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Belly Fat Tips for People Over 40

Belly Fat Tips for People Over 40

As you age, your body will change in many ways. One of these changes can be the way that your body holds on to weight. For those who are over 40, one of the most common places to gain and hold onto weight is the belly area.

Unfortunately, this is also one of the most dangerous places to pack on pounds. What’s worse about this change is the fact that handling it is no longer as easy as it was when you were younger and your metabolism worked better for you.

In order to achieve optimal health, you need to be able to shed your belly fat and attain a sleek midsection that can support you as you age. You may need to take a slightly different approach than your younger counterparts do to meet your goals, but it’s not impossible.

Why We Gain More Around the Waist as We Age

It’s jokingly called a “spare tire” when someone gains weight around the waist. But if you’re over 40 and you have more belly fat than you did before, there are reasons that are causing this unsightly and uncomfortable weight gain.

Some of these reasons aren’t linked to anything you did, while others are a direct link of behavior patterns. Once people reach 40 and older, they’re more inclined to gain weight.

In fact, studies show that both men and women gain weight steadily as they age. Some gain as much as 3-5 percent more each year. One of the reasons this happens to men and women is because as they age, they slow down.

They stop working as hard. They stop doing as much. It’s a natural inclination to adjust activity to match your age and energy levels. But what ends up happening is that while they may be slowing down their activity, they’re not adjusting their calorie intake.

This leads to a steady increase in weight showing up on the body and on the numbers on the scale. If you take in more calories than you need, you gain weight and it’s easier to gain the older you get.

Age causes the way the body stores fat to shift. It begins to store more fat in the abdominal area in both men and women. As you get older and decrease your activity, at the same time, your metabolism is slowing down.

This further hinders keeping the weight off because you won’t be burning calories as easily. Something else that happens has to do with hormones. Before menopause, most women don’t store fat as belly fat... 

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The Factors That Determine Your Resilience

The Factors That Determine Your Resilience

The Factors That Determine Your Resilience

Developing your resilience is no easy task. There is no overnight “miracle” fix to make you more resilient. You need to work on your inner strengths and the external resources that you have at your disposal. We all deal with setbacks in our lives in different ways. Despite this, there are certain factors that will determine your resilience levels.

How do you handle your Emotions?

If you are facing a difficult setback in your life does this overwhelm you? We all have strong emotions that we need to control in the face of adversity. Letting a situation overwhelm you will not help you to overcome it and bounce back.

You need to control the emotions within you that can weaken your position in the face of adversity. Inner strength is required to face tough problems so you do not want any emotion sapping your precious energy. The way that you control your emotions impacts your resilience level.

Your Self-Esteem

If you have low levels of self-esteem you are probably going to have low levels of resilience. You do not have the confidence to tackle all of your problems head on and move forward with your life. Those people with high self-esteem tend to have higher levels of resilience as they believe in themselves more and have more capacity to deal with the unexpected.

You can boost your self-esteem in many ways and you need to do this if you want to be more resilient. Confidence is very important when facing adversity, so work on your self-esteem and confidence levels to build your resilience.


Your Social Network

Do you have people in your social network that you can turn to when you are facing adversity? Are there people that you can call upon that will offer you good advice and encourage you to keep going while tackling a difficult problem?

The people that you surround yourself with are an important factor in determining your resilience. Either these people can help to strengthen your resilience or they can drive your resilience levels down. You do not want a social network that will tell you to give up and that life sucks. Build a strong social network that will support you in times of adversity.

Your Problem Solving Skills

How good are your problem solving skills? Do you have a lot experience of solving difficult problems? Do you practice your problem solving skills regularly? The better your problem solving skills, the higher your resilience level is likely to be.

If you are confident that you can solve problems then you are less likely to be fearful of any setbacks in your life. You know that you can apply your problem solving skills to the situation so that you can solve the problem and move forward.


Are you able to anticipate problems before they arise? If you can then you will probably have a high level of resilience. When you anticipate a problem emerging, you can be prepared for it and take action to solve it before it appears.

Communication Ability

It is one thing to have a social network in place that will support you, it is another to communicate the setback you face in a clear and concise way. If you are a good communicator then it is likely that you can get the help that you need quickly. This will usually mean that your resilience level is high.

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Signs of Premature Aging

Signs of Premature Aging

You cannot know when you need to solve a problem until you know the signs that show that you are encountering the challenge. If you are observant enough, you’ll be able to tell when you are aging faster than expected. The fact that you have grey hair doesn’t mean that you are experiencing premature aging. It can be due to heredity. This chapter will highlight the common signs of premature aging. The essence of this is to spur you to action so that you can arrest the decline as soon as possible.

Gaunt Hands

It‘s expected that the top layers of your skin will contain fewer structuring proteins, such as collagen. As a result, your skin will become thinner, and the shape will be affected. However, it might come too early. The hands might start appearing more thin, veiny, and prone to wrinkles. If you start noticing these signs in your early thirties, you need to act fast. They usually appear in the early forties or late thirties in some cases.

If you notice these signs, start moisturizing your skin regularly. You can also consider a new product that can help you lock hydration into your skin barrier. Alternatively, you can apply sunscreen with at least 50 SPF to your hands. It’s vital that you apply it frequently until you get the desired result. Exfoliation is also an effective option. It’s the removal of dry, dead skin to improve your appearance.
Use a simple mixture of lemon and sugar to tone and exfoliate your skin. You can also consider lemon juice mixed with an over-the-counter topical bleach treatment. In most cases, you should have fresher and younger skin after these treatments. Nonetheless, if you don’t see improvements, don’t hesitate to speak to a skincare expert. ..

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Beyond 40 Supplements for Help Shedding Belly Fat

belly fat

Beyond 40 Supplements for Help Shedding Belly Fat

Sometimes you do everything within your power to shed belly fat and you find that you have some stubborn fat that just doesn’t want to let go. Many studies have shown that having belly fat is one of the most difficult areas of the body to carry it because it can be hard to lose it.
Plus, when you’re 40 or older, that makes it even more difficult. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. You just might need a little extra help. You can fight belly fat from within just as you fight it externally with exercise.

There are supplements like the Beyond 40 ones that can help your efforts to shed belly fat. This supplement contains natural ingredients, including safflower seed oil. This anti-inflammatory oil is a healthy fatty acid that helps your body be able to use vitamins.

Plus, it works to aid in the regulation of your hormones. This ingredient can work to lower your cholesterol numbers as well as your blood glucose level. But one of the most important things about this oil is that it has what’s known as conjugated linoleic acid.

This is what helps people to burn belly fat and shed pounds. This acid is something that’s also contained in foods such as meats. You’ll also find it in dairy items as well as a regular ingredient in supplements.

The other main ingredient in the Beyond 40 supplement is BioPerine black pepper extract. This pepper contains multiple vitamins and minerals and is known to help people lose weight.

It might also surprise you to know that this pepper is an anti-inflammatory ingredient and can lower your cholesterol, too. The pepper is also known to improve gut health by boosting the good bacteria in your digestive system.

In the supplement, the purpose of the pepper is to help you be able to absorb the conjugated linoleic acid. The supplement works to boost your body’s ability to take in nutrients, while at the same time burning fat.

It’s not just for burning belly fat, though - since it can help boost your health from head to toe. You won’t have to worry about any fake additives in Beyond 40. The supplement is natural in that it doesn’t contain harmful ingredients like stimulants.

Besides the safflower seed oil, acid and pepper, this fat burning supplement also contains glycerin and gelatin. There’s no caffeine in the supplement, so it doesn’t cause you to feel jittery. To use the supplement, you would take two of the capsules daily.

Battling belly fat is not as daunting as it might seem at first. When you strategically tackle it using a combination of nutrition, supplements and activity, the three-pronged approach makes it easy to slim down without delay.

Everyone loses belly fat at a different pace. Young people lose it faster than people over 40. Men tend to lose it faster than women, and so on. All you can do is apply the common sense tactics that are right for your body and tweak your plan along the way for what works best for you.

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Common Aging Myths

Common Aging Myths

Your chances of reducing your rate of aging decrease when you are living your life based on conjectures regarding this aspect. Unfortunately, there are many myths out there that have stayed so long that people believe that they are facts. This chapter is devoted to debunking the most common five to help you see aging in a new light.

Myth #1: All Elderly People Lose Their Teeth

There is no doubt that you must have seen old people who have lost most or all of their teeth before. However, it is not a phenomenon only restricted to people in the latter part of their lives. You can boost your chances of keeping your oral health by taking good care of your teeth. For example, Canadians have one of the best oral health when compared to the citizens of other developed countries.

A study carried out in the country showed that the oral health of Canadian seniors is improving. Approximately 20% of Canadians aged 60-79 are edentulous or have “sans teeth,” according to a Canadian Health Measures Survey. In other words, over 80% of Canadian seniors have their dental set
intact! Shocking, isn’t it? This research also shows that around 32% of Canadians don’t have dental insurance. This study shows that most people in this nation are concerned about their oral health.

Therefore, it is not shocking that most of the elderly people in the country have commendable oral health. There is no doubt that your hygiene and habits play a role in the aging process. So, if you want to age gracefully, you need to have a culture of regular checkups. Besides, you shouldn’t hesitate to complain to your physician if you have health concerns. You should apply the same principle when yu have dental issues. Speak to a professional as soon as possible... 

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Aging and Anti-Aging: What is it?

Aging and Anti-Aging: What is it?

Many people wish they can be like Hydra, a relative of the jellyfish, who have a regenerative system that makes them immortals. If only wishes were horses… The reason we age remains a myth that hopelessly offers no answer. Many turn to religion such as Christianity that explains that we age because sin came into the world through one man, and creation is since then destined to suffer corruption.

A typical atheist wouldn’t agree, but no other explanation seems to offer any hope. We seem to be all destined to live in our bodies for a while and abandon it, or it ejects us at some point, which leads to death. In this opening chapter, we will explore the aging process and some of the most common aging theories, as well as anti-aging.

Types of Age

There are different types of age, depending on certain considerations. There are situations where a 45year-old woman is dating a 25- year-old man. Many people will find this match disturbing and unethical. However, for people who see age as just a number, they wouldn’t see anything absurd about the relationship. Below are the various perspectives of viewing age.

Chronological Age

This is the most common type of age. It is defined as the number of years a person has lived in this world. This implies that chronological age depends on the earth’s revolutions around the sun. It is counted in days, months, and years. When people ask you how old you are, you tell them your chronological age.

Experts posit that chronological age is a limited way of looking at people because it doesn’t offer enough information about a person. It is also difficult to predict. When you look at some people, you would assume that they are in their early sixties due to how they look. However, you might be surprised that they are in their late forties. This shows that there should be other factors or ways of looking at people.

Biological Age

This type of age describes the development of an individual based on biomarkers. A biomarker is a significant cellular or molecular event. In other words, biological age involves looking at people based on how they are rather than when they were born. In most cases, humans follow the same biological path.

A good example of a biomarker is the onset of puberty. More complicated ones include the increase of sex hormones, increase in human growth hormone, and myelination events in the brain. It also involves the degradation of certain tissues in the body as a person grows older. So, biological age is all about the body....

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The Four Types Of Resilience

the four types of resiliency

The Four Types Of Resilience

Most people make the mistake of thinking that there is only one kind of resilience but this is not the case. There are actually four different types of resilience that you need to be aware of. By understanding these different types, you can assess how well you are doing for each of them and then take action to improve any weaknesses you identify.

1. Physical Resilience

As you have probably guessed, physical resilience is your ability to keep going using your physical body. Your physical fitness levels are more important for your overall resilience than you probably imagined.

If you are not in good physical shape then there is a good chance that you will lack the energy required to tackle a big setback and bounce back. You will not have the level of health required to see out the toughest times.

A good example of physical resilience is someone that has lost the use of their legs due to an accident. The medical experts say that they can fight this with physiotherapy and there is a very good chance that they will walk again. Not doing this will mean that the person has to spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair.

If the person has strong physical resilience then they will learn to walk all over again and fight through the pain. When you play your favorite sport, do you sometimes lack the stamina to carry on? Runners sometimes face this problem but carry on regardless because they have high physical resilience.

2. Mental Resilience

If you are good at solving problems then you probably have a high level of mental resilience. To increase your mental resilience you can take up a challenging hobby such as playing an intellectual game like chess or completing difficult puzzles.

It requires flexible thinking to develop mental resilience. You need to think about the different perspectives that could apply to a situation. Having more potential solutions to a problem is always a good thing.

People that have a low level of mental resilience will give up on things a lot more easily. Let’s assume that you are learning a new skill and there is something that you don’t understand. If you persevere until you find the answer you need, you have good mental resilience.

Emotional Resilience

It is always desirable to have a high level of emotional resilience. The ability to control your emotions when facing adversity is very important. You do not want the situation to overwhelm you or make you angry, as both of these emotions will make it harder for you to resolve the issue and move forward.

People with good emotional resilience tend to have good empathy skills. It is easier for them to stand in another person’s shoes and see things from their perspective. They will also want to tackle problems head on.

4. Social Resilience

We always come into contact with other people throughout our lives. The way that you connect with others determines your social resilience. Think about the different ways that you interact with people at your office compared with close friends and family.

To build your social resilience requires you to develop respect for other people and have a high degree of tolerance. You will also need to be able to build trust with them. So check your people skills to see if you need to improve your social resilience.

Meditation Is a Tool You Can Use to Manage Chronic Stress


Meditation Is a Tool You Can Use to Manage Chronic Stress

There are strategies and resources that you can turn to in order to manage chronic stress. One of these strategies is meditation. When you engage in this practice, it helps you relax both mentally and physically.

You find relief from the thoughts that might be contributing to the stress because it pulls your attention away from the causes and changes the direction of your thoughts. That’s the foundation of most meditation practices.

You learn to stop allowing your thoughts to stay on stressful things and instead, you focus elsewhere, such as on empowering or positive things. Meditation is a way to be in the moment and learn self-awareness.

You’ll learn how to concentrate as you learn how to cope. When you’re under stress, it leads to rising levels of cortisol. You can end up suffering from additional symptoms related to stress, such as inflammation.

The negative side effects linked to this inflammation can lead to things such as insomnia, mood swings and cognitive issues. By practicing meditation, you can reduce stress and the inflammation side effect.

Meditation helps you manage chronic stress because it also helps to alleviate anxiety. Anxiety is a common side effect of stress. By using meditation, you learn how to react to the stress factors that can induce anxiety.

Regular practice of meditation can result in a mood boost as well as a more positive outlook concerning a stressful situation. It can also give you clarity, so you gain perspective on how to deal with your stressors.

By alleviating anxiety, meditation can lead to a positive boost to battle your other stress related emotional symptoms, too. Many people who experience anxiety associated with stress also struggle with depression.

When you practice meditation, it relieves depression. Living with chronic stress causes many people to turn to unhealthy habits to attempt to find relief. Meditation can help you overcome bad habits or behaviors, such as drinking or smoking, which only makes stress worse.

When you meditate, it can give you insight into why you’re feeling stressed. By locating the root of your stress, you’ll be able to cut it out of your life. You’ll notice when you start meditating that some of the symptoms associated with stress get better.

For example, if you’ve had trouble sleeping because of your stress, meditation can help restore that area of your life. It works because insomnia is often caused by emotions and thoughts associated with stressors.

Meditation gives you the skills to be able to get those thoughts under control so you stop the flow of negative thinking when you’re trying to fall asleep. Once you learn how to engage in meditation, you’ll experience many health benefits, such as a reduction in blood pressure and fewer muscle aches. 

Don't miss this (Limited Time Only) Free Masterclass by Emily Fletcher, who is one of the world’s leading experts in meditation!

The Benefits Of Building Your Resilience

the benfits of resiliency

The Benefits Of Building Your Resilience

It is not easy to develop your levels of resilience so why should you bother? This is probably the reason that the vast majority of people have low resilience levels. However, there are several benefits to building your resilience, which we will cover in this article. We want to provide you with the inspiration to take action today.


If you have a low level of resilience then you will let life control you. You will be powerless to overcome any significant obstacles that come your way and will just give up and let them ride all over you. Many people think that they cannot control their life and that they are at the mercy of whatever is around the corner.

When you build your resilience to high levels you take control of your life. You choose the path that you want to follow and you have the power to overcome any setbacks this provides and surge forward. So take control of your life right now by building your resilience levels.

A Positive Outlook

People with high levels of resilience always have a positive outlook on life. The easily deal with any negativity and keep moving forward. A positive outlook will enable you to see good in everything, even if it is causing you a lot of pain right now.

The alternative to this is to be a pessimist. This is someone who believes that they are a victim of life and that bad things always happen to them. These people are experts in self-pity and will always see the black side of life. Having a positive outlook will help you to build your resilience to much higher levels.

Provide you with a Balanced view

When you commit to building your resilience levels, it will help you to create a more balanced view of your life and the world around you. You will accept that problems are part of life and that you can learn from them and grow as a person. In addition to this, you will accept that there are many good things in life that you can experience as well.

When you have a balanced view, you can plan your destiny and enjoy the ride. It will be an exciting journey with a mixture of highs and lows. With greater levels of resilience, you will be able to overcome any setbacks that occur and continue with your journey.

Improve your ability to deal with Stress

Difficult situations will increase your stress and when you have a high resilience level, you can cope with this stress more effectively. You will not let any challenges overwhelm you and elevate your stress levels. Continual exposure to stress is something that you want to avoid, as it is bad for your health.

Having a higher level of resilience will help you to get things under control faster. This will minimize the stress that you experience from the setback. Resilience is not going to make you avoid stress altogether but it will help to keep it to a minimum.

Embrace Change

Change is everywhere and in our modern world it happens all of the time. Most people do not like change because they do not have the levels of resilience to deal with it. People with a high resilience level embrace change because they accept that it is part of life and know they have the strength to deal with it.

What Is Resilience And Why Is It Important?

What Is Resilience

What Is Resilience And Why Is It Important?

Everybody faces challenges in their life. Some people will fall to pieces with these challenges and will do everything they can to hide away from them. Others will take them in their stride, tackle the problems and move forward with their lives.

Your ability to withstand adversities in your life and bounce back from them is a measure of your resilience. People with low levels of resilience tend to be overwhelmed when adversity strikes. They don’t know what to do and think that the best thing to do is run away from their problems.

Someone that has a high level of resilience will embrace these adversities. They will see them as opportunities to grow and see something positive every time. A resilient person will not let anything get in the way of them moving forward with their life.

You need to develop your Resilience

If you have a low level of resilience then life is going to control you. You will be powerless to prevent others from dictating how your life should be. This is not a good position to be in. Hiding from your problems and letting others control your life is bad.

Unfortunately, most people have a very low level of resilience. They are able to deal with simple setbacks in their life but if something more difficult comes along then they will give up very easily. Often these people will turn to something for comfort such as drinking in a bar or wasting their life watching television.

Imagine being able to bounce back from any adversity in your life no matter how severe it is. You would not fear anything and can really live life on your terms. Every problem that comes your way you see as an opportunity to learn something and grow as a person. When you have a high level of resilience, all of these things are possible.

You can always increase your Resilience

You are not stuck with a fixed level of resilience. It is something that you can always improve. Never believe that you cannot build your resilience levels. There are many things that you can do to achieve this.

It is very important that you work on driving up your resilience levels. You never know what is around the corner, and having a high level of resilience will help you to deal with anything and bounce right back.

When most people face something difficult in their life it tends to overwhelm them. If you become overwhelmed then this will sap all of your energy and you will not be able to think clearly, so that you can solve the problem and move on.

Resilient people do not let any problem overwhelm them. They remain calm and look at each problem critically to come up with possible solutions. No matter how painful a situation is, the resilient person will find a way through and continue on their life journey.

Resilience is so Important

Make a commitment to start building up your resilience levels today. When you have a high level of resilience, you will be able to tackle any setback and bounce back from it. The alternative is to let life control you and go into hiding.

what is resilience and why is it important

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