Should You Get a Blood Test to See How Strong Your Immune System Is?
Should You Get a Blood Test to See How Strong Your Immune System Is?
Many people are worried as to whether or not their immune system is up to par, and don’t want to wait until they get exposed to a disease to find out. In order to test your immune system, you can get a blood test that will analyze just how well your immune system is working so that you can get a better idea of how prone you will or won’t be to getting infected by various diseases.
One of the things that gets checked in a blood test is your amount of white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting diseases as well as tagging cells to be taken out, which is a crucial part of the immune system.
If you don’t have enough white blood cells, you’re going to have a much weaker immune system than the average person, and will likely need to change something in your diet or start taking some kind of supplements to fix it.
The blood test will also check for immunoglobulin, or antibodies as they’re more commonly known. These are another essential component of your immune system. These proteins are made specifically to attack a certain type of disease, or antigen.
When they come across them, the antibody will mark or disable the antigen, allowing the white blood cells to come in and do their job much easier. These are easily checked for with a simple blood test.
There are a few entirely different blood tests that can be carried out for expecting mothers, in order to predict whether or not their child will be born with an autoimmune disease.
By knowing whether or not they have such a disease, their chances of survival will increase drastically. Autoimmune diseases are very dangerous for young children if they’re not treated.
These prenatal tests often involve genetics, because autoimmune diseases are passed down through blood. Others can involve samples of blood taken from the mother, or samples of amniotic fluid.
By knowing whether or not the child is going to be at risk of developing an autoimmune disease, you’re going to be able to take action quickly and prevent them from getting hit too hard by it.
Some clinics, if you can find them, are willing to test your immune system with a blood test in order to better study the effects of certain immune-boosting solutions, and you might even receive financial compensation for your time.