A Step by Step Guide to Your First Gratitude Practice
A Step by Step Guide to Your First Gratitude Practice
Are you ready to begin your first gratitude practice? If you’re convinced that practicing gratitude will make a transformative difference to your life, you could benefit from this step by step guide to take you through the process. There are five helpful steps for you to follow.
Practicing gratitude will gain momentum with time and practice. Yet, no matter how much you might want to experience all the benefits that being more grateful can bring, there will sometimes be days when you just can’t be bothered to think about things to feel thankful for. If you’re busy or just feeling too depressed it can just seem too difficult to fit in your practice session for the day.
No matter how discouraged you feel, it’s important to stick with your commitment. If you give in to the temptation to let it slide for one day, you may never go back to it. Rest assured, though, even if you have to force yourself to sit down and write in your gratitude journal, you’ll reap the benefits once you get started.
Once you’ve committed yourself to gratitude practice, you have to actually get down to doing it. Sit down with your notepad or at your laptop and begin with “I am thankful for…” Nothing maycome to you straight away, but that’s ok. Stop and wait for a minute to reflect. Enjoy the moment of peace and soon you’ll find yourself thinking of the first thing to add to your list....