Mindful eating vs mindless eating
To better understand how you can incorporate mindful eating into your life, take the time to consider the difference between mindful and mindless eating. When you know the difference, you can practice mindfulness during eating more consciously.
Mindful Eating Means:
* Recognizing Nurturing Opportunities Surrounding Food – Humans like to interact, with food being the center of attention. This is a normal thing; after all, eating is a very pleasurable experience. It does more than just provide nutrition and life – which is everything; it provides pleasure and joy too.
* Understanding the Difference between the Different Kinds of Hunger – When you are eating mindfully, you don't place meaning on hunger that doesn't exist. You also don't think being hungry is a bad thing. You can analyze your feelings and choose how to deal with them.
* Not Judging Food Likes and Dislikes Harshly – When you eat mindfully, not only do you not place judgment on what you choose to eat, you don't do it to others (like your kids) either. There are plenty of choices one can make with food, so there is no reason to eat things you dislike. ...
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