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Getting to Know Your Chakras




By now, almost everyone has come across the word chakra, but what are the chakras and why are they important? If you have been struggling in certain areas of your life and feeling ‘stuck’ our out of balance, it’s time to get to know your chakras.

The chakras are energy centers associated with a certain area of the body and particular types of energy which can be balanced and even magnified in order to effect transformation in your life. The 7 chakras are described as being aligned in an ascending column from the buttocks and anus through to the top of the head. Each chakra has its own color and type of energy.



Starting from the bottom and working our way to the top, with the color of each chakra, we have:

1-The Root Chakra -red
2-The Navel, Sex or Sacral Chakra -orange
3-The Solar Plexus Chakra -yellow
4-The Heart Chakra-green
5-The Throat Chakra-blue
6-The Third Eye Chakra-indigo
7-The Crown Chakra-violet

If you look at the colors listed, you will notice that each chakra corresponds to a color of the rainbow or spectrum. The healing energy pictured as coming in and out of the crown chakra is often shown as white light, that is, the combination of all of the colors of the spectrum.

The purpose of the chakras is to spin to send out and also attract energy in order to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellness of the body in balance.

What are the energies contained in each chakra?

1-The Root Chakra-stability, having life’s essentials, such as food, water and shelter
A balanced one means prosperity and ease. Imbalance triggers hardship and greed.

2-The Navel, Sex or Sacral Chakra-passion, creativity, procreation
Balance give confidence and sex appeal. Imbalance creates timidity and the feeling of being stuck in a rut.

3-The Solar Plexus Chakra-willpower and personal power
Balance gives the energy and motivation to achieve all your goals. Imbalance means a lack of ambition or momentum.

4-The Heart Chakra-love, compassion, empathy
A balanced heart chakra gives you harmony in all your relationships. An imbalanced one closes you off and makes you jealous of others.

5-The Throat Chakra-communication
A balanced one helps you with all your spoken and written communications and allows you to tap into your authentic self. An imbalanced one results in lying, gossiping and being a bad listener.

6-The Third Eye Chakra-intuition, wisdom
A balanced one helps you tap into your higher self and make connections with the spiritual. An imbalanced one makes you feel stuck or cut off from yourself.

7-The Crown Chakra-higher self
A balanced one leaves you open in mind, body and spirit. A closed one cuts you off from your highest potential and make you close-minded.

Balance one or all of your chakras and see what a difference it can make to your health and prosperity.

Meditating to Balance Your Chakras

We can used meditation or guided imagery to tune and balance our chakras, the energy centers of our body that store different kinds of powerful energy that can help us transform our lives.

Picture the red root chakra at the bottom of your spine. Image it is a round red light twirling like a record on a turntable in the area you sit on.  This chakra is the seat of all of your basic energies as a human being and what you need in order to survive: food, water, shelter and so on.  If you are struggling for paycheck to paycheck like many people, focus on this spinning chakra and imagine a life that is easier and full of the better things in life.

Now move up to the navel chakra, also known as the sex chakra. Picture an orange vortex at the level of your belly button. This is the center of power for your passion, creativity and procreation as well.  If you have been struggling with relationships because you are stressed about finances, or having trouble getting things done at work, imagine orange light radiating outwards to boost your energy in these areas. Also picture it moving up to the next chakra.

The third chakra is your solar plexus chakra. It is the highest of your lower chakras.  Think of the power of the sun and how it radiates energy. This is the seat of your willpower and personal power. If you have trouble getting tasks done, or saying no and meaning it, focus on the yellow swirling vortex. Then move the energy up to the first of the higher chakras, the heart chakra.

The heart chakra is the seat of love and compassion. Imagine your heart area flooded with green glowing energy to connect you with all living beings.  Many people have a closed heart chakra due to difficult relationships in the past. Balancing this chakra can lead to love and harmony once more.

Now move the energy up to the throat chakra. Picture a glowing blue vortex. If the heart is all about connection, the throat is about communication, such as telling the truth, saying what you mean, and meaning what you say.

The throat chakra connects to the heart chakra below and the third eye chakra above. The third eye color is purple and balancing it or stimulating it will give you more spiritual insight and wisdom, which you can then express as part of your inner truth.

The crown chakra’s color is violet. Through your intuition and spiritual awakening, you can connect with the universe and the universe with you. Picture the disk spinning and you sending out healing energy to every living being.  Then imagine yourself receiving this healing energy in return.

Do this meditation every day and see what a difference it can make to your health and all aspects of your life you wish to improve.


The Body-Mind-Spirit Connection and the Chakras

The understanding of the connection between body, mind and spirit has been known in the Far East for millennia, but has only recently come to the West. Traditional forms of medicine such as the Ayurvedic (EYE-your-VEE-dik) from India, Qigong (CHEE-gung) from China and Reiki (RAY-key) from Japan are all based on the connection between the energy centers of the body being tapped into for both health and vitality, and more mental powers and spiritual understanding.

The chakras are swirling energy centers in the body that contain certain type of energy. The three lower chakras are the root, navel and solar plexus chakras and are situated at our buttocks, bellybutton and the point just under our rib cage in the center of our body.  Each of these is related to our body and our connection with our self and our needs. A strong root chakra will give us everything we need, such as food, water and shelter; it is literally as well as figuratively the foundation of our bodily existence.

Our navel chakra, also known as the sex chakra, controls our desires, sexual and otherwise, and our ability to create and procreate.  In conjunction with the solar plexus chakra, the seat of our willpower and personal power, we can satisfy our desires and achieve our worldly goals.

The 4 higher chakras are the gateway to the mind and spirit. The four are the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras.  Moving the energy up from the 3 lower chakras through the solar plexus chakra can give the heart chakra a good massage that can open us up in terms of body, mind and spirit. It improves circulation and ‘listening to your heart’ and acting upon what you know to be right. This in turn can lead to better relationships with others and with the soul or spirit.

The throat chakra enables you to speak from the heart from a place of truth and authenticity. The throat chakra links the heart and third eye chakras, so it allows you to also speak your higher truth and wisdom as you tap into your intuition and spiritual aspects. The third eye chakra is depicted as being just above the bridge of your nose, between your two eyes.  The mantra to chant while meditating is OM, a sound that resonates and helps bring us in tune with the universe.

Once we have a strong body and mind, it is easy to access our spirit in order to achieve our higher self. The crown chakra is the culmination of our spiritual accomplishments. It also allows us to connect with the universe and for the universe to send healing energies to us.

Moving energy from the lower to the higher chakras connect bod, mind and spirit into a balanced and unified whole that can transform your life.


How to Stay Stress-Free as You Get Older

Stress is a part of any life. Even good stress can play games with your mind and body, make you tired and ruin your mindset for enjoying life. As you age, your body isn’t as able as it once was to defend itself against the damage that stress hormones can cause.

Both physical and emotional trauma can be strenuous for seniors and the impact on your body and mind can be difficult to overcome. It doesn’t happen to everyone, but there are ways to ensure you prevent or overcome the stresses that life brings.

Physical stress can come in the form of not being as energetic as you once were – or not being able to fit in clothes you once wore because your waistline is growing. Emotional stress may happen if a spouse passes away, a move occurs that takes you away from friends and family – and much more.

One way you can combat stresses of life as you age is to stay connected to friends and family, choose a form of exercise you can do and enjoy and adhere to a diet rich in the nutrients that will keep you healthy as you age.

When you feel worried or stressed out in your later years, it may be more difficult to overcome. The trick is to stay active, both mentally and physically. It’s thought that high degrees of stress can cause diseases such as cardiovascular – and even Alzheimer’s disease.

The extra cortisol throughout the years may damage a part of the brain called the hippocampus – the area that’s designated for storing and retrieving memories. And, scientific studies have proven that women are more apt to be affected by stress overloads than men.

Seek stress management methods if you are aging and experiencing a great deal of stress in your life. Besides your diet and a regular amount of exercise, maintain a positive mindset and learn to push negative thoughts out of your mind when they first occur.

Stress management techniques may also include becoming involved with a hobby, learning a new language or studying a subject you like by taking classes, becoming involved with a group of people with the same interests and anything else that you may enjoy and that gets your mind off the stress in your life.

Keep in mind that anything which reduces the effects of stress on your body and mind can add years to your life and ensure that you maintain a good quality of life as you age.

7 Steps to Decrease the Stress in Your Life


decrease the stressWe all experience stress at one time or another, but we might not be aware of just how much it can harm our health until something serious happens. Stress contributes to inflammation, which is associated with a number of chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular disease and arthritis.

If you feel like a pressure cooker about to explode most of the time, try the following 7 steps to decrease the stress in your life


Meditation is like a mini-vacation for the mind. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. You can then focus on your breathing, or empty your mind of all conscious thought.

2-Try Yoga.

Yoga poses require concentration and therefore allow you to focus on other things besides how much you have to do each day. Sit in a quiet room alone and begin breathing exercises. You can also meditate as part of your practice.

3-Eat Right.

Ensure you eat three healthy meals a day, and skip the sugary snacks, which can trigger a sugar rush. Also try to avoid too much caffeine, which can put you on edge. Definitely avoid diet pills. They will make you jittery and can be bad for the heart.

4- Exercise regularly.

Exercise relieves tension and produces a calming effect. Walking 20 to 30 minutes a day can help you de-stress, especially if you do it at the end of the day to unwind before getting on with the rest of your evening.

5-Sleep right.

Sleep deprivation makes you struggle with the simplest tasks, which can lead to stress. Aim for 8 hours of sleep per night but no more than 9. Avoid sleeping pills as they can alter your chemistry and make you dependent and even more stressed feeling.

6-Don’t sweat the small stuff.

Most of the things you worry about are really not the end of the world. Will you even remember them a year from now? If not, just relax.

7-Talk about the problems you are experiencing.

A problem shared is often a problem halved. Spend quality time with friends or loved ones. If the issue is very serious, try talk therapy with professional. Keeping everything bottled up will only create more stress.


Life is too short, and stress can definitely reduce it further. Nothing is more important than your health in body, mind and spirit. Try one or more of these strategies and see what a difference they can make to your health.

7 Natural Remedies To Deal With Anxiety

If you’re not subject to anxiety than you are one of the lucky ones for as the article below confirms anxiety seems to be everywhere these days:

Anxiety touches nearly everyone in some way. As a disorder, it is the most widespread mental illness in the US, with at least 40 million people suffering; millions more are experiencing situational or temporary bouts of anxiety. Even if you’ve yet to experience it yourself, someone you love may be dealing with anxiety. Unfortunately, until recently, not many people have been ready nor willing to talk about this all-too-common plight.

meditation2This past year gave me my first real look into the world of anxiety. After trudging through a particularly difficult time in my life, a therapist let me in on a little secret: I’ve actually had anxiety since I was a kid, and I have just been managing it well. But when times got especially hard last year, I had a much tougher (read: basically impossible) time dealing with my anxiety – not to make a joke out of myself, but it was a meltdown of epic proportions.

Although it’s still not easy to talk about, I want anyone dealing with anxiety to know: it’s okay to talk about it. While there’s no “cure” for anxiety, it is highly treatable – therapy, sometimes coupled with certain medication, can be a powerful treatment. Outside of this, I found a handful natural ways to remedy general anxiety and mitigate stress; these things won’t be a cure-all or an instant fix – especially if you’re dealing with severe levels of anxiety – but they’ll definitely take the edge off and help you feel relaxed and in control again.


Diffuse Oils

Recommended to me by a therapist, my oil diffuser has become one of my treasured possessions. I typically use a combination of eucalyptus, lavender, jasmine, and ylang ylang, all of which have calming properties and make my room smell incredible. I diffuse while I’m at home on the weekends, and every night before I go to sleep. If you have a private office, oil diffusing can be a great way to manage stress and anxiety at work..

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Yoga Practice Hints and Tips

Discover just how beneficial yoga can be for your health. You probably already know that yoga can give you a good workout in only a few minutes a day. However, to make the most of your practice, there are a few important considerations you should keep in mind so you do not get frustrated and give up.

Yoga means union, not frustration.
The goal of yoga is to bring together body and mind, not make you feel like you have no idea what you are doing and that you will never be any good at it, so why bother. Accept that you are a beginner with a lot to learn, but that it is the journey rather than reaching the destination that counts.

Set goals for your practice.
“I want to get more fit,” is a typical statement most people will say at least once in their lives, especially if they are trying to set a New Year’s resolution. The trouble is that the goal is not specific enough. What does more mean, or fit? Define what they mean to you and note down your thoughts in your workout journal. Once you have set personal goals, you can start to measure them.

For example, your goal for the month might be to become more flexible in a certain area, lose X number of pounds, or be able to do Y number of a particular pose. Once you put a number to it, you can track your progress easily. The more success you have in achieving your goals, the greater your confidence.

Switch off your inner critic.
Go from, “No I can’t,” to “I’ve got this,” or “Wow, I did it!”

Remember that yoga is more than just a lot of poses.
Yoga may seem like an endless number of asanas, but a good practice should be balanced in terms of breath work and meditation as well. If you’ve been popping out the poses in your flow yoga, try a different style such as Kundalini, take more time with your breath, or do Yoga Nidra meditation to check in on your body and mind.

Choose the right studio.
Chances are there will be several near you. Take an introductory class, meet the students and teachers, and decide if they are the kind of people you would like to spend time with and who can help you achieve your goals.

Use these tips to make sure you get the most from your yoga practice and see what a difference it can make to your health and fitness.

How Yoga Can Improve Your Concentration

Practicing yoga is one of the best ways to improve not just your body, but your mind. It can improve concentration and focus, so you can become more productive at home, work, school and so on. For those worried about their memory, or who wis to work smarter, not harder, it might be time to hit the yoga mat and meditation cushion.

Yoga is not just about physical poses. It also involves breath work and meditation. Having said that, it does require a good deal of attention to execute some of the poses correctly without falling over, such as Eagle, Garland, and Tree. This will increase your balance and flexibility in both body and mind.

In terms of concentration, a range of studies have all come to the conclusion that yoga can improve brain function, concentration, and focus. One study showed that after a yoga session, compared with aerobics or no exercise at all, the participants were able to process information quickly, more accurately, learn better, and retain the information they had acquired.

Yoga helps concentration and focus because it allows thoughts and feeling to rise and fall like the waves of an ocean without follow them. Yoga also reduces ‘mind chatter’ that can distract you from getting your work done. Since it encourages every student to begin where they are in terms of their level of health and fitness, many yoga students also get to turn off their ‘inner critic’ and just do the best they can without trying to achieve any outcome.

Most yoga studios are quiet havens of concentration and contemplation. Your yoga class might be the only time of day you get away from your cell phone, email and iPod. This peacefulness can give your mind space to expand rather than be bombarded continually by external stimuli.

Yoga is also a great stress reliever. We tend to a lot better at work if we are not under continual pressure that brings our stress levels to boiling point.

Yoga helps heal our body. As the old saying goes, a healthy body, a healthy mind.

If you’re worried about your memory or how hard it seems to focus on even the simplest tasks, try yoga and see what a difference it can make to your concentration.

How Yoga Can Relieve Stress

Yoga can relieve stress in a number of ways. If you’re feeling like you’re running as fast as you can just to stand still, it’s time to tune out with the help of yoga in order to relieve your stress and get your life back in balance.

Here are a few of the ways yoga offers relief from stress:

Putting yourself first for a change.
We all have a range of demands upon our time each day, but how much time do we put aside to care for ourselves? Make an appointment on your calendar for yoga each day and treat it as seriously as a doctor’s appointment, and see what a difference it can make to your stress levels.

Peace and quiet.
Yoga studios are usually quiet place that allow you to tune out of all the media that surround you, including your cellphone, email and so on. This can help you feel a lot less frazzled.

Mindfulness and concentration
Once you have tuned out all the media surrounding you, it will be time to look within. You can improve your mindfulness by not trying to multi-task all the time. You will just be concentrating on one thing, a pose, breath work, or meditation. Better concentration means stress will not have as strong an impact upon you. The unexpected or a busy day at work will be a lot less likely to knock you off your stride.

 yoga classes

yoga classes

Breath work
When we are stressed, we tend to hold our breath and/or breathe shallowly. Yoga breath work, known as pranayama can help you breathes better in order to clean toxins out of your body and refresh and renew body and mind. Pranayama means to move energy, so if you are feeling like a flat battery or a pressure cooker about to explode, stop letting stress get the better of you by paying attention to your breath.

Meditation improves your mental focus and is a mini-vacation from your stress because you are looking within and starting to control the ‘mind chatter’ that most of us live with but which can be exhausting.

If you’ve been feeling so stressed lately it is hard to think straight, try yoga poses, breath work and meditation and see what a difference it can make to your body, mind and spirit.

10 ways to beat holiday stress with fitness and nutrition

Here’s some very good advice on”how to survive” what’s arguably one of the most difficult holiday period’s of the year:

They’re here: the holidays with their cheer and charm on the one hand and their chaos and crazy on the other.

There are the many tasty but way-too-caloric meals, sweet and overbearing in-laws, high expectations and numerous disappointments, change of pace and lack of structure.

The list of naughty and nice holiday experiences is as long as Santa’s own.

For some people, this is no big deal, a passing state of affairs that soon will be a mere fragment on the collage of holidays past.

But if you, like many, find that holidays have a special place on your list of anxiety and gloom-inducing triggers, then the following fitness and nutrition ideas might just be what you need.

● Eat when you are hungry. A common mistake people make is to skip meals in anticipation of the big buffet. The downside: You feel bad from being too hungry before the meal and overly full after.

“Consider your hunger cues,” says Cheryl Harris, local nutrition coach and owner of Harris Whole Health. “You feel just as bad when you are hungry as when you have eaten too much.”

Bloating, fatigue and crankiness are among symptoms of these extremes on the hunger spectrum. Instead, stick to your routines even on holiday-buffet day.

● Make smart choices and be picky with indulgences. Let’s be honest: Healthy choices don’t really abound during the holidays, but they can be found. Harris suggests looking for chili and vegetable-based soup, as they usually are “reasonably healthy choices,” and whole foods such as clementines. And feel free to indulge in the dishes that are special, not the things (store-bought chips and cookies) that you can have any time of the year. Grandma’s apple pie, on the other hand? Go for it, says Harris. “Have the things that define the holiday for you.”

● Take your time. Take some time to look at the spread before digging in. Socialize with family and friends. Enjoy the sights and sounds. Eventually, home in on the two or three items that look the most delectable. Use moderation. This is probably not your last meal.

● Stay hydrated. Try to aim for your eight glasses of water a day. Dehydration has been shown to affect mood negatively, Harris says. If you are drinking alcohol it’s a good idea to alternate with water. Club soda may be a more festive option than plain water..

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