5 Ways to Get Your Metabolism Back on Track - Better Health Solutions

5 Ways to Get Your Metabolism Back on Track

Metabolism is the process in your body that converts everything you consume into energy. If you have a fast metabolism, you won’t see very much backlash from eating a lot, because your body quickly converts it into energy.

However, if you have a slow metabolism, your body will take longer to use that food you eat and turn it into something useful. There are many ways to boost your metabolism. First, a lot of it depends on what you eat.

If you eat too little, your metabolism slows down a lot. Don’t starve yourself to try to get skinny. It won’t work. You’ll just hold on to the little food you do eat, and mess up your metabolism for later.

Specifically, you shouldn’t be eating less than 1,000 calories minimum per day, or your body kicks into full on starvation mode, and you won’t see many results. Eat good sized, healthy meals.

Your body can also go into a starvation type mode if you fail to eat the most important meal of the day: breakfast. Not eating breakfast can lead to your body thinking it’s starving, because you’re taking almost 20 hours between meals, assuming you eat dinner at 6 PM and lunch at about 2 PM.

When your body falls into this panic mode, it doesn’t let go of foods, making you hold on to excess weight. Breakfast is also a great opportunity to get in a lot of protein in the morning, so take advantage of it.

Not getting a proper amount of sleep can cause your metabolism to slow down, as well. Not getting a proper night’s sleep is way more destructive for your body than you think. A lack of sleep can cause your leptin and ghrelin levels to go out of control, which control hunger levels.

This can cause you to overeat, or eat poorly, hurting your metabolism. It’s actually been shown in studies that those who sleep less are more prone to obesity. As with all aspects of health, drinking alcohol is an obvious metabolism killer.

Alcohol can tack on tons of unwanted calories and it even prevents fat burning. For men, alcohol reduces testosterone levels, which can prevent you from burning fat and getting rid of your Dad Bod. Kick the alcohol and you will see great results.

You should get some healthy fat in your diet. Don’t get this kind of fat confused with the bad fat on your body, however. Fats are an essential part of your body, just like protein and carbs. You just need to get the right kind of fats. If you consume balanced meals with fat and protein, you will heal your metabolism pretty quickly.
