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5 Different Ways to Practice Mindfulness

5 Different Ways to Practice Mindfulness

Want to become more mindful in your life but aren’t quite sure where to start? There are several different ways to practice mindfulness. Read on to find out more.


The best way to increase mindfulness in your life is by setting aside time every day to meditate. Meditation creates a space for you to spend quality time with yourself! It allows you to evaluate both your emotions as well as your physical feelings. It can also help relieve stress and induce a calmer demeanor. If you want to become more mindful, you really must spend time in meditation each day.

2.Spend Time Outside

Spending time outside in the fresh air can do wonders for your mentality. And the best part is, you don’t need any special training to implement this in your life. Start by going for a walk in a park near your house and paying attention to all the scenery around you.

3.Start Your Day With A Purpose

Another way to practice mindfulness is by starting all of your days with a clear purpose. This can be done by waking up early and having a morning routine that lets you start the day relaxed and prepared. This morning routine can be meditating when you first wake up, completing breathing exercises, or even going for a nature walk before work.

4.Watch What You Eat

Watching what you eat doesn’t necessarily mean you need to go on a diet. In this day and age, meals have become quick periods where you eat as fast as possible. Slow down, take each bite with purpose, notice all of the flavors you are consuming. And then pay attention after you finish eating to see how different foods affect your moods and health. You may be surprised by what you discover about your favorite foods.

5.Take Frequent Evaluation Pauses

Sometimes your life can be so hectic that you don’t spend any time on yourself. No matter what your schedule is like, now is the time to work in frequent pauses. These pauses don’t have to be long, just a few minutes to breathe deeply and evaluate how you feel and what you are thinking. You will find these mindful pauses will do wonders for stress relief.

Overall, leading a more mindful life isn’t that difficult. Simply start by trying one or a few of the items on this list, and you’ll be feeling more mindful in no time at all!


Emily Fletcher is one of the world’s leading experts in meditation. She’s been invited to teach at Google, Harvard Business School, Summit Series, Viacom, A-Fest & The Omega Center.

The Benefits of Mindfulness

The Benefits of Mindfulness

You have probably been told that embarking on a journey to become more mindful in your life will be very beneficial to you. But you may be wondering just what are the benefits of being more mindful. There are so many benefits to being more mindful in your life, some of which are explained below.

Stress Reduction

If you are like most people in this world, you live a busy life that is often full of stress. And stress has proven to be both bad for the body and the mind. When you work on becoming more mindful in your life, this will help reduce your stress. It will also help improve other mental aspects, such as focus and efficiency, which are often impeded by the effects of stress.

Better Sleep

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Well, becoming more mindful can help you with that as well. Being more mindful helps reduce the number of the ailments which cause problems sleeping, such as anxiety and stress. So, once you become more mindful, you’ll sleep more deeply and wake feeling more rested.

Improved Relationships

It can be hard to maintain relationships in your life if you lack empathy or are prone to emotional outbursts. Improving your mindfulness can help with both of these, as in one study performed by the California State University San Marcos, it was discovered that instruction in mindfulness both increases empathy and emotional control—meaning participants were less likely to have emotional outbursts in the future.

More Fulfillment

Mindfulness can help you feel happier and more fulfilled. This is because part of mindfulness is learning who you are and how to accept yourself and your life as it is. It will also help you set more effective goals for yourself and handle any difficult situations that may come your way confidently. This means you will be less likely to be thrown off when something in your life doesn’t go as planned, and you will be able to move forward with your life with ease.

Of course, these aren’t all the benefits of mindfulness, as the list goes on and on. But when you take steps to become more mindful, the benefits you will experience will transform your life in several ways, which will lead you to become a happier person who maintains excellent relationships with others. 


Emily Fletcher is one of the world’s leading experts in meditation. She’s been invited to teach at Google, Harvard Business School, Summit Series, Viacom, A-Fest & The Omega Center.

Why Is Mindfulness So Important?

Why Is Mindfulness So Important?

You’ve probably heard at some point in your life that being mindful is an essential part of a healthy and happy life. But you may be wondering just why this is. And this is because being mindful has the power to change many different aspects of your life.

Mindfulness Helps With Mental Health

When you spend your entire life running around, worrying about all the things which may be happening in your life at present and in the future, you’re likely to run into mental health problems. When you aren’t mindful of yourself and how you feel, you become stressed, which can have numerous effects on your mental health. To take care of your mental health and lower your stress levels, it’s crucial to be mindful of your environment and how you feel and respond. This will help you be more at peace mentally and keep your brain feeling fresh.

Mindfulness Boosts Creativity

Not only does mindfulness help preserve your mental health, but it also nurtures your creativity. This can be especially important when you face challenges in your life, as creativity is a part of learning to overcome challenges. According to various studies, mindfulness has even been discovered to improve brain function and memory, which can also help an individual navigate the twists and turns of life more easily. And those who were more mindful in their everyday life didn’t tend to suffer the same memory loss issues later in life as those who weren’t mindful.

Mindfulness Keeps You Healthy

Besides just mental benefits, mindfulness also has several physical benefits for your body. It works to improve immune function so that you can stay healthy and fight off infections more quickly when you do get sick. One study even discovered that being more mindful increased enzyme activity in the body which slowed down the aging process (Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress, Epel et al.). This means that mindfulness is scientifically a part of leading a longer, healthier life.


Mindfulness is an integral part of leading a happy and healthy life, no matter how you look at it. Mindfulness helps to keep you mentally sane, boosts your creativity, and works in several ways to keep you physically healthy as well. So, if you want to live your best life, it’s time to start being more mindful today. 


Emily Fletcher is one of the world’s leading experts in meditation. She’s been invited to teach at Google, Harvard Business School, Summit Series, Viacom, A-Fest & The Omega Center.

What Is Mindfulness?

What Is Mindfulness?

You’ve probably heard someone tell you that you should be a little more mindful. But what exactly is mindfulness? And how does it apply to your life?

Mindfulness Is Being Present

Mindfulness means that you are fully aware of your surroundings and what is happening in the here and now. But it doesn’t mean that you overreact or become overwhelmed by what is going on. Instead, being mindful is being present in the moment. Sometimes you may drift away from the current time and place, but it is mindfulness that will snap you right back to where you are right now. Mindfulness is also acceptance of the person you are, just as you are.

Mindfulness Isn’t Just In Your Head

Although mindfulness is something that happens in your thoughts, it doesn’t just affect your thoughts. Instead, it affects your entire body. Being mindful is checking in with your body to see how you are feeling. When you become more aware, you become more in tune with your body and the natural processes which occur without you even noticing, such as your breathing and heartbeat. This can have a relaxing effect, which will help you combat anxiety and physical pain, which may be the result of mental stress or anguish.

Is Mindfulness Something Difficult To Do?

Mindfulness is something that comes naturally to humans. Sometimes it may take some practice to embrace mindfulness, but this practice isn’t anything complicated. Mindfulness practice can simply be taking a moment to think or spending a few minutes each day in journaling or meditation.

The best way to practice mindfulness is by pausing during your daily activities and doing a complete check-in with yourself. How are your thoughts? Are they where they are supposed to be? If not, adjust them. Then, take a few deep breaths while checking in with the different parts of your physical body. Do you have pain anywhere? Are you holding in stress? Now is the time to figure out why and take action to resolve these stresses in your body. Sometimes, a few more deep breaths can be all it takes. Then you can resume your day in a more mindful state.

Overall, mindfulness is the state of being present both physically and mentally in life. It helps to cut down on anxiety and bring awareness into everything you do. And best of all, it’s not complicated. Anyone can learn mindfulness with just a little practice.


Emily Fletcher is one of the world’s leading experts in meditation. She’s been invited to teach at Google, Harvard Business School, Summit Series, Viacom, A-Fest & The Omega Center.

How Organizing Your Life Can Improve Your Happiness

How Organizing Your Life Can Improve Your Happiness

Organizing your life is a fundamental way to improve your happiness as a whole. It can help with your mental health, your energy, and even promote a sense of calm. It is more than just keeping an organized home, though that is definitely a big part of it. There are many areas of your life you can organize, from your schedule and routines, to the spaces you spend the most time in. Here are some benefits of having a more organized life.

Less Stress and Anxiety

Organizing your life is a great way to start reducing your stress and anxiety by having less chaos in your life. Less clutter and chaos in your home, means less clutter in your mind. You will start feeling better just with the simple task of your home itself being organized. When you wake up to a clean bedroom and your kitchen already cleaned and your office picked up, you feel much less stress when you start your day.

Better Sense of Peace and Calm

When you have a calmer energy thanks to an organized home and life, it brings a wonderful sense of peace. This can help you with mindfulness and gratitude, and starting a meditation practice. The more calm you feel throughout the day, the easier it is going to be to be mindful and focus on what is most important, instead of just stressing and feeling that chaos inside your mind.

Increase Productivity

You may notice that when you aren’t productive, it lowers your energy and mood. You might think you would be happier when you have more free time, but sometimes this isn’t the case. It doesn’t mean you should have a hustle mentality, but at least get the work done you set out to do. It is a lot easier to be productive when you are a more organized person.

Tips for Organizing Your Life

Now that you understand why you should be more organized, here are some tips to help you get there.

Have a place for everything – You don’t need to live a completely minimal life, but you should at last have a place for everything you own. Whether this is on a counter or desk, in a drawer or on a bookshelf, if it doesn’t have a place, it’s time to declutter.

Write things down and check back often – To better organize your life, make a habit of writing everything down. Not only make lists and take notes, but check back on what you wrote down often.

Minimize and declutter – This goes for home and work spaces. Get rid of what you don’t absolutely ned or have a use for, then do regular declutter sessions routinely.

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Habits to Improve Your Confidence

Habits to Improve Your Confidence

With better self confidence comes with the feeling that you know you can be or do anything. For some people, it is a higher sense of self-esteem, while others believe it is more about what they can achieve than who they are. No matter what confidence means to you, here are some helpful tips for improving it.

Try Visualization Techniques

Visualization is when you close your eyes, get into a calm and quiet state of mind, and visualize what it is you want. You have probably done this before if you are someone who daydreams, or when you try to think of your perfect scenario when you are laying down at night to go to sleep. Just think of something you want, whether a feeling or reaching a goal, and visualize it. If you are working on your confidence, this might be getting a big promotion, feeling good about your body or looks, or having others praise you.

Boost Confidence with Selfies

Yes, selfies can help with your confidence! If you have low self-esteem, it might be an adjustment to see pictures of yourself. But over time, you start to see all the amazing, unique, and beautiful traits that you have. Take lots of selfies, from different angles, in different clothes and environments, and with different types of lighting. Get creative, get bold, and get outside of your comfort zone. The more you see yourself in every different scenario and angle, the more you see how unique and beautiful you really are.

Get Better at Accepting Compliments

If you are someone who gets shy and awkward when someone compliments you, it can actually harm your confidence in the long run. Now is a great time to start practicing how you accept compliments. It doesn’t have to be complicated; a simple thank you will suffice. But don’t be afraid to be genuinely appreciative of compliments, and never say “no” or deny what they are complimenting about you.

Become Aware of Your Own Strengths

Your inner strengths are just as important as your physical traits; embrace them! Make a list of everything you are good at, even the smallest of things. Maybe you make really good scrambled eggs or you can solve a Rubiks Cube in only a few minutes. You might be good at creative and artistic activities or have achieved fitness goals. Your strengths might be kindness and compassion, or not being afraid of confrontation. It doesn’t matter what it is. If it is important to you, something you are good at, it’s worth feeling confident about.

Be Careful Who You Surround Yourself With

Unfortunately, there are some people who can be toxic to your confidence and make you feel worse about yourself. If you notice trends where you tend to feel worse about yourself after spending time with certain people, it’s time to let them go or at least try to spend a little less time with them...

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Be More Mindful in Everyday Life

Be More Mindful in Everyday Life

Mindfulness it the state of being more present, which can be done through a meditation session or just working to be more mindful. It can become a natural state of being when you focus on being more mindful in your everyday life, especially during activities you will already be doing.

Mindful Waking Minutes

Start a mindful waking routine where the first few minutes of your morning, right after you wake up, you try to relax and just sit in the moment. It doesn’t need to be a long time. Just 2-3 minutes of deep breathing and closing your eyes is plenty of time. You just want to start your day in as much of a relaxing and mindful state as possible. It helps to prevent stress and anxiety right as you wake up, which are emotions that tend to follow you around all day.

Be Mindful of How Your Body Feels

Remember to check in with your body throughout the day and feel the sensations. This is often enough to get yourself into the place of being more mindful. Whenever you can, just check in with your body and see if you notice tension or discomfort. Do you feel strong or fatigued? Are your muscles sore from a workout, or do you feel relaxed? There is no wrong way to feel here, as long as you pay attention.

Be Mindful of Your Emotions

You also want to check in with your mind often, including analyzing your thoughts and emotions in any given moment. Again, this can be done at any time. Think of those moments during the day when you have more time to sit with your thoughts. It might be when eating a meal, driving to work, or walking your dogs. Just check in with your mind and see what your primary thoughts are.

Mindful Daily Habits

Begin to explore daily habits that can help you get into a mindful state. Think of your daily rituals where you can also be present in those moments. Every day, you have many different habits and routines that you go through, often without thinking much about it. But you can take advantage of these moments by being mindful.

For example, instead of listening to music during your morning yoga session, you can practice yoga in the silence instead. You can be mindful during your shower, when brushing your teeth, as you make breakfast, while sitting outside enjoying the sunrise, and so many other activities.

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Tips for Achieving More Balance in Your Life

Tips for Achieving More Balance in Your Life

Of all the things people struggle with the most, finding balance is at the top of the list. It seems difficult to focus on multiple areas of your life at once, where you are just about work or just about family or just about your health. But it is very possible to achieve a healthy balance which will make you feel more fulfilled.

Have Set Work Hours, Even if You Work From Home

No matter what your job is and where you work, you should haves et work hours. This means if you work outside the home, you don’t leave the office with work on the mind. And most importantly, if you work out of your home, you have a time of day when you close your computer and stop working.

You need to have a time of the day when you are done for the day, and it shouldn’t just be when you’re sleeping. Try to set work hours for yourself, regardless of what you do and where you work. Set an alarm on your phone, and close your computer to enjoy your life with your family and friends once you “clock out”.

Set Healthy Boundaries at Home and at Work

Setting healthy boundaries isn’t easy to do since it often means telling people no or having limits for what you are able to do, but it is really important for balance in your life. Boundaries are simply a way to have limits for yourself or others. This can be in the form of saying no when someone asks you to go out on a night when you are tired and know you need to stay in.

Maybe you have boundaries in the workplace if someone is expecting you to do more than what you are able to handle on your own. In your personal life, boundaries can be with what you do for others, what you have time for, or how much energy you have. They change and shift as your schedule does.

Get Rid of the Unnecessary Restrictions

Do you feel like in order to reach certain goals, you have an all-or-nothing mentality that causes a lot of restrictions? This could be taking away from having proper balance in your life, where you don’t have room to enjoy yourself and be happy!

If you are trying to live a healthier lifestyle, but have found you get overly restrictive with your food where your list of foods you can’t have is longer than the list of foods you can have, it is getting in the way of being properly balanced.

Have a Planned Social Day Every Week

Even the busiest person should have time in their schedule for a social life. This can be something as simple as a dinner out every Friday night with your significant other, a family day on the weekend, or brunch with your girlfriends. Just make sure you schedule this time with your loved ones.

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New Ways to Practice Gratitude


New Ways to Practice Gratitude

Expressing gratitude for the amazing things in your life is one of the best ways to boost your mood, become happier, and feel content in your life. While many people choose to write down their gratitude in their journal, there are many other ways to practice gratitude and still get the same benefits. If you have been looking for some new options to be more grateful for the blessings in your life, here are some great places to start.

Start a Mindful Practice

Mindfulness and gratitude are very closely linked and can work together without trying too hard. If you want to be more grateful, it helps to also have a daily mindful practice. Every time you experience something in your day, and can channel that moment with mindfulness, just think of how you think or feel in that moment. Don’t let your mind wander to what you will do next or what you need to do next week.

Just sit in that present moment, acknowledge how you feel, and be grateful for the moment you are experiencing. The more you do this, the more it just becomes a habit you don’t even have to think about.

Tell People You Are Grateful

You don’t have to keep your gratitude all to yourself! The more you tell other people how much you appreciate them, the more you will feel that gratitude yourself. You don’t have to keep your gratitude all to yourself! If someone does you a favor, holds a door open, lends an ear, or offers their friendship, say thank you. Tell people how much you appreciate them, and in what ways they have improved your life.

Be More Inquisitive About WHY You Are Grateful

If you are having trouble keeping up with your gratitude practice, ask yourself questions about how you feel about something. Be more inquisitive overall to understand what makes you feel joy and what things you are most grateful for. Get curious with your own mind and thoughts, understand what triggers you to be happy.

Do you enjoy being around others or are you more of an introvert who is most grateful for times at home alone? Are you someone who can enjoy a good book or do you prefer watching movies? How does a gentle fitness routine and nutritious food feel to you? What do you tend to feel most grateful for on a daily basis?

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Is Happiness a Choice?

Is Happiness a Choice?

Many people believe that feeling and being happy is a matter of circumstance, but what if you could actually control it? Here are some things to consider when trying to become a happier, more fulfilled person.

If You Have Positive Emotions, You Feel Positively

This is proof that you can actually control when and how you feel happiness, since you are in control of your emotions. It is true that your emotions are often dictated by thoughts and the circumstances happening in your life, but you might have more control than you think.

Think About What Makes You Happy

To start feeling happier in your life, think about what brings you the most joy. What always puts a smile on your face? What increases your positive energy any time you experience it? Make a list of every thing, situation, activity, and person in your life that makes you feel happy. This might take some time and require a bit of soul searching.

Think back to times when you felt joy, that instant spark of happiness where you knew you would remember that moment. It could have been reading a really good book, relaxing at a spa, being with your close group of friends, or working on a creative project.

Keep adding to this list to become aware of what makes you happy, and also what doesn’t.

Be Grateful for the Little Joys in Life

There are many little moments in each day of your life that can bring happiness if you let it. These are the moments that we often take for granted because they seem so typical or mundane. But just because it is something you experience every day, doesn’t mean it isn’t special or that it doesn’t add to your overall happiness. The beauty of expressing more gratitude is finding these little things that make you happier.

It might be your morning cup of coffee, going for a walk in the evening with your dog, sitting on your couch after a long day, or a daily meditation practice. All those simple things that slowly add to your feeling of happiness.

Have More Compassion and Empathy

An amazing way to be a happier person is to become a more compassionate and empathetic person. This means compassion for others and yourself. Start to open your mind to what others experience and go through, offer your support and understanding. Help out others when you can, without getting into your own personal boundaries. And always have compassion and kindness for yourself.

Be Mindful with Negative Emotions

Having negative emotions is human and completely normal, but how you handle them is what might keep you from being fully happy and content in your life. When you feel a negative emotion, like anger or jealousy, just be mindful of it. Understand where it is coming from and that it isn’t going to last forever. Try to flip it into a positive emotion when you feel ready.

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