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Ask These Questions To Discover Your Purpose In Life

Ask These Questions To Discover Your Purpose In Life

Asking yourself the right questions will help you to discover your purpose in life. Some of these questions will be very easy for you to answer and you will probably end up with quite a list of things. Others will be more of a challenge for you as they will require deeper thought.

You need to find a quiet place where there will be no distractions for you. It is important that you are not disturbed while you are doing this. Make sure that you have your journal with you or some paper and a pen. Writing down the answers to the questions is an essential part of the process of identifying your true calling.

Once you have answered all of the questions, you will need to examine your answers and try to identify commonalities. You are looking for clues and signs that will eventually lead to you discovering your purpose in life.

What do you really enjoy?

When you know what the purpose of your life is you will enjoy almost everything that you do. So, knowing what you enjoy doing right now can provide big clues for you. Think about the things that you have done in your life and which of these gave you the most satisfaction and enjoyment.

To help you with this, think back to your childhood and the things that you really liked to do. Then move forward to your adult life and think about the things that provided you with the most pleasure. Be sure not to judge here. Just write everything down so that you can analyze it later.

What is on your Bucket List?

Many people these days have a “bucket list”. If you are not familiar with this then the concept here is simple. It is a list of things that you want to do before you die (kicking the bucket). It doesn’t matter if you do not have a bucket list right now. Just ask yourself the question “what do I want to include in my bucket list?”

People usually include special things on their bucket list that have an element of risk to them such as sky diving. You do not have to follow this trend when you are creating your bucket list. It is all about the things that you really want to do but haven’t yet.

What makes you angry or frustrated?

This is a question that most people will be able to answer easily because they focus on the negative. We all have things in our lives that frustrate and anger us. When you are answering this question don’t dismiss things that you believe to be beyond your control such as the effect of climate change. Just get everything down on paper.

What are your personal struggles?

With this question you can identify the things that you are not happy with about yourself. For example, you may have a much lower opinion about yourself than you deserve or you feel that no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to work out for you.

What things are really important for you?

This is a challenging question that will require deep thought and soul searching. It is worth the effort though as it can provide you with strong signals about your life’s purpose. Be persistent with this question and look at all aspects of your life.

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How to define wellness?

Wellness is a holistic concept that refers to the overall health and well-being of an individual. It goes beyond just physical health and includes emotional, mental, and social well-being as well. Wellness is often described as a state of balance and harmony within oneself and with the environment.

In recent years, the concept of wellness has gained popularity and has become more mainstream. It is often associated with the pursuit of healthy habits, such as exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and getting enough sleep. It also involves taking care of one's emotional and mental well-being, such as practicing stress management techniques, seeking therapy or support when needed, and engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment.

Wellness is a personal journey and what works for one person may not work for another. It is important to find what works best for you and to make self-care a priority in your life. By focusing on your overall well-being, you can improve your quality of life and feel more balanced and fulfilled.

  • Wellness is a dynamic process: It is not a static state, but rather a continuous journey towards better health and well-being. It involves making healthy choices on a daily basis and striving to achieve balance and harmony in all aspects of life.

  • Wellness involves self-awareness: In order to promote wellness, it is important to be aware of one's own physical, emotional, and mental needs. This involves paying attention to your body's signals, such as hunger, fatigue, and stress, and taking steps to address these needs in a healthy way.

  • Wellness involves self-care: Taking care of yourself is an important aspect of wellness. This can include activities such as getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, eating a healthy diet, and practicing stress management techniques. It is also important to engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, such as hobbies or spending time with loved ones.

  • Wellness involves connecting with others: Building and maintaining positive relationships with others can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. Connecting with others can provide a sense of belonging, support, and social connection, which are all important for our mental and emotional health.

  • Wellness involves living in alignment with your values: Identifying and living in accordance with your values can help to bring a sense of purpose and meaning to your life, which can contribute to overall well-being.

Overall, wellness is a multifaceted concept that involves taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being in order to achieve balance and harmony in life. It is a personal journey that involves making healthy choices and engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Meditation Is a Tool You Can Use to Manage Chronic Stress


Meditation Is a Tool You Can Use to Manage Chronic Stress

There are strategies and resources that you can turn to in order to manage chronic stress. One of these strategies is meditation. When you engage in this practice, it helps you relax both mentally and physically.

You find relief from the thoughts that might be contributing to the stress because it pulls your attention away from the causes and changes the direction of your thoughts. That’s the foundation of most meditation practices.

You learn to stop allowing your thoughts to stay on stressful things and instead, you focus elsewhere, such as on empowering or positive things. Meditation is a way to be in the moment and learn self-awareness.

You’ll learn how to concentrate as you learn how to cope. When you’re under stress, it leads to rising levels of cortisol. You can end up suffering from additional symptoms related to stress, such as inflammation.

The negative side effects linked to this inflammation can lead to things such as insomnia, mood swings and cognitive issues. By practicing meditation, you can reduce stress and the inflammation side effect.

Meditation helps you manage chronic stress because it also helps to alleviate anxiety. Anxiety is a common side effect of stress. By using meditation, you learn how to react to the stress factors that can induce anxiety.

Regular practice of meditation can result in a mood boost as well as a more positive outlook concerning a stressful situation. It can also give you clarity, so you gain perspective on how to deal with your stressors.

By alleviating anxiety, meditation can lead to a positive boost to battle your other stress related emotional symptoms, too. Many people who experience anxiety associated with stress also struggle with depression.

When you practice meditation, it relieves depression. Living with chronic stress causes many people to turn to unhealthy habits to attempt to find relief. Meditation can help you overcome bad habits or behaviors, such as drinking or smoking, which only makes stress worse.

When you meditate, it can give you insight into why you’re feeling stressed. By locating the root of your stress, you’ll be able to cut it out of your life. You’ll notice when you start meditating that some of the symptoms associated with stress get better.

For example, if you’ve had trouble sleeping because of your stress, meditation can help restore that area of your life. It works because insomnia is often caused by emotions and thoughts associated with stressors.

Meditation gives you the skills to be able to get those thoughts under control so you stop the flow of negative thinking when you’re trying to fall asleep. Once you learn how to engage in meditation, you’ll experience many health benefits, such as a reduction in blood pressure and fewer muscle aches. 

Don't miss this (Limited Time Only) Free Masterclass by Emily Fletcher, who is one of the world’s leading experts in meditation!

Starting Your Day Off Fighting Stress Can Turn Everything Around for You

Starting your day off on the right foot can help you battle stress throughout the day. When you begin your day in a relaxing way, it can help set the tone for the hours that follow.

But if you jump right into things that stress you, you can expect that stress to continue because you’ll get caught up in a cycle of stress. You’ll brace yourself against stressful things and develop that tension throughout your body.

But if you focus on beginning your day the right way, you can turn everything around and stop the stress before it takes hold. When you get up in the mornings, don’t immediately jump into doing things.

You need to give yourself time to wake up. You also want to create a mood for your day. The best way to do this is to start with something that either relaxes you or makes you feel like the day is going to be exciting and positive.

To do this, you can begin your day with music. Music has long been advised by medical professionals as a way to destress. Music can work in a variety of ways. It can soothe emotions.

It can also make you feel relaxed or create an environment of positivity, such as causing you to feel happy and uplifted. Give your body a good soak first thing in the morning. Taking a warm shower can help you relax your muscles.

It can also be a great place to think about the positives that you’re looking forward to for the day. This can be something as simple as drinking your favorite smoothie or enjoying some time to read during your lunch break.

Fight off stress by making sure you don’t begin your day on an empty stomach. Your body needs fuel in order to function well. If you start out your day by skipping breakfast, that can make stress worse because you won’t have the energy to deal with stressors.

Suffering nutritionally can also compound any ill effects caused to the body by stress. If you’re really not a breakfast eater, even just grabbing a piece of fruit can help gear you up to face the day and handle stress.

Begin with good thoughts. There’s a lot to be said for the power of positive thinking. Where your thoughts go, so goes your body, too. If you start by thinking about negative, stressful things, your body will immediately take cues from that.

Start by writing down three thoughts that you’re thankful for. Or, you can list three things you’re looking forward to for the day. You can also jot down three small things that make you happy - such as a cozy, rainy day or listening to your favorite podcast on the way to work.

Get moving first thing in the morning. If you can exercise when you get up, this can help set the stage for fighting off stress. This might be something as quick as taking a stroll around your neighborhood. Establishing healthy and happy morning routines can set the pace for better days and help you eliminate stress in the process.

The Art of Enjoying Life

The Art of Enjoying Life

For most people, life is about finding and maintaining happiness. This can include many different things, depending on who you ask. For many, this can be a difficult thing to figure out and prevents them from truly enjoying their life. To learn the art of enjoying life, you must do things to discover it yourself because you can't feel joy if you don't know what makes you joyful.

Define Your Happiness

While happiness does have a concrete definition in the Oxford English Dictionary as good luck or fortune in success and prosperity, if you ask different people, their answers will vary. That is because happiness is up to the individual. Only you can create happiness for yourself because you're the only one who knows what makes you truly happy.

Only Say What You Mean

In other words, don't say yes to something if you genuinely don't want to do it. If you continue to live someone else's life to make them happy, you won't enjoy life. However, if you truly benefit from making others happy, then that is a great reason. Just be sure you are honest with yourself. If you don't feel happy and are frustrated while doing anything, don't waste your time by continuing. If you are not happy, what is the point of doing it?

Be Healthy and Active

Give your body the nutrients and physical activity it needs. Poor diet and exercise can lead to many health problems over time, only making your life harder. Adopting a whole foods diet and moving around at least 30 minutes a day is all your need to live a long life. You don't need to be perfect, but a healthy lifestyle is essential to enjoy life thoroughly.

Know Your Likes and Dislikes

If you are struggling with enjoying life, you are likely struggling with identifying yourself and finding your sense of purpose. To combat this, create a list of your likes and dislikes. Think of your achievements and the things you enjoy doing. What activities or questions do your friends and family always ask you about?

As you list your likes and dislikes, take special notice of the ones that interest you the most and further educate yourself on the topic. When you have a sense of purpose and direction in life, you feel fulfilled, satisfied, and happy. When you know what you like, it motivates you to get up each day and do your very best.

Remember to let go of perfection. Life won't be perfect and will always change, which is what makes it so beautiful. Always be willing to learn and try new things and go after what makes you happy to unlock the art of enjoying life.

You Know You're Ready For A Change, But You're Feeling Stuck

Dealing with the Discomfort of Mindful Living

Dealing with the Discomfort of Mindful Living

The first thing you need to know is that everyone has slip ups. You will, too. So don’t beat yourself up whenever you seemingly fail at mindfulness. The fact that you are observant about it and recognize it later is a step in the right direction.

Your mental and physical self might resist the practice of mindfulness. You don’t want to battle yourself, but instead recognize the feelings and push back and greet them with something that centers you, such as meditation, deep breathing or visualization.

Some people try to rush the process and make a change quickly so they can escape the discomfort they feel. Mindfulness shouldn’t be a process you hurry through. These quick fix solutions are rarely the right option.

You don’t have to sit still and meditate on something for hours on end, but at the same time, don’t be in a situation where you embrace your awareness and latch on to the first option you consider just so you can go back to not having to think about something.

Many people find that their initial foray into mindfulness is a very physical and emotional process. You want to learn how to be relaxed when you do this. Find a comfortable position, whether it’s seated or lying down in the beginning as you learn the ropes... 

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Eliminate Stress Naturally

Eliminate Stress Naturally

Stress is uncomfortable and can ruin anyone's day, week, or even year. It can be the one thing preventing you from being entirely successful and achieve your goals. It may feel awful and hard to avoid, but there are ways to eliminate it.

Go on A Walk or Hike

Get out in nature, soak in the sunlight, and break free from reality and other people. This is the best way to absorb vitamin D that is essential to living a healthy life. Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels is vital for a robust immune system, healthy bones, and a stable mood.

Use Aromatherapy

Light a candle, burn incense, or warm essential oils throughout your day. Aromatherapy is a known stress reliever as it activates feel-good chemicals in your brain. Allowing you to let go for a moment and relax.

Hug or Cuddle It Out

Find a consenting partner to share a hug or cuddle with. Just like aromatherapy, cuddling activates certain hormones that make you happy. Ultimately releasing any pressure, you may feel in the moment.

Get Crafty

Paint, sculpt or draw a picture. Let your imagination run wild and free. Let go of any expectations and create art. If it makes you happy, then you are doing it right. Who cares how the result looks, if you are having fun creating it?

Practice Positive Self-Talk

Stop talking to yourself with a negative tone. You are only doing yourself a disservice by keeping yourself down and demotivated. Any moment you can turn your negative thoughts into positive ones.

The more you tell yourself something, the more likely you will become it, so make sure it's always beneficial. Sure, you will always have moments of self-doubt but don't allow yourself to dwell on it.

Be Alone

While you may think you are a social being, separating yourself from others can be an easy way to destress. Often the people around you can be putting pressure and high expectations without being consciously aware of it. They can also easily affect your mood and desire to continue or finish a task.

Laugh A Lot

Nothing can be better than laughter. View it as a good dose of happiness. It inspires you to seek more and is highly contagious. Even if at first you don't believe it, you will eventually find yourself laughing at yourself. Laughter relaxes your body, releases endorphins, and reduces your cortisol levels being the perfect solution to releasing stress.

The next time life feels stressful, don't allow yourself to feel pity or self-doubt. Give yourself permission to take a break and follow one of these seven ways to eliminate stress naturally. You don't need to allow the stress to get in the way of your success and happiness, but you do need to learn to deal with it since it will always exist.

Preparing Your Life for Micro Mindful Habits

Preparing Your Life for Micro Mindful Habits

Mindfulness is all about living life with intention. Most people never even explore or understand what they want to do. They simply go through each day making quick decisions without careful thought.

Later, they suffer regrets and wish that they’d done things differently. They could have, if they’d slowed down and practiced mindfulness. It might take a little longer as you’re learning how to do it, but once you know how, it becomes a normal part of the process, so it speeds up for you.

Think about your intentions in life for whatever it is you want to improve. Don’t just wake up every day and go to work – think about where you want to be a year from now. Instead of living in a house with a spouse who feels like a roommate, think about your intentions for a healthy marriage and what that looks like.

Know ahead of time what your health goals are, your financial dreams and so on. When you spend a little time mapping out your intentions, it makes the decision-making process easier...

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Small Changes Add Up to Big Results

Small Changes Add Up to Big Results

Some people try to discount micro habits as useless, but these small changes add up to big results if you adhere to them over time. They’re far less intimidating and easier to implement.

Let’s use nutrition improvements as an example. If you want to get healthy or lose weight, you probably dread the overhaul on your diet that you’re used to trying to make. Usually, this extreme change fails miserably.

There’s a better way to implement micro mindful habits with your usual eating routine that will ease you into better health and weight loss without causing you to suffer the shock of a major change.

For example, if you’re trying to eat healthier, you might go to your favorite restaurant and feel the urge to order your traditional meal on impulse. But with a bit of micro mindfulness involved, you’ll be able to look back at how that meal has affected you in the past and what you want to happen in the future.

In the past, the chicken-fried-chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy and casserole sides and a large soft drink has caused you to gain weight. But you love that meal and don’t want to say goodbye to it forever.

Instead of thinking about the need to eat healthier for the rest of your life, which can be disheartening, try going about it in a micro mindful way. Take each day and every meal as a separate and new opportunity to do better.

As you analyze your order, you might feel the tug of wanting to stick with your favorite go-to meal. Instead of forcing yourself to say no from the very beginning, ask yourself what you can do to make the order better... 

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How to Be Mindful in the Moment

How to Be Mindful in the Moment

When you’re living life as usual, it’s sometimes hard to even remember to be mindful at that moment. The way most people live today, they’re multitasking – on their phone, handling texts or emails as they’re sitting down at a restaurant or working on something at their job.

The first thing you want to do is remind yourself periodically to be attentive and tuned in to what you’re engaging in. You may even need to set little alarms once an hour to check in with yourself until it becomes an automated habit.

Once you go into mindfulness mode, take a deep breath and clear your thoughts of everything but the task at hand. You want to use all of your senses and allow any emotions to flow through you without trying to stifle them.

Before trying to make any kind of decision, be observant about your feelings and what you see or are experiencing at that time. Don’t make judgments about them, such as feeling stupid for having a certain reaction... 

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