ProForm 505 CST Treadmill Review
Product Description:
The ProForm 505 CST Treadmill has been built to help you get up and moving. This treadmill will give you all of the power that you need for intense workouts. Plus, it offers a number of settings that will meet you at any fitness level that you might be at. There are actually eighteen different workouts that have been pre-programmed into the treadmill ensuring that you are able to get a great unique workout every single time. In addition to this you can use the iPod compatible sound system to enjoy your favorite workout playlist while you are exercising. Plus, you will have the six inch screen that displays the calories burned, distance walked, and your heart rate.
Product Features:
• Easy Storage with Vertical Fold
• Special Design Offers Space Saving Features
• iPod Compatible Audio
• 300 lb Weight Capacity
• Special ProShox Cushioning
• Limited Warranty
• Measures 70”x34”x59.5”
• Incline 0-10%
• Speed .5-10.0 mph
Plus Points:
1. Stability – One of the things that runners come to appreciate when they are using a treadmill is stability. When you are running on this treadmill one of the first things that you will notice is just how stable it really is. There is no shaking or struggle with the machine.
2. Shock System – The ProForm 505 CST Treadmill has an included ProShox system which provides cushioning to you when you are running. You might not realize that you need shocks on your treadmill but you really do. One of the things that shocks can do is help prevent injury to your joints and bones. Runners who experience shin splints will love the shock system on this treadmill because it will eliminate the jolts and pressure that lead to this serious condition.
3. High Quality Sound System – Many treadmills do not have high quality sound systems. In fact, if you have been on a treadmill it is likely that you have not been able to hear your music or television. With the sound system that is available on this treadmill, you will never have to use headphones again. You are going to be able to stream Netflix on your tablet or listen to your playlist on your iPhone/iPod with the speakers on this treadmill.
4. Easy to Assemble – There are many treadmills that are hard to put together. This is not one of them. In fact, you will fall in love with how easy it is for you to put this one together. Of course, you will want to follow directions (even if you have put a treadmill together before) as this is the best way to get the treadmill put together correctly without having to go back and fix anything.
Things to Consider:
1. Water Bottle Holders – The water bottle holders on this treadmill are not shaped right for most water bottles. Many water bottles are too big to fit in them and others are too tall and get knocked over or fall out. Overall, this is something that you might find frustrating if you are the top of runner who enjoys being able to drink without having to stop.
2. No iFit Module – There is no iFit module included with the ProForm 505 CST treadmill. This means that if you want to be able to use iFit you will have to purchase it. The cost is between $120 and $130. Of course, with that price you do get one-year subscription but in subsequent years you will have to pay $80 for your subscription. This is a really great item to buy if you are going to try tracking your workouts or are trying to lose weight. However, it would have been wonderful if it had been included with the unit.
Product Summary:
The ProForm 505 CST Treadmill is a great treadmill for those beginning their new workout routine as well as those who have been working out for years. Even those who are used to running in races are going to enjoy running on this treadmill. With a number of positions for incline between 0% and 10% there is no shortage of hill training that you can accomplish. Likewise, there are a number of speeds reaching up to ten miles per hour. This means that you can walk, jog, or run at the speed where you are most comfortable. Users appreciate that this treadmill is easy to put together, that it has a high quality sound system, and that it features shocks which make running easier on the body.