Conditions That Can Lead to Depression

Sometimes people will say that they’re depressed when they’re actually feeling down, which isn’t the same thing as truly having depression. You can have situational depression – where you’re feeling blue because of something that’s happened – but unlike true depression, situational depression doesn’t last for long periods of time.
There are well known symptoms that determine whether or not a person has depression. Someone who’s depressed might stop eating as much or they might suddenly eat more than they used to.
They may lose interest in activities that they usually do. They might experience trouble sleeping or feel dragged down by fatigue. Other symptoms include having trouble focusing or reaching a point of thinking about suicide.
While depression can occur for any reason, there are certain conditions that can lead to depression. People who have health conditions that lead to depression (such as diabetes) will often discover that if their condition is treated, their depression gets better.
People who have any kind of anxiety disorder or panic attacks are more prone to develop depression. Anyone who struggles with health issues that are psychological in nature – such as bulimia – can develop depression.
Anorexia is also linked to it. People who have eating disorders often have emotional issues as well. Anyone who has suffered through a trauma and develops PTSD will often find that depression can strike without warning.
This is because people who have PTSD have trouble coping with life. Their experiences rock their sense of safety and cause their beliefs in what was good and what was normal to be challenged.
Anyone with ADHD is also at risk of developing depression. This mental disorder has a link with depression because the person can experience feeling overwhelmed, feelings of negativity, and a struggle to cope.
Surprisingly, there are some habits that an also lead to depression. People who struggle with substance abuse – such as with illegal drugs, prescription drugs or alcohol – can battle depression.
One theory is because certain medications and alcohol can alter the user’s mental and emotional state due the chemical makeup. For example, alcohol is a known depressant and medical studies have shown that using drugs such as marijuana can increase the risk of developing depression for some people.
Regular cigarette smoking is linked with depression, as is a lack of exercise or being heavily overweight. People who have trouble sleeping are more likely to develop depression.
Health conditions that affect neurological function such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease can lead to depression. Cancer is also a risk factor for depression as are heart conditions.
People who have thyroid problems, especially an underactive thyroid, are at risk. Women are at a higher risk because of fluctuating hormones. Menopause can trigger depression just like giving birth can.
Life conditions can lead to depression as well. These are conditions such as going through a divorce, making a move to a new area, a job loss, the death of a friend or family member, or financial struggles.