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How Poor Sleep Causes You to Gain Weight

How Poor Sleep Causes You to Gain Weight

There are signs that you might be experiencing poor sleep. One of these signs is if it takes you awhile to fall asleep after you to go to bed. You might have something on your mind or it could be that the sleep conditions are just off.

Your room might be too warm, or you might have done something that caused you to be too alert before bed. If you wake up repeatedly through the night, that’s another sign that you’re experiencing poor sleep.

If you wake up and can’t get back to sleep in the middle of your sleep cycle, that’s another sign. The reason that this can cause you to gain weight is because when you don’t get the right amount of sleep, your body doesn’t get the energy it needs.

So you feel the drive to gain that energy somehow in order to get through your day. What you end up doing is downing caffeine and junk food to give yourself a boost. This sugary snack does give you energy and you feel like you’re able to function.

But then that energy, because it’s not long lasting, will always leave you feeling even more depleted. So because you’re tired, the only thing you want to do after work is get home and chill on the sofa in front of the television.

Because you’re feeling so tired, you probably aren’t feeling up to cooking something healthy or nutritious, so you either order takeout, get something on the way home or just snack instead of eating a meal.....

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Why You May Not Be Getting the Great Sleep You Think You Are

Why You May Not Be Getting the Great Sleep You Think You Are

You might be someone who really tries to practice good sleep habits. You don’t watch anything stimulating right before bed. You avoid caffeine in the afternoon, so it doesn’t affect your sleep.

You work to keep your sleeping environment clean and peaceful. You have a good mattress and comfortable blankets. In other words, you’re doing everything right - including going to bed at a decent hour and staying there for a full 8 hours.

On the surface, all might look well, but that doesn’t mean that you’ve actually achieved a good rest, because good sleep isn’t defined by the number of hours you’re in bed. Instead, it all has to do with the level of sleep that you were able to achieve.

You need to know what these levels are because these can impact your weight. When you sleep, you don’t sleep in one continual cycle. Your sleep is broken up by stages. In a beneficial sleep cycle, you progress through the stages without waking up.

Though there are four widely recognized stages of sleep, you can have more. Your sleep cycles will vary by the number of minutes. Each cycle can have a differing duration, depending on things such as what you ate or drank before bed, whether you’re young or old and the state of your health. ....

How Sleep Affects Your Weight

How Sleep Affects Your Weight

There are many times when you may have a strong desire to lose weight and you believe you’re doing everything you can to achieve your goal. But you could accidentally be undermining your efforts.

Most people who commit to implementing a weight loss regimen focus on the obvious things that could be causing weight gain or preventing weight loss. That includes things like eating too many calories or not exercising enough.

But there’s a sneaky saboteur that might be one of the biggest obstacles thwarting your weight loss success. When sleep is evasive and you’re left struggling for enough energy and alertness to get through your day, it changes how you use food in your everyday life.

Instead of using it to nourish your body, your body sends out alarms that energy is lacking. It creates strong cravings for the crutches that can help you get through the day, like sugar and caffeine.....

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Use the Resurge Supplement to Fix Your Sleep and Help You Lose Weight

Use the Resurge Supplement to Fix Your Sleep and Help You Lose Weight

If you’re like many people, you might know the importance of getting the right amount of sleep. You might have tried over and over again but you keep losing the right amount of shut eye.

Nothing you’ve tried is working. That’s why you might need to take a supplement to fix your sleep. Doing this, getting the sleep that you need, can help you lose the weight you want to take off.

One supplement that can help is called Resurge and it contains only 8 ingredients that are all natural, so it’s holistic in nature. You won’t have to worry about any weird chemicals that harm, rather than help your body.

Among the list of ingredients in the supplement is magnesium. This mineral will boost energy and help make it easier for you to get up in the mornings. It also contains zinc. While zinc has many health benefits, including boosting the immune system, it also works to boost weight loss.

It does this by fighting insulin resistance and helping with thyroid function. The supplement works to help you burn fat and boost your metabolism at the same time. In addition to this, it also works to fix your sleep problem.

By giving you a metabolism boost, you can regain the energy you’ve lost, which will improve cognitive alertness lost from a lack of sleep. When you have the right amount of energy, you’ll make better life choices when it comes to your food choices.

The natural ingredients in the supplement help you sleep - but not just any sleep. You can get the kind of good sleep that’s beneficial for your body. This type of sleep can help you control your hunger levels.

Once you get your sleep back on the right track, you’ll be able to enjoy all of the other benefits. When you wake up, you’ll notice that you feel energized and more refreshed.
Another key benefit to taking this supplement is that it works to fight leptin resistance.

Leptin is the hormone that helps you keep the weight off because it signals the brain that you’ve had enough food. In people with too much weight, this signal is often left unheard.

Restoring the connection between leptin and weight loss is just one of the many benefits that Resurge offers. Thanks to the supplement, you’ll be able to restore sleep, and get rid of the extra fat that contributes to an unhealthy lifestyle.

When you first recognize that there’s an ongoing issue with your sleep not being optimal, you’ll quickly begin to notice how much it’s affecting your life in so many ways. It doesn’t just cause you to pack on the pounds.

Sleep loss impacts your mood, too. You might find yourself grumpy and irritable – forgetful or emotional. Since many people eat due to a rollercoaster of emotions, this simple change in your life will usher in a new era for you – one filled with mindfulness and peace when it comes to eating.

Even if you think you’re probably getting plenty of sleep, it never hurts to polish up your sleep routine, upgrade the sleep hygiene you surround yourself with, and give your body the restorative rest it needs to support you in everything that you do.

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Transform Your Anger into Compassion

Transform Your Anger into Compassion

Compassion allows the world to continue a little easier and happier. It is vital to the success of any nation and person looking to live a happier and more fulling life. This is because life is crazy, unpredictable, and challenging. The way your response can create more challenges or easy life struggles just a little bit. Therefore, it's vital to transform your anger or any energy into compassion.

Identify Your Fears or Triggers

What is causing the anger? Are there certain situations, habits, or things that cause your anger? Take the time to evaluative your behavior and your surroundings. Take note of your environment, the people you are with, and the actions you are doing at any given point. This way, when you start to feel that negative energy, you can outline the causes.

Anger is often associated with fear. Including fear of failure, success, judgment, trying new things, and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Once you identify the fear and the cause or trigger, you can create a plan of action to make the changes needed. Gaining knowledge about yourself and understanding the fear is your key to success.

Be More Mindful

To take notice of your triggers, you need to be more mindful of them. In other words, you need to live with intent and know the purpose for every action you make. The more mindful you are, the better you recognize emotional triggers, the easier it is to control and change the emotion and your response. You can easier highlight your triggers and develop strategies to avoid or cope with them.

Find the Positivity

When you start to feel angry, train yourself to find the silver lining instead of dwelling on the emotion. Don’t let anger continue to ruin your day. Stop it in its tracks. Out of every failure or success is a lesson to be learned or a new experience to participate in that furthers you as an individual.

Experience Your Feelings

Don’t ignore your anger. Acknowledge the feeling and control it to understand it fully. Just don’t let it cloud your judgment. Be respectful to others and walk away. Your troubles are no one else's responsibilities but your own. Even if someone is disrespectful to you, you never stoop to their level.

It only makes the situation worse and furthers your anger. However, giving yourself a short moment to feel your anger gives you the ability to stop it before it further ruins your day. Instead of continuously pushing it away and creating stress throughout your day, you find a solution and stop it, allowing you to relieve unnecessary stress and be more compassionate.

To live a life full of successful and happiness, you must control your anger and replace it with compassion and positive behaviors. Be mindful of your emotions, as well as how your words and actions make others feel. Put yourself in the other person’s position and ask yourself how you would want to be treated.

Find Motivation to Meditate

Find Motivation to Meditate

Meditation is a healthy habit to adopt that can destress and relax your mind and body. It develops mindfulness skills, increases your self-confidence, and focus on achieving your goals and living a happier life. Below are a few more ways to find the motivation to meditate.

Understand Your Why

Why do you want to meditate in the first place? Highlight these reasons and fully understand them. Do you want to meditate for yourself or someone else? Will meditation provide you the value or happiness you are looking for? Whatever it may be, write it down and visualize it. Make it obvious and use it as a reminder.

List the Benefits to Meditation

Ask yourself, "What benefits does meditation provide me?" Make the benefits evident and personal. You can go a step beyond by developing a reward system to keep you accountable. Creating more benefits as you go along your meditation journey.

Outline Your Obstacles

What is keeping you from meditating? Be honest and take the time to answer this question truthfully. It's easy to create obstacles that are not there or make them up to prevent you from being successful. This often leads to the fear of success and is something you genuinely need to take the time to reflect and dissect to combat.

Learn to Schedule Your Time Better

Always schedule a time to meditate. There is plenty of time in the day, no matter how busy you think you are. It merely comes down to proper time management skills. Using a schedule and ensuring you block out enough time for every task you do, including meditation, provides the foundation to better use your time. You don't need a lot of time to get started, add five minutes to your morning or evening routine, or split the difference.

Find A Community

Studies show that being with more like-minded people helps you achieve your goals. The community keeps you on track and prevents you from being distracted. It is easy to stay motivated and focused if everyone around you is on the same path. Join Facebook groups, other online forums like Reddit or find local events and clubs to find your people and collaborate.

As you can see, finding motivation takes work and is personal. You can't expect it to come to you. You must find the motivation to meditate and then use it to your advantage.

7 simple tips for a healthier diet-Tip #7-Avoid toxic trans fats

7 simple tips for a healthier diet-Tip #7-Avoid toxic trans fats

First off, it's crucial to really digest the following fact, which has been conclusively confirmed by a wealth of research: trans fats are a recipe for a health disaster. Translate that into heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, out-of-control cholesterol levels, diabetes, and severe obesity. These are some but by no means all of the health risks associated with these toxic fats.

What are trans fats?

Trans fats are a by-product of hydrogenation, a process that transforms healthy fats into solids to prevent them from going bad. Trans fats have become extremely popular in the food industry because they're easy to produce, the process is cheap and they last longer without going rancid. Trans fats also add flavor to foods and make them tastier.

Why trans fats are dangerous

The scary thing is that trans fats have absolutely no health benefits whatsoever so you are virtually consuming nothing more than empty calories. But worse than that, there's no safe level for the consumption of trans fats, meaning that even the smallest amount is unhealthy. The bottom line is that trans fats are totally toxic, even in the smallest amounts....

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Naturally Occurring Probiotics in Your Food

Naturally Occurring Probiotics in Your Food

You can change your diet to include probiotics through the foods that you eat. The easiest way to get this help for your digestive system is to include plenty of fermented foods.

Fermentation is what happens when foods are broken down and changed by a natural process. It’s been used for many years as a way to preserve food. During fermentation, bacteria that’s good for your gut develops.

You also get the benefit of things like helpful fatty acids. Some beverages also go through the fermentation process, but you have to make sure that the probiotics aren’t taken out - as happens with certain alcoholic beverages.

When food is fermented, it goes from one state to the next. If you take fresh cucumbers and ferment them, the fermentation process will turn them into pickles. These have probiotics and are easy to add to your diet.

Most people recognize the stronger fermented foods such as sauerkraut. This food is simply cabbage that’s been allowed to go through the fermentation process. The process for this food can take anywhere from 3 days to longer than a week.

Cabbage is also used to make kimchi, which is a spicy Korean dish that’s packed with probiotics once it ferments. Dairy foods can become fermented probiotic rich foods. There are many types of cheese that are fermented and contain probiotics, but not all cheeses will.

Some of the ones that do have probiotics including mozzarella and cheddar. You can ferment to produce soft cheeses such as cream cheese or cottage cheese. Another dairy product that can be fermented is milk....

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Tips on Taking Probiotics to Shed Pounds

Tips on Taking Probiotics to Shed Pounds

One of the many reasons that probiotics are good for weight loss has to do with your gut bacteria. You might think that gut bacteria is the same all across the board. Assuming that thin people have the same type of bacteria as obese people is a common misunderstanding.

The truth is that when you’re overweight, your gut bacteria changes. These extra pounds can cause you to have more of a certain type of bacteria than you normally would.

When the ratio favors the bad bacteria, you gain weight. When the ratio is right, you lose. But getting it right isn’t something that you can wish into existence. You have to take steps to change the ratio and that’s why you need probiotics.

These can eliminate the overgrowth of bad gut bacteria and help good bacteria flourish. There are different ways to get the probiotics that your body needs. If you want to shed pounds quickly, you can practice extreme dieting.

That carries health risks, though, and isn’t recommended by doctors. You can also jump into exercising, but if you overdo that, an injury is going to sideline you and that’ll take a toll on you mentally....

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Probiotics Fight Inflammation That Worsens Obesity

Probiotics Fight Inflammation That Worsens Obesity

Inflammation is something that many people have. Some know they have bouts of inflammation or chronic inflammation, while others aren’t even aware that this is going on within their body.

When you have inflammation, it can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and more. But more than that, it can also worsen obesity. Then your health becomes part of a cycle.

Inflammation worsens obesity and in turn obesity worsens inflammation. Finding a way to fight this inflammation is a lot easier than it looks. Probiotics can fight inflammation that worsens obesity and makes certain diseases worse.

When you’re carrying more weight than is healthy for you, it can lead to an increase in inflammation markers. The reason probiotics work to help deal with obesity is found in how they affect the way that your body works in relation to food.

But more than that, the foods that you eat will be better used by your body. Probiotics can work to limit the amount of fat that the body is able to absorb. This means that you won’t end up gaining weight because of fat.

As part of this process with probiotics, your body doesn’t use all of the carbs and calories from your daily meals and snacks. Instead, the probiotics cause the digestive system to get rid of what’s not used....

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