Better Health Solutions - Page 20 of 147 - Useful Information about Products, Services & Solutions to Help Maintain & Improve Your Health & Well-Being

Misconceptions About Anxiety

Misconceptions About Anxiety

Like many things, anxiety is a disorder that only people with anxiety can truly understand. This makes it really hard for others to empathize with you, because they have not experienced it themselves. It also means a lot of common misconceptions get thrown around. Here are some things that are often said about anxiety that are simply not true. It helps to understand them when you are on the path to improving your own mental health, or you know someone else struggling with anxiety.

Anxiety is Just Worrying Too Much

Anxiety and worry can often happen at the same time, but they are not the same thing. Having anxiety is NOT just being worried about something and definitely not something you can just will away by “not worrying as much”. Being worried about something and having anxiety are not the same thing, though you can definitely experience both simultaneously.

You Can “Get Over” Anxiety

Anxiety is a mental illness, just like depression and bipolar disorder. While there are many different facets of anxiety disorders, and not everyone needs professional help for anxiety, it is not something you can just get rid of by thinking positively or going for a run.

This is also a bit of a gray area, since it is possible to reduce the effects of anxiety or reduce panic attacks with daily routines, therapy, medication, and many other treatments. But that doesn’t mean you cure your anxiety or get rid of it completely.

Anxiety Isn’t a Serious Mental Illness

According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety is the most common mental illness people deal with in the U.S. It affects over 40 million adults in the U.S. alone, even though less than 40% of these people get treatment for it.

Why is that? Because the general consensus is that it isn’t that serious. People assume anxiety is just stress or worrying or worse, they are just overreacting. But if you think you have anxiety, you should think about getting help for it. There are many different forms, each with different effects on your mind and body.

Avoidance is the Answer

You can’t avoid anxiety and hope it will get better on its own, just like you can’t avoid stress, depression, PTSD, or any other mental health issue you are facing. Just pretending your anxiety doesn’t exist is only going to exacerbate it because you aren’t learning coping techniques for dealing with anxiety attacks.

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Herbal Health Has Become More Mainstream in Society

Herbal Health Has Become More Mainstream in Society

Years ago, herbal solutions to health issues were shunned. The main reason was because there simply wasn’t a consensus for how to make informed decisions on how to use them.

Because of that, many people had the wrong idea of what herbal health was. They labeled it as alternative treatment and saw it from a negative point of view. The thought was that this type of solution was used by backwards societies, or those who didn’t trust doctors.

Without enough information or proof of how herbal health could provide healing properties, people were afraid to give it a try. So it was shunned by patients and doctors in favor of Western medication.

But rather than being a treatment solution that’s questionable or considered too alternative, herbal health is a natural method long used by those trained in the right procedures on how to treat ailments and sickness with plants and herbs.

Many civilizations used herbal alternatives. Some, because Western medicine had yet to be established, but other civilizations use herbal treatments over Western even today.

One civilization using it was ancient Egypt. There, those trained in treating patients would use natural treatments such as thyme, garlic, cumin, mustard seeds, aloe and honey to treat illness or infection...

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Simple Back Pain Solutions

Simple Back Pain Solutions

It doesn’t take much to cause excruciating back pain. There are many reasons men and women begin to suffer from reoccurring back pain. Most people think automatically know that it correlates to lifting heavy items incorrectly, but there are some causes that may surprise you.

Sometimes, all it takes is stepping or moving in the wrong direction, and the next thing you know, you’re hurting. This pain not only happens in the point of injury, but sometimes travels down your leg, too.

Back pain can last days or even years if you don’t take steps to alleviate it and correct the issues that are causing it to reappear over time. Some are simple fixes, while others may require more effort, but the relief you feel from banish back pain will be worth it...

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The Lost Book of Remedies

The Lost Book of Remedies

Knowing what to plant and grow really is the key. You don’t want to waste time or space in your garden growing things that aren’t of use. You also want to be sure that you get the best choice when using herbals as treatment.

It can be helpful to have this knowledge gathered in book form, like it is in The Lost Book of Remedies. This book is filled with more than 800 different plants that you can use to help yourself and your family.

You’ll be able to understand what the remedies are and how to use them before you actually need them. That means in a survival situation, you can have access to care regardless of what’s going on in the world around you.

The book contains what you need to grow as well as recipes you’ll need to use to take the remedies and turn them into things like salves for treating skin issues or teas for treating digestive issues.

The book tells you how to use the herbal plants you’re growing. For example, in one section, the book teaches users how they can create an oil that’s used to bring relief to painful joints.

You’ll learn how to use the oil and how often you need to use it for relief. The book is filled with pictures of plants, mushrooms and more that accurately describe each plant. So even if you’re a complete newbie to planning herbs, you can follow along with the identification parameters laid out in the book so that you plant exactly what you need.

In addition to telling you what plants you may need to have in your garden, the book also tells you what you may already have in your backyard. But because you may not know plants, you may not even realize that you already have some of them on or near your property.

For example, dandelions can be used to lower high cholesterol in people who have this condition. You’ll learn about common weeds that you may have growing near your home that are so powerful, they can treat a multitude of ailments.

You’ll also discover which plant can be used as an effective antibiotic. Living with pain isn’t anyone’s idea of fun. You don’t want to be caught without painkillers in an emergency situation.

With this book, you’ll learn the recipe for how to create natural painkillers from what you can grow. Unlike powerful painkillers that need a prescription, these natural ones, which can work with the same potency of morphine, don’t cause addictions to develop. By learning how to grow and use herbs and botanicals, as taught in The Lost Book of Remedies, you can be prepared for whatever happens. ..

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Gaining Control Over Your Addiction

Gaining Control Over Your Addiction

There is hope! You most definitely can gain control over your addiction.

The related information above was not meant to disturb you or cause you to look at the world in a pessimistic way. You should be optimistic about your outlook. Humans got themselves into this position, and with some discipline, can get themselves out! The information has merely been provided to urge the seriousness of the issue and provide societal context so the reader can understand exactly how insidious and wide-spread phone addiction truly is.

The information is intended to bring the jarring reality to the surface so that you can be motivated to bring more conscious awareness to your every-day actions and change your habits. Too often, because of the way the world is now set up, people brush aside these concerns because it has become such a main- stream way to live life.

As described above, it is considered “the norm” to spend almost half of the day looking at some type of screen. People don’t consider this to be a serious issue, but that is because the issue itself has taken root in so many people that it is hard to see the forest through the trees...

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Simple Survival Herbal Solutions

Simple Survival Herbal Solutions

In recent years, citizens in our society have realized that the conveniences they rely on – from electricity to stores being open and fully stocked – may not be a sure thing, even if they’re deemed a necessity.

You never know what can happen. The systems that you rely on to help take care of your health and provide medication when you need it may not always be around or open.

Supplies can become limited for a number of reasons. Weather obstacles or a trucker strike could cause a temporary delay. A global pandemic could cause a short of ingredients and medications.

That’s why it’s important that you know about medicinal plants and herbs and understand how to use them when necessary for maintaining and improving your health.....

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Getting Your Time Back

Getting Your Time Back

Humans are adaptive. Civilization has existed for many
centuries without relying on phones. For the younger
generations, this may seem impossible to imagine, but it is
Human minds were not intended to and not evolved for
excessive device usage. There is simply too much stimulus for a
person to handle nowadays. There is nothing to be ashamed of
if you are experiencing phone addiction, or if someone you love
This information may seem unsettling, but there is a bright
While addictions are tough to overcome and those amid such a
struggle may feel hopeless, addictions can be defeated.
Addictions are created and maintained by a series of toxic,
repetitive habits and behaviors. Through actively
understanding the nature of phone addiction, one can break
their addictive phone-use cycle and increase their mental

If you take the time to learn about what unconscious habits are
creating addictive behavior, then you can change your habits,
and thus change your behavior. This may seem very challenging
at first, as it can seem for any addiction. Change is frightening
and the first few days will be extremely difficult if someone is
severely addicted to their phone.....

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Bad Mental Health Habits to Avoid

Bad Mental Health Habits to Avoid

While there are some amazing daily habits and rituals that can help improve your mental health, there are also some that might be more damaging than you realize. Many of these are subtle, but can make a difference in the long run.

Lack of Exercise and Proper Diet

Let’s get this one out of the way, since it’s both really important to keep in mind, and probably the one you don’t want to accept. Yes, your daily exercise and eating habits can make a difference in how you feel emotionally and mentally. We are in no way saying you need to have a rigid workout routine or stick to a restrictive diet. But you do want to take good care of your body.

Healthy, nutrient-dense foods help you feel better and give you more energy. Plus, some eating habits can actually make anxiety worse, including having a lot of caffeine or sugar. Exercise is a wonderful way to reduce your anxiety, help with stress, and clear your mind.

Perfectionism and Taking Yourself Too Seriously

Many people joke about how they are perfectionists and everything needs to be perfect and done exactly how they want. But when the laughing stops, you might find that it is actually severely impacting your life, and not in a good way.

Now is the time to stop expecting perfection and feeling like a failure just because you didn’t do everything on your list or you didn’t do it exactly 100 percent perfect. No human being is perfect, so this is completely unreasonable. We don’t live in a black or white world – we live in a gray world. Find what is in the middle. A comfortable place where you know you work hard and have responsibilities, but you also let yourself have some fun and are open-minded about the results.

Hiding From Your Anxiety or Depression with Stimulants

It is not uncommon to “deal” with mental health issues by avoiding them entirely. Far too many people do this and don’t even realize the ramifications. But if you are relying on stimulants to deal with your emotions or mental state, like smoking, drinking heavily, or relying on caffeine for energy, you are actually hurting yourself in the long run. With alcohol, it is a depressant, so it might be fun while drinking, but once you sober up, your depression and anxiety is much worse.

Overuse of Social Media

While using social media definitely has its merits, it can also be a bad habit that is actually hurting your mental health. If you are someone that just checks in every once in a while or when you get notifications, it’s probably not a bad habit for you. But people who check it constantly and whose notifications stress them out, it is definitely something to start reducing in your daily life.

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Dealing with the Discomfort of Mindful Living

Dealing with the Discomfort of Mindful Living

The first thing you need to know is that everyone has slip ups. You will, too. So don’t beat yourself up whenever you seemingly fail at mindfulness. The fact that you are observant about it and recognize it later is a step in the right direction.

Your mental and physical self might resist the practice of mindfulness. You don’t want to battle yourself, but instead recognize the feelings and push back and greet them with something that centers you, such as meditation, deep breathing or visualization.

Some people try to rush the process and make a change quickly so they can escape the discomfort they feel. Mindfulness shouldn’t be a process you hurry through. These quick fix solutions are rarely the right option.

You don’t have to sit still and meditate on something for hours on end, but at the same time, don’t be in a situation where you embrace your awareness and latch on to the first option you consider just so you can go back to not having to think about something.

Many people find that their initial foray into mindfulness is a very physical and emotional process. You want to learn how to be relaxed when you do this. Find a comfortable position, whether it’s seated or lying down in the beginning as you learn the ropes... 

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Why Are Phones So Addictive

Why Are Phones So Addictive

One thing that is important to understand, especially for someone with phone addiction, is that the internet and social media have been designed to be addictive. This is hard to swallow for some at first because there are many positive aspects to social media.

Connecting with friends and distant family members, keeping up to date with societal and current life events, finding entertaining content, discovering communities for people who share similar interests - these are all wonderful benefits to using social media. However, the drawbacks are very serious and in the worst-case scenarios and to the most extreme extent, they can even be deadly.

Regular, compulsive usage of social media has been proven to be detrimental to a person’s mental health. This can sadly be observed in the suicide trend among adolescent girls, which drastically and exponentially increased during the time social media became a regularly utilized platform. Social scientists and other experts agree that this rise in suicidal behavior can be attributed to the need to be validated by people online, as
well as many other factors regarding the presentation of self- image and the over-exposure of people’s personal lives....

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