Is Entitled Thinking Driving Your Emotional Eating?
Is Entitled Thinking Driving Your Emotional Eating?
One common cause of emotional eating among many people is that they’re thinking in a sort of entitled way that makes sense to them. You can find people using this same kind of logic all the time, and you might even be guilty of it yourself.
Entitled thinking is often seen in thinking that you deserve some kind of reward. For example, if you had a hard day at work with a lot of people getting on your nerves, that would be the cause for your desire to eat emotionally.
However, your reasoning for doing this is that you deserve it after such a hard day at work. This sort of reward system mindset is entitled and far from healthy. Other times, you might think that you’re above all of the hardships that you have to face, so you deserve a little treat.
That little treat tends to be emotional eating, in which you stuff yourself with all kinds of unhealthy food just because you feel like it and you can. Everyone has hardships in life, some more than others, but it’s not an excuse for emotional eating.
While you can think you deserve all these things and have earned some sort of treat for not having them, that’s really not the case. Of course you can’t control everything in your life, but if you’re not actually working towards the things you think you deserve, then you shouldn’t be rewarding yourself.
There are situations in which people can’t help the circumstances that they find themselves in, but you can make positive progress towards the things you want. Unless it’s something essential, then you can’t say you deserve it without working for it in any amount.
That attitude is what fuels you to keep feeding your urges without second thought, and it’s a very unhealthy attitude. By changing your thought process, you might find that you resist the urge to emotionally eat more often, and you’ll also become more proactive in getting the things that you want.
Once you realize that you can’t just expect things to come to you, you’ll go after them with a plan of attack, which often leads to a much better life. One of the earliest results you’ll see is that you’re more capable at resisting emotional eating.
Entitled thinking is a form of victim mindset that seems to comfort you through hard times. But it’s really a saboteur on your ability to strengthen yourself to hardships and succeed in spite of whatever it is life doles out to you in any given moment.