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Why Physical Health Is Just as Important as Mental Health

Why Physical Health Is Just as Important as Mental Health

The hard truth is how you treat your body with exercise and food can impact your life in harmful or detrimental ways, including your mental health. If you opt for a poor diet, avoid drinking water, and don’t move around much, it is likely your mental health is reduced too.

Your physical health is as important as your mental health because the mind and body work together. Your physical health is based on eating a proper diet, and incorporating exercise into your daily life, along with other things. If you aren’t healthy physically, your brain isn’t at it’s peak either. Below are a few instances and issues related to physical and mental health issues that you want to watch for, since they can lead to diminished functions and a shorter life expectancy.


Worsening Mental Health Symptoms

A poor diet can lead to weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle that can ultimately lead to depression and stress. Some mental health conditions also cause you to eat a poor diet. For example, if you have anorexia or orthorexia, you may be using food in unhealthy ways that contribute to worsening mental health symptoms.

Decreased Mental Focus

Poor nutrition from an improper diet often leads to symptoms of brain fog. This affects your ability to focus and perform optimally. Most people are walking around dehydrated too. Dehydration can also lead to issues that keep you from using your brain to its full ability.

Weight Gain and Obesity

Those who have a poor diet and lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to be considered obese. Obesity can cause many health problems, including depression and even death. While everyone should practice body-positivity, understand that obesity is a health condition that has many issues associated with it, and it can be prevented.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Research shows that twenty percent of deaths above the age of thirty resulted from a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting for longer than four hours each day can decrease your life expectancy exponentially, so get moving more. If you’re trapped inside, turn up the music and dance it out. You only need to do it for 30 minutes a day to change your health for the better dramatically.

Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Obesity and other symptoms of poor physical health can lead to cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the USA. Even if you’re not obese, a lack of vitamins and nutrition can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety.

As you can see, treating your body right and doing what is needed to improve your physical health is just as important as working on your mental health. If you only focus on improving your mental health and ignore your body, you may waste your time focusing on the wrong solution, when your physical health is really to blame.

Always work on both. Thankfully for some, all you have to do is change or eliminate bad habits that lead to poor physical health, and your mental health will improve. Get moving every day and be sure to hydrate appropriately. The better you treat your body, the more your mental health will improve. However, don’t be afraid to get mental healthcare if you’re doing all this and still suffering.

Cultivating Happiness Despite Trials and Tribulations

Cultivating Happiness Despite Trials and Tribulations

It is easier for people to dwell in their unhappiness because the feelings they experience can be overwhelming. However, happiness can be a choice, and there are ways to cultivate it despite the trials and tribulations you may be experiencing.

  • Record lessons you learned – Through every hardship, there is a lesson to be discovered at the end. Without failure, you cannot learn, and sometimes failure is the best to learn. Anytime you feel down, think about what lesson you might need to learn and then find a way to be grateful for that lesson.
  • Practice gratitude – Learn to be thankful for what you have at any given time. If you feel hopeless, stop, and look around. Find gratitude in the simple things in life. The air smells good. You have running water. You love your cat. Whatever it is, you will start to feel better and happier almost instantly. Practicing gratitude is a great exercise to bring positivity and perspective to your world. Try writing down three positive lessons you learned each evening before bed in your journal.
  • Know your purpose – Give yourself time to figure out what you want to do with your time and what your purpose is. What do you enjoy doing, and what makes you truly happy? Is there something that you can’t wait to get up to do, or is it hard to go to sleep because you just want to keep doing that thing? Explore that more and start doing more of what makes you feel good.
  • You can be sad while being happy – It is essential to understand that the feelings of happiness and sadness can be experienced at the same time. You could be sad about a situation you are going through while being overwhelmingly happy about a different situation you are in that maybe you wouldn’t even be in the first place if the other situation didn’t happen.
  • Try to choose happiness – Any time you make the conscious effort to choose to be happy, you’ll find that life is much more enjoyable. If you find yourself being sad too often, take a step back and say, “I am going to be happy right now” and do it. Let go of whatever it may be that is making you unhappy, you can’t change it right this minute anyway, so move forward.
  • Know your life goals and destiny – Keep on this path no matter what. Achieving your goals and continuing on the road that is taking you to your goals will keep you happy no matter how many obstacles get in the way. Just keep going on as you jump right over each burden and pick yourself back up each time.
  • Do more fun things – Don’t wait around for fun things to happen to you. Make them happen. What do you enjoy doing the most? Figure it out and do it, and don’t be afraid to do it alone or to invite people to do it with you. It is okay to do things alone, but it is also ok to do something because you want to and have those you love to experience it with you.

Working towards happiness may not seem easy, but it can be done if you follow these tips. Don’t let negative feelings control you. Actively work on learning the lessons you are supposed to be learning in life so that you can experience true happiness.

The Most Overrated Emotion: Guilt

The Most Overrated Emotion: Guilt

Guilt is an emotion people experience when they do something wrong (or think they did something wrong) whether they did it on purpose or not. Guilt is frequently an emotion people express when they fail at something or don’t accomplish something they worked hard toward. Guilt can be positive but more times than not, guilt is harmful and can be an overrated emotion.

Guilt is a Distraction

Guilt is more of a distraction than a useful emotion. Guilt distracts and detaches you from reality while you feel hopeless and sad about what you did. Instead, that time could be used to solve the actual problem or to forgive yourself or the person that may have caused that feeling in the first place.

Guilt is a distraction from the lesson to be learned. We often dwell on failing instead of why we experienced the failure, which distracts from learning from your mistakes. Instead, take the failure as a sign that you need to learn something. What did you miss? Discover it and realize it was a lesson, and eventually, you will overcome the obstacle if you don’t let guilt win first.

All Effort is Lost

Guilt makes you forget about all the effort you already put into it, which ultimately wastes even more of your time. Why did you also put in any effort if you were going to waste it by feeling guilty? Be proud of the hard work that you did even if you ultimately make a mistake or you didn’t succeed at a level that you thought you would.

Used for Control

Guilt is often only used to control large groups of people. Cults will use guilt to make their followers feel bad about themselves. They do this so that they can get more members to do what they want them to. They watch what you do and find any action they can find, elicit guilt from you and trick you. Guilt is a potent tool to control you because your desire to want to feel better now relies on them.

Guilt is Unhealthy

The feeling of guilt is ultimately very unhealthy, both physically and mentally. It can cause high blood pressure, stress, and many other mental illnesses that can show up right on your body. This includes baggy eyes, weight gain, or even nausea and vomiting in severe cases.

Letting go of guilt will give you the freedom to learn and grow. Even when you make a mistake that doesn’t mean you are dumb or a bad person. The actions that you take next is what will determine that. Instead of dwelling on the mistakes, you made learn from them. Use that time to learn about yourself, so you avoid repeating the same actions. In time you will genuinely understand how useless and overrated guilt is.

6 Steps for Living in The Moment

6 Steps for Living in The Moment

Living in the moment is freedom. When you can live in the here and now, you’ll gain freedom from worry, self-doubt, and guilt. Living in the moment promotes better health, improves relationships, and helps overcome stress. Use the following six tips to learn how to live in the moment for a happier and healthier life.

  • Get out of your mind – Any time you notice you're in your mind and thoughts but not actually enjoying or participating fully in whatever you’re doing right this moment, get out of them. Use a word or strategy to help you notice when this happens, such as grounding by seeing right where you are. When you overthink everything, it’s hard to move forward. The more you think, the more you will likely mess up or become stressed.
  • Don’t focus on your future – Instead, do the thing you’re worried about. Do it now, if possible. Yes, maybe you want a house, but you don’t have the money for the down payment. It’s okay, don’t worry. Start saving money and move on from that thought. Please don’t dwell on the fact you are not in a home yet. The only authentic action you can take right now is to save money, so focus on that. Only focus on what you can make happen.
  • Be ok with nothing – Living in the moment means you may not always be actively doing something. You might just be sitting there, and that is ok. Look around you and see what you might not have noticed before while you were to worry about doing something. You might find or learn something new about yourself. Boredom is a catalyst for creativity.
  • Let go of the past – Forget about the mistakes you made in the past.  View your mistakes as learning lessons never to repeat. Stop using the valuable time you have now thinking about your past mistakes or what could have been. Instead, if you are thinking about “what could have been,” go out and make it happen now.
  • Understand your why – Why do you feel the need to live in the moment more? What exactly are you doing that is preventing it? Focus on it and see what you can do to fix it or eliminate the roadblocks in place, preventing you from focusing on the now.
  • Lose track of time – Stop looking at the clock every time you go somewhere or while you are doing something. Living in the moment means you are enjoying it, and time will go by fast. Don’t distract yourself with things that don’t matter now, like what time it is. If you look up and are worried about how much time has passed or that the event is about to be over, you are already distracting yourself. Immediately stop and get back to what you were doing.

Living in the moments allows you to value life and free yourself from stress and other needless worries. It will enable you to open your life to contentment and ultimate happiness. If you work on living in the moment, you will find yourself feeling happier in the long run.

4 Ways to Improve Your Body Image

4 Ways to Improve Your Body Image

Your body image is about how you see yourself physically, whether that be positively or negatively. Often a poor body image can lead to depression, poor relationships, and even unsuccessful careers. There are ways to improve your body image to lead to a more successful life. These four ways to improve your body image will help you if you implement them.

Practice Words of Affirmation

Every morning look at your reflection in a mirror and practice words of affirmation. This means look into your own eyes and tell yourself that at this very moment you love yourself and everything about you. Tell yourself a few things you love about yourself. Anytime you think something negative, try saying it out loud but include the word, no.

For example, if you start thinking, “I am ugly and worthless,” say it out loud as “I am NOT ugly. I am NOT worthless.” Then tell yourself why. “I am not ugly because I am me, and no one else can have that. I am not worthless because I am a person.” Even if you don’t entirely believe it yet, saying positive things to yourself every day will encourage you to be more positive about your body.

Don’t Listen to Other People  

You must accept your body yourself. No one else can give you self-acceptance. No one else needs to justify your acceptance of your body. You may need to avoid social media if that causes issues. You can also not take to heart what they say as truth. Again, you are the only person that can truly accept yourself. If you don’t rely on others, you won’t find yourself disappointed and will be set free.

Find the Right People  

While you cannot rely on others for your happiness, this does not mean you don’t want to be social. It just means you shouldn’t expect your friends to make you happy. Your friends should be extra in your already happy life. Make sure the friends and family you are around are positive. If they are always on an unhealthy diet, judging your appearance, or the appearance of others, let them go.

Find better people to hang out with intentionally. Just remember negative people who bring you down are not there for your support, only for their own gain of self-affirmation. Again, they think others should make them happy. Those types of people are only using you. Also, their self-negativity will leak into you feeling negative about yourself too.

Be Healthy

Look into your daily routine to see when and where you can improve your health based on the way you live. Maybe you don’t drink any water and only get four hours of sleep each day. You can change that to do better so that the actions you take the lead to health and not sickness. Bad daily health habits can easily lead to a negative mindset and show on the outside through obesity, acne, and other signs of poor health.

An unhealthy lifestyle can lead to depression and other mental illnesses, which can lead to negativity. Being healthy does not mean you must lose a certain number of pounds or look a certain way. It means eating a well-rounded diet, getting in enough water, fruits, and vegetables, and exercising every day at least 30 minutes. Meditation is also a great healthy practice to help you cut down on anxiety.

Take the time to see where you can change to lead to a healthier body image. It will take time to learn to love and value yourself as is, and that is okay. However, your body image must be healthy so you can have an overall successful life.

Disconnect to reconnect

There’s no doubt that technological advancements, especially the internet, has made the world a better place. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have made the world a global village where online social interactions occur. We can now have friends in nations we’ve never been to and may never visit. It also provides endless opportunities for trading and business expansion. Therefore, social media is indeed a blessing for interpersonal and professional relationships.

Nonetheless, this blessing is a curse for many people. Social media isn’t evil; however, its abuse, just like medications, can be disastrous. Many people are battling social media addiction today, such that they are anxious when they don’t have access to their phones. Some people cannot imagine not using their phones for a day. Meanwhile, social media platforms are full of disturbing content that affects people’s mental health. So, it’s vital that you’ve control over your social media use. What you need is a social media detox.

Unfortunately, many people that would’ve loved to regulate their social media use don’t know how to execute this plan. If you’re one such person, you’re reading the right material. This book is a complete guide that explains social media addiction, its ills, and how to control it. Therefore, you need to pay attention to every page while reading because this book has the potential to be life-changing. You’ll find quality information that’ll enable you to disconnect to reconnect. Are you ready to get your life on track? Here you go!

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7 Telltale signs

One of the most fitting descriptions of technology is that it's a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can be an awesome blessing. Today, we are able to do our banking and manage our finances online. We can order our toilet paper and other necessities with the click of a button.

We can expand our knowledge, research virtually anything, and explore the world via the internet. We can shop online for luxury products and compare dozens of brands and prices from the comfort of our homes. We can communicate with people halfway across the globe and stay in touch with loved ones… and much, much more.

On the other hand, there is a very sinister side to technology. It can be a curse that can destroy our lives. This is because it's very easy to get addicted to it.  

When technology becomes an addiction that takes over your life, the consequences are no less serious than those related to drug or alcohol abuse. In fact, the scientific term for technology addiction is "digital abuse".

Today, digital abuse has become recognized in medical and psychological circles as a serious condition. Consider these three brief facts based on surveys:

  • 81% of adults check their phones as soon as they wake up in the morning.
  • 70% of adults keep their phones next to their beds while they sleep.
  • 60% of adults admit that they have a technology addiction or are overly obsessed with technology.

Do you think that you or someone you know is addicted to technology? This book will reveal seven signs that indicate digital abuse. If you observe all or some of these signs, you need to take immediate action.

Digital abuse, if left untreated, can have serious mental consequences. The deeper a person gets sucked in, the harder it is to break the habit. Acknowledging that you have a problem is the first step towards confronting it. 

Read on to find out what these telltale signs are and how regular digital detox can put you on the road to recovery. ...Read on

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What is digital detox?

What Is Digital Detox?

Digital detox is the process of restricting your use of technology devices such as phones, tablets, and computers. The essence of this limitation is to enable you to maintain your focus during your daily tasks. It also enables you to create more time for other productive activities, such as spending time with your loved ones, exercise, and hobbies. Uncensored use of digital devices and social media has psychological, physical, and social problems. Excessive exposure to social media makes you a potential victim of:

  • insensitive comments
  • body shaming
  • cyberbullying
  • social comparison

Digital detox is the deliberate attempt to stay in charge of your life, which ensures that you avoid the negative impacts of the abuse of technology....

Read on and claim your free eBook "Disconnect to Reconnect" by
clicking the Green button below

How to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done

How to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done

Procrastination is defined as the action of delaying or postponing something. Sometimes that means being late, sometimes it means being on time but not doing a very good job. Usually, when someone is procrastinating, they’ll find every excuse not to do what needs to be done, often busying themselves with other activities to avoid guilt.

  • Get Organized – Sometimes, people put things off simply because they’re overwhelmed, and everything just seems like too much. When you get organized you can eliminate busywork and focus more on what really needs to be done.
  • Develop Clear Goals – Everything you do should relate to your goals. When you write goals, make sure you can measure them by being very specific about what success looks like.
  • Create Step-By-Step Actions – Once you’ve created a goal, break it down into components with step by step actions that lead you to the result that you desire. The small steps that help you get there should not be overwhelming.
  • Create a Schedule with Deadlines – From the steps, put them in your calendar with time limits and deadlines. Make sure that you do give yourself enough time, but don’t give yourself too much time.
  • Eliminate Distractions – No one can multitask. You’d be shocked to learn how many hours you waste in a day trying to do more than one thing at a time. Studies show that multitasking wastes about 40 percent more time than focusing.
  • Systemize and Automate – Some tasks that you do regularly can be automated. All tasks should be systemized so that you do them the same way each time. It’ll make you faster and help you avoid trying to get out of it.
  • Form Habits – Just like people have bad habits, people can have good habits. Turn the things you need to do into habits by doing them at the same time, in the same way, so that you look forward to it.
  • Celebrate Success – When you meet a goal or even part of a goal, take the time to celebrate it. Reward yourself or others who were involved in fulfilling the goal.
  • Let Go of Perfection – While you do want to do things to the best of your ability, no one is ever going to be perfect. Often the perfection you’re shooting for just doesn’t exist. Let it go and get done.
  • Follow Your Schedule – Once you set up a schedule, follow it for a long time before changing it. You can check your metrics to find out if it’s working and adjust but try not to deviate from your schedule too much.

The best way to eliminate procrastination is to stop doing things you dislike doing and let someone else do them or bite the bullet and just do the thing according to schedule without thought or judgment.  

6 Techniques to Help You Master Your Emotions

6 Techniques to Help You Master Your Emotions

When you learn to master your emotions, you can use them to motivate others, calm others, or do the same thing for yourself. The truth is, most of the time, as humans. We tend to mirror each other’s emotions. If you can become the moderator in the room, you will have an enormous amount of power over yourself, your circumstances, and others.

Get and Stay as Healthy as Possible

This is really a long-term plan, but it’s an essential component to mastering your emotions. Start eating right, exercising enough, and staying hydrated. Do the things that make you healthy from exercising to eating right to sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night most of the time, and you’ll find that you naturally have more control over your emotional life.

Learn to Set Better Goals and Schedules

Goal setting and using your ability to schedule work in smaller loads and chunks is also a great way to ensure that you don’t add issues that make emotional control difficult. Schedule both your work life and your personal life reasonably. Give yourself enough time to do things so that you can focus on one thing at a time. When you stop multitasking, you end up doing a better job at anything, whether it’s coloring with your six-year-old or organizing your next big event.

Work on Developing Emotional Awareness

One issue with emotions is having the ability to really feel each part of the emotion, including the sensations you have inside your body and the thoughts that run through your mind. The more you can dissect this and understand it, the more you can use these emotions for your benefit. When you note that you are feeling emotions take some time to analyze them and dissect them so that you can truly feel them in full. Don’t judge them as bad or good. Just note them.

Keep Learning and Experiencing New Things

The more experiences you have, the more learn about your world and environment, the better mastery you’ll have over your emotions. The main reason is that the more things you experience in life, the more emotions you’ll experience. There is nothing quite like living a full life with all the emotions you can handle that helps you learn to master them.

Focus on and Savor Positive Experiences

As you are experiencing and learning more in life, try to focus on the positives. Do things that make you feel fabulous, energized, hopeful, and thankful. The more you can heighten these experiences, the better you’ll be able to distinguish your emotions and even call on them when you need them.

Position Yourself in Wonderment and Awe

Even when things are not great and emotions are classified as “bad,” try to think about it with wonderment and awe. Nature is fantastic, and also, when something scary is happening, if you can see it in all, its incredible beauty and craziness, it can often be easier to master your emotions around something that is otherwise devastating.

Practice these six techniques every single day because mastering your emotions doesn’t happen overnight. You must work at it, recognize each emotion you feel, note how it affects you, and create a plan to navigate both positive and good feelings so that you can call on the feelings and emotions that you need when you need them.

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