Intermittent Fasting Diet
If you’re thinking that it’s time to take some pounds off or experience multiple health benefits, you’re going to want to learn about a diet known as intermittent fasting. This type of food plan is a way to lose weight by using days (or hours) of eating mixed with days (or hours) of fasting.
There is no menu that you have to follow because the focus of the diet isn’t on which foods you consume. Instead, what it focuses on is when you should eat or fast. While on this diet, you will only eat at certain times.
You can choose to fast according to a specific number of hours or by choosing days of the week to forego food. There are no iron-clad rules for this diet, which is why it’s a great one for people who hate the strict format of a more traditional diet.
Plus, it’s an effective way to shed pounds for both men and women. You won’t fast for long periods of time, unless you want to, which is helpful to those who have low willpower.
You can pick between different styles of the method that have often been used. One of these methods is the 5:2 plan. The first number represents the number of days you eat normally, and the second number are the days you’ll fast.
So for two days of the week, you’d either fast completely, or consume only 500-600 calories - but the rest of the week, you’re not limited to that number of calories but you just eat sensibly.
Most people love this because they get to eat the foods they normally do without having to buy anything special. Another style of this form of dieting uses the 16:8 method. It means you have 8 hours to eat, but after the those hours are gone, you wait 16 hours before you eat again.
So if you have your dinner at 5 in the evening, you wouldn’t eat again until 16 hours have passed. There’s also a 24 hour fasting plan, where you just don’t eat anything for a full day.
You can do this once or twice during a 7 day period or simply rotate your days and eat every other day. To get started, you just decide which style of the intermittent fasting diet will work the best for you.
If you have a hard time going without food for a whole day, then you wouldn’t like the every other day style. But what’s great about this idea is that if you do struggle with calorie restriction, you can choose to use the 16:8 style, where you can eat for 8 hours during the day and let some of the rest of the time be during your sleeping hours.
There are some mistakes with intermittent fasting that you’ll want to avoid. Make sure that when it’s your time to eat, that you actually eat. Your body might feel better once you’ve fasted so it can be tempting to not eat the number of calories that your body needs the rest of the time.
Don’t make the mistake of adding a lot of other changes at the same time. For example, don’t add a harder workout. Your body needs time to adjust. When your fasting times or days are done, don’t make the mistake of overeating and binging, either.