Low carb diets are common in the weight loss spectrum. Many studies have shown them to result in more weight lost as compared to the standard low fat diet plan.
Going on a low carb diets has so many health benefits, including the fact that they are highly effective at eliminating visceral fat, such as that in the belly, a most dangerous type of body fat.
There have been so many speculations, thoughts and ideas on why low carb diets are effective for weight loss, hopefully this article will bring some clarity.
What Exactly Is A Low Carb Diet?
A low carb diet is a system of eating where carbohydrates are drastically or significantly, cut from the diet, and in the strictest plans, like the Ketogenic diet, carb intake is limited to non-starchy vegetables and some dairy. When ones diet contains fewer carbohydrates, the body no longer gets its energy from the glucose they produce and instead begins to burn fat for energy.
Starch and sugar carbohydrates are substituted with healthy fats and a moderate protein intake. Sugar, pastries, pasta, bread, cereal, beans, or any other starches are no longer allowed, as you will indulge vegetables, fatty foods such as butter, fatty fish, oils and some dairy along with eggs, steak, chicken, seafood and other protein sources.
How Does It Aid Weight Loss?
Triggers Ketosis: Eating a low carb diet triggers a process known as ketosis, which is where the body begins to burn fat for energy instead of dietary carbs, which is a very efficient way to burn fat stores and lose weight.
Eliminates water weight: People who have gone on low carb diet typically lose quite a bit of weight in the first two weeks, likely, this occurs when water that is tied to glycogen comes off the body and is actually a quite encouraging event that supports the continuation of a healthy lifestyle.
Eliminates insulin trigger foods: Starch and sugar carbs are insulin triggers that cause blood sugar spikes that lead to weight gain. While on a low carb diet, these insulin triggers are eliminated so the body can burn fat instead of storing it.
They are high in protein: Protein helps keep you full and satisfied so you naturally eat less, it also helps to increase lean muscle mass that promotes fat burning. This is one of the factors that make low carb diets effective.
Regulates the appetite and naturally reduces calorie intake: A low carb diet naturally regulates the appetite because all those insulin triggers foods that wreak havoc in the blood stream to cause erratic hunger and out of control cravings are eliminated.
Additionally, Researches from St. Louis and Japan (Banks WA1, Coon AB, Robinson SM, Moinuddin A, Shultz JM, Nakaoke R, Morley JE, et all) found that the hunger regulating hormone leptin is positively affected by the low carb diet’s ability to reduce triglyceride levels in the body, which allows that hormone to work more effectively in regulating the appetite.
When people embark on a low carb diet, their appetite significantly drops naturally, and they naturally feel satisfied with less food, resulting in weight loss as they naturally eat less calories and without suffering and starvation.
Are Low Carb Diets Safe?
This is a frequently asked question, which is common amongst people wanting to embark on a low carb journey. The low carb experience is not for everyone, though it is followed by thousands of people around the world, without any problems.
It may have side effects for some, while others may experience nothing. Usually any side effects are short lived. In general, statics and research shows them to be highly effective for weight loss, and to also reduce risks for cardiovascular disease better than low fat eating plans.
Make sure you understand what a particular low carb diet has to offer before choosing it.
In conclusion, low carb diets aids weight loss by triggering ketosis, a metabolic state where the body uses stored fat as its source of energy.
Low carb diets also do a great job of regulating appetite and naturally allow those following them to eat less, while feeling satisfied and this is another one of the main reasons that the weight loss is so strong and visible.
Low carb diets are not fads, but lifestyles that have helped thousands of people reverse obesity and improve their health. It may just do the same for you.
Stay well and take care!
When you’ve decided to lose weight, you can structure an eating plan on your own or you can find a low carb diet that you can customize to your lifestyle. Having a diet that’s tailored to suit your needs and preferences will make dieting easier.
With all of the numerous diets you hear about, knowing which diet is the best one for you can be tough. But you can compare the 5 best low carb diets to see which one will suit your lifestyle to help you lose weight.
The Atkins Diet
This diet is one of the most popular low carb weight loss plans you’ll find. Numerous studies have detailed multiple cases of long term weight loss success on the Atkins Diet because the focus is on healthy eating of low carbs while centering meals around fatty proteins, good for the body fats and vegetables.
When you decide to choose this diet, you’ll go through it using their four steps referred to as phases. In the first phase, which is called the Induction, people who want to lose weight eating low carb have to make sure that they keep their carb intake at less than 20 grams.
The focus is on consuming foods that are loaded with protein found in meats like beef, chicken, pork and other meats. Though some of the meats in the Atkins Diet are high fat, this is not an oversight.
Eating high fat during the Atkins Diet will not have an impact on your cholesterol level. In the Induction phase, dieters are to consume low carb vegetables and stay away from the high carb ones.
As long as the vegetables are low carb, preferably dark and leafy green, and the meat high protein, you can have foods like this at this stage. The reason the carbs are less than 20 grams for the first 14 days of the diet is because it causes your metabolism to kick into high gear and you’ll see noticeable weight loss during this time.
The first stage is when you’re streamlining your diet. The next stage is where you’ll include additional foods. In this second phase, called the Balancing, dieters should add items like fruit, more vegetables and nuts such as almonds and walnuts.
Because of the low carb foods in the first and second phase, you’ll lose weight rather quickly. Once you get within sight of your target weight, you’ll increase your carb intake in the third phase, which is also called the Fine Tuning phase.
Increasing the amount of carbs that you eat during this phase will cause the weight loss to decrease slightly. It’s during this phase that you should reach the weight loss goals you set for yourself on a slower pace.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll be ready for the Maintenance stage or the fourth phase. During this step, you can have the amount of good carbs that you want as long as you don’t gain weight during this phase.
You should stay away from sugar, trans fats and things like wheat, but you have the green light on eating foods such as eggs, dairy and even dark chocolate. You’ll need to track your carbs to see where your levels should be, since everyone’s body acts a bit differently on this plan.
The Dukan Diet
Another popular diet – known as the Dukan Diet – also consists of four phases. The first one is called The Attack Phase. This beginning phase causes fast weight loss in order to help motivate you to keep on going.
The key to this stage is that how long it needs to last is going to depend on what your weight loss goal is. If you plan to lose less than 10 pounds, then the Attack Phase should only last one to two days.
If you have between 15 to 30 pounds to take off, then the first phase should last between 3 to 5 days. Any amount of weight that’s over 40, then the Attack Phase will last about a week.
During this first phase, you will eat lean protein. These protein choices are going to come from a list of 68 pure proteins that are okay to eat for the diet. You can eat as much of this protein as you like, but during this stage, you have to consume the recommended 6 to 8 glasses of water each day in order to keep your system flushed.
Exercising at this point is also encouraged. The second stage is known as the Cruise Phase. Along with your proteins that you were introduced to in the first stage, this step will have you adding vegetables to your meals.
You’ll get 100 foods that you can choose to eat in unlimited quantities. This ratio is made up of the 68 proteins and 32 vegetables. This stage also encourages alternating protein days with vegetable ones.
One day, you eat protein and low carb vegetables. The next day, you would only eat protein. You can do this on a sliding plan. Such as 1/1 – meaning protein along with the veggies and then just the protein. You can alternate this eating plan up to 5/5.
The third stage in the Dukan Diet is the Consolidation Phase. At this stage, eating the low carbs for weight loss has accomplished the goals that you set for yourself.
It’s at this point that you can now eat additional foods that are starchier than the ones you were allowed to have in the other phases. This stage is important because at this point, the foundation is set for long term success in keeping the weight off.
How long the stage lasts will differ from person to person according to what you lost. You would multiply 5 times the number of pounds you succeeded in losing to figure out how long you need to remain at this phase. So if you lost 20 pounds, you would need to remain at this stage for 100 days.
The final phase is the Stabilization Phase. During this phase, you can eat what you want to have as long as you eat in moderation. You’ll find the right combination of carbs, proteins and fats to keep your weight at the level you want it to be.
The Paleo Diet
The Paleo Diet is a way of eating that dates back to the time when cavemen were around. By eating the way that they did, you’ll lose weight and studies have shown that the risks of developing certain health conditions do decrease.
The gist of this diet is that it’s based on eating a lot of fiber and plenty of protein. It’s not as calorie strict as many diets are, but does focus on choosing foods that are low in carbs.
So that means that your meals will consist of things like plenty of lean meat or fish. You’ll also forego the bad kinds of fats for the ones that are better for your body.
Your eating plan will also include plenty of fruits and vegetables. On this diet, you’ll be allowed to eat foods like eggs and you’ll be able to cook with oils such as olive oil.
Something that this diet does restrict is processed foods, but since those aren’t good for you anyway, getting rid of them is a healthy change. This diet does call for followers to cut out things like wheat, cereal, potatoes, sugar, beans, dairy, and salt.
What makes the diet so popular is the focus on low carb while allowing people to eat in a way where they’re not hungry and not always watching their calories. Because much of the diet is focused on fiber, dieters are left feeling satisfied rather than hungry.
Unlike most diets, the Paleo Diet takes into consideration stepping away from the eating plan so that users can have cheat meals. During a cheat meal, dieters can eat whatever they want.
But what usually ends up happening is that as the body gets used to the low carbs and more natural foods, the high fat, high carb, processed stuff will stop being appealing to your taste buds.
There are no clubs that you have to join with this plan and no fees involved. However, there are several online groups dedicated to the diet that you can join for moral support and tips for recipes and other advice.
If you’re someone who isn’t a big meat eater or you’ve chosen a vegetarian lifestyle, then the Paleo Diet will not work for you because of the emphasis on consuming meat and you won’t be able to get the protein that you need otherwise.
The Mediterranean Diet
When most people think of this diet, they think of lots of pasta and wonder how that can possibly lead to weight loss. But this diet focuses on healthy eating of low carb foods and eliminating foods that aren’t good for you.
Many doctors recommend this diet as a healthy and safe way to lose weight successfully. This way of eating puts a focus on foods like fruits and vegetables. The more plant foods you eat, the better it is for your health.
You can still have things you enjoy such as bread – as long as it’s not covered in fats that are bad for you. That means switching out butter-laden bread with a healthier option, like dipped in healthy oils.
Stay away from saturated fats and choose ones that contain fats that lower cholesterol levels such as olive oil. You can eat things like nuts on this diet even though most diets consider them off limits.
The truth is that nuts are good for you when eaten in moderation because their fat content isn’t the kind that’s bad for you. You can even consume peanut butter on this diet.
The Mediterranean Diet puts the spotlight on choosing to eat low carb for weight loss rather than trying to strictly eliminate entire food groups the way that some diets do.
The meat source of this diet isn’t red meat, although some is allowed in moderation. The biggest meat source is fish such as trout or salmon for their omega 3 benefits.
You should eat fish baked, broiled or grilled for two of your weekly meals. If you eat red meats, they should always be lean meats and stay away from meats like bacon and any other kind that are high in the unhealthy type of fat and additives.
Small amounts of wine are encouraged on this diet on a daily basis for its ability to cut the risk of heart disease. The plan to get started on this diet is simple. Make sure your eating plan includes plenty of fruits and vegetables.
You should have at the minimal seven servings in the fruit and vegetable category each day. You can have foods like cereals and pasta as long as these are whole grain.
Make sure that you use spices in your meals. Not only does it prevent bland food boredom, but many spices contain ingredients that have health benefits. Plus, they’re better for you than sodium.
You can have dairy with this diet as long as you always choose the products that are either low in fat or fat free. Because the foods in this diet are based on low carb choices, you will lose weight. Making sure that you get in exercise is a recommended part of this weight loss plan.
The Bulletproof Diet
This diet is one that’s low carb and focuses on eating high fat foods, but the kind of fats that are considered good for the body. The amount of protein that you’ll eat on this diet is what a normal eater would have.
What the diet boasts – besides the low carb, weight loss benefits – is that you’ll also experience anti-inflammatory results. The diet suggests that followers do occasionally fast.
On this diet, you’ll be changing the way that you’ve always eaten to a healthier, more natural way of eating. One of the first steps you’ll be called on to do is to stop consuming sugar in its various forms.
You’ll also need to stop consuming fats that are bad for your body. The diet calls for substituting butter with the grass fed kind as well as using coconut oil or ghee. Because the focus is on low carb, healthier eating, you’ll have to stop consuming gluten.
This means you’ll need to eliminate pasta, cereal, bread and any type of processed food – including junk food – from your diet. Gluten can trigger inflammatory reactions in many people – even those who don’t have reactions to gluten, which is one of the reasons the diet calls for the elimination of it.
You’ll have to rid your pantry of vegetable oil and you’ll also need to toss out anything that’s artificial-based like food dyes, sugar substitutes and anything that contains MSG.
You’ll also need to stop eating legumes. What you’ll switch to when it comes to eating meat is a grass fed version. You can eat beef and you can also consume eggs, fish and shellfish and seafood.
You can also eat poultry. Dairy that’s processed isn’t recommended on this diet. You can have dairy such as whole milk that’s higher in fat than what most diets call for as long as it’s from grass fed cows.
Any fruits and vegetables that you consume should be completely organic to avoid the contamination by pesticides and other harmful sprays. You’ll need to limit the amount of fruit that you eat.
When you make your food, cook it using methods that are as natural as possible. You’ll have to stop using your microwave. You will lose weight on the diet and the elimination of processed foods and foods that contain artificial coloring and flavors can improve your health.
It’s very easy to go out and get distracted looking at a huge menu when ordering food while on a low carb diet. If you’re lucky, sometimes restaurants will have the macro nutritional information such as: protein, carbs and fats listed below the item.
However, there are many places where no other information but the picture of the item, as well as a description of it is listed, making it a bit more difficult to decide what to order.
Luckily there are a few solutions when it comes to going out to eat and ordering for a low carb diet. First off, most restaurants have “Lighter Choices” or something similar on their menu, making it easier to find a section of healthier options.
These options typically have vegetables and proteins such as salmon, chicken, or beef while leaving out popular carbohydrates such as potatoes and bread. These menu items still taste very well, and this kind of menu is designed to make the protein the star of the plate, usually with well-cooked side items low in fats or carbohydrates.
Not all restaurants offer a “Light” menu, so that leaves the responsibility up to you. You might not be able to find a zero carb item on the menu, but a few good rules of thumb could at least help steer you in the right direction so that you don’t sacrifice all of your hard earned success.
Look for items with little minimal bread, and perhaps no pasta dishes for the night. There are usually items that pair protein and vegetables together, and if there are any bread or high carb veggies, you can always ask to leave those ingredients off or make a sensible swap.
Looking at the ingredients of almost every item that looks tasty can take some time, so if you’re worried about it taking too long to order, you can look up the menu online to check it out beforehand.
Using tracking apps on a smart phone is also a great way to look at the macros of the dishes that you are thinking about ordering! If all else fails and they don’t have a lighter menu, you can’t figure out what has a lot of carbs and what doesn’t, and you’re just not sure about what to order – try to ask the waiter or waitress about low carb items on the menu.
Nobody knows the menu better than the people who work there, so it couldn’t hurt to ask, or even call ahead and find out so you’ll know what to order before you get there. Sometimes you can order it low carb even if it’s not on the menu, and most chefs will know what that means, such as a burger without the bun, or carb friendly vegetables with no pasta.
Staying on a low carb diet and still wanting to go out and socially drink or party can be a tough situation to manage. Everyone thinks beers are carb-laden drinks, and yes this may be true for some beers, but there is a way around this.
First off, it’s a good rule of thumb to remember that light American made beers typically have fewer carbohydrates than those of darker beer brands. It also takes fewer beers for someone to get intoxicated if they are on a low carb diet, so you need to watch your drinking levels if you’re on a low carb diet.
Some studies have shown beer to be almost twice as intoxicating when using a low carb diet due to the change in kidney functions and how kidneys process alcohol. If beer isn’t your style, then no worries, because wine and most liquors have even fewer carbs per serving than those of beers.
Champaign and wine would be the best choices for a night out, and red wine has even been known to have many powerful antioxidants. Straight shots such as Whiskey, Brandy, Tequila, and even a Martini have almost no carbohydrates in them as long as there is no sugar added, so feel free to take some shots or drink those with no to low carb additions.
Sugars in an alcoholic drink might not only mean sugar around the rim, but sugar in the base if made with juice, or any extra fruits that have been added as well. Now all of this information isn’t a free pass to drink nightly, because too much alcohol on a regular basis will hinder your hard earned progress, so just make sure you keep everything in moderation when drinking.
If you’re ever unsure about what a mixed drink’s macro nutrients are such as the carbohydrates, just keep a calorie app tracker on your phone so that you can check it out before you decide to purchase it.
If you have a cheat day added to your weekly or monthly regimen, then it might be a better idea to plan on drinking that day, or using that as an opportunity to make sure you don’t get too off track with your dieting.
Lastly, make sure you keep track of how many drinks that you’ve had if you plan on drinking a heavier amount or over a longer period of time one evening. You don’t want to risk losing track of your carb count for the day.
Low carb diets and many other similar diets can be stressful after a certain amount of time. That’s just normal for almost everyone. A popular way around the stress of changing and limiting their typical comfort foods to low carb or limited options is to incorporate a cheat day.
Cheat days are uncertain in how you decide to use them, because they can either help you progress along your regimen, or be detrimental to your success. First, take a second to realize your level of comfort with not giving into temptation when it comes to cheating on meals.
Are you the type who would give in easily and grab that extra dessert, or be the one who could go months without ever eyeing any junk food? If you don’t do well for long periods of time without thinking of cheating a meal, go ahead and give yourself a regular cheat day in the week, month, or however long or short you need it.
This will lower the stress causing you to give in to those urges to eat when you shouldn’t and let you have a more manageable diet fit for you. If you can go long periods of time without giving in to wanting something unhealthy, then maybe you shouldn’t risk adding in a cheat meal.
You’re doing great and making the progress you want. Maybe it’s fine to get one cheat meal in on a special occasion, but don’t make it a regular thing if you’re doing fine without it.
Cheat meals are a mental coping tool to tell yourself, “Okay, I’ll eat bad this time, but right after that, I’m going back to my low carb regimen.” Adding unnecessary changes that don’t benefit you, unlike it does for the people who use it to bounce back without feeling like they are risking losing their mental motivation, isn’t as useful to you.
The first set of people who benefit from it use it to stay in their eating habits and slowly improve. The second group of people who are already doing good, but want to see if it would hurt to add a cheat day, are slowing their results, and risk slipping into more and more comfortable eating habits.
A cheat meal’s only purpose is to support stress management when following a low carb or any other type of diet. If a cheat day will lower your stress, helping you to stick with your low carb plan, then you can benefit from a cheat day.
These days, everybody is always on the go and finding time to get your nutrition in on a low carb diet can be difficult when you’re in a rush. First off, planning ahead the day before by packing your snacks in the fridge or leaving them out will make it much easier to head out the door before your busy day.
Whether you make your own snacks or buy premade snacks, it’s important to remember to prepack them ahead of time because if you forget them and have to buy random snacks throughout the day, it can throw your whole diet off.
Premade sets of food such as tuna, eggs, beef sticks, nuts and protein bars are great grab and go items to use as snacks throughout the day. You might want to think of your travels for the day if you’re going to be out because some snacks might need to be refrigerated or packed in cold temperatures unless it’s not refrigerated in the store – such as a protein bar.
The refrigerated items will be good for settings like home or work, where you usually have some sort of refrigerated option available. If you want to take a break from the same old prepackaged meals at the store, then try making some fresh snacks from home!
Making nutritious snacks at home does take a bit more time, but the end result is a low carb snack you’ll love because you put ingredients that you prefer into it, and there are hundreds of recipes online for low carb snacks as well.
A few popular homemade low carb snacks are: Celery Peanut Butter sticks, trail mixes, or something like a lettuce roll up with turkey and cheese inside. It doesn’t matter if you decide to buy your snacks or make them fresh from home.
The only real difference is your preference in flavor and ingredients. The macronutrients should be similar regardless of how you decide to prepare your food. Ideally, if you’re following a specific meal prep or eating schedule, these snacks should be kept on hand for moments when you might have to miss a meal or absolutely can’t wait until your next meal.
Snacking all throughout the day – even on a low carb diet – is not ideal. Always try to keep a steady eating schedule. This will make tracking your macronutrients much easier as well.
Plus, it will help your blood sugar stay level. However you decide to use your new snack preparation advice, take it all one day at a time, and don’t cheat yourself out of your hard earned work!
Dieting and meal planning on a budget can be a tricky obstacle to overcome, but luckily there are a couple of good rules of thumb for saving money when going on a low carb diet.
You need to first decide where to get your food from, and find out which stores are the most cost effective in your area. Most of the times you can find good foods at good prices by shopping at Walmart, Aldi, with occasional sales at other big name brand stores.
Regardless of where you decide to shop for fruits and vegetables, just make sure there are fresh, healthy options that match your spending limit. Preparing your low carb meals each morning, or just buying all of your food in general from a store with low prices will also cut back on money if it will make you eat out at fast food restaurants less.
Preparing meals at home is typically a healthier and cheaper option than deciding to eat out. When comparing foods at your local grocery store with the best deals, keep an eye out for meals that are low in carbs, but high in protein and fats.
Most people might think that fats are counterproductive, but having more unsaturated fats in your diet will fill you up faster – meaning your food will last you longer while preventing overeating.
The high protein is for recovery and muscle production, and you should be eating at least your bodyweight or more in grams of protein. If those aren’t enough to help your low carb diet match your budget, don’t just compare food prices but also compare different types of food!
For instance, some frozen vegetables may be cheaper than fresh ones and vice versa. Brown rice is often cheaper than white rice. Along with frozen foods, canned and jarred foods can also usually be found to be cheaper than buying it fresh.
Some proteins are cheaper than others. Pork is one of the cheapest meats, and even with chicken, thighs are less expensive than breasts are. With beef, you can find marbled cuts of steak that are less costly than lean filet mignons, and the fats are okay for you on a low carb diet!
Regardless of how you decide to save some money in your low carb budget, make sure you are always checking the macronutrients of everything you buy. Buying food on a budget at times mean you lack the money to buy your favorite foods, so consider putting that paid subscription or other unnecessary spending into your diet instead.
Aside from budgeting your food money, maybe compare the benefits of cutting out other expenses you make by looking at your bank statements and finding out what is and isn’t necessary – because your health and fitness should be a main priority.
A wide range of nutritious foods should be included in all healthy diets. These foods should include: minerals, nutrients and vitamins of all kinds. By keeping a healthy diet, you will keep a healthy body weight. Diabetes and other diseases will have less chance of developing. In this article, we will have a brief look at 5 Tips for Healthy Eating.
Eat A Wide Range Of Vegetables And Fruit.
The recommended daily intake of vegetables and fruits is at least five portions a day. If you do not like eating fruit and vegetables too much, you can drink it in smoothies or fruit juices. This counts as one portion. Vegetables can also be included into a variety of cooked dishes. Chopped banana’s can also be included with breakfast cereals. Otherwise, you can eat a piece of fresh fruit for a morning or afternoon snack.
Include Fish With Your Meals.
Fish come with a range of vitamins, minerals and protein. Two portions of fish should be consumed each week. Oily fish should also be included. This is because this type of fish has omega-3 fats in it. This can stop you from getting heart disease. Some oily fish might include: sardines, trout and salmon. Fish without oil may include: cod, haddock or canned tuna.
Eat Less Salt.
Adults should have no more than six grams a salt each day. If we eat too much of it, this can increase our blood pressure. You do not have to add salt to your food to eat it. There are at least three-quarters of salt in many foods we eat. This includes: sauces, breakfast cereal, breads and soups.
Always Eat Breakfast.
Never ever miss breakfast. There are people who think that not eating breakfast will assist them in losing weight. This is not true. The truth is, eating breakfast will assist with controlling weight. Healthy breakfasts will give us some of the necessary minerals and vitamins. For a good nutritious breakfast, you can include sliced fruit over cereal that has little sugar in it.
Eat Less Sugar.
Consuming too much sugar will only cause tooth decay and make will make us gain weight. It is advised that we cut down on the following: pastries, fizzy drinks, cakes, alcoholic drinks, biscuits and sugary breakfast cereals. Many of these foods and drinks will have added sugars in them. This is what should be avoided.
In this article, we have had a look at 5 Tips for Healthy Eating. We have seen that it is good to: Eat a range of vegetable fruits, include fish in our meals, eat less salt, always eat breakfast, and eat less sugar. By following these five tips, you will be healthy in no time.
Before you decide to give up meat and become a vegetarian, there are some facts you need to know. When you become a vegetarian your body has to readjust to the nutrients it’s receiving and the ways it digests the new food types.
There are some myths associated with vegetarianism – one, that it’s an easy and foolproof method to lose weight. The fact is that some vegetarian foods are very high in calories and can add pounds unless you watch portion size.
Another myth is that being a vegetarian is boring and tasteless. Actually, nothing is boring about being a vegetarian unless you want it to be. Tofu can be turned into many tasty dishes where meat-eaters would think they’re eating meat.
There’s chili, burritos, falafel, veggie pizza, hummus, stir-fry and other great meals that can be created to round out the meal menu without using meat products. An online gold mine exists for all types of vegetarian dishes.
You should know that there are various types of vegetarianism. The most common types are:
Vegan – A diet based on veggies, oils, nuts, seeds, soy, legumes and fruits, this type of vegetarian avoids all animal products.
Lacto-Ovo – These vegetarians enjoy dairy and eggs as well as all vegan foods.
Lacto-Vegetarian – Consumes dairy products, plus foods contained on the vegan diet.
Ovo-Vegetarian – Consumes eggs, plus foods contained on the vegan diet.
If you’re new to vegetarianism, you should begin at the Lacto-Ovo level, consuming both dairy products and eggs, plus the vegan diet foods. If you want to progress to another level, do it gradually as your body becomes adjusted to your new way of eating.
Restoring or keeping yourself in good health is definitely a consideration for almost everyone when making the decision to convert to vegetarianism. Vegetarians enjoy a low-fat diet that helps reverse heart disease and lowers blood pressure to prevent strokes.
There are other considerations too. Reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and some types of cancer can be the results of a plant-based diet plan. Some vegetarians are motivated by religious and ethical reasons – others because of environmental and the moral issues having to do with killing animals for food.
If you’re planning to embark on a vegetarian diet plan, talk to your health care provider about any problems you might have associated with changing your way of eating. Then, get the facts about vegetarianism and how it can help you regain or keep to a healthy lifestyle.
Click Here to Discover the 23-page eBook “Take the Pledge to Go Plant-Based for 30 Days”
Studies have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that a well-balanced vegetarian diet can improve your health by lowering the risk of high blood pressure (stroke), diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer – plus add years to your life expectancy.
When vegetarians suffer from health problems, it’s generally because they’re eating too many processed and sugar-laden foods and are experiencing obesity and other health problems. A well-planned vegetarian diet can protect you against these problems.
Meat eaters tend to consume saturated fats and have a higher level of LDL (bad) cholesterol. They also suffer from high blood pressure and tend to have a shorter life span.
While adapting a vegetarian diet can’t completely protect you against the major chronic diseases, you can better protect yourself with a plant-based diet. Evidence that vegetarians enjoy a lower heart disease exists as well as better long-term health.
Cancer is another disease in which vegetarians enjoy less risk. There have been hundreds of studies performed that advocate eating plenty of fruits and veggies can lower the risk of contracting various cancers.
Colon cancer is one of the main types of cancers which have lower instance levels than in meat eaters. It’s not yet proven that avoiding animal by-products such as milk and eggs have an impact on lowering colon cancer, but avoiding meat is a definite plus.
Type 2 diabetes is more often found in meat-eaters than vegetarians. A plant-based diet can significantly reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes, but obesity and the amount of exercise plays a significant part in the studies.
Bone health is a concern – especially for the aging population. Many people are reluctant to go vegetarian because they fear the loss of calcium may put them at risk for osteoporosis and other bone diseases. A typical vegetarian usually gets the necessary calcium requirements for bone health, but if you’re a vegan, you should monitor your calcium intake carefully.
While protein can be a problem in some vegetarian and vegan diet plans, the required nutrients can be obtained by consuming dairy products and eggs. Lentils, nuts, soy and whole grains are also excellent sources of protein.
Vitamin B12 (found in animal products) is included in eggs and other dairy products, so the typical vegetarian finds it easy to get the necessary requirements. Ask your health care provider about adding a Vitamin B12 supplement if you need extra help.
Click Here to Discover the 23-page eBook “Take the Pledge to Go Plant-Based for 30 Days”