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Staying in Shape – 5 Tips For Gym Memberships

Going to the gym is one of the best ways to stay motivated to keep fit. However, a gym membership can be notoriously expensive.

If you don’t have the funds to pay for a gym membership, there are ways to save money on the cost. Here, you’ll discover some of the best ways to get the best possible gym membership deal.

Look for Pay-as-You-Go Deals

Did you know gyms have started to introduce a “pay as you go” system? This means that instead of paying for a full year’s gym membership, you simply pay for what you use.

If you plan on going to the gym every day, this might not work out as more cost effective. However, if you find that you often skip the gym during certain times of the year, a pay-as-you-go membership may be a much better value deal for you.

Avoid Sign-Up Fees

Did you know you don’t have to pay a gym sign-up fee? Most of the best gyms have completely scrapped their joining fees now. That being said, some do still charge them. So, to save money, it’s best to look for gyms which offer memberships without sign-up fees included....

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Staying in Shape – Using Youtube To Exercise

If you’re looking to keep fit, you don’t have to step foot inside a gym if you don’t want to. Whether you are maintaining social distancing or you simply want to exercise at home, there are lots of affordable options available to you.

YouTube exercise videos are proving particularly popular for keeping fit at home. While some are offered as part of a paid membership, others are completely free. Here, you’ll discover more about exercising with YouTube videos and the top things to keep in mind.

What Types of Exercises Can You Do?

You’ll find videos covering practically every type of exercise on YouTube. Whether you fancy trying a yoga session or you’re looking for a great cardio workout, you’ll find it on this popular social media platform.

 There are videos to suit all abilities, from beginners through to advanced. So, whatever your fitness level, you’ll easily find a workout you can do on YouTube.

The Benefits of YouTube Exercise Videos

There are a lot of benefits of working out using YouTube videos. First of all, they are totally free. This makes it easy for those on a budget to stay fit. You’ll find hundreds of free workouts you can partake in.

The variety of exercises on offer is another advantage. You can stick to what you know and love, or you could opt for something totally different. Maybe you’ve wanted to try a specific type of exercise but you’re not sure if it’s for you. Following a free YouTube video can help you determine whether you enjoy the different type of exercise....

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Staying in Shape – Being Purposeful While Exercising

Looking to keep fit and do some good along the way? Exercise through volunteering is a great idea for those who struggle to motivate themselves to get fit. By taking on a project that involves some level of activity, you’ll get to exercise without even thinking about it.

So, what types of volunteer work can you do that can help with your fitness goals? Below, you’ll discover some great volunteering projects that combine doing good with keeping fit.

Volunteer Firefighter

If you want to do some real good while keeping fit, why not become a volunteer firefighter? This will require a good level of fitness and training to get into. However, you’ll get to help save lives while keeping fit.

You’ll find rural fire departments are particularly in need of volunteers. There will usually be a set number of hours you’ll need to provide each week. It won’t be for everyone but if you need a tough challenge and want to really help people, a volunteer firefighter position is ideal.

Physical Outdoor Jobs

Another option is to take on a physical outdoor volunteer placement. You’ll find hundreds of options here, helping to get you out into nature while keeping fit.

A great idea is to help build and improve trails. You’ll find thousands of miles of trails across the US are in need of improvement. All you have to do is visit your local state or national park to see what help they need.

Other outdoor physical volunteering jobs you can take on include gardening projects, building and clean-up projects....

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Staying in Shape – Free Exercises To Enjoy With The Family

You don’t have to spend a fortune trying to keep the family fit and healthy. While paid classes and gyms can be highly effective, there are plenty of free options available you can utilize.

If you’re looking to stay fit and healthy with the family, below you’ll discover some great exercise ideas you can do for free.

Go for a Walk

One of the best forms of free family exercise is to go for a walk together. Whether it’s a walk to your local park or whether you drive to a beauty spot and walk there, you’ll have a lot of different route options to choose from.

Going for a walk doesn’t just ensure you and the family get the exercise you need, but it also has great mental health benefits. Exercising outdoors is great for the mind and body.

Family Bootcamp

If you’re looking for something a little more intensive, why not set up your own family bootcamp? You can either create a set routine of exercises the family has to follow, or you can set up an assault course.

You can use all kinds of items lying around the home to create an indoor or outdoor circuit. Tailor the exercises to fit the age range of your kids and see how much fun everyone has. This is a particularly great form of free exercise for those who are competitive. Adding a competition element ensures everyone does their best with each exercise they perform....

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Best apps and courses on mindful eating

If you're on a mindful eating program, there are numerous eating apps and courses available to help you. Eating mindfully simply means that you choose to eat with awareness instead of eating without thinking. By eating more mindfully, you can avoid overeating while also enjoying normal food.

* Headspace – This is a website all about meditation and being mindful. They have a great mindful eating pack. It includes a mindful eating meditation series and other information and lessons to help you learn to eat more mindfully. You can also get the Headspace Diet book on Amazon.

Book -

* In the Moment – This mindful eating tracker will help you improve your body awareness. It will guide you to make better food choices by giving you options. Plus, it gives you ideas for practicing decision making and living your entire life mindfully.
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8 tips about mindful eating with children

One of the best things you can teach your children is to enjoy all aspects of their life in a mindful way. Mindful eating is just another way of saying that you focus on what you're experiencing right now in terms of your meal. These mindfulness lessons can begin by practicing mindful eating with children.

* No Screens at the Table – Don't bring your devices to the table and don't let them bring theirs. More than likely if you simply never do it, they won't even try to do it either. If you set up meals as important and part of the family life together, it'll become a healthy habit that you all stick to and enjoy.

* Turn Off the TV – It doesn't help to turn off the devices if you turn on the television instead. It is nice to enjoy shows with the family, but there is no reason today to turn it on during dinnertime. Today you can record and watch any show later. Keep mealtimes for meals and catching up.

* Turn the Music Down – Having some background music on can set the mood, but keep it low enough that you can enjoy good family time conversation. Give time for each child and adult to tell something about their day.

* Get Everyone to Help Plan and Prepare – When everyone has a part in planning and preparing meals, it makes it a lot easier for the parents to get it going, but also makes it more enjoyable and important to the kids. Even a first grader can set the table...

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8 tips to consider when having a busy life

If you're a super-busy person or you are going through a busier time than normal, you may wonder how in the world you can find the time to eat mindfully. However, you can. The thing is, we make time for the things that are important to us. If eating mindfully is important to you, you'll set your life up so that you can do it.

Start and End the Day with Relaxation

One thing about mindfulness that is needed is a sign or a practice to help you get ready for the day and to help you wind down so that you can sleep well at night. Luckily, relaxation can serve both purposes. It's all about how you think about it. What's more, you only need to set aside five to ten minutes each time.

Make Nutrition Important

We tend to pay attention to what is important to us. Sadly, because health issues take a while to show up, we tend to put nutrition on the back burner. This is a big mistake. Make nutrient just as important as brushing your teeth before bed, so that you actually make time for it.

Savor Your Food

Schedule in enough time to eat meals where you can savor your food. Every meal should take at least 20 minutes to eat. Setting aside enough time to eat the food in a way that makes it pleasurable and enjoyable is important for mindfulness even when you're busy...

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8 tips about mindful eating when eating out

One of the most difficult things for some people when it comes to eating mindfully is to be mindful even when they are eating out. Many people have no choice but to eat out due to work but just as many people enjoy eating out, and you should get to enjoy it too. You can eat out without ruining your health while eating mindfully.

* Research the Destination First – Go online and look at the menu before you go if you've never gone before. If you are part of the planning, make sure to pick a place that has good food cooked from scratch that can be adjusted to anyone's needs.

* Order as Planned – Using the information you gathered by looking at the menu online, you can choose what to order before you even go. You can also call them to find out if you can change anything to customize an order. At most from-scratch kitchens, this is possible.

* Ask for a To-Go Box Right Away – Most restaurants serve very large portions. Some of the portions are enough for four people. A serving size of pasta is about the size of a tennis ball. Put the extra away so that you only leave the right amount of food on your plate. Remember, you can get more.

* Check Your Hunger Level Often – Before you get to the place, and while you're eating, periodically check your hunger level. Don't keep shoving food in while you're talking just because it's there. Consciously check your hunger and push the food away from your research when you're done so you can focus on the others...

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Imagine the perfect home massage!

The truMedic MagicHands™ truShiatsu™ Neck and Back Massager with Heat is our most advanced, high-performance massage unit yet.

This massager is designed with a patent-pending mechanism that is made to recreate the touch of a professional masseuse.

 It delivers a powerful massage that is so lifelike, you will believe it is coming from a set of human hands!

 It has four massage nodes that each act as their own “thumb” to deliver effective shiatsu massage therapy.

 It also comes with heat functionality to relieve deep soreness effectively.

Fashion-Forward Design
Four Deep-Kneading Nodes
Customize Your Massage
Breathable Mesh Covering

 The truMedic MagicHands™ truShiatsu™ Neck and Back Massager with Heat is your own personal, deep-tissue massage therapist.
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