9 things to avoid during meals - Better Health Solutions

9 things to avoid during meals

If you want to be more mindful when you eat, there are a few things you should avoid having around to ensure that you really can eat mindfully. Now keep in mind, especially if you have a family, that no mealtime will be uninterrupted. Having said that, you can try to make the experience more enjoyable by making it an important enough event in your life to avoid certain things that make eating mindfully impossible.

* Electronics – Unless you have a real reason to have them on such as waiting for an emergency call, all electronics should be off during mealtimes. This is especially true when you're enjoying meals with other people.

* Screens – During mealtime, the TV should not be on either. You don't need to watch the news, or movies, or anything during a good meal. Instead, focus on how good the food smells, looks, and tastes and be thankful about the nutrition you're ingesting.

* Calls – Mealtime lasts at the most 45 minutes for most people. Like electronics in general, if you're not waiting on an important call for a child or work, you can turn ringers off for the duration of the meal. You cannot do anything about anyone else during that time most of the time anyway. ..

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