The Lost Book of Remedies - Better Health Solutions

The Lost Book of Remedies

The Lost Book of Remedies

Knowing what to plant and grow really is the key. You don’t want to waste time or space in your garden growing things that aren’t of use. You also want to be sure that you get the best choice when using herbals as treatment.

It can be helpful to have this knowledge gathered in book form, like it is in The Lost Book of Remedies. This book is filled with more than 800 different plants that you can use to help yourself and your family.

You’ll be able to understand what the remedies are and how to use them before you actually need them. That means in a survival situation, you can have access to care regardless of what’s going on in the world around you.

The book contains what you need to grow as well as recipes you’ll need to use to take the remedies and turn them into things like salves for treating skin issues or teas for treating digestive issues.

The book tells you how to use the herbal plants you’re growing. For example, in one section, the book teaches users how they can create an oil that’s used to bring relief to painful joints.

You’ll learn how to use the oil and how often you need to use it for relief. The book is filled with pictures of plants, mushrooms and more that accurately describe each plant. So even if you’re a complete newbie to planning herbs, you can follow along with the identification parameters laid out in the book so that you plant exactly what you need.

In addition to telling you what plants you may need to have in your garden, the book also tells you what you may already have in your backyard. But because you may not know plants, you may not even realize that you already have some of them on or near your property.

For example, dandelions can be used to lower high cholesterol in people who have this condition. You’ll learn about common weeds that you may have growing near your home that are so powerful, they can treat a multitude of ailments.

You’ll also discover which plant can be used as an effective antibiotic. Living with pain isn’t anyone’s idea of fun. You don’t want to be caught without painkillers in an emergency situation.

With this book, you’ll learn the recipe for how to create natural painkillers from what you can grow. Unlike powerful painkillers that need a prescription, these natural ones, which can work with the same potency of morphine, don’t cause addictions to develop. By learning how to grow and use herbs and botanicals, as taught in The Lost Book of Remedies, you can be prepared for whatever happens. ..

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