Mindset Hacks: Become More Resilient - Better Health Solutions

Mindset Hacks: Become More Resilient

Mindset Hacks: Become More Resilient

Do you know what the difference is between two people who deal with the same struggles in their life, but one person moves on from it, and the other person lets it negatively affect their life? It is all about resilience. This is the ability to bounce back from a setback or obstacle, no matter how severe or traumatizing it seemed at the time.

From a death in the family to bankruptcy or being involved in a natural disaster, unexpected events happen every day. Everyone has dealt with them, but it is about what you do about it, and whether or not you let it keep you from moving forward and moving on.

Here are some ways to work on your mindset and become a more resilient person.

You Are Already Resilient in Many Ways

To start with, look at the ways you are already a resilient person. Think of any difficult time in your life that you got through, extreme stress you overcame, traumas you have healed from. That shows resilience! This is not easy to do, no matter how difficult the situation was for you. A lot of people never get over certain things in their life, so by overcoming obstacles and challenges, you are already ahead of the curve.

Embrace Change and Growth

People think that resilience is difficult when you have a lot of unexpected tragedy or events in your life, but you aren’t special and you aren’t different. Everyone experiences them, but those who overcome them, are the ones that can embrace change and understand that it is important for personal growth.

Take forced change in your life as a change to grow and an opportunity to be someone better. There are so many ways to live your life, so many choices to make. And so many different ways of finding success and happiness.

You Can’t Control Everything That Happens to You

You can control how you react and what you think and feel, but you can’t control what other people do. Just like you have no say on the weather, you can’t prevent every bad thing from happening in your life. Instead of being upset about something you had no control over, just focus on how you react to it, and what you do afterward.

Look for Ways to Take Mental Breaks

You work hard and have a busy life – that means your mind needs a break as much as your body does. If during your downtime, you are still thinking heavy thoughts and never give your mind a rest, it’s going to be really hard to make necessary mindset shifts. Give your mind a break by doing something creative, having time for yourself, and having “no work” days. Take some time away from social media and spend time with others.
