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It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Purpose In Life

It’s Never Too Late To Discover Your Purpose In Life

Do you think that it is too late in life for you to be discovering your true purpose? A lot of people believe this, so in this article we will explain why it is never too late for you to do this. The bottom line is that you can benefit from identifying your life’s purpose no matter what age you are.

Once a person reaches a certain age, they may believe that it is a waste of their time trying to find their purpose in life. One of the reasons for thinking this way is that they believe that their true calling passed them by a long time ago. This means that they are stick with their current life and it would be pointless to try and change it.

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

When you wake up each morning do you want to immediately jump out of bed because you are full of enthusiasm about the day ahead? Or do you tend to hit the “snooze” button on your alarm because the thought of a new day makes you anxious about another new day? If anything should tell you that you need to change your situation then this is it.

A lot of people experience “Sunday night blues”. As Sunday evening approaches they start to get anxious because tomorrow is Monday and this means another week of frustration and stress. Do you have feelings like this?

We all need to pay the bills, and in our desperation to do this we will often accept a job that is not fulfilling and causes us to watch the clock several times a day. These kinds of jobs will never let you express your true talents and this is no way to live your life whatever age you may be.

You have more experiences to draw upon

One of the major benefits of being older is that you have a lot more life experiences to draw upon. This can make it a lot easier for you to discover your purpose in life. You have done a lot more things than a younger person will have done so it will be easier for you to answer questions about what excites you in life.

With age comes wisdom, and that wisdom is invaluable. You may not be able to run the mile as fast as you could before but your mind is still very active and there is scope to expand your mind even further after discovering your true calling.

Age is just a number

If you think young then you will feel young. There are many stories of older people finally doing the things that they wanted to do after many years of holding themselves back. You do not have to wait until you retire to start living.

Have you ever thought to yourself “there has got to be something better than this”? All of us have probably thought this at one point in our life. You can transform your life at any time and break free of the shackles that you are currently experiencing.

Making the decision to do this is the most important step. By discovering the true purpose of your life this decision will be very easy for you. It doesn’t matter if you are a teenager or a senior you can do this.

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What Are The Benefits Of Discovering Your Life’s Purpose?

What Are The Benefits Of Discovering Your Life’s Purpose?

Do you ever wonder what your life’s purpose is? Do you find yourself wondering why you are on earth and what it is that makes your life so important?

Everything that you need to know about discovering your purpose in life and successfully transitioning to it is in the guide you can claim here-below.
It goes without saying that the steps outlined in the guide require practice, patience and persistence.
Please make sure to read every word and apply what you learn.

If you desire a happy and fulfilling life then you are not alone. This is what everyone wants. But the vast majority never achieve the level of happiness and fulfilment that they are looking for.
Why? Because they do not know what their life purpose is and will not put in any effort to discover this.

Unfortunately, most people let life control them. They drift along letting life push them in all different directions and are never truly happy and fulfilled. These people have no idea what their true calling in life is and are not willing to put any effort into finding what their life’s purpose is. You are not the same as them or you would not be reading this guide!

If you want to experience the best that life has to offer you and be really happy with who you are and what you have then you must discover the purpose of your life. When you know what your real life’s purpose is there will be no stopping you.

There are a number of significant benefits to discovering your life’s purpose and we will discuss the main ones here. It is essential that you understand how significant these benefits are so that this will inspire you to put in the effort to find your life’s purpose and make the necessary transition. This is not going to be easy – you need all of the motivation that you can get.

Increase your Level of Happiness

How do you feel when you wake up in the morning right now? Do you immediately become anxious about the day that you have ahead of you? What about Monday mornings – how do you feel about them? Do you think that you are in for another week of frustration and stress?

When you find your purpose in life you will increase your happiness level significantly. You will wake up raring to go every day and truly look forward to what you do. No matter what you are able to accomplish each day, you will enjoy the process.

An important thing to note here is that discovering your life’s purpose is not a miracle cure for stress.
You need an element of stress in your life to motivate you to achieve your goals and overcome any obstacles that may confront you.

life's purpose

A Confidence Boost

By discovering the true purpose of your life, it can provide you with a real confidence boost. When you know what direction you need to be heading in, you will have a lot more confidence that you can get there and achieve whatever you desire in your life.

One of the main reasons that people have a low level of confidence is because they don’t know what their life is really about. Not knowing who you really are is definitely going to put a dent in your confidence.

Acquire New Skills

After you identify your life’s purpose you will probably need to acquire some new skills to make this a reality for you. Learning new skills will make you feel more fulfilled and accomplished as a person.

You will find that learning new skills becomes easier for you than it was before. Now that you are
aware of your direction in life your confidence levels will rise and you will feel that you can accomplish things a lot more easily.

Provide True Meaning to your Life

Instead of ambling along letting life control you, discovering your life’s purpose will make everything that you do meaningful. Even if you consider yourself to be a successful person right now, you may feel empty inside because you are doing things that have no true meaning for you.

When you find your purpose in life you may need to make some radical changes in your life such as change your career or business. Although this will probably require considerable effort on your part,
you will know deep inside that it is the right thing for you to do.

It will provide Clarity

Most people do not have any real clarity with their lives and you may feel that you are in this situation as well. That’s OK, because when you identify your life’s purpose and start to transition towards it, everything will be much clearer to you.

You have probably heard the saying “clarity is power” and this is very true. If you are not clear about something then you can never really be the best that you can be. If someone asks you to do something for you and you are not clear what they really want then it is extremely unlikely that you will get this right. Be clear with your life by discovering your life’s purpose.

You will receive Guidance

When you are aware of your life’s purpose you will be guided by it so you know exactly what direction you need to head in. It will be a lot easier to make important decisions in your life when you have your life purpose to guide you.

Without a true purpose in life, most people find it very difficult to make even the smallest decisions about their lives. They are heavily swayed by the opinions of others and will often find themselves in situations that they do not want to be in.

Provide Passion in your Life

Are you truly passionate about who you are and what you do? When you answer this honestly (which you must do) it is very likely that you are not totally juiced with your current situation. By
understanding your life purpose, you will become a lot more passionate every day.

Passion is highly infectious and you will be easily able to motivate those around you to do more.
People are naturally drawn to passionate people and you will find that they will be a lot more willing to help you.

It provides Continuous Motivation

You have to contend with a lot of things in your life and you need all of the motivation that you can muster to keep going when things get tough. When you know what your life’s purpose is you will be continually motivated to push forward with your life and achieve your goals.

A person without a life purpose is far more likely to give up when things don’t go as they expected.
This can happen at any time as we all experience rejection and failure in our lives. But the additional motivation that you will have from knowing your life’s purpose will keep you going when all around you are falling by the wayside.

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Ask These Questions To Discover Your Purpose In Life

Ask These Questions To Discover Your Purpose In Life

Asking yourself the right questions will help you to discover your purpose in life. Some of these questions will be very easy for you to answer and you will probably end up with quite a list of things. Others will be more of a challenge for you as they will require deeper thought.

You need to find a quiet place where there will be no distractions for you. It is important that you are not disturbed while you are doing this. Make sure that you have your journal with you or some paper and a pen. Writing down the answers to the questions is an essential part of the process of identifying your true calling.

Once you have answered all of the questions, you will need to examine your answers and try to identify commonalities. You are looking for clues and signs that will eventually lead to you discovering your purpose in life.

What do you really enjoy?

When you know what the purpose of your life is you will enjoy almost everything that you do. So, knowing what you enjoy doing right now can provide big clues for you. Think about the things that you have done in your life and which of these gave you the most satisfaction and enjoyment.

To help you with this, think back to your childhood and the things that you really liked to do. Then move forward to your adult life and think about the things that provided you with the most pleasure. Be sure not to judge here. Just write everything down so that you can analyze it later.

What is on your Bucket List?

Many people these days have a “bucket list”. If you are not familiar with this then the concept here is simple. It is a list of things that you want to do before you die (kicking the bucket). It doesn’t matter if you do not have a bucket list right now. Just ask yourself the question “what do I want to include in my bucket list?”

People usually include special things on their bucket list that have an element of risk to them such as sky diving. You do not have to follow this trend when you are creating your bucket list. It is all about the things that you really want to do but haven’t yet.

What makes you angry or frustrated?

This is a question that most people will be able to answer easily because they focus on the negative. We all have things in our lives that frustrate and anger us. When you are answering this question don’t dismiss things that you believe to be beyond your control such as the effect of climate change. Just get everything down on paper.

What are your personal struggles?

With this question you can identify the things that you are not happy with about yourself. For example, you may have a much lower opinion about yourself than you deserve or you feel that no matter how hard you try, nothing seems to work out for you.

What things are really important for you?

This is a challenging question that will require deep thought and soul searching. It is worth the effort though as it can provide you with strong signals about your life’s purpose. Be persistent with this question and look at all aspects of your life.

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Cultivating Happiness Despite Trials and Tribulations

Cultivating Happiness Despite Trials and Tribulations

It is easier for people to dwell in their unhappiness because the feelings they experience can be overwhelming. However, happiness can be a choice, and there are ways to cultivate it despite the trials and tribulations you may be experiencing.

  • Record lessons you learned – Through every hardship, there is a lesson to be discovered at the end. Without failure, you cannot learn, and sometimes failure is the best to learn. Anytime you feel down, think about what lesson you might need to learn and then find a way to be grateful for that lesson.
  • Practice gratitude – Learn to be thankful for what you have at any given time. If you feel hopeless, stop, and look around. Find gratitude in the simple things in life. The air smells good. You have running water. You love your cat. Whatever it is, you will start to feel better and happier almost instantly. Practicing gratitude is a great exercise to bring positivity and perspective to your world. Try writing down three positive lessons you learned each evening before bed in your journal.
  • Know your purpose – Give yourself time to figure out what you want to do with your time and what your purpose is. What do you enjoy doing, and what makes you truly happy? Is there something that you can’t wait to get up to do, or is it hard to go to sleep because you just want to keep doing that thing? Explore that more and start doing more of what makes you feel good.
  • You can be sad while being happy – It is essential to understand that the feelings of happiness and sadness can be experienced at the same time. You could be sad about a situation you are going through while being overwhelmingly happy about a different situation you are in that maybe you wouldn’t even be in the first place if the other situation didn’t happen.
  • Try to choose happiness – Any time you make the conscious effort to choose to be happy, you’ll find that life is much more enjoyable. If you find yourself being sad too often, take a step back and say, “I am going to be happy right now” and do it. Let go of whatever it may be that is making you unhappy, you can’t change it right this minute anyway, so move forward.
  • Know your life goals and destiny – Keep on this path no matter what. Achieving your goals and continuing on the road that is taking you to your goals will keep you happy no matter how many obstacles get in the way. Just keep going on as you jump right over each burden and pick yourself back up each time.
  • Do more fun things – Don’t wait around for fun things to happen to you. Make them happen. What do you enjoy doing the most? Figure it out and do it, and don’t be afraid to do it alone or to invite people to do it with you. It is okay to do things alone, but it is also ok to do something because you want to and have those you love to experience it with you.

Working towards happiness may not seem easy, but it can be done if you follow these tips. Don’t let negative feelings control you. Actively work on learning the lessons you are supposed to be learning in life so that you can experience true happiness.

7 Ways to Enjoy Life More

7 Ways to Enjoy Life More

You may not realize it yet, but if you are alive and reading this, you’re supposed to enjoy your life and be happy. Despite the dire outlook, you may experience on the evening news, life is not supposed to be a never-ending nightmare of bad news, tragedy, and hard knocks. However, sometimes it seems that’s all there is.

How can you start to enjoy your life, as if it’s your last one, right now, even when nothing is perfect?

Write a Life Mission Statement

The only way to make the right choices in life for yourself is to know what you stand for. What is it that you want to leave behind as your legacy? What about this life is important to you? What ideas, morals, and values are guiding you through this life?

If you can create a life mission statement or vision statement that spells you who you want to be at your very best, you can use that as a founding document to guide every choice you make from this day forth.

Become Mindful of The Power of Now

One of the problems with life is most of us are always thinking about the past or the future. However, your life is right now. Right now, it is truly all you can be certain of having. Because of this, you need to realize the power of now and become more mindful about truly and fully experiencing the moments in your life.

While, of course, you do have to take small steps today to take care of your future, you don’t need to live only for the future to genuinely enjoy your life. You need to live for now, while planning for the future.

Be Your Own Best Friend

So many times, we are nicer to our friends and family than we are to ourselves. The thing is each of us is truly alone. That isn’t to be depressing, but the idea that you need someone else to prop you up and make you feel good about life is not true. You can feel in love with life even when it’s just you because, ultimately, it’s always just you even when you enjoy fabulous companionship.

Making the right choices for your diet, exercise, education, career, and so forth are all things you need to do in a loving way. If you wouldn’t direct your best friend to do it, why would you do it to yourself?

Do Things That Bring You Joy

Many times, in our societies, the idea of experiencing things just for the joy of it seems foreign. But your value doesn’t only depend on how much you produce and how much energy you expend doing things. Your value also can be expressed through the joyful things that you do.

Every day do something that makes you smile, laugh, and cry with happiness. It doesn’t matter if it’s a hike in the woods, a bungee jump, or if you want to sit in a hammock and read a book for an hour – doing things that fill your heart and mind with joy is important for your happiness.

Help the Less Fortunate

It’s hard to be down about our own situation if we are actively involved with helping those who are less fortunate. And sadly, there is always someone less fortunate than you even if you don’t realize it. Make an action plan to involve yourself in empowering others and helping others, and you will experience a lot more joy in your life.

Stop Being a People Pleaser

Conversely, you don’t need to work so hard, making other people happy. For one thing, nothing is ever enough for some people. They don’t mean it, because they probably don’t even give it a thought that you’re just pleasing them by your actions or attitude. Because of this, it’s not their fault that you’re spending all your energy trying to please others. It’s okay to say no to things that you don’t want to do or don’t have time to do.

Practice Gratitude

Of course, always take the time each day to express in your mind, in a journal, or even to someone else what you are grateful for. The mind pays attention to what you focus on. If you focus on what’s not going right, you’ll start to feel nothing is right. If you focus on what is right, you’ll start to feel like more is right with the world.

You really can start to be joyful in your life right now. One way to prove this to yourself is to travel more. When you travel to other countries and see how happy some people are, even though they live in very different environments than most western nations people do, it starts to become more clear about what drives happiness, and it turns out it’s inside you and has been all along.

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Setting New Goals for Your Happiness as You Age

When you’re young, your goal is often to graduate college, find a well-paying career, get into a committed relationship, buy a house and start a family. Along this road, the young hope for financial stability, recognition and happiness.

For some young people, they want a life of adventure with no ties. They want to backpack across Europe and find their way as they go. When you’re young, the goals are often big.

Growing older, those goals all change. By the time you’re an older adult, you’ve already had or still have the career, you have the relationship, the house and the family. You’ve accomplished your goals, you’ve achieved what you dreamed about doing.

Once you’ve done this, you might discover that you’re not feeling the same happiness you once had. The reason for this is because you need to have new goals to strive for regardless of your age.

Seeking out goals and reaching for dreams gives a person a sense of purpose, which is tied in to a greater level of happiness. You need to have goals for your happiness as you get older.

Even if they’re not as big and even if you don’t pursue them with the same fervor a young person has, you still need goals. You can set goals and dream of what you want to happen and you should.

Having goals helps you feel younger emotionally and mentally and helps you be happier. The key is found in having focused goals. Some older people have simpler goals like getting started in exercising or moving closer to the grandkids.

Others have goals that are based on things they feel they missed in life. Maybe you’re always wanted to be an actor but life took some twists and turns and you never fulfilled that dream.

You can set a new goal and fulfill a dream by getting involved in community theater. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to lose weight but never seemed to have the time or energy.

You can start small, focus on a pound or two a week. Join a group so that you have support and social interaction as well. If you’ve always wanted to write a novel and dreamed about that, but haven’t started yet, it’s not too late.

Begin by joining a local writers’ group. Learn the craft and set writing goals such as a certain word count or page count a day. You have to know what your goals are and what your dreams are before you can do anything about them.

Ask yourself what moves you, what you’re passionate about, what thing or things you regret not having done. In the answer to those questions, you’ll find the goals that you need to work on.

You don’t want to look back on your life and feel depressed about what you didn’t do and what you feel you missed out. Instead, look at today as a clean slate. You can start now and you have an edge over younger people. You’re far more mature, you’re already settled in life and you have more resources that you can turn to in order to meet your goals.

Myths About Happiness and Aging

Studies have shown that there’s a strong link between your happiness and aging. People who are happy don’t age as fast as people who just don’t enjoy their lives. One of the reasons for this is because people who are happier tend to be healthier than people who aren’t.

They’re healthier because they’re proactive with their lives rather than simply accepting what will be will be. They don’t give in to all the myths about happiness and aging. There are a lot of common myths floating around about aging and far too many people buy into these myths as the truth.

One of the myths is that there’s nothing you can do about your body’s aging. This isn’t true. There are plenty of things you can do to make sure you help protect the length of your telomeres, which are a good indicator of your lifespan.

You can protect the length by eating right, exercising, getting rid of stress and focusing on things you enjoy and that make you happy in life. Another common myth is that as you grow older, you’ll experience worsening emotional health.

This isn’t true. You can be proactive and do things that make you happy. It’s also a myth that once you grow older, you should retire because you’re no longer as desirable to employers as younger people are.

Keeping a part time job can be beneficial to older people because of the social interaction and the boost in happiness. There are plenty of employers who are looking for older people because they know older employees are more mature and less likely to blow off showing up for work.

Getting older equals become crabby or negative is a myth. Older people don’t automatically become snappish and unhappy. As you get older, you’re going to have trouble with your cholesterol and your blood pressure is another myth people buy into.

Happiness is what affects your health, which in turn affects your aging. Happier people have lower blood pressure and tend to take better care of themselves, which means better cholesterol management.

It’s a myth that growing older means you can’t have plenty of experiences, both extraordinary and ordinary. As someone who’s growing older, you know the value of the big moments and the little moments in life.

You know that it doesn’t take a lot to be happy, that you can find enjoyment in all areas of your life. A myth about aging says that when you grow older, you need to start limiting what you do.

They say you shouldn’t travel and you shouldn’t get involved in activities like volunteering, mentoring or teaching. But growing older gives you a great opportunity to travel, to start a second career and to do things you enjoy.

It’s a myth that you need to be careful with your body as you get older, that because you’re aging, you shouldn’t engage in cardio or high intensity workouts. You can exercise and you can exercise heartily.

Many older people discover that they can get in better health in their 60s than they were in when they were in their 20s. Exercising can prevent cells from dying off. Be as active as you can be.

Another myth is that you should spend most of your free time with your family. Limiting social interaction isn’t good. You need to have a circle of friends outside of your family. People who do this find that it boosts their happiness level.

It’s a myth that you shouldn’t engage in group activities. Getting involved in regularly scheduled activities with other people not only helps prevent cognitive decline, but staves off loneliness and boosts happiness.

When you get older, it’s too late to be in a committed relationship if you’re not already is a myth. Having someone in your life that you can partner with can raise your level of happiness.

You should just live however you want with no goals in mind is a myth. When you have a reason or a sense of purpose to your days, it can raise your level of enjoyment out of life – especially if you’re helping do something for others such as volunteering to help tutor teens or serving food to the homeless.

Other common myths are that it’s too late to give up a bad habit such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption. It’s too late to start exercising. It’s too late to change your life. It’s okay to let yourself go. It’s never too late to reach for happiness and in the process extend your life expectancy.