Frequent Doctor’s Visits Put Diabetics at Risk with Their Weakened Immune System
Frequent Doctor’s Visits Put Diabetics at Risk with Their Weakened Immune System
If you have diabetes, you should know that your immune system is weaker due to your condition. Without a strong immune system, you’re going to be a lot more susceptible to getting sick, and when you do get sick, it’s going to hit you harder than it would someone else.
This is why you need to minimize your visits to the doctor if at all possible. Of course in cases of emergency you’re going to have to go to the doctor. When your blood sugar spikes too high, you need to see a medical professional to get the help you need.
However, you want to do everything you can to avoid that happening so that you don’t have to go to the doctor as much as you might normally. Doctor’s offices and hospitals are already houses for hotbeds for germs and diseases.
Despite their best efforts to sanitize them thoroughly, sick patients are still constantly walking in and out while spreading their disease around through surfaces or through the air.
The reason that diabetes affects your immune system has to do with the higher blood sugar levels. High blood sugar allows infections to spread and grow much faster than normal, making it much harder for your immune system to deal with, which leads to you getting sicker more often.
Another issue that diabetes poses for your immune system is the reduced blood flow and poor circulation throughout your body. Your white blood cells need to come in contact with the virus to detect it and to signal your body about it, but with poor blood flow, there’s a much lower chance of that happening.
This leads to viruses being able to take root and spread without your body even noticing until it’s too late. By the time it’s caught, the virus has already spread significantly, and it’ll be a much harder fight for your immune system because it hasn’t had time to prepare.
You may also know that diabetes impairs some of your nervous system, leading to more numbness in some areas. This numbness may cause a small injury to go unnoticed, such as a minor cut, which can then easily get infected all without you knowing.
By visiting doctor’s offices and hospitals frequently, you’re going to be exposing yourself to a lot of different diseases and infectious microbes that could all easily spread and get you sick, especially if you’re diabetic.