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How To Use CBD Oil For Pain?

How To Use CBD Oil For Pain?

Topically: You can use CBD cream that contains CBD oil so that it can be applied topically directly to affected pain areas. By applying locally, you can reduce pain and inflammation to treat stiff, achy joints. Therapeutic salves are also sometimes available, which are also applied directly to your skin. Conditions relating to pain are one of the main reasons why people visit physicians.

Nowadays, CBD oil has become so popular that people use it to gain relief from different types of pain instead of drugs. CBD oil is a derivative of the cannabis plant, and it has many of the organic chemical compounds found in the hemp or marijuana plants.

CBD oil does not generate the “high” feeling that usually comes from THC, and this makes it safe for even children.

You Can Skip Pain Killers: How Does CBD Oil Interact With Your Body?

The human body has a network system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which controls bodily activities relating to cannabis. It has two essential receptors, the CB1 and CB2 receptors, and it uses these receptors to give cannabinoids their effects on the human body.

CBD explicitly communicates with the CB2 receptor to deliver several remedial impacts for managing pain. Furthermore, its cooperation with the CB2 receptor facilitates the negation of mind-altering effects, which results from the interaction of THC and the CB1 receptor.

Where does CBD oil come from? Marijuana and hemp are two unique types of cannabis plants. It is, nonetheless, critical to take note that CBD gotten from either hemp or cannabis has similarities.....

Coronavirus wellbeing: struggling with the uncertainty of the pandemic?

Coronavirus wellbeing: struggling with the uncertainty of the pandemic? Your ‘future anxiety’ could be to blame

A new study has revealed how our ‘future anxiety’ levels – aka, the extent to which someone might worry about the weeks or months ahead – could be playing a role in our responses to the pandemic, and why improving our psychological resilience could be a solution for those of us struggling to cope.

Whether you’ve suffered from anxiety in the past or have experienced it for the first time over the last six months, the coronavirus pandemic has certainly given all of us plenty to worry about. 

From concerns about our friends and family and anxiety about catching the virus itself to facing financial uncertainty and job instability, it’s hardly surprising that so many of us are feeling on edge.

However, while some people have dealt with these heightened anxiety levels with relative ease, others have struggled to cope with the additional worry of the pandemic. So why is this?

According to a new paper published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, the different impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on our overall wellbeing can be at least partly explained by one key factor: a person’s ‘future anxiety’ levels. 

Loosely defined as the levels of concern, worry and negative thinking someone has towards the future, the study suggests that those with a ‘future anxious’ personality type – aka a tendency to fear and worry about future events – are more likely to show significant drops in their wellbeing as a result of the pandemic. ...

Read on here 

Easy Ways to Identify Your Strengths

Easy Ways to Identify Your Strengths

You probably hear the phrase often, “If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life,” but the truth is it can be challenging to discover your true passions, let alone what you are good at. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task.

All you need to do is look within yourself and pay attention to your actions and your feelings. Asking yourself the following questions can help you discover what you’re good at.

What are my hopes and dreams?

What makes you feel happy and motivates you? Ask yourself as many questions as you need to discover yourself truly. Having a great understanding of oneself can lead to discovering your true potential.

These questions are essential to ask, but the most significant thing of importance is answering the questions truthfully. This is because while you may be naturally good at many things, the key to discovering a real talent also means that you like what you’re doing. You may like baking bread well enough, but that doesn’t always translate into a loved career.

Being excited to do something gives you the motivation to do what it takes to be good at it. Because being good at something, even when you like it, takes practice. It can help you also if you may not have a natural talent, but you will have the motivation to do what it takes to improve your skills.

What skills allowed me to succeed in school or work?

What are the skills that you possess that allowed you to finish school or get promoted at your job? Write these skills down and then look within yourself to see which of these do you genuinely enjoy. Is there is something on this list that makes you excited as well? Remember, just because you are good at something doesn’t mean it is one of your strengths or that you even like it.

What skills do my parents or loved ones see in me?

When in doubt, ask your friends, family, and coworkers for advice. If they are around you a lot, especially at work, they will want to help. Coworkers and friends often see the value in others quickly because it benefits them to know. Don’t be shy to ask.

How can I continue to learn new things?

Discovering your strengths and talents also means you need to give yourself the time and availability to learn new things. You may not even know you are good at something because you never tried it. Make it a goal to try something new every month. It can be as simple as reading a new book about a topic of interest. The more you know, the more you can discover about yourself.

How do I spend your free time?

When all the important stuff is out of the way, what are you doing? What activities are you filling up your free time with or can’t wait to get to after work? Look at your hobbies and the activities you do when you are free and see how this translates.

As you can see, taking the time to discover yourself is the key to finding your strengths. Once you can outline these strengths, you can use them to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Cultivating Happiness Despite Trials and Tribulations

Cultivating Happiness Despite Trials and Tribulations

It is easier for people to dwell in their unhappiness because the feelings they experience can be overwhelming. However, happiness can be a choice, and there are ways to cultivate it despite the trials and tribulations you may be experiencing.

  • Record lessons you learned – Through every hardship, there is a lesson to be discovered at the end. Without failure, you cannot learn, and sometimes failure is the best to learn. Anytime you feel down, think about what lesson you might need to learn and then find a way to be grateful for that lesson.
  • Practice gratitude – Learn to be thankful for what you have at any given time. If you feel hopeless, stop, and look around. Find gratitude in the simple things in life. The air smells good. You have running water. You love your cat. Whatever it is, you will start to feel better and happier almost instantly. Practicing gratitude is a great exercise to bring positivity and perspective to your world. Try writing down three positive lessons you learned each evening before bed in your journal.
  • Know your purpose – Give yourself time to figure out what you want to do with your time and what your purpose is. What do you enjoy doing, and what makes you truly happy? Is there something that you can’t wait to get up to do, or is it hard to go to sleep because you just want to keep doing that thing? Explore that more and start doing more of what makes you feel good.
  • You can be sad while being happy – It is essential to understand that the feelings of happiness and sadness can be experienced at the same time. You could be sad about a situation you are going through while being overwhelmingly happy about a different situation you are in that maybe you wouldn’t even be in the first place if the other situation didn’t happen.
  • Try to choose happiness – Any time you make the conscious effort to choose to be happy, you’ll find that life is much more enjoyable. If you find yourself being sad too often, take a step back and say, “I am going to be happy right now” and do it. Let go of whatever it may be that is making you unhappy, you can’t change it right this minute anyway, so move forward.
  • Know your life goals and destiny – Keep on this path no matter what. Achieving your goals and continuing on the road that is taking you to your goals will keep you happy no matter how many obstacles get in the way. Just keep going on as you jump right over each burden and pick yourself back up each time.
  • Do more fun things – Don’t wait around for fun things to happen to you. Make them happen. What do you enjoy doing the most? Figure it out and do it, and don’t be afraid to do it alone or to invite people to do it with you. It is okay to do things alone, but it is also ok to do something because you want to and have those you love to experience it with you.

Working towards happiness may not seem easy, but it can be done if you follow these tips. Don’t let negative feelings control you. Actively work on learning the lessons you are supposed to be learning in life so that you can experience true happiness.

How to Sleep Better Even When You’re Anxious

How to Sleep Better Even When You’re Anxious

If you struggle with an anxiety disorder or are feeling anxious lately, then it is likely you are also struggling with sleep. This is unfortunate because sleep affects everything in your daily life, physically and mentally.

Research shows that if you don’t get adequate amounts of sleep, it can lead to weight gain, depression, and a weak immune system. Therefore, it is imperative to get sleep every night.  To ensure that you can sleep at night, try these tips for sleeping better even when you’re anxious.

Eat Plants

Cut out the simple carbohydrates and artificial ingredients and preservatives. Stick to a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. The cleaner the diet, the more you can be sure your diet is not making you anxious. You may also experience other positives, such as weight management and improved health.

Drink Enough Water

Drinking water is a soothing task and crucial for overall health. Being dehydrated can make symptoms of anxiety worse. Research suggests that you should drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water a day.

Skip Caffeine

Caffeine is known to make anxiety worse and can be found in many foods and beverages besides coffee. Make sure you switch anything you drink to water to be on the safe side to avoid making it any worse. A proper diet and exercise routine, as well as staying hydrated, can leave you feeling energized throughout your day to where you won't even notice you didn’t drink coffee.

Side note: I personally sleep like a baby ever since I started taking cbd oil  and I highly recommend you try it !

cbd oil for better sleep

Exercise Daily

Allow endorphins to flow through your body and cause a sense of relaxation through exercising. Exercising is known to release chemicals that make you feel good such as endorphins, which is why it is excellent for stress and anxiety relief. Make sure you do your exercises in the morning so that by the time you are done for the day, you are even more tired before you go to bed. If you exercise right before bed, believe it or not, you may get a boost of unneeded energy, so keep it for the morning time or the 3 in the afternoon energy slump.

Eliminate Lights and Screens

Before you go to bed, make sure you get rid of all lights and screens from cell phones, computers, or TVs. Make sure your cell phone is far away and not within reach. Lights of any kind are a distraction, and your mind may believe its daylight no matter what time it is. Start with 30 minutes before bed, and if that doesn’t work, keep stopping this activity sooner until your body gets it.

Journal Your Issues

A great way to rid of stress is by finding out what is causing it and then seeing how you can combat the cause to make the stress away. Any time you feel anxiety rearing its head, write down what you are thinking and feeling. Then see if there are things you can do to fix it, set up a plan to make it happen. Maybe you are feeling anxious because you forgot to pay a bill. If you have the money, get up for a second and pay that bill so you can get to sleep.

 As with anything, there is a solution to the problem if you work for it. Don’t let being anxious ruin your sleep. Follow these tips, and you will be sleeping soundly in no time.

Want to turn overwhelming stress into deep inner peace?

With the state the world is in right now, stress and anxiety levels are at an all-time high.

And it may be compromising your immune system, your mental sharpness and your emotional balance.

In fact, up to 50% of all hospitalizations in America alone is due to stress-related issues and illnesses.

So if you’re in need for some stress-relief that actually works, then Mindvalley’s newest Masterclass with one of the world’s most sought-after hypnotherapists Paul McKenna is a must-watch.

In it, you’ll discover scientifically validated techniques designed to put you into a state of deep, restful calm in a matter of minutes.

Want to turn overwhelming stress into deep inner peace?

Join this free session today By clicking the button here-below

Gut Health and Your Immune System

Gut Health and Your Immune System

One of the best things that you can do to help your body stay health is to make sure that
your immune system gets a boost. To get started, you can check your gut health to
ensure that it’s at a level where it needs to be.

How Your Gut Health Plays a Role in Your Immune System

Gut health is something that means keeping the right number of and the right kind of
bacteria that you have in your digestive system. When you do have everything within
balance, you’ll not only feel better, but you’ll be healthier because the gut bacteria can
help to enable your immune system to fight off things such as inflammation.
Though it might seem like a strange concept to some people, you really are what you
eat. Scientists have proven that there is a definite link between your gut health and how
well your immune system fares.

When your gut is healthy, your immune system benefits from that. When it’s not, then
your immune system just doesn’t work as well. There have been numerous studies
done on the relationship between the bacteria in your gut and the condition of the
immune system.

Poor gut health equals a weaker immune response. These same studies have shown
that by improving your gut health, you can increase the bacteria that’s in your gut, which
is what your body needs to fight infections off.

Having plenty of this bacteria is what triggers the boost to your immune system, which
in return helps your overall health. Plus, it works to help reduce bigger health issues.
For example, by boosting your gut health, you can also keep certain illnesses and
diseases from happening to you or, you can improve the degree to which they affect

This might be a condition such as diabetes and certain cancers like colon cancer. Many
people don’t really understand gut health, much less how powerful it can be. But taking
care of your gut is one of the most effective health steps you can take to fight back
against serious viruses.

You might not think enough in a big picture way regarding your gut health. You might
think that you have a little bacteria in your gut, but the number is actually in the trillions.
These little guys are known as microbiota, but used to be more widely acknowledged as
gut flora.

There are good guys and there are bad guys at play. Some of the microbiota are good
for you and help your body while others, the bad kind of bacteria, not so much. When
the good bacteria is depleted, then everything gets kicked out of balance.....

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One of the best things that you can do to help your body stay healthy is to make sure that your immune system gets a boost.

To get started, you can check your gut health to ensure that it’s at a level where it needs to be.

4 Fun Ways To Get Off The Couch

4 Fun Ways To Get Off The Couch

I don’t need to spend any significant amount of time harping on the importance of physical activity and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. You are probably well aware that, without physical activity, you will not enjoy the maximum quality of life otherwise available.

Here’s the thing though, most advice pertaining to getting off of your couch and getting moving is all about getting into the gym and pumping iron. Every fitness plan promises to “build this amount of muscle” or “melt away this number of pounds in no time.” While you probably do not mind the idea of either of these things, the odds of you sticking to something you do not enjoy long enough to reap any benefits is slim to none.

Exercise does not have to be the primary variable in a situation. Although intense, focused workouts are certainly more challenging and probably beneficial, any time you get your body moving for an extended period of time, you are exercising.

The focus of this article will be to discuss four ways that you may not have considered that will cause you to get out of the house and get your body moving the way it was intended!

Try Your Hand At Martial Arts

If I asked you to describe some of your favorite movie scenes of all time, I can bet that at least some of them would involve action packed scenarios involving your favorite good guy engaged in hand-to-hand combat with their evil nemesis. These choreographed movements are certainly fun to watch, and you may have never even considered that these are real movements, taught at a real close, probably REALLY close to your home.

Martial arts gyms are really starting to pop up all over the place as sports like the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championships) and fitness in general are gaining traction.

The great thing about going straight from your couch to a local gym is that, in whatever gym teaching any of the various forms of martial arts you find your way into, no one is going to judge you. As a practice, martial arts is a sacred, inclusive form of training in which you will commonly find people of many levels of expertise training alongside one another.

Visit Your Local Driving Range

The truth is golf is really hard. You are very unlikely to hop straight from the sofa to the tee box and perform like a pro. However, for the sake of getting outside and moving around, the driving range can be a lot of fun even if you happen to be horrible at golf.

Whether you go alone or by yourself with a group of friends at a similar skill level, something about a pretty day and a bucket of cheap golf balls really sets a nice tone. Most driving ranges even have clubs available for you to rent, should you show up not even slightly equipped for golf.

I can guarantee that as you hack away at your allotted range balls, you will have a good time, even if most of the balls don’t travel more than a few feet. I will also assure you that you will notice you have been moving. Swinging a golf club, especially for the number of repetitions required to empty a container of driving range balls, will cause even the seasoned fitness junkie to break a sweat.

Experience Your Local Downtown

If you are like most people, your weekly outings regarding where you get the things you need is literal clockwork. If you were to trace your weekly route on a map and compare it week by week throughout the year, you would probably find yourself with one solid, overlapping shape.

A fantastic way to get off the couch and get moving is to check out your local downtown. The great thing about these places is that new small businesses tend to pop up all the time, helping with the monotony of your trips to the local supermarket.

In the way of physical activity, most downtown markets require you to park your car and then go from store to store on foot. This forces you to avoid finding the closest parking spot to the door at the grocery store, navigating aisles with pinpoint accuracy and getting back to your car with as little wasted steps as possible!

Sign Up For A City League Sport

If you live in an area with even a relatively decent population size, there are probably city-sponsored athletics events available to you. These usually include sports like softball and basketball, but larger cities often offer a much greater array of athletics.

A great thing about these types of leagues is that they are very welcoming and usually scaled to the level of intensity you are looking. Within each sport, there will usually be several divisions or “leagues” that offer a different level of competition, so you are able to find the one that works for you.

City league sports are a fantastic way to get moving, and possibly even make new friends (further increasing your odds of getting off of the couch).

Why Is Gut Health So Important?

Sports nutritionist Dr. Stacy Sims explains the far-reaching impact of gut health

There has been a lot of robust literature examining the effects of gut bacteria on our general health and wellbeing, mood, and even athletic performance. Our gut bacteria produce metabolites from the food that we eat and—in turn—go on to impact many of the hormonal responses that happen within our bodies. The variation of the bacteria that comprise our gut can modulate what’s happening to our central nervous system, our immune system, how we respond and adapt to training, and of course, our mood.  

Two major groups, Bacteroides and Firmicutes, make up most of the human gut microbiome and are the two that are most directly involved with body composition and inflammation. Most studies have shown that the more Bacteroidetes you have (compared to your Firmicutes), the leaner you will be and the less issues you will have with inflammation. We can alter the ratios to some extent by the foods we eat and the exercise we do, but by the time we reach the age of three our gut microbiome is largely determined (due to environment, type of birth, breastfeeding, and genetics). We also know that the more diverse the gut microbiome is, then the leaner individuals are and the more stable their autonomic nervous system is (e.g. heart rate variability, digestion). 

Part of the benefit of moderate exercise is increasing that diversity of bacteria. When you’re exercising on a regular basis and reducing the oxygen and increasing the heat that goes to the gut, you are creating an environment that allows some bacteria to grow and stunts the growth of others. ..;

Read on here:

Click below for the best Gut health supplement out there!

How to Find More Motivation to Eat Right

How to Find More Motivation to Eat Right

To eat right means to eat a well-balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, and protein needed for your body to run at its best. The goal of eating right is, most of the time, to live an overall healthier life.

Eating right and healthy for your needs can seem like an impossible task as all the wrong foods seem to taste the best.

However, following a routine and knowing how to eat right can make the challenge a little easier, so keep educating yourself. The main thing you need to do it is to find the motivation to do it. Motivation comes from education and understanding your reasons for doing it in the first place.

  • Know your why – You must first know why you want to eat better. Is your reason to be healthier overall, to lose weight, fix a nutrition deficiency, or something else? Write down your reasons for eating better and put it somewhere that you will see every day. This way, you have a reminder, especially if you are eating certain foods that may not bring you too much joy.
  • Try new and fun recipes – Search YouTube and Google for fun and easy healthy recipes. You do not need to eat the same boring food every day to be healthy. There are plenty of easy, nutritional, and fun recipes a try. Plus, it can be fun to try something new and different.
  • Establish a routine – Routines are a great way to stay motivated because it provides a clear path for success each day. Write down what you plan on eating each day and follow it. If the food you choose is healthy and you eat the number of calories you need, you’ll succeed.
  • Be forgiving – Forgive yourself if you happen to fail. Ultimately you will fail because you are human. Take that failure and learn from it and then move on. The more you focus on your failures, the more you waste time, and ultimately the more you will set yourself back, so don’t fall into the trap.  Just start fresh right after you slip.
  • Do it with a friend or loved one – Sometimes a healthy challenge with a loved one or friend can be a great motivator to eat right. Set a goal with a friend or even challenge or spouse to eat more veggies, drink more water, and move more with you for the next 30 days. See who makes it and then reward the winner.
  • Put money on it – If all else fails, sometimes money can be a great motivator. There are plenty of websites or apps such as that make this even easier and fun. You can also win money. On  you join a weight loss challenge of losing 4% of your body weight, put in a certain amount of money, and if you get to your goal weight, you and the other winners get to split the pot of cash. How fun is that?

If you do the work to eat right, realizing it doesn’t have to taste bad or be boring, you won’t fail. You may have mishaps along the way, but you are only human, and it is bound to happen, so pick yourself back up and keep going.

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