Chronic Migraine- Five Natural Ways To Reduce Symptoms
What Is A Migraine?
Migraines are headaches that can range from mild to severe. Severe migraines are accompanied by throbbing pain, usually with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to sensory stimuli. They are common and affect one in five women and one in fifteen men. But the exact causes are unknown. They are more prone to happen to and associated with other mental ailments like Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's care Los Angeles ca is there to aid in assisting, informing and caring for if migraines occur too often, its best to consult a professional.
What Triggers Migraines?
Migraine triggers vary from individual to individual. But some known ones are caused by stress, shock, lack of sleep, hormones, low blood sugar, alcohol, caffeine, dehydration, depression, missed meals, excitement, and sensory stimuli. Keeping notes on how your migraines start will give a better understanding of what your triggers are. Doing this will help you avoid or moderate them.
Remedies For Migraines
Although the leading cause is unknown, there are many remedies that can stop or reduce its symptoms. Medications are good pain relievers. Besides this, there are many natural remedies that can help relieve migraines, such as:
1) Exercise
Exercising can help both physically and mentally. It maintains good brain activities, helps create new brain cells, elevates the mood, and releases a hormone called endorphins in your body. All help reduce migraines. Endorphins help relieve pain and stress. Exercise also improves mood by producing dopamine in the brain.
It is best not to try this during migraines because it can cause the opposite effect and make your migraines worse. Exercise regularly and when you feel well. That way, you would have the pain-relieving chemicals you need. It will prevent and lessen the effects of migraines when they come.
2) Vitamins and Minerals
Some migraines are caused when you have lack of proper nutrients. Taking the vitamins and minerals, you lack will prevent your body from getting migraines again. Some essential vitamins and minerals are:
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)
It helps regulate neurotransmitters in the brain that lessens the cause of migraines. A study shows that taking at least 400 mg daily for three to six months will have an effect on the pain and frequency of migraines you get.
Vitamin D
Studies have shown a deficiency in vitamin D is linked to migraines. Patients who lack this nutrient have more frequent migraines than those who take it. It also helps in the absorbance of magnesium.
3) Magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that stabilizes our blood levels and regulates our nerves. Both help prevent migraines. Some studies suggest that the brain has low levels of magnesium during migraines.
Taking magnesium can help prevent it but using too much will cause adverse effects. The recommended dose is 400 to 500 mg.
4) Acupuncture
Acupuncture therapy is pressing needles into the body. It should only be performed with sterile equipment and by professionals. People describe the experience as relaxing. The needles are thin, so it causes little to no pain—only some discomfort when inserting.
Studies have shown, during an experiment with participants, acupuncture improved migraines for patients compared to those placed with placebo acupuncture.
5) Compression
Different forms of compression contribute to reducing migraine pains. Such as:
Cold and Warm compression
Leave a cold pack on your forehead for fifteen minutes at a time. It will soothe and relieve the pain.
Or use a warm pack on the affected area. Not only will it relieve the pain, but it will also relax any tense muscles it's applied on.
Do not use these methods if you have issues with your blood pressure or are diabetic.
Migraines can happen very frequently. Taking steps to avoid its triggers and using remedies can prevent and relieve the pain. Despite this, if your migraines are too severe, reoccurring, or interfere with your day-to-day life, then it is advised to see a doctor.
Hope this article helped.