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Eliminate Stress Naturally

Eliminate Stress Naturally

Stress is uncomfortable and can ruin anyone's day, week, or even year. It can be the one thing preventing you from being entirely successful and achieve your goals. It may feel awful and hard to avoid, but there are ways to eliminate it.

Go on A Walk or Hike

Get out in nature, soak in the sunlight, and break free from reality and other people. This is the best way to absorb vitamin D that is essential to living a healthy life. Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels is vital for a robust immune system, healthy bones, and a stable mood.

Use Aromatherapy

Light a candle, burn incense, or warm essential oils throughout your day. Aromatherapy is a known stress reliever as it activates feel-good chemicals in your brain. Allowing you to let go for a moment and relax.

Hug or Cuddle It Out

Find a consenting partner to share a hug or cuddle with. Just like aromatherapy, cuddling activates certain hormones that make you happy. Ultimately releasing any pressure, you may feel in the moment.

Get Crafty

Paint, sculpt or draw a picture. Let your imagination run wild and free. Let go of any expectations and create art. If it makes you happy, then you are doing it right. Who cares how the result looks, if you are having fun creating it?

Practice Positive Self-Talk

Stop talking to yourself with a negative tone. You are only doing yourself a disservice by keeping yourself down and demotivated. Any moment you can turn your negative thoughts into positive ones.

The more you tell yourself something, the more likely you will become it, so make sure it's always beneficial. Sure, you will always have moments of self-doubt but don't allow yourself to dwell on it.

Be Alone

While you may think you are a social being, separating yourself from others can be an easy way to destress. Often the people around you can be putting pressure and high expectations without being consciously aware of it. They can also easily affect your mood and desire to continue or finish a task.

Laugh A Lot

Nothing can be better than laughter. View it as a good dose of happiness. It inspires you to seek more and is highly contagious. Even if at first you don't believe it, you will eventually find yourself laughing at yourself. Laughter relaxes your body, releases endorphins, and reduces your cortisol levels being the perfect solution to releasing stress.

The next time life feels stressful, don't allow yourself to feel pity or self-doubt. Give yourself permission to take a break and follow one of these seven ways to eliminate stress naturally. You don't need to allow the stress to get in the way of your success and happiness, but you do need to learn to deal with it since it will always exist.

What is Phone Addiction and How It Affects Us

Phone addiction may sound silly to some readers who
remember a time before smartphones and 5G internet, but it is
a real and serious issue plaguing thousands of people every
single day. Consider another term for phone addiction - this
term is referred to as “nomophobia,” which is the fear of being
without a mobile phone.

This type of addiction is a disorder that involves the compulsive
overuse of mobile devices. These compulsive habits are
typically quantified by the total amount of time that a person is
online within an average day, as well as the total number of
times a person accesses their phone. However, compulsive
overuse is just one facet of phone addiction.

This type of addiction is typically supplemented by concurring
internet addiction. This is when a person cannot control their
urges and behaviors regarding computer use and the internet.
This can lead to someone suffering from psychological distress,
as well as mental and physical impairment.

Worse yet, it is extremely easy for a modern-day person to
become addicted to the internet. At the beginning of the internet revolution in the late twentieth century, the internet
was relatively difficult to access - you had to be technologicallysavvy
to successfully surf the web....

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Preparing Your Life for Micro Mindful Habits

Preparing Your Life for Micro Mindful Habits

Mindfulness is all about living life with intention. Most people never even explore or understand what they want to do. They simply go through each day making quick decisions without careful thought.

Later, they suffer regrets and wish that they’d done things differently. They could have, if they’d slowed down and practiced mindfulness. It might take a little longer as you’re learning how to do it, but once you know how, it becomes a normal part of the process, so it speeds up for you.

Think about your intentions in life for whatever it is you want to improve. Don’t just wake up every day and go to work – think about where you want to be a year from now. Instead of living in a house with a spouse who feels like a roommate, think about your intentions for a healthy marriage and what that looks like.

Know ahead of time what your health goals are, your financial dreams and so on. When you spend a little time mapping out your intentions, it makes the decision-making process easier...

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Small Changes Add Up to Big Results

Small Changes Add Up to Big Results

Some people try to discount micro habits as useless, but these small changes add up to big results if you adhere to them over time. They’re far less intimidating and easier to implement.

Let’s use nutrition improvements as an example. If you want to get healthy or lose weight, you probably dread the overhaul on your diet that you’re used to trying to make. Usually, this extreme change fails miserably.

There’s a better way to implement micro mindful habits with your usual eating routine that will ease you into better health and weight loss without causing you to suffer the shock of a major change.

For example, if you’re trying to eat healthier, you might go to your favorite restaurant and feel the urge to order your traditional meal on impulse. But with a bit of micro mindfulness involved, you’ll be able to look back at how that meal has affected you in the past and what you want to happen in the future.

In the past, the chicken-fried-chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy and casserole sides and a large soft drink has caused you to gain weight. But you love that meal and don’t want to say goodbye to it forever.

Instead of thinking about the need to eat healthier for the rest of your life, which can be disheartening, try going about it in a micro mindful way. Take each day and every meal as a separate and new opportunity to do better.

As you analyze your order, you might feel the tug of wanting to stick with your favorite go-to meal. Instead of forcing yourself to say no from the very beginning, ask yourself what you can do to make the order better... 

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How to treat tooth decay

tooth decay

How to treat tooth decay

Gum disease, tooth decay or bad breath
have nothing to do with how good your oral hygiene is…

But with predatory bacteria buried deep inside your gums, eating at your roots and spreading like a plague to your throat, nose and airways…

And, no matter what your doctor tells you, not even the deepest cleaning treatments can
reach and destroy these bacteria that are tirelessly lurking inside your
mouth even when your teeth seem fine….

But, once you'll find out what you can do about it, not only will you have the power to get rid
of your bleeding gums, bad teeth and bad breath once and for all…

But you’ll also never have to face a dentist for horrifying procedures again…

Because this solution is so simple that you can use it right now in your own home in
less than 60 seconds…

And so incredibly powerful that it has been clinically proven to work regardless of your age,
medical condition or the severity of your tooth decay…

Without you having to spend a single red cent on endless dental treatments, dangerous
chemical-filled medications... painful tartar removal, risky surgeries, or implants.

In fact, this cheap method is so amazing...

That not only did it send shockwaves across the medical establishment...

But many doctors see it as a miraculous key that can unlock gum and teeth rejuvenation…

Yes, I know how incredible this sounds... especially if you've been suffering from tooth decay
and terrible pain thinking there's NO escape whatsoever...

But even if your dentist has crushed your hopes by saying that “it’s too late”, that you're bound to throw all your hard-earned savings on teeth reconstruction and implants….

It's crucial that you stick with me until the very end of my story, because in a few moments....

 Just in case you are about to click away... Let me give you one quick tip:

Avoid sugary foods!

 When bacteria in the mouth break down simple sugars, they produce acids that can erode tooth enamel, opening the door to tooth decay.

Sugary drinks, including soft drinks and fruit drinks, pose a special threat because people tend to sip them, raising acid levels over a long period of time.

And carbonated drinks may make matters worse, since carbonation also increases acidity. Sticky candies are another culprit, because they linger on teeth surfaces.

tooth decay1

Still here? excellent, stay with me...

You'll soon be able to save your teeth and smile with confidence once again.

Just imagine…

No more throbbing pain, no more inflamed, bleeding gums and bad breath…

No more risking serious infections or stuffing yourself with medications hoping the pulsating tooth agony will stop for just one second…

Never having to cover your mouth or feel embarrassed…

Instead eating whatever you want, whenever you want…

Talking, smiling and taking pride in showing your pearly whites….

Being able to kiss your wife or your kids without seeing them turning their heads away…

And never ever having to set foot in a dental office again.

Just like 57,000 other people did. People like…

A Lack of Sleep Causes a Whole Host of Health Problems

A Lack of Sleep Causes a Whole Host of Health Problems

Not getting the sleep that you need can cause many health problems for you. Some of these problems you might see immediately, while some will show up later. When you cheat your body out of sleep, it will eventually have to account for that missing piece of the puzzle.

Not getting the right amount of sleep affects your heart. If you get fewer than 4 hours of sleep every night, the risks of an adverse heart event increases. That might not seem like a big deal, but this increase is nearly 50%.

Without enough sleep, you can develop heart disease and you become closer to having a heart attack or a stroke than you might realize. The fatigue that occurs from a lack of sleep affects the heart where it doesn’t work as well as it should.

Another health problem that occurs with a lack of sleep is an increased risk of cancer. Studies have shown that people who don’t get at least 7 hours of sleep every night experience a significant chance of developing prostate or breast cancer.

The risk of cancer increases when sleep loss is compounded by weight gain. One cancer that’s directly related to weight gain, especially around the abdomen, is colorectal cancer.

This risk is high in both men and women. Obesity is a common side effect of a lack of sleep. When you gain too much weight, this causes fatigue because it puts a strain on your organs - especially your heart....

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How to Be Mindful in the Moment

How to Be Mindful in the Moment

When you’re living life as usual, it’s sometimes hard to even remember to be mindful at that moment. The way most people live today, they’re multitasking – on their phone, handling texts or emails as they’re sitting down at a restaurant or working on something at their job.

The first thing you want to do is remind yourself periodically to be attentive and tuned in to what you’re engaging in. You may even need to set little alarms once an hour to check in with yourself until it becomes an automated habit.

Once you go into mindfulness mode, take a deep breath and clear your thoughts of everything but the task at hand. You want to use all of your senses and allow any emotions to flow through you without trying to stifle them.

Before trying to make any kind of decision, be observant about your feelings and what you see or are experiencing at that time. Don’t make judgments about them, such as feeling stupid for having a certain reaction... 

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Mindful Living Is the Antidote to Overwhelm

Mindful Living Is the Antidote to Overwhelm

Change is hard, regardless of what area of your life you’re focusing on. When you’re used to doing things a certain way, and have ingrained and automated habits that guide you, it can be difficult to pull away from them.

The good news is that what you’ve been doing, you probably do without giving it much thought. So any bit of attention you give to an issue you want to resolve will allow you to make new decisions based on past experiences and results.

Mindfulness is a concept that might make you feel unnerved in the beginning. There are many things we do out of comfort automatically so that we don’t have to feel guilty or bad about our choices.

When you’re being mindful about something, it means you’re focused on it and applying common sense and thoughtful consideration to your options. You’re looking realistically at what results you’ll get if you make one decision over another... 

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Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Sleep

Don't Underestimate the Importance of Sleep

Sleep, or rather the lack of it, has become a punchline for many jokes. You may have seen skits on television, online memes or articles where someone mentions they run on caffeine or some other stimulant rather than sleep.

You might be someone who does that in your own life. Maybe not getting sleep is something that you’ve minimized as not a high priority. Sometimes you even brag that you’re able to function on just a few hours of sleep.

Going for days without getting the rest you need might even be something you feel a little bit proud of - like you’ve gained extra time over those who do sleep for eight hours every night like clockwork.

Some people turn to other substances in an effort to give themselves energy that they lose from missing out on sleep. One of these things is caffeine drinks. They’ll down a few of these and get jolted enough to be able to function for a few hours or even days.

The problem is that losing sleep isn’t a joking matter. When you lose sleep, even if you don’t feel it, the missed opportunity is causing problems. When you lose sleep, several things happen.

It begins with you struggling with your cognitive skills. You’ll have issues with your ability to make wise decisions. Having to reason through something will cause problems because the brain’s ability to find solutions is affected.....

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Micro Mindful Living Habits

Micro Mindful Living Habits

When you want to make changes in your life, it can sometime feel daunting when you start thinking of everything that you want to overhaul. From your sleep schedule and nutrition regimen to your career pursuits and relationship efforts.

What usually happens on a day-to-day basis is we coast through life allowing things to occur until it reaches a breaking point, where you feel like you have to do something about it.

Then it feels like change has to happen right in that moment, which is an unrealistic expectation to make of yourself. Instead of embracing an unachievable goal, try to integrate micro mindful living habits that will put you on the path to success in whatever it is you’re trying to achieve without overwhelming you in the process. ....

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