Symptoms Of Unwellness
A general feeling of “unwellness” can mean many different things and can manifest in various ways.
It is important first of all, to identify exactly what it is you are feeling when you experience “unwellness.”
What are your specific symptoms? They can vary widely and from person to person: everybody is different.
For example, do you feel tired or lethargic all the time?
Do you suffer with aches and pains? Are they in the joints or the muscles?
Do you find that your performance in daily tasks is suffering?
Are irritated, stressed out, and annoyed much of the time?
Are you overweight?
Do you sleep well or do you find that even though you seem to sleep all night, you wake up feeling as if you’ve been pulled through a hedge backwards? Is your sleep light and fitful, where you are woken up by the slightest noise? Do you find yourself waking up every night at the same time, say 3am, and then finding you cannot get back to sleep again until the wee hours?
Are you taking medications? Have you checked the possible side effects? Could these be contributing to your feelings of unwellness?
Possible Medical Causes
These are dependent on many factors and it is very difficult to pin down exactly what might be causing your malaise. Some common conditions that cause a feeling of general malaise include chronic fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia; you could have anemia or low blood pressure, or, you might have a urinary tract infection.
Problems that are more serious can include HIV and AIDS, cancer, diabetes and adrenal gland dysfunction. If your feelings of malaise go on for more than seven days, it is wise to see a medical practitioner.
The most obvious step is to discuss your symptoms with your doctor who is going to give you a thorough check-up and an educated diagnosis. It is important to get your health checked out to rule out the possibility of anything serious, or, if it is something serious, to catch it early and hopefully treat it successfully and prevent major problems from developing further down the line.
Your doctor will give you a physical examination and probably want you to get some blood tests or x-rays done to rule out certain problems such as thyroid disease or cardiovascular problems.
Identifying Your Needs and Deficits
Optimal wellness begins when we address the whole person, also known as Holistic Wellness. This means that we need to take care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, along with considering our financial (the main cause of stress for many people) and occupational wellness.
In order to assess your own wellness, it’s important to take an honest and comprehensive inventory of your life and self to identify problem areas in order to begin the journey to reach an optimal level of wellbeing.
Basic Ways You Can Improve Your Overall Wellness
Manage your sleep: There are a number of ways to help your sleep: for instance, don’t eat after 6pm. Try to turn off your computer at least one hour before you go to sleep. Reading is a good way to make yourself drowsy last thing at night. Meditation or listening to a relaxation recording can be helpful. Drinking a cup of warm milk before bedtime is soothing and helps you to settle down.
Eat well: a sensible diet with plenty of leafy greens and fresh fruits and vegetables is key to feeling well. Try to avoid too many carbohydrates as these can make you feel sleepy and light-headed.
Exercise, in moderation, is beneficial to your overall sense of well-being. Walking for half an hour daily can help you feel better.
Rest and relaxation: Getting enough of both of these will ensure you feel and perform your best.
Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol, sugary drinks, and caffeine: Water can help flush your body of toxins and avoiding stimulants like sugar and caffeine can help calm the nervous system.
Reduce Stress: Whenever possible try to eliminate stress from your life. Create a calm and welcoming home environment. Avoid people who are negative and complaining. Find time to have fun. Connect with others and grow your social network. Laughter alleviates stress.
Self-care: At the core of all successful wellness attempts is self-care. This means making yourself and your wellbeing a priority, it is truly the foundation of your wellness.