How to Get Out of Your Head - Better Health Solutions

How to Get Out of Your Head

How to Get Out of Your Head

Developing a mindset where you are strong, positive, and enlightened will require you to get out of your own head. If you are someone who tends to focus heavily on your thoughts and feelings, over-analyzes everything, and basically lives out detailed scenarios all in your imagination with a lot of assumptions, you are probably doing some big self-sabotaging.

When you live in your head like this, you make a lot of unfair assumptions, you turn small things into catastrophic things, and you probably deal with a lot of stress and anxiety as well. If you want to move forward and stop feeling like everything is falling apart, these tips can help.

Stop the Spiraling Thoughts

You know the ones we’re talking about. When you have one small thought that turns into a worry, that then spirals into a complete panic attack. Stop doing this to yourself. You are causing these thoughts to get out of hand, which is going to make it almost impossible to stop getting stuck inside your head.

Instead, try to stop the thoughts before they begin to spiral out of control. Recognize the signs of when this tends to happen, journal when you think you need to. Write down all your worries and concerns, but in a more constructive way. Try to remain neutral about it, as if you aren’t too concerned, but need to vent the thoughts out.

Learn How to Practice Mindfulness Correctly

Mindfulness has been a trending word for a few years, but many people still don’t completely understand it. Mindfulness might share some traits with meditation, but it is not the same thing. Mindfulness just means you are in the moment, whether it is a good or bad moment. You understand that what you think or feel right now is only in this present moment, it doesn’t have to define what you do after the moment is gone.

A really easy way to practice mindfulness is when you are eating. Sit in silence during a meal, and just concentrate on the food itself. The way it looks, its smell, the texture and taste. How your stomach feels while you are eating and shortly afterward. This practice can help a lot when you are first learning how to use mindfulness in your daily life.

Take More Control Over Your Thoughts and Feelings

You are driving the car that is your thought process and mindset, nobody else. Take more control over it, stop those out-of-control thoughts and feel what you choose to feel. Be the one behind the wheel by steering your thoughts one way or another. Especially when you sense the aforementioned spiraling of thoughts that tends to cause a lot more emotional issues.

Use Visualization

Visualization is an excellent tool when you are working on your mindset, particularly when you have trouble getting out of your own head. Visualize yourself being a strong, resilient, calm person. When you get stuck inside your head and feel the anxious thoughts reeling, take a step back and visualize that the panic gone and that all is right with the world.
