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Are You Self-Sabotaging?

Are You Self-Sabotaging?

You have enough to deal with in your life when it comes from outside sources, so the last thing you should be dealing with are obstacles you created yourself. Self-sabotage is much more common than people think, and is often so subtle that you don’t really you are doing it. Keep reading if you want to learn about the signs of self-sabotage, and how to stop this toxic bad habit.

Common Signs of Self-Sabotaging

The cruel thing about self-sabotage is that it is pain you are causing to yourself, but don’t always realize it. Here are some common signs that you have been sabotaging yourself and your own life.

You Focus Only on the Negative

The thing about being negative or having this type of mindset, is that it is so subtle, you don’t realize how much it is harming you. The more negative thoughts and feelings you have, the more you start to listen to your own mind, and don’t make room for positive thoughts.

You Procrastinate

Procrastinating is definitely a way of hurting you and your life, and absolutely can be considered self-sabotage. When you procrastinate, you are hurting the future you. You don’t get as much work done, miss deadlines, even potentially hurt your chances at a promotion at work. It keeps your business from going, and keeps you from reaching your goals. Being lazy is NOT going to help you.

You Are Always the Victim

Playing the victim isn’t going to get you sympathy or attention – it is only going to hurt you in the long run. Stop assuming you have bad luck, bad things only happen to you, or that your misfortune is the fault of other people. Are you an adult who can make your own decisions? If so, you’re not the victim.

You Compare Yourself to Others

Self-sabotage comes in many forms, and it isn’t always black and white. Sometimes, it is something that seems harmless, but is hurting you every time you do that. One example of this is when you are comparing yourself to others. You are not them, they are not you. You have different life experiences, different skills and talents, different friends. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they do – all you should worry about is what YOU do.

Once You Reach a Goal, You Lose it

Do you find that whenever you reach a goal or at least make progress towards one, you tend to then lose it? This is often from your own self-sabotage, something you do whether from a fear of success or loss of your motivation and focus. This is not only a sign of self-sabotage, but a side effect of it.

What You Can Do About it

Like anything else in your life, you are the one in control of your actions. Remember that you can stop self-sabotage and actually find happiness if you’re willing to put in the work. Here are some things you can do to stop this toxic habit:

Take Full Responsibility and Take Back Control

Taking responsibility for your actions is crucial, and is a topic that will keep coming up when you learn about how to improve your life. The reason is because people are easy to jump to negativity, assumptions, and excuses, but rarely take responsibility for their own actions and reactions.

If you are sabotaging yourself, that has nothing to do with anyone else, what happened to you in the past, or your “bad luck”. YOU did it, and only YOU can stop it.

Stop Yourself

Sometimes, those old habits of self-sabotage are hard to prevent. This is okay, as long as you don’t follow it through until the end. The more self-aware you become, the more you are able to recognize the signs of sabotaging your success early on, so that you can stop it dead in its tracks.

Do you notice that when you lose a few pounds, you instantly feel the urge to binge? There is probably a sign before this happens that lets you know what is about to happen. Look for that sign so you can be aware of it.

Let Go of the Past – You Don’t Live There Anymore

Let Go of the Past – You Don’t Live There Anymore

Although you don't control everything that happens to you, you have complete control over how you react to events. This control extends to events in your past. The past can have an incredibly strong hold on you, if you let it. Here's how to break the chain:

Let It Go

You have to start the process of getting out of the straitjacket of your past by declaring to yourself that you're going to let it go. It's as simple as that...at least to start. The point is that admitting that you want to move on from your past is a necessary stepping stone to everything that will follow.

Part of choosing to let something go is reclaiming control over your own story and acknowledging that, although something may have happened yesterday, you don't have to let it continually affect your today and tomorrow. That can be a beautiful thing as long as you have the power to forge ahead.

Avoid the Victim Mentality

Too often, when things from the past have a tight hold over us it's because we've, consciously or unconsciously, taken on the role of a victim. Part of this is down to fear, irresponsibility, or an unwillingness to take responsibility for something that happened in the past.

Analyzing your past isn't intrinsically bad, but spending a lot of times brooding about something bad that happened without offering any kind of new perspective or life lesson is definitely not product. It might even promote the kind of victim mentality and disempowerment that you're trying desperately to avoid on some level.

A lot of times, being the victim can feel good to people, as sick as that sounds. There's something reaffirming in blaming others and thinking that you were in the right after all and that, if you'd only been given a break or two, things would have turned out in your favor.

The trouble with taking a sense of victimhood to heart is that it keeps you stuck in your past and held in thrall to circumstances. People who forge their own path aren't prone to the victim mentality because they see themselves as the movers and shakers of their own reality. It's time to take back control over your own life.

Learn to Forgive

Going hand in glove with this kind of victim mentality is bitterness. That might sound strange at first, but oftentimes when people take on a sense of chronic victimhood they're extremely bitter at someone or something in their past as well. This all goes with a sense of disempowerment.

Instead of being stuck in a sense of victimhood, you need to choose to let things from the past go and forgive other people. The thing to realize is that other people were probably doing the best that they could do at that particular time.

There's a really good chance that they didn't mean to hurt or wrong you at all. It's time to forgive people from your past and embrace an empowering future.

How to Get Out of Your Head

How to Get Out of Your Head

Developing a mindset where you are strong, positive, and enlightened will require you to get out of your own head. If you are someone who tends to focus heavily on your thoughts and feelings, over-analyzes everything, and basically lives out detailed scenarios all in your imagination with a lot of assumptions, you are probably doing some big self-sabotaging.

When you live in your head like this, you make a lot of unfair assumptions, you turn small things into catastrophic things, and you probably deal with a lot of stress and anxiety as well. If you want to move forward and stop feeling like everything is falling apart, these tips can help.

Stop the Spiraling Thoughts

You know the ones we’re talking about. When you have one small thought that turns into a worry, that then spirals into a complete panic attack. Stop doing this to yourself. You are causing these thoughts to get out of hand, which is going to make it almost impossible to stop getting stuck inside your head.

Instead, try to stop the thoughts before they begin to spiral out of control. Recognize the signs of when this tends to happen, journal when you think you need to. Write down all your worries and concerns, but in a more constructive way. Try to remain neutral about it, as if you aren’t too concerned, but need to vent the thoughts out.

Learn How to Practice Mindfulness Correctly

Mindfulness has been a trending word for a few years, but many people still don’t completely understand it. Mindfulness might share some traits with meditation, but it is not the same thing. Mindfulness just means you are in the moment, whether it is a good or bad moment. You understand that what you think or feel right now is only in this present moment, it doesn’t have to define what you do after the moment is gone.

A really easy way to practice mindfulness is when you are eating. Sit in silence during a meal, and just concentrate on the food itself. The way it looks, its smell, the texture and taste. How your stomach feels while you are eating and shortly afterward. This practice can help a lot when you are first learning how to use mindfulness in your daily life.

Take More Control Over Your Thoughts and Feelings

You are driving the car that is your thought process and mindset, nobody else. Take more control over it, stop those out-of-control thoughts and feel what you choose to feel. Be the one behind the wheel by steering your thoughts one way or another. Especially when you sense the aforementioned spiraling of thoughts that tends to cause a lot more emotional issues.

Use Visualization

Visualization is an excellent tool when you are working on your mindset, particularly when you have trouble getting out of your own head. Visualize yourself being a strong, resilient, calm person. When you get stuck inside your head and feel the anxious thoughts reeling, take a step back and visualize that the panic gone and that all is right with the world.

7 Ways to Stop Looking for Validation

7 Ways to Stop Looking for Validation

Are you someone whose mood and entire day is ruined if you try to get approval from someone, and don’t get the response you wanted? If so, this is a big red flag that you are living your life trying to get validation from others, instead of from yourself. The only person who should validate you is yourself. You know yourself better, your skills and talents, your amazing traits, and your abilities. It is natural to want approval from others, but when you rely on that for your own happiness, you are only going to be disappointed.

Here are some different ways to stop looking for validation from others, and finally trust your own instincts.

1. Compliment Yourself Often

If you don’t want to get validation from others, that means validating yourself. What better way to do this than compliment yourself? The more you talk kindly to yourself and compliment yourself, both inside and out, the less you will feel you need validation from other people. This takes practice, but soon you will realize ALL you need is your own approval and acceptance.

2. What do You Want Other People to Say About You?

This is a good way to start being kinder to yourself and get out of the practice of looking for approval from others. Start by asking yourself what you hope someone else will say to you or about you. How would they validate you? Specifically, what do you want them to say?

Write it down, ands tart saying that to yourself.

3. Celebrate All Your Victories

Stop telling yourself there is nothing good about you or that you don’t deserve to be happy and kind to yourself. YOU DO. You just need to stop with all the excuses and negative self-talk. There is a LOT to celebrate about yourself, going far beyond your physical appearance. Think about your successes and triumphs, your skills and talents, things you love to do, what an amazing friend you are, how you have helped people.

When you identify your different victories, celebrate them. Celebrate them yourself, celebrate them with others, be proud of them.

4. Build Strength and Stop Looking for Approval

When you start struggling to not look for validation from other people, that is when you know you need to build your strength. We are talking about your inner strength here. Becoming someone who doesn’t care what other people think about you, how you look, what you do, or how you spend your time. This is your life, nobody else’s, so stop living for other people. They have their own lives to worry about.

5. You Know Yourself the Best

Another reason why you shouldn’t worry about validation from others is because you know yourself the best. Sure, people might have their opinions of you, but what do they know? NOTHING. What people see in brief glimpses doesn’t represent you or what you have accomplished, so that opinion is useless.

6. Selfies Should Be Fun

Have fun with your selfies! There is nothing wrong with wanting to make edits to feel more comfortable, as long as you are only doing it for yourself. Stop worrying about the right pose, the most flattering angle, smoothing out every line and wrinkle. You are a human being who is beautiful how you are, and as long as YOU like how you look, screw everyone else.

7. Practice Self-Awareness

Finally, try to have more self-awareness. This means looking past all those little judgments you tend to have of yourself, and be realistic. Celebrate your victories, appreciate yourself, flaws and all, and look beyond the surface. When you are more self-aware, you have a better understanding of how amazing you are, and you won’t need ot be told that by someone else.

How to Keep Other People from Influencing Your Mindset

How to Keep Other People from Influencing Your Mindset

It is hard enough dealing with your own thoughts and feelings, ad controlling your own mindset, but when you allow others to dictate how you feel as well, you are destroying it unnecessarily. People can influence a lot in your life, both good and bad. There is nothing wrong with taking someone’s opinion, asking for help, or even accepting criticism if it is constructive.

The problem is when you allow these opinions from others to completely derail you. When they bring you down, cause stress, make your anxiety worse, and create an inner dialogue of negative self talk.

If you feel like your lack of progress or happiness in your life is because of other people – now is the time to stop letting other people have so much control over you.

Don’t React Right Away

When someone says something negative to you, whether it was a little constructive criticism or a straight up insult, don’t react right away. This is the best way to control how you react and think about what someone else has to say. If you don’t immediately react, you not only prevent yourself from saying something you will later regret, but you can actually help control your own emotions. By not reacting, you aren’t going to let yourself be affected by it. Just let it float right past you and remind yourself it doesn’t matter.

Avoid People Who Provoke Negative Thoughts

There are always going to be certain people who have nothing nice or helpful to say. Why worry about them? Just ignore them and get them out of your life if necessary. No matter how much inner strength you have, there are always going to be people who try to push your buttons and bring you down. These people are unhappy in their own lives, so they take it out on others. Just avoid them – they will never be helpful or supportive to you.

Remember Your Opinion is the Most Important

The only opinion you need to worry about is your own, end of story. Sure, it helps to get a little guidance and support from others, but it should stop there. When it gets to the point where you aren’t asking for advice from others, but they still like to tell you what to do or not to do, bring you down, or give rude criticisms, that is when you should ignore them completely and just worry about how YOU feel about it.

Other People’s Views are Their Own

If you still need a little help with understanding how other people should not influence YOUR mindset, remember that their views and opinions are their own. They really have nothing to do with you or what you are trying to accomplish. You aren’t able to please everyone, and not everyone will like you. That is the beauty of being an individual, a human being. That’s okay! Just be yourself, do your own thing, and worry about your own views.

You are the Only One in Control of Your Emotions

You are the Only One in Control of Your Emotions

Do you often feel out of control, or like you are just a sensitive, emotional person? Do you think the way you think and feel is because of what other people do or just bad luck? If this sounds like you, then YOU are the problem. You have full control over your thoughts, mindset, and even your emotions. Yes, unexpected things in life can happen to derail you and make it a little harder to gain control, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. At the end of the day, the only one who can tell you how to think and feel is YOU.

Keep reading if you want to learn about controlling your emotions and finally take responsibility.

Adjust Your Thinking

Yes – you can absolutely change your thoughts and how you think about things! Stop making excuses and assuming the way you are now, is how you will be forever. IT can be hard to deal with emotional stress sand other events that tend to affect your emotional state, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change things around.

Now is a great time to analyze what is going on in your mindset. Are you overly negative and pessimistic? Do you tend to play the victim a lot? Do you make assumptions, whether or not they could be true? These thought patterns might seem innocent enough, but more often than not, YOU are the reason you feel bad, not other people or even situations that you find yourself in.

You are in Control of How You Respond

Another way to get in control of your emotions is in how you respond to things. This is both internally and externally. Even if you don’t say anything out loud when someone says something to offend or insult you, you are still internalizing it. You are telling yourself it makes you sad or depressed, that it is worsening your anxiety, that people are out to get you.

Start adjusting how you respond to things. Start by not responding right away – whether it means what you say or what you think and feel. Remind yourself that things are often not as they seem, and your own negative thinking could be making it worse. Self-sabotage is the unfortunate result.

Overthinking is Toxic

There are many different ways to feel like you are losing control of your emotions, and overthinking is a big one. The problem with overthinking is that it is subtle, and you feel like you are doing a good thing. You tell yourself that you are just trying to work through something, figure things out, and make sense of your life.

But more often than not, you are just lying to yourself, and instead using overthinking as a way to create excuses for yourself. Overthinking often leads to stress and anxiety, and is yet another method of self-sabotage.

You Aren’t Psychic – Stop Acting Like it

This goes hand-in-hand with overthinking. Stop assuming you know people’s motives and can predict the future. You have NO idea what will happen if you try something new, change jobs, get out of your comfort zone, or end a partnership. You aren’t psychic, and all you are doing is making empty assumptions that are only going to bring you down.

Get Out of Your Own Way and Stop Making Excuses

Get Out of Your Own Way and Stop Making Excuses

When you make excuses for who you are, what you do, and how you spend your time, you are just lying to yourself. These are still excuses, even if you have convinced yourself they are valid reasons. Here are some ways to stop making excuses and finally get out of your own way.

You’re Not Special

This is a really hard truth that takes a lot of work to accept, but you need to understand that you are not special. You have many unique talents and skills, but you are not special in the way that you are some exception. Excuses you tell yourself about how even if it has worked for other people, it couldn’t possibly work for you, is just a way to get out of trying.

How do you know? Are you psychic? Do you think you are so different from everyone else? If you do the work, and you try your hardest, you have done all you can do. There is NO reason you can’t accomplish what other people have accomplished, unless you keep holding yourself back with these lame excuses.

Identify Your Excuses

If you know you make a lot of excuses for why you are not putting in the effort or trying to face your fears, then it is time to identify all the excuses you tell yourself. This can be done in your mind, though it is easier to find clarity by writing it down.

Find a journal or notebook and just write down all the “reasons” you think you can’t do something, why life has not worked out, and where you think your life went wrong. Think of WHY your life is the way it is right now.

Now look at your list – those aren’t reasons. They are not obstacles. They are EXCUSES. Opportunities for you to lie to yourself and allow challenges in your life to keep you from being who you can be.

Your Misfortune is Yours Alone

It is not uncommon to feel like you are just unlucky in life, that things are worse for you than other people, and that those truths are good enough reason for you to make excuses. But guess what? This is total crap. This has nothing to do with “bad luck”. You are not a victim of circumstance, you are instead using situations you have been in as a way to get out of doing what you need to do.

If this is how you want to spend your life, go ahead, but you don’t get to complain about it anymore. Making excuses is a form of self-sabotage and is only causing you to get in your own way and block your own happiness.

Take Responsibility and Get on with Your Life

If you want to get on with your life, stop with the excuses and take responsibility. The majority of things that happen in your life are at least partly your fault, even if it’s a decision you made that caused the “misfortune”. Look at whatever you are complaining about with fresh eyes and understand the part you played in it. This is how you will get out of your own way and move on.

Success Mindset for Achieving Your Goals in Life

Success Mindset for Achieving Your Goals in Life

The world is made up of three kinds of people. Those who are successful, those who are not yet successful and those who will never be successful. You can see this simply by looking at people who try and try and just never seem to make it even though it’s clear that they possess the knowledge they need.

So why are there people in this world who dream big and have hopes for a successful future, but it all comes to nothing? The answer is that their mindset held them back just like the mindset of the successful propelled them to greater heights and the achievements of their dreams. If you want to make it in anything, you must have a success mindset.

Why a Successful Mindset Makes Your Goals Achievable

Having a success mindset is an important tool because what you think is in control of what you’ll do. If you think you can’t, you won’t. If you think you’re a failure, you are. If you think dreams come true for other people and not for you, then you’re right.

You’re creating your own version of mental roadblocks that then lead to physical roadblocks because you develop the mindset of “Why bother to try when you’re only going to end up failing?”


You think this way because you haven’t yet realized the power of mindset. It can guide or affect everything you do in your personal or professional life. The reason that it has this power is because you are the fuel that feeds into the belief.

Then you will act according to your mindset. You’ll act like a failure or you’ll act like a winner. You’ll act defeated or you’ll act triumphant. You might not have the same education as the next person.

You might not have the same level of talent. You might not have a lot of money. You might not have the same outgoing personality. But that doesn’t mean that your chances of success are any lower, because your mindset will determine that, not your station in life.

If you don’t believe that, do a quick search on people who became millionaires or who build a successful business from nothing. Your circumstances aren’t the chains that hold you back.

Your mindset is. But it doesn’t have to be. Only you can give it that authority. Once you step up and take control of your mindset, your days feeling like and acting like a failure are over.

Developing a success mindset leads to a change in how you see yourself. You’ll stop having a negative attitude about who you are and what you’re capable of. You’ll stop the thought track in your mind that tells you that you can’t succeed, that you don’t have what it takes.

Stopping that track then boosts your self-esteem. Whatever negative thought or belief that you allow to grow within your mind will grow and flourish like weeds choking out even the tiniest speck of good that you might believe about yourself.

When you develop a success mindset, it allows you to overcome self-criticism. This enables how you view everything to change. It changes your perspective, your ideas, bolsters your goals and gives new and fresh meaning to what you want to achieve.

How do you know if you have a success mindset? You view any failures as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than as stopping points. Every success that you want is doable by having a success mindset.

When you have that, your perspective shifts. You see obstacles as challenges. You believe you can overcome whatever obstacle is thrown at you. When you view problems, you might not automatically know the answer to them, but you believe that you’ll get the answer.

The vision that you have for your life shifts when you have a success mindset. It creates a determination within you that propels you forward and allows you to succeed regardless of the effort it takes.

You don’t quit until your goals are accomplished. With a success mindset, you don’t see circumstances that hold you back. You see chances to grow. You develop a strong can do attitude that allows you try where previously you might have allowed circumstances to keep you stuck at the starting line.

You have to remember that a success mindset envisions triumph, which improves your ability to reach the goals that you set for yourself. Think of your mindset as a gate that either opens for opportunities or closes to them.

Change Hopeless Negativity to an Optimistic Success Mindset

One of the reasons that people develop a sense of hopeless negativity is because they view their life goals, their relationships, their dreams and their needs in light of what should have been instead of what is.

They feel a sense of disappointment that things haven’t worked out the way that they want, so they begin to close ranks around possibilities. People with hopeless negativity fail to see life as it can be and only focus on the bad or what’s prevented them from succeeding.

People who think this way don’t see their situation as ever improving. Their belief is that everything is bad. They live day to day expecting the worst to happen. It usually does because mindset leads to behaviors or habits that create the existence they believe.

So they end up not trying and they settle for the kind of life they don’t want, failing to see that the one they do want is only a mindset change away. Changing your hopeless negativity to an optimistic success mindset isn’t difficult.

It just takes some practice. Learn to view every situation though a positive lens. You can do this by seeking the positive in the situation, in the person or in your thoughts. What happens when you do this is it shifts your mindset away from what’s not good and puts it on what is.

Take the time every single day to reflect on the good that you experienced. If you look for the positive, you will find it regardless of whatever is going on - regardless of what did or didn’t happen.

You have to stop dwelling on the immediate and keep your view settled on the outcome. Every positive journey will have negative parts to it. If you stay focused on the negative, you can miss the bigger picture.

Your mindset can get so clouded over by the negative that you completely miss the good things that are waiting for you to take hold and move you ahead toward your success.

You can change hopeless negativity, but not holding onto those thoughts or attitudes. These are things that you usually dwell on. And wherever your attention is, your mindset follows.

For example, if you continually dwell on all that needs repairing in your home, you’ll start to dislike where you live. You’ll feel miserable and start wishing you could move. Then you’ll start thinking about how you can’t afford to move and you’ll feel trapped.

So the one negative thought mushrooms and becomes this huge thing that makes you feel hopeless. Then you feel helpless to change your situation - all because your mind says there’s nothing you can do.

But if you look at the repairs in your home as an opportunity to fix it up the way you want it to be, or to make improvements that you like better, you’ll notice that your attitude has changed about it.

The attitude changed because the mindset did. Examine any negative or hopeless thought that comes into your mind. Take charge of it and ask yourself what opportunities are hidden in the situation.

Then find them and focus on those instead. Make it a habit to seek the positive and let it be how you start and end your day. Begin your day by thinking a positive thought. It can be something about it being a beautiful day or something like you get to have your favorite cup of coffee.

End your day the same way. Start a habit of writing down at least 3 good things that happened to you that day, that you learned, that you accomplished. This habit is what teaches you to notice what’s good.

When you look for the positive, it makes you feel better and it changes your perspective from one that life is happening to – to something that you’re in control of. You discover that you make your own happiness and that it’s not determined by external haves or have nots.

You must keep in mind that whichever mindset you feed is the one that grows. If you feed the negative mindset, it blooms into something that can easily overwhelm the good. If you feed the good mindset, it blooms and gains control rather than the negative side.

Becoming Sure of Your Success Mindset Until You Follow Through

It’s one thing to talk about a success mindset. Another to live it. You might want a success mindset but not be sure about your ability to achieve it or unsure if you can carry on until you do follow through and reach your goals.

Your environment can often determine your ability to follow through. The rule of thumb is always negative in, negative out. Spend enough time in a negative environment and you’ll end up affected.

If all the people you have in your circle practice a negative mindset and they seem to see the problems instead of the hope in even trying, before long, you’ll be spouting the same words they’re speaking.

You’ll see gloom and doom. You’ll see all the reasons why you can’t accomplish your dreams. You’ll think about how success is for others, not you. You’ll look at their lives and see how they too, are just like you.

They didn’t succeed, so what makes you think you can? Everyone has their own personality. They’re the sum parts of the way they were raised, the friends they have, the habits they perform.

But what carries the a lot of weight in anyone’s life are the people that you hang with. These are the people that you look to for advice. They’re the ones that you complain to on the phone.

They’re the ones that influence your decisions. If your environment is made up of negative influences, it has to change in order for you to succeed. You can become sure of your success mindset by reframing what you’re up against.

You might feel that there’s no way you can succeed. So reframe that what you’re up against isn’t something insurmountable. Instead, it’s something that’s going to offer you a learning experience.

What this does is take you out of your comfort zone and allow you to push beyond self-imposed mindset limitations. You’ll be able to see the accomplishments rather than the failures.

You must push past the limits that you’ve set for yourself in the past. As you stretch your mindset, it lets go of the mental blocks that hold your success hostage. It frees you up to take risks, to step beyond what you thought you were capable of.

Instead of thinking that there’s no way you can succeed, you’ll begin to view yourself as someone who’s in control of his success. You follow through by welcoming mistakes as an opportunity to learn and rise above the issues.

When you practice a success mindset, it lets you choose to move. It also lets you acknowledge that you need to learn with grace rather than allowing it to be the thing that holds you back.

You become sure of your success mindset when you change your thought processes. When you stop going through life saying, “I can’t” or “I might fail” and instead saying, “Good things are going to happen for me,” then by your actions, you make that positive outcome a reality.

Action Steps You Can Take to Develop a Success Mindset

Practice positive affirmations. Doing this will help you realize that you’re good enough and that what you need to succeed, you already possess. Positive affirmations can help you see yourself as worthy and strong as well as capable.

These affirmations can help you break free from a negative mindset that leads to self sabotaging behavior such as not even trying to go after success. Your brain reacts to repeated positive affirmations and accepts them as truth.

When you speak them, use the present tense. Choose affirmations such as, “I am successful and talented. I recognize my abilities and other people recognize my abilities.”

Your brain then begins to create positive thoughts based on that affirmation. Your body and your attitude then follow along. Your action steps will be based in the belief that you can achieve your goals.

Follow success stories. Find the stories that motivate and inspire you. Watch documentaries of people that have similar goals that you also want to reach. Study what they did and how they overcame obstacles.

Watching other successful people in action fills you with a can-do attitude. You start thinking that if that person can do it, then so can you. Create a vision board. When you create a board that uses a selection of images representing what your success is, it creates an image of what can be.

The board is a tangible view of what you want to achieve. When you have a vision board, you use the power of visualization to prompt a success mindset. The board sinks into your subconscious mind and lets you see things you may not have realized before.

A vision board acts as a reminder that success is yours. Having one can help you choose action when fear creeps in. It can also help you remember to believe in yourself and to keep your brain focused on the positive, which is the outcome of your goals.

The board should be a visual representation of your success story unfolding. Practice the law of attraction. Know what it is that you want to attract to your life. Believe that you have it in you to make all your dreams come true.

Are You Planning to Fail or Planning to Succeed?

Whenever your goal is to get fit and lose weight, you’re making a plan – even if you’re not planning. Some people have a goal, yet don’t make arrangements or gather ideas for how to reach that goal.

They simply want it to happen. They might even make a commitment to be better, but that type of thinking is a form of self sabotage, because intentions aren’t plans, and you need to be aware of doable tasks that help you cross the finish line.

Lack of planning is setting yourself up for failure. You’re almost giving up on yourself before you ever get started, because you know deep in your gut, that you’ll be quitting in the not so distant future.

Maybe this is why you don’t make plans. Why go to the effort if your true, underlying intention is to start this journey for appearance’s sake only? If you truly wanted to succeed, you’d be actively working toward that goal.

If you’re serious about losing weight and getting fit, then spend some time in the planning phase. You’ll want to make plans for your nutrition as well as your exercise routines.

You might want to start off small, such as making plans to improve your diet habits little by little. Have a milestone for when you want to be eating a certain way, and celebrate those milestones that you reach.

Do the same with your exercise. Maybe the goal at first is to be able to walk 5 miles. So you start off by having a plan to see how many miles you can currently walk. Then plan how much you’ll increase your walk each week or month until you reach your goal.

Meal prep planning is a great way to reach the numbers on the scale that you want to see, or the clothing sizes. You plan out meals one day a week and cook them one day, then eat those meals all week so that it takes the pressure off of you.

Do everyday planning, too. For example – with the weather – if your plans include an outdoor walk every day, watch the news to see what the forecast is for the coming week. If rain is expected, have a plan for an indoor walk at the mall, at the gym, or on a treadmill at home.

Don’t wait until the last minute to come up with ideas and plans. In today’s world, we’re often in such a hurry or so stressed, that it’s sometimes easier to break the commitment than it is to follow through thanks to a little bit of planning along the way.