lead to premature aging. What you need is a healthy range BMI, not one that’s considered too low. When you have a low BMI, it impacts the body’s soft tissue by causing a loss of it.
When this happens, your collagen production slows down and you’ll develop sagging skin and wrinkles at a younger age than someone would that has a healthy BMI range.
It’s not all about appearances, either. A BMI that’s considered too low can weaken the immune system as well as cause anemia. It can also lead to low levels of energy.
You’ve heard the phrase, “You are what you eat” – but what you might not realize is that what you eat can lead to premature aging. Eating healthy gives you more benefits than simply keeping your weight at a healthy level.
When you eat right, you can stave off premature aging. When you don’t, you can hasten the aging process and some foods will bring it on faster than other foods. Whenever your body has an inflammation issue, you don’t feel well and you don’t look well.
Inflammation impacts the body because it can make you appear to be older than you are. Some types of foods are worse than others. You might have heard that you should keep the sugar-laden foods to a minimum, but there’s a good reason for that other than weight gain.
High carbohydrate foods – even foods that aren’t considered junk foods – cause a break down in the body’s ability to produce collagen. Without the right collagen production, you can see the effects of premature aging on your skin.
But inside the body, your diet can lead to premature aging among your organs. You can develop a fatty liver, which is directly tied to the kinds of foods that you eat.
A diet that’s high in carbs and low in protein can lead to premature aging. So can fad diets, crash diets, yo-yo diets and diets that are seemingly healthy, but call for you to extremely limit one of the food groups.
When your lifestyle is mostly sedentary, your risk of premature aging doubles. There’s more to exercise that helping to ke
There’s more to it than making sure that your muscles and bones can remain strong. Exercise can help keep diseases at bay that can be caused by an unhealthy weight or a sedentary lifestyle.
But one of the top reasons that exercise can prevent premature aging is because exercise protects your telomeres. When your telomeres become shortened, it means that your cells can’t divide as often as they would normally be able to.
This lack of division causes aging due to the death of the cells. What exercise does is strengthen the telomere, which has a preventative, anti-aging result. When you engage in regular exercise, not only are you helping prevent cell death (which is linked to premature aging), but you’re reaping all of the other benefits as well.
You’ll be improving your blood circulation and helping prevent the development of certain heart disease and other conditions that are linked to a lack of exercise. Plus, you’ll boost your immune system and help stave off inflammations that can cause premature aging.
There are times that everyone can experience periods of feeling down. But usually, these periods don’t last. In someone like that, depression usually doesn’t cause premature aging.
However, when you’re dealing with chronic bouts of feeling down or have been diagnosed with depression, this is tied to premature aging. Depression can cause the body’s cells to age faster, which can then cause inflammation and other health problems.
People who experience depression can develop health issues that you would normally only see in people who were much older. These issues can include cognitive problems, cardiovascular disease, weakened bone strength, tremors and muscle weakness.
Another reason that depression can cause premature aging (besides faster aging cells) is that it can cause the length of the telomeres to shorten. To prevent this, you can engage in actions that boost your telomerase level, which work to protect you from premature aging.
The top three ways to boost this level is through regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and learning how to manage anything that might be causing you a lot of stress that becomes chronic, and turns into a depression situation.
There are lotions and makeup on the market today that claim to give you sun protection. However, many of these products fall far short of protecting your skin from premature aging from sun exposure.
That’s because most of these products don’t contain enough of the preventative ingredients against damage. Being in the sun can cause sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles.
When you’re out in the sun, when there’s a bright glare, you automatically squint. This produces the wrinkles and lines as well as the sagging around your eyes. If you have to squint outdoors, wear sunglasses – even in the winter – especially if you live in an area that gets snow.
The sun can damage your skin and cause premature aging even in the cold months. The sun causes damage to the collagen and hastens premature aging of the skin.
But it can also cause a breakdown in the cells that lead to the development of skin cancers. Exposure to the sun’s rays can give your skin a dry, weathered appearance.
If you’ve ever noticed people who practice years of tanning, you’ll see that their skin tends to make them look a lot older than they really are. This is a direct result of the sun hastening the aging process.
PTSD can be caused by either physical or mental stress. This can develop because of having experienced a physical or emotional trauma personally or having seen a trauma occur.
There are many reasons that PTSD can develop. Events such as being robbed, being physically assaulted, experiencing a car accident or a major event such as fire can cause PTSD.
The underlying cause of PTSD in any event that triggers it is a massive stressor or a series of stress long term. Your brain can only handle so much trauma at once. Your body can experience such an amount of stress at any given time that it can be an overload.
When you have PTSD, you can experience, depression, insomnia, have a higher inflammatory marker and have telomeres with shorter lengths. How long or how short your telomeres are is directly linked to accelerated aging.
Studies done on PTSD and premature aging found that besides shorter telomeres and higher inflammatory markers, that there was also a link between diseases that are normally associated with people who were much older.
These diseases included heart disease, intestinal problems, cognitive ability and even dementia. People who struggle with PTSD were shown to have higher mortality rates due to the premature aging process.
Aging is going to take place for all of us. But there are many things we can do to inhibit the speed at which it occurs. Some of that is physical, such as applying sunscreen – but a lot of it is a mindset and mental fortitude that you also have to work on achieving so that you live a peaceful life and age at a slower pace.
Lose Weight for Better Joint Health
Your body is an amazing network of bones and muscles, tendons, nerves and more. By maintaining a healthy body weight, you give your body the ability to stay at optimal performance.
When you carry more weight than your body frame was supposed to support, you may start to notice aches and pains in your ankles, in your knees and in other joint areas. At times, it might even feel like you can barely move.
Or you might discover that sitting still for a few minutes and then getting up makes you feel a lot older than you really are because it hurts to straighten upright. You might even find yourself starting to limit activities you used to enjoy doing because of the pain in your joints.
The reason that you have the pain is because a lot of pressure is being put on those joint areas. Then when you develop joint pain, the last thing you think about is exercising because it hurts the joints when you move around a lot.
But even losing just ten percent of your overall body weight can make the pain ease up – plus you’ll find that you’re able to move around easier, too. You might think that carrying an extra twenty pounds is no big deal, but what you might not understand is how that multiplies the pressure on your joints.
Carrying twenty extra pounds can equal a pressure equivalent to sixty pounds of pressure felt in and against your joints. It’s no wonder that weight can cause joint pain. For each pound over your ideal weight, you should multiply by three – that will tell you how much pressure your joints are feeling.
If you have pain in your knee joints for any reason, then extra weight can cause pain and difficulty walking even short distances. By taking off the weight, you lower the pressure against your knees, which makes walking easier.
Exercise that’s low impact can help you shed pounds and give your knees much needed relief. Walking is one low impact way to lose weight and gain better joint health. Swimming is especially good for exercising – even if you don’t have joint problems because the water offers support for your body while you’re working out.
Losing weight doesn’t just give you better joint health, but it can also help alleviate pain from conditions such as arthritis. Once you start exercising and losing weight, you’ll also notice that your joints aren’t as stiff and that it’s easier to get out of bed in the morning.
You’ll also find that by keeping your body at a healthy weight, you can maintain long-term pressure management and keep your joints healthier a lot longer.
Check out this very interesting video interview:
Is Your Weight Ruining Your Knees?
All of us understand from papers, magazine articles, and wellness shows that being overweight actually does a number on our bodies. You have seen the warnings on posters at your physician’s office and perhaps you were warned that you should lose some weight.
We had all be a good idea to pay careful attention to the warnings. It’ll finally catch up to us, while we mightn’t feel the effects now.
That is considered when you reach 35 on the BMI.
After awhile, you begin seeing that you are hurting in areas that are new in your body – particularly the knees. You are surprised to see that you have put on more weight than you believed and step on the scale.
Is there a relationship between pain and the weight gain in the knee joints? Your knee was made to manage lots of impact and use. Nevertheless, some bad habits you’ve might just be laying the basis for loss of use of your knees and recurring pain.
The formula to determine just how much pressure is applied on your own knees is the 3 for 1 formula.
If you are ten pounds over your weight that is healthy, it may not look like a huge deal now, but it is like you have attached thirty pounds of weight to every one of your knee joints. The higher the pressure and finally, the more weight, they are going to give way in the event you do not take actions.
Health problems like osteoarthritis can become one of the negative effects of taking an excessive amount of weight. So can cartilage issues. It is simpler when you are big-boned in order for it to be less easy for your knees to cure in case of an injury, also.
Participate in activities like walking, swimming, or going for routine bike rides.
Keep in mind that if you are having pain in your knees you go about your day to day tasks, you should not simply dismiss it. That pain is your body’s alarm system telling you that something isn’t right.
When you take off the additional pounds on your own body, you will commonly see immediate results. You will have the ability to breathe easier, walk more easy and even have enhanced sleep function.
You can lower the stress in your heart and in many cases get high blood pressure under control. Being overweight merely puts such a heavy weight on your body, particularly in the hip joints.
While there can be more than one reason behind issues with the hip joints, do you realize the number one reason for hip joint problems is being overweight? It may result in needing a hip replacement, without getting the pressure of the excess weight off your hip joints.
Like the other joints in your body, your hip joints are supposed to allow you handle movements in a manner that was painless and to walk with ease. They are the reason you could get from one point to the next, the reason you can drive a car or dancing with a loved one. When something gets out of whack by means of your hip joints, it can rob you of an energetic life.
Your joints contain muscle, ligaments and cartilage – and all three work together in order for you to be able to move.
It can restrict movement (and in some cases prevent it completely) and all this is caused only by having too much weight. In addition , there are specific conditions which can be brought on that will damage your hip joints and these states are brought on directly as an outcome of extra weight.
You may not be aware that osteoarthritis, which can result in the requirement for hip replacement, is brought about by added weight as one cause. What is truly awful about this condition is the fact that it will not just hit on one hip joint, but both – and being overweight significantly increases your odds of developing this condition.
For your body is able to also cause you to grow inflammation in the joints, carrying around more weight than is healthy. Coupled with persistent pain and limits in your mobility, you might end up needing surgery – and operation for those who are overweight is consistently more speculative.
You can lower your odds of needing surgery for hip joint replacement by shedding weight. Not only that, but you will realize your enjoyment of life also improves. Then hit the water in the event you realize that walking is painful in the beginning. A water aerobics plan will not cause any additional problems for your hip joints.
To discover the ultimate joint health supplement
Hair Loss System for Healthy Regrowth
As human beings age, hair follicles weaken as it gets robbed off nutrients and
eventually begins to fall off. It is a fact that by the age of thirty, people
notice a decline in volume and thinning hair is evident. By the time they reach 50
years, nearly half of the female population experience hair loss. Hair loss
affects both men and women but for the latter, it happens in a pattern rather than
continuous balding in men. Besides genetics and diet, stress, constant heat
application and poor hair care also contribute to loss of hair in women. Male
baldness is also prevalent with sedentary lifestyles, stress and of course age. To
say the least, a receding hairline is embarrassing for many men who either have to
go for the completely bald look or find a way to stop thinning hair.
For Men
Fortunately, the men and women living in these times can rely on Provillus, the
proven way to stop hair loss and promote healthy hair growth. There are special
products each of which is targeted by men or women. Provillus system for men is
approved by the FDA as a spray designed to re-grow natural hair. For maximum
effectiveness, men should apply the product to affected parts and wait for the
spray to start working. It is rapidly absorbed by cells on the scalp to reactivate
wilting hair follicles and promote healthy growth of hair. Provillus is effective
for men of all ages, their hair type notwithstanding.
For Women
Provillus for women is exclusively designed to meet the huge demand posed by
women’s’ hair as it restores growth. The product contains the only approved
ingredient for female pattern baldness by the FDA. It targets the hair shaft to
build a strong foundation for thicker, stronger hair. Provillus hair re-growth
technology also makes the hair shinier and less limp so that women can comfortably
show off a healthy head of hair each time they venture outside. The formula also
works by promoting oxygen supply to the scalp through increased blood flow which
inevitably increases supply of nutrients to otherwise weak follicles. This causes
an optimization of your hair’s re-growth cycle by invigorating shrunken follicles.
Three part system
Provillus system has three parts which are designed to aggressively address causes
of balding and restore healthy, natural hair growth. First is the cleanse and
condition stage which depends on Revitalizing Shampoo infused with vitamins and
antioxidants for nourishment and volumizing conditioner that creates dimension,
gives body and shine to the hair. Second is the re-grow stage using Hair Re-growth
Treatment that contains FDA approved hair regrowth ingredients. Finally is the
rejuvenation stage that involves application of Aplifying Lift Spray designed to
provide instant fullness to the hair as well as protect and repair breakage.
Hair thinning or loss should not put you down as this reliable system is there to
give back your confidence and self esteem one hair follicle at a time. Use the
product as instructed and you will definitely enjoy the outcome. Interested men
and women can try the product risk free and become the first among their friends
to enjoy a thicker, fuller head of hair despite obvious signs of hair loss in the past.
to Learn More about the Provillus System
Boost Your Energy the Natural Way
When you think of increasing your energy levels, there are not a lot of natural alternatives that come to mind. You might think the only ways to boost your energy levels include drinking coffee, energy drinks or taking some sort of stimulant. This is simply not true. There are a number of ways you can ramp up your energy, and do it naturally, that will both contribute to your fitness and to your optimal health.
Eat the Right Foods
Get rid of processed carbs in your diet altogether, if possible. Instead, include natural starchy carbohydrates at the proper times (like after your workout) and watch your energy levels come to life. The steady energy release from slow-burning carbohydrate sources like oatmeal and yams will sustain you throughout the day and you won’t experience sugar-like energy crashes. Filling up with fiber from whole natural foods will help you digest your food more slowly. This will provide you with prolonged energy for hours.
Eat a high protein, high fat, low carb breakfast. This will keep you in fat-burning mode while keeping your cravings at bay. Eating more healthy fats will give you a surge in energy without the crash. If you start your day with sugary carbs, you’ll crave more and more junk food all day long. Also, avoiding excess caffeine and nixing the sugar will work in your favor when it comes to boosting your natural energy levels.
Drink Up
If you’re thirsty, you’re going to feel hungry and sleepy and your energy levels will most likely plummet. Make sure you get at least 8 glasses of water or more per day to maintain both health and energy levels.
You can also add green tea to your drink menu. It has some naturally occurring caffeine, but it’s also chock full of antioxidants and other health boosting nutrients to fuel your energy levels.
Use Natural Supplements
Make sure you get your vitamins and minerals. Yes, eating a variety of vibrant fibrous veggies, fresh organic and preferably grass-fed meats will ensure you are not left with nutritional deficiencies. You can also try some natural supplements like tyrosine. It’s an amino acid that will boost you up. Get it from foods like cottage cheese, eggs and even smoked salmon.
Rest Up
Get a great sleep. Sleep in a cool dark room and try to wake up at the same time daily so your body can get into a rhythm. Shut down the television, laptops and any other electronics and develop a pre-bedtime ceremony to help you wind down at night like light reading or a candlelit bubble bath.
Stretch and breathe. Stretching gives your body a much needed break while increasing your circulation. Get the blood flowing and take slow deep breaths to relax and revive.
Now that you know the secrets to natural energy, you won’t have to find yourself in that afternoon slump, or dragging through your day. Instead, you’ll have the sustained strength and vitality you need to accomplish everything on your daily list and more.
Discover how to Revive your energy, and keep it elevated all day long!