You are Responsible for Your Own Life
You are Responsible for Your Own Life
When life gets derailed, unexpected things happen, and you feel like other people have a strong influence on your happiness and success, you are going down the wrong path. You need to stop the blame game, stop playing the victim, and step up. This is your life, and you are the only one responsible for it. If you aren’t happy, content, productive, or successful, it really all comes down to you, the choices you make, and how you react to things that happen in your life.
Now is the time to take full responsibility of your own life if you want to make changes. Nobody is going to do it for you.
Put a Stop to the Blame Game
The blame game is something everyone is guilty of at some point, but when you make this a regular habit, you are only sabotaging yourself.
Your life is nobody else’s responsibility or their fault. Sure, people can influence certain things in your life, but at the end of the day, this is YOUR life. This means all decisions and mistakes are your responsibility, and you need to own that.
Once you can admit that you are blaming other people or other situations for your own decisions, you can finally feel like you have more control over your life.
It’s Time for the Complaining to Stop
Another bad habit that might be keeping you from being fully responsible for your actions is when you complain too much. This includes silent complaining you do in your own head, ranting or venting on social media, and complaining to friends and loved ones. Nobody wants to hear you do nothing but whine about your bad luck or mistakes you have made or how tired you are.
Stop the complaining and use that time and energy for action instead. Become more productive, find inspiration to move forward, and let everything else go. Everyone has something to complain about, but that doesn’t mean you should.
Give Up on the Excuses
A big part of taking responsibility for your life is putting a stop to all the excuses. These can often seem like valid reasons, until you really think about it realistically, then you understand they are nothing but excuses. Lying to yourself and trying to come up with “reasons” for why you can’t try harder, be courageous, or take the next step in your life, is only going to hurt YOU. And you are the one who will have to face the consequences of that.
Stop Taking Things So Personally
Don’t get me wrong – this isn’t easy to do in the beginning. But when you take offense to everything said to you or about you, you are the only one who is going to suffer. Remember that you can’t control what other people say or think. That is more about THEM, not YOU. Practice letting things go and just moving on.