7 simple tips for a healthier diet-Tip #4-Diversify your Fruit Intake - Better Health Solutions

7 simple tips for a healthier diet-Tip #4-Diversify your Fruit Intake

7 simple tips for a healthier diet-Tip #4-Diversify your Fruit Intake

Fruit is an essential source of natural glucose, which is a healthy alternative to refined sugar. Eating a variety of fruits on a regular basis curbs cravings for sweet foods containing processed sugar, which is toxic. However, this is just one of the benefits of eating fruit.

Just a few decades ago, it was only possible to eat fruit that was in season and the variety of canned fruit was very limited. Gone are the days when we're stuck with apples or bananas because they're usually available year-round.

Today, there's a huge variety of canned and frozen fruit right at your local supermarket, in addition to fresh. There's no excuse! And diversifying your fruit intake follows the same principle as eating a rainbow. You need to give your body the full range of benefits that different fruits can provide.

There's a misconception that fresh fruits will give you the most nutritional benefits because canned or frozen fruits contain additives and preservatives, and the essential nutrients are lost in the canning and freezing process. This is absolutely false. Frozen and canned fruit contain the same nutritional value as fresh and is completely safe and healthy. So, set your mind at rest and take advantage of this to diversify your fruit intake dramatically....

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