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The Lost Book of Remedies Review

The Lost Book of Remedies Review

The Lost Book of Remedies is more than a book. It’s a lifestyle choice!


Millions of people around the world who suffer from insomnia or sleep issues, drink a cup of chamomile tea about 30 minutes or an hour before bed. They know that the tea is calming and helps to induce sleep.
This is a perfect example of an herbal remedy.

Most of us don’t even give these natural remedies much thought. We’ve become a society of pill poppers and there’s a pill for just about any and every malady you could think of. It’s no wonder opioid addiction is at an all-time high.

The Greek physician, Hippocrates, once said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.” He most probably meant eating healthy herbs and foods to boost one’s immunity and health.

No one ever ate a double cheeseburger to cure an upset stomach. However, a cup of ginger tea will probably alleviate the problem in no time. That’s the power of a natural remedy.

Unfortunately, most people are unaware of these natural remedies and looking for them can be a hassle. Over the past year or so, one book has become a bestseller online and it’s ALL about natural remedies.

It calls itself ‘The Lost Book of Remedies’ and thousands of copies have been sold. Let’s see what this ‘lost book’ is all about…

lost book of remedies

The Good Points:

1) The biggest selling point of this book is that it’s huge. At around 300 pages, the compilation is so massive that you can find just about any remedy you want for the most common ailments. This is the only book of natural remedies you’ll ever need.

2) The authors, Claude Davis and Dr. Nicole Apelian are experts in their own right and know what they’re talking about. In fact, the official website has a video of Dr. Nicole speaking and she comes across as a very credible authority.

Very often, the videos on sales pages don’t feature real people. It’s always whiteboard drawings or images with voiceovers or even cartoons. So, having the product creator talking about the product makes everything look legit and above board.

3) The instructions in the book are detailed and you’re shown how to prepare the recipes step-by-step. Most of the plants/herbs required for the recipes can be easily obtained. So, no worries here.

4) The remedies in this guide can be used to treat indigestion, inflammation, hypertension, the common cold and much more. You’re spoiled for choice.

This is a good thing because holistic remedies may not work on everyone. While ginger tea may work wonders for one person, it may have no effect on another. That’s just how it is.

So, having a variety of recipes gives you more options to treat the condition and see which one works for you.

5) The product is backed by a 60-day money back guarantee. There’s zero risk here for you. You can always get a refund if you’re not satisfied with the product.

6) The product is a digital download. You can access it immediately upon payment. No waiting. You could be brewing a natural remedy within 20 minutes of purchase. That’s fantastic.

7) The product has 2 bonuses – The 72 Square Feet Garden of Medicine & The Disaster Medicine booklet. Both are highly useful and since Claude Davis is an expert survivalist, you can trust the information in these books.

8) Overall, the product is definitely value for money. It teaches you self-sufficiency, nutrition, how to prepare remedies and the information is tried and tested. You couldn’t ask for more.

The Bad Points:

1) This is NOT a small book. It’s a tome. While lots of information is good, at 300 pages, the amount of information within can be overwhelming to some people.

The best way to manage this will be to pick and choose the remedies that interest you. Then you can try them out and see how they work for you. You do not need to read this book from cover to cover. It’s more of a practical guide that needs to be applied.

2) There’s no audio book for this guide. Those who dislike reading will not be too pleased. Nevertheless, in small chunks, this book is palatable. Like they say, you eat an elephant one bite at a time.

Should You Get It?

Yessssss!  There’s no other book quite like it. This is a very comprehensive resource that can almost be considered the benchmark for the topic on herbal remedies.

The author, Claude Davis is a very experienced survivalist who truly knows his stuff. His co-author, Dr. Nicole Apelian is a qualified biologist who has been featured on the History channel. They’re NOT a bunch of unqualified hippies nibbling on weeds and roots.

Their information is on point and very useful. With current farming practices, our foods are usually cultivated on nutrient-deficient soil. As a result, foods today lack the nutrients and benefits that our ancestors used to enjoy.

With poorer nutrition, health issues are on the rise. Herbal remedies will help boost your immune system and pick up the slack. You’ll not need to spend a bomb on supplements at your local GNC.

These herbal remedies are so good that you’ll see and feel the difference once you make them a part of your life.

The Lost Book of Remedies is more than a book. It’s a lifestyle choice. If you wish to reclaim your health and enjoy the natural benefits of herbs, this book is all you need.

Get it and use it often.

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Mental Health and Aging

Mental Health and Aging

Is there a link between mental health and aging? The answer isn’t straightforward. There are various considerations when exploring this topic. Studies have shown that over 20% of people above the age of 55 in the US experience one type of mental health issue or the other. The most common psychological issues among this population are anxiety, mood disorders, and severe cognitive impairment. This chapter will leverage research and anecdotal data to discuss the association between mental health and aging to give you a better insight regarding the link.

Mental Health is Crucial

Unknown to many people, your mental health is as important as your physical health. In fact, you cannot separate the two because they affect one another in multiple ways. Moreover, some symptoms are common to both physical and mental issues. For example, loss of appetite is common in both cases.

According to the World Health Organization, you are not healthy until your mental, physical, and social well-being are in good states. Poor mental health
will affect your rate of healing from physical illness and also make you prone to substance abuse. So, you can be confident that mental health issues will speed up the aging process, just like physical challenges.

Mental Health Challenges aren’t Norms for Older Adults

As stated earlier, depression isn’t a normal part of aging. However, depression isn’t the only mental health concern that is not a norm for older adults. Anxiety disorders are also for both young and old. Indeed, research has shown that seniors are more susceptible to psychological problems.

A study showed that around six percent of older adults in the US have a diagnosable depressive illness. Nonetheless, research shows that one in four American adults is battling one mental health concern or the other. So, the issue isn’t restricted to older adults... 

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Dietary Tips to Whittle Down Your Waist

belly fat

Dietary Tips to Whittle Down Your Waist

When you have belly fat, it’s important that you lose weight in the waist area in order to improve your health and cut down on your risks of developing serious health consequences.

There’s a lot of talk about the types of fats you should and shouldn’t have in your eating plan. What you need to remember if you have belly fat is that trans fat is bad news. This type of fat can not only cause you to gain weight in the abdominal area, but it can also cause things like heart disease.

Studies have shown that people who consume a diet that’s heavy in trans fat gain a third more weight in their belly than people who try to avoid this type of fat. Up your fiber intake in order to slim down your belly.

When you consume fiber, you end up not eating as much as you normally would. Fiber rich foods take longer to digest. Because you stay full longer, the fiber fullness keeps you from eating more and packing on more weight.

Look for food items that are high in soluble fiber. These are things like beans, including kidney, lima and black beans. Many vegetables are high in this type of fiber. Choose ones such as carrots, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, broccoli or avocado.

Eat fruit for fiber, too. Apples and pears are loaded with soluble fiber. If you have a lot of alcohol consumption as part of your diet, you need to change this. Alcohol is linked to belly fat.

If you don’t want to quit drinking altogether, then practice moderation. Avoid eating too many addictive foods. Ones that contain a lot of sugar can quickly create a craving and you’ll want to have it repeatedly in order to get that “fix” you get from eating it....

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Physical Exercise to Burn Fat Around Your Midsection

burn fat

Physical Exercise to Burn Fat Around Your Midsection

When it comes to the type of exercise you need to do in order to burn belly fat, you have a lot of options. Many exercises target all over body fat, but they also help get rid of belly fat at the same time.

One of the best kinds to choose is aerobic exercise, also known as cardio. Not only does this help shed pounds and belly fat in particular, but it can improve your overall health, too.

This is because cardio exercise helps get rid of the fat around your organs. The type of aerobic exercise you do matters, though. While any movement is beneficial, the more intense the workout, the better it is at getting rid of belly fat.
You need to concentrate on regular exercise as well as the amount of time you spend exercising. While a 10 minute workout is better than nothing, it won’t eliminate belly fat quickly.

Studies suggest that performing aerobic exercise for an hour and fifteen minutes a week will help reduce belly fat. However, if you aim for 250 to 300 minutes of exercise, you’ll lose the belly fat quicker.

Some examples of cardio exercises you can do include things like running or swimming. But you can also bike or take part in fitness classes, too. The good thing about aerobic exercises is that even if your diet isn’t completely healthy, you’ll still end up losing belly fat.

You just need to make sure that whatever type of aerobic exercise you choose to do, that you do it regularly for at least 30 minutes. If you have health problems that get in the way of performing many exercises, then you can start walking....

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Breathing Exercises and Other Techniques to Remain Calm

breathing exercises

Breathing Exercises and Other Techniques to Remain Calm

Breathing exercises? Yes if you’re looking to improve your ability to stay calm and collected under pressure, then there are numerous different techniques you can use. One of the most potent is to learn to control your breathing, which can immediately help you to feel calmer and avoid being pushed over into the stress response.
In this post, we’ll be looking at some breathing techniques you can employ to stay calm, as well as looking at some other techniques you can use.

Equal Breathing

Equal breathing is a technique from yoga, which essentially requires you to breathe in and out through your nose. While doing this, you maintain your breath for an equal amount of time on the in-wards and out-wards breaths. So you might breathe out for 4 seconds and then breathe in for four seconds.

This helps you to empty your lungs and fill them with fresh oxygen. What’s more, the slow and deep breathing will allow you to trigger your ‘rest and digest’ state which is similar but slightly different to the ‘fight or flight’ state and is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system. This is a great way to stave off an anxiety response.

Breathing From the Stomach

Another breathing technique to try is simply to breathe from the stomach as we are naturally designed to do. If you try breathing right now and note whether your stomach or chest moves first, you may well find that you breathe by leading with your chest. This limits the amount of oxygen you can take in with each breath and that can increase stress.

Instead, breathe by first allowing your abdomen to expand. Use your transverse abdominis and expand your abdominal cavity. This will allow your diaphragm to drop into that space, opening up your lungs. You can then follow by expanding your chest and you’ll have more space in total to take in more oxygen.

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breathing exercises

Power Positions

Power positions are positions that have been shown by research to trigger the production of testosterone and other positive, stress-fighting hormones. One is the ‘victory pose’.

If you simply stand with your arms above you in a ‘V’ shape, as though you had just won a competition, this will increase your production of testosterone, helping you to feel more confident and more driven. Of course it’s best to do this somewhere private before the event you’re nervous about!

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breathing exercises
breathing exercises

The Danger of Simply Accepting That Spare Tire

belly fat

The Danger of Simply Accepting That Spare Tire

Belly fat is the worst place for fat to be on the body. Though it’s become more common as people gain weight, it’s dangerous to just accept your spare tire without trying to do something to get rid of it.

You might think that your belly fat isn’t that bad and that you’re not at risk. You can check yourself at home with a simple measuring tape you’d typically use for sewing. Place the tape measure across your belly where your belly button is.

If you’re a woman and your waist is 35 inches or greater, that means you have a dangerous amount of belly fat. If you’re a man and your waist measurement is 40 inches or greater, that means your health is on the line as well.

The higher your measurements are beyond the 35 and 40, the greater your health risks are. These measurements are an indicator of how much fat is affecting you that you can’t see.

Belly fat isn’t something that just affects your waistline. It also affects your internal organs. Having belly fat means that your internal organs are being smothered by fat as well.

This is known as visceral fat, and though you aren’t able to see it, it’s surrounding your organs. Most often affected is the liver, which is what leads people to develop liver disease such as NASH (Non Alcoholic SteatoHepatitis).
But the belly fat can also affect the pancreas and lead to pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas. Besides affecting your body by damaging your organs, belly fat can also cause insulin resistance.

When you have insulin resistance, it means that your body is not able to use the insulin it produces well enough to keep your glucose levels within a healthy range. This can lead you to develop type 2 diabetes and all the risks that are associated with having that disease...

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Things That Are Making You Age Faster

Things That Are Making You Age Faster

We are beginning to get to the part of the book you have been waiting for. As stated earlier, aging is inevitable. However, there are some habits that can speed up the process.

Your genes play a vital role in the way you look and feel as you get older. Nonetheless, there are some things that have adverse impacts on your health and youthfulness. This chapter will highlight and explore them.


We cannot live without stress, especially in the modern world. However, it’s crucial that we understand how to cope with it. Failure to effectively manage stress can lead to various illnesses such as depression, insomnia, anxiety, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Nonetheless, it’s not a popularly known fact that stress can accelerate the aging process. Stress causes inflammation in the body, which leads to damages in various parts. It also affects skin fibers, thereby making the skin look lifeless and dull as it loses its natural luminosity.
Moreover, stress damages the cellular structure of the body. So, it causes premature aging of the cells. Due to the adverse impacts of stress on the aging process, it becomes sacrosanct to understand techniques for managing stress effectively.

Mindfulness is one of the most common methods of easing tension. This practice makes you calmer and helps you to have a clearer thinking pattern. Yoga is also a helpful practice in this regard. Incorporate this practice into your daily routine to improve your overall health and the quality of your life.

Sun Exposure and Tanning

The sun is the ultimate source of heat and light in the world. It is essential to growth and other vital processes on earth. However, excessive exposure to it can affect us in various ways. For example, the ultraviolet rays of the sun can damage the elastic fibers of the skin.

 These elastic fibers are responsible for holding the skin firm in shape. Therefore, any damage to them will lead to the sagging of the skin and other unpleasant effects. It can also lead to wrinkles appearing on the skin as it speeds up the aging process.

Therefore, you’ll be helping yourself in many important ways when you avoid exposing your skin to sunlight. Note that sunlight isn’t always harmful. For example, the sun is a source of Vitamin D. Nonetheless, it is only beneficial in the early parts of the day.

Continuous exposure to sunlight can lead to dark spots appearing on your face, hands, and other exposed part of your body... 

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Ways That You Can Build Your Mental Resilience

Ways That You Can Build Your Mental Resilience

Ways That You Can Build Your Mental Resilience

One of the biggest reasons for people giving up on a challenge in their life is because they don’t know what they need to do to solve a problem. This makes them feel overwhelmed and cuts off their ability to think clearly. With stronger mental resilience, you can tackle any problem more calmly and think clearly to come up with solutions.

In this article, we will show you some ways that you can strengthen your mental resilience. These are not difficult to do and with the right amount of practice you will achieve good results. So let’s get on with it shall we?

Mindfulness Meditation

One of the best ways to relieve yourself of the stresses and strains of modern life is to practice mindfulness meditation. This will take you away from your current thoughts by forcing you to live in the moment.

Some people think that mindfulness meditation is difficult to do but it isn’t. You can find a lot of information online about how to perform mindfulness meditation easily. It is worth the effort because it will enable you to see things a lot more clearly. With a bit of practice you will find it to be both enlightening and relaxing.


If you want to change your life for the better then we recommend that you learn the art of visualization. It will help you to imagine a brighter future. You can use visualization techniques every day for a few minutes so that you can imagine what it will be like for you when you have achieved your goals.

The key to visualization success is strong feelings. Think about how you will feel once you have accomplished your goal and make the feelings as strong as possible. What will you see when you have achieved your goal? You can find a lot of information online that will help you to achieve visualization success.

Set Challenging Goals

Determine what you really want from your life and then create challenging goals around this. You will need to take some time out to discover what you really want. Most people will never do this. Setting and achieving goals will help to develop your mental resilience.

The outcome of your goals will help you to view any challenges along the way with a different perspective. You will be motivated to overcome any challenges so that you can achieve your goals. This will help you to overcome any obstacles you encounter calmly.

Don’t Dwell in your Past

We have all made mistakes in our past. It is vital that you do not dwell on these mistakes, as many people tend to do. This will lead to a destructive negative thought spiral forming in your mind, which will severely restrict you from overcoming challenges.

Just use the past as a useful reference. If you made mistakes before then learn from them and move on. Dwelling on your past failures will weaken your mental resilience rather than strengthen it.

Consider any setbacks as temporary

You need to put things in perspective. A big problem that you have today will probably mean nothing to you next week. Accept that any challenges are just short-term tests. They are not worth elevating your stress levels over.

Benefits of Youthfulness and Good Health

Benefits of Youthfulness and Good Health

Why are we afraid of aging? There are many answers to this question. In this chapter, we will explore the benefits you stand to enjoy when you devote yourself to anti-aging techniques and healthy living. This is the penultimate chapter before we start highlighting and discussing tips that can help you slow the aging process and improve the quality of your life. The aim of this section is to give you more than enough reasons you should do all you can to commit to healthy living.

Attractive Appearance

When you compare the picture of an old person and a young individual, it is clear that you prefer to stay young and fresh. However, a youthful appearance doesn’t happen by chance, especially as you advance in age. As you grow older, your muscles will grow weaker, and the glow on your skin will grow duller. So, you will have to do more to ensure that you don’t look haggard as you grow older.

There’s such a thing as aging gracefully. It’s a situation in which you are still in good health and active despite your old age. There’s no doubt that you don’t want to be one of those elderly people that are looking haggard and frail. It gets so bad that some of their loved ones might not want them to appear in their pictures. In some backward cultures, children refer to such seniors as “witches,” especially women.

Your situation doesn’t have to be like that. Nonetheless, it’s not all about wishing that you won’t experience such ridicule and discrimination. You have to be deliberate to ensure that you appear elegant even in your old age. You will find helpful tips that can help you in this regard in the subsequent chapters...

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