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Category Archives for "Healthy Eating"

Is Junk Food Ruining Your Body?

Is Junk Food Ruining Your Body?

Ever since we were little children, we have been told that junk food is bad for us and that it is important to moderate the amount of junk food we take in.

Many people see junk food as the reason they are overweight, and there are some people who eat a lot of junk food can do so without gaining a pound, therefore feeling there is no harm to eating it.

Junk food, however, affects a lot more than just the number on the scale.

The fact that eating junk food affects more than just the scale doesn’t mean that the effect on the scale doesn’t matter. Obesity rates are much higher today than they have ever been in the United States and this is incredibly concerning since there are many negative effects that come along with obesity.

Some of these include things like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Below are some of the other impacts eating junk food has on your body, even if you don’t gain weight from eating it.

A study that was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed that when you eat a meal that is high in unhealthy fats and sugars your body experiences the effects immediately. The sugar will cause a large spike in your blood-sugar levels, known as post-prandial hyperglycemia.

Over the long term, this can lead to an increased risk of heart attack. However, there are effects that happen in a shorter frame of time as well.

Some of the more immediate effects of eating junk food include the five listed here.

  • Your body’s tissues become inflamed. This is the same reaction that occurs in your body when your tissues are infected.


  • Your blood vessels constrict. This leads to slower blood flow, which leads to feeling fatigued and can also lead to poor blood circulation.


  • Damaging free radicals are generated. If too many free radicals are generated, the body is unable to fight them off and this can lead to disease and illness.


  • It can elevate blood pressure, due to the constriction of blood vessels.
  • A surge and drop in your insulin levels may leave you feeling hungry soon after you eat a junk food meal that is high in fats and sugars. These foods are known as insulin triggers and eating too much of them increases risks for type 2 diabetes.

Over time, junk food can also be the culprit for hormone imbalances, a change in your sense of taste and even a risk for mental health problems.

Eating a diet high in junk foods is also responsible for many other long-term effects such as those listed below.

  • Higher risk of cancer, especially those relating to the heart, lungs, colon, and prostate.
  • The decline of memory and cognitive function. Many studies have been done showing the positive impact eating healthy, whole foods has on memory and cognitive function.
  • Due to the low fiber content of junk foods, you are likely going to find yourself constipated.
  • Simple sugars such as those in white flour lead to skin issues such as acne.
  • Sodium is often used as flavoring and preservatives, too much sodium will lead to water retention leaving you to feel bloated and puffy.
  • Sodium is also a contributor to high blood pressure or enlarged heart muscle. Excessive sodium can also leave you at an increased risk of kidney stones, kidney disease, and stomach cancer.
  • Drinking soda, or eating a lot of foods, high in sugar increases the acid levels in your mouth, which is responsible for tooth decay.

Limiting your consumption of junk food is a quick and easy way to prevent your blood sugar levels from experiencing extreme highs and lows, which can help you, stay healthier.

How To Make Healthier Choices At The Drive Thru

How To Make Healthier Choices At The Drive Thru


When you are trying to stick to a healthy diet, ordering from a drive-thru can be frustrating and confusing and is often something people try to avoid. Sometimes, though, life happens and you are left with either going with the convenience of a quick meal from a drive-thru or skipping a meal.

To most people, a meal from a drive-thru means consuming a meal that is higher in calories than most of us consume in a day.

However, there are some tips for choosing healthier options when you find yourself in one of those situations when you just have no choice but to grab a quick meal.

Choose Grilled Over Fried:

Avoid anything fried or breaded, including nuggets, fried chicken and fried fish sandwiches. Many fast food spots offer grilled options for most of their meat sandwiches.

Choose A Salad

Most every fast food drive thru now offers salads; usually they will have one with grilled chicken breast. If you consider the dressing’s calories and go easy on the creamy varieties, skip the croutons and any other high fat additions like bacon, you can get a very healthy meal.

Stick With The Single:

When you order your burger, don’t choose the quadruple, triple, or double patty burgers. The more meat your put on the high the caloric content of that burger will be. Stick to a single patty burger.

Skip The Bun

A great way to save over 150 or more calories is to get your burger or chicken sandwich lettuce wrapped. This concept made popular by low carb diets such as Atkins, is now widely offered in most fast food restaurants.

Don’t Order Fries:

Some better options for side dishes are salads with light dressings, baked potatoes with light toppings, a fresh fruit cup, or apple slices.

Check Your Condiments:

You can save a few calories by skipping the mayo, 1000-island dressing, tar tar sauce and other fatty condiments by asking for mustard instead. Add fresh toppings, like lettuce, tomato, and pickles for extra flavor and crunch.

Avoid Super Sizing

Super size is a calorie death trap. Choose the smallest sizes when you are ordering your sandwiches, burgers, and sides. Often, children’s menus contain more reasonably sized portions.

Choose Your Drink Wisely:

Avoid selecting drinks that are being advertised as coffee drinks but have just as many calories and fat in them as milkshakes. A bottle of water is the best choice for something to drink when you are going through a drive through.

The Name Isn’t Everything:

You may think that a whole grain muffin is a good choice because it’s made with whole grains. This isn’t always the case. Often, muffins at coffee shops and fast food restaurants are simply glorified cakes that are high in calories and fat.

Plan Ahead When You Can:

If you know you are going to have to hit the drive thru for your meal, knowing the healthier options ahead of time can make it easier than trying to make a decision at the last minute.

If you are ordering with children as well, giving them only the healthier options to choose from will allow them to get excited about getting to pick their meals as well.

Sometimes we have no choice but to go through the drive thru and get a quick meal. A fast meal is better than skipping a meal. However, going through the drive-thru doesn’t need to equate to consuming more calories in one meal than you usually would in a day.

By following the tips we have laid out for you above, you can enjoy a meal that, while it may not be the healthiest of all options, is lower in calories and fat and won’t leave you feeling bloated and crampy later.

9 Biggest Health and Diet Myths

This year, I’ve appeared regularly on Dr. Oz to bust all the common health and diet myths that exist in our society.

And I’m not going to stop there.

Listen, you deserve the TRUTH about what’s good for you and what’s not. And with all the bad information out there, I’m here to demystify all the noise out there and cut to the cold, hard truth.

Because for years, we’ve been told by so-called health experts the wrong information. Maybe they don’t mean any harm, but that’s causing us to make poor decisions detrimental to our health.

Like, how many times have you been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day? I know my mamma and nonna would tell me that ALL the time!

Thanks to science, I’ve learned that’s not true…along with a lot of other health-related beliefs I had growing up (and STILL hear from patients).

So buckle up, because you’re in for a wild ride…let’s jump into these 9 myths plaguing our society. (And find out why breakfast is not that important!)

Health Myth #1: Fat Makes You Fat

It makes sense, right? If you don’t eat fat, you won’t get fat. And therefore, you won’t be at risk for heart disease. Unfortunately, it’s really not that simple….

Click Here To Read On

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

If you are like most people, you absolutely love cinnamon, but you might not realize it is actually good for you. While it can often feel like all your favorite things are bad for you, this is one very special ingredient that has loads of health benefits and very few side effects.

Cinnamon is a type of spice that comes from the bark of certain types of trees. These are categorized by Cinnamomum species of trees. Cinnamon is loaded with nutrients, which is one thing that people often don’t realize. A serving of cinnamon is about a tablespoon (though you can definitely use less and still benefit from it)

You get the following nutrients when you add more cinnamon to your diet:

Vitamin K

It also has lots of antioxidants and many other health benefits. There are only 19 calories in a tablespoon of cinnamon, and no sugar or fat. Keep reading to learn more about the health benefits of cinnamon and why everyone should be using it, not just in the fall or winter, but year-round….

Read On By Clicking Here to Download the Free 5-Page Report


The Numerous Health Benefits of Coffee Consumption

Health Benefits of Coffee Consumption

More than half the population of adults drink coffee. Some have a coffee habit just first thing in the morning while others drink the beverage all day long. There’s a good reason that coffee helps perk you up and give you long lasting energy. It’s loaded with health benefits.

Coffee Contains Antioxidants

You’ve heard the advice that eating healthy keeps the body healthy. You already know that you should eat your fruit and vegetables because they’re loaded with antioxidants.

This substance fights to keep your body healthy and protect you from certain diseases. It also works to help prevent cell damage. While you can get your antioxidants from the foods that you eat, these items aren’t the only resource for the power of antioxidants, because coffee is a top contender, also.

In fact, some people get antioxidants from the coffee that they drink than from their diet. That cup of coffee that you drink is full of vitamins and minerals. Among these vitamins and minerals, you get Vitamin B5, Vitamin B2, magnesium, potassium and more.

So your daily habit – whether it’s a cup in the morning or several cups throughout the day – gives you plenty of health benefits right from that very first sip. The power is found in quinines and once you make the coffee, your body enjoys those antioxidants.

Not only can the antioxidant properties fight disease on your behalf, but coffee is also known to help keep your teeth healthy. That’s because the ingredients in coffee are a natural cavity fighter.

You can thank the antibacterial ingredient in coffee for keeping you out of the dentist’s chair. If all coffee did was help protect you from diseases and keep your teeth in good condition, that would be more than many food items alone can do.

But the benefits of this beverage don’t just stop there. It’s also a mood booster. While it gives you energy and helps keep fatigue at bay, it also acts as a mood stabilizer so you feel better after you’ve had a cup or two of coffee.

Coffee contains caffeine – and that’s an ingredient that also works to give you health benefits. Not only does it fight back against certain cancers, but it can help prevent headaches.

If you come down with a headache and you drink coffee, you’ll notice that it alleviates your headache. That’s because caffeine is a headache reliever given by nature when it constricts the blood vessels in the brain.

You’ll find that in many headache medications that caffeine is one of the ingredients. Caffeine can also work to help prevent you from getting certain diseases that affect your brain. But it can also be useful in the fight against conditions like gallbladder disease.

Coffee Can Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that can be prevented. It’s one of the conditions that is continuing to grow among adults and now children, too. The reasons for this can vary depending on many different factors.

Some people just have a higher chance of getting the condition thanks to family history. It can also be common with certain conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS – which puts women at a higher risk of getting diabetes at some point.

The problem with diabetes doesn’t just rest in the fact that it gives a person the inability to correctly make enough insulin to keep up with the body’s demands. It also leads to health issues throughout the body – including the heart, brain, and eyes.

Coffee can lower those health risks right along with your odds of developing Type 2 diabetes. The beverage contains ingredients that act to prohibit a protein which has been explained as a higher chance of developing the disease.

When you block the build up of this protein, you effectively shut the door on diabetes. Regardless of your family genetics, you can cut your risk in half if you have a coffee habit.

As long as you drink more than a morning cup of coffee, your risk of getting diabetes will be much lower. The ingredients in coffee are so effective against helping to prevent Type 2 diabetes that you can even drink decaffeinated coffee and still reap the same lowered risk benefit.

The good news for people who have a coffee habit throughout the day is that the more you drink the beverage, the more you lower your risk of diabetes. Just don’t load it with high sugar flavorings and it won’t ruin the health benefits.

Coffee Helps Your Liver

The liver is an amazing organ in the body and can regenerate itself. But certain things can impact your liver and cause damage to it. Sometimes this damage can be irreparable.

Some of the things that affect the liver are alcohol, medication, familial diseases and fatty liver disease. You can also develop liver failure. For people who routinely drink alcohol, your liver can become affected by a condition known as cirrhosis of the liver.

While you might think that you have to drink every day and that it takes a lot of alcohol consumption to damage your liver in this way, it actually doesn’t. You don’t have to drink hard or be an alcoholic to develop liver disease, because your body can process alcohol differently than someone else.

It doesn’t matter how old you are or how many years you’ve been drinking. Consuming alcohol puts you at risk of the disease regardless of your lifestyle or family genetics.

The good news about drinking coffee is that if you do have a drinking habit, you lower your odds of developing problems with your liver thanks to the coffee. Having four cups of coffee or more gives you protection against the chance that you’ll end up with cirrhosis of the liver.

Coffee Protects Your Brain

There are numerous things that coffee does for you that help your brain. For starters, it keeps your brain protected against conditions that target it – such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

Having a daily coffee habit lowers your risk of getting this condition. The caffeine in coffee helps protect the brain’s cognitive function. Not only does it reduce your chance of getting Alzheimer’s Disease, but drinking coffee also reduces your risk of age related dementia and diseases that affect your neurological health – such as Parkinson’s disease.

Coffee is a stimulant that keeps your brain active because it accentuates your mental capacity. This is why people who drink coffee suddenly feel more alert, can think clearly and can make it through a day even if they’re tired.

Your brain contains feel good hormones that can determine how you feel emotionally. For people who drink plenty of coffee, you can lower your risk of developing mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Coffee has long been associated with helping people feel better. The ingredients in coffee lifts your mood so that you experience feelings of calm. Some studies suggest that the reason the beverage helps with moods is because of the high amount of antioxidants present in coffee.

When you drink coffee, you boost the brain to increase the production of serotonin as well as dopamine – both of which instantly make you feel better. This mood booster acts like a natural antidepressant.

The caffeine contained in coffee not only improves your mood, but it also promotes better overall mental function – including helping with short term memory function.

Coffee boosts your ability to think. You can learn easier when you have coffee in your system. You can also react quicker and better in a situation. This is one reason athletes drink coffee. They perform at a higher level with a coffee habit than without it.

Coffee Lowers Your Risk of Cancer

As long as you’re a regular drinker of it, coffee is one of the easiest and least expensive ways that you can lower your risk of developing certain types of cancer.

It could be that coffee is good for helping prevent some cancers because it contains more than 1,000 chemical compounds. These compounds are what bring all the health benefits to the table.

Coffee works to keep some cancers from developing because the compounds in the coffee offer protection against inflammation – the kind that puts you at risk for cancer.

Cancer can occur because of damaged cells. When you drink four or more cups of coffee a day, the ingredients in the beverage work to block these damaged cells.

While research is still out on the many different kinds of cancer coffee can lower your risk of getting, current research has already established the cancers that coffee can help prevent.

This is good news for both men and women. For men, having a strong coffee habit prevent them from getting prostate cancer. As long as you have four or more cups per day, you can lower your odds of getting this type of cancer by over 50%.

Women who have a four cup or more coffee habit are given more protection against skin cancer – especially against melanoma – one of the deadliest types of skin cancer and the one that affects women far more than it does men.

For both men and women who have a healthy coffee habit, drinking the beverage also offers a lowered risk of getting liver cancer. The compounds in the coffee work to protect this organ.

The liver isn’t the only organ that drinking coffee has some special protection for. Your brain gets more protection if you drink coffee against cancers such as brain cancer.

One type of cancer that can affect both men and women, including young adults is colon cancer. The ingredients in coffee are beneficial to your digestive system – and that includes your colon.

By having a habit of drinking coffee, you can lower your odds of getting colon cancer by more than 25%.

Coffee Protects Your Heart

Today’s lifestyle can be tough on the heart. Not only are people busier than ever with less time to work out and more days filled with stress, but environmental factors can also impact your heart’s health.

Thankfully, if you’re someone who has a regular coffee habit, you can protect your heart from a whole host of different heart related diseases and occurrences. One of the many reasons that coffee is so good for your heart is that the beverage gives you improved blood flow.

This increase in blood flow helps your heart not to have to work so hard to circulate the blood through your veins. The biggest heart benefit is given to people who drink at least three cups of coffee every day.

The occasional coffee drinker doesn’t see as many health benefits overall – including for the heart. Another reason coffee can protect your heart is because it helps keep your arteries from becoming clogged.

It does this by preventing the calcium build up that clogs the arteries. The caffeine in coffee is good for arteries and can even help them be able to work better.

This prevention is one of the key reasons why people who drink at least three cups of coffee a day are less likely to have a heart attack than people who don’t. Besides protecting the arteries, coffee works to prevent the diseases that are considered contributors to heart attacks – such as diabetes.

Not only will you lower your risk of heart disease and of having a heart attack if you have a regular coffee habit, but you also lower your chance of having a stroke.

Some things that can cause you to have heart health problems have to do with what goes on in your everyday life. Situations such as the bills piling up, trouble at work, car or relationship problems can flood your body with cortisol.

These issues can all cause you to live in a state of constant stress. Drinking coffee has been associated with lowering other heart health risk factors such as stress that can cause damage to your heart.

When you drink coffee, it can be a relaxing, nurturing event for you. Studies have shown that drinking coffee can lower your stress levels. By lowering your stress levels, you can lower your blood pressure – which is another factor in causing heart attacks.

Superfoods For Beauty


If you are looking into improving your skin, hair, nails, and teeth the natural way, the first thing you should examine is what you are eating. It is possible that foods you are eating or not eating are affecting your beauty.

Superfoods are high on the list of foods you should be adding to your diet. They are usually healthy, with most of them being low in fat or containing only healthy fats. Many superfoods are not only good for general health and wellness, but ideal for improving your beauty.

The superfoods on this list are all good for natural beauty boosting purposes, from giving you soft and silky hair, to improving your complexion and smoothing out your skin, strengthening your nails, and giving you strong, healthy teeth.

You can add these foods to your diet one at a time, or get them all at once to be on the road to a nutritious diet and the best skin and hair you have ever had.

Here are the top 12 superfoods for beauty.


The first superfood that is amazing for skin and beauty in general is lemon. The great thing about this is that there are many ways to use lemons in your food or drinks, not only helping to improve your beauty, but providing a lot of other health benefits as well.

Lemons have long since been known as being ideal for detoxing your body. Many people that do an actual cleanse or detox, will make a drink with water, maple syrup, lemons, and sometimes various herbs or spices. So it makes sense that lemons would be high up on the list of superfoods. When you are detoxing your body with this citrus fruit, it helps to cleanse your liver and digestive system. This in turn can help to cleanse and revitalize your skin at the same time.

Try drinking a tall glass of water with lemon slices in it, putting lemon on your salads instead of a heavy dressing, or adding lemon to your morning smoothies or other beverages. There are many ways to incorporate it into your day.


There is a lot of fruit on the top superfoods lists for various purposes, especially berries. However, one berry that you will see more often is blueberries. These are delicious, sweet berries that just about everyone loves. That is what makes them great; they are super nutritious, but also fun to eat! Blueberries are considered a superfood because they are packed full of nutrients, from antioxidants, for various vitamins and minerals.

The antioxidants and the vitamins, like vitamin C, A, and E, can all help to restore your skin cells, making your skin look more youthful. Blueberries will also help if your skin has been sun-damaged and to brighten up your skin and leave you with silky smooth hair as well.

Another excellent thing about blueberries is that they are super easy to add to your diet. This superfood can be topped on anything from salads to oatmeal or yogurt, eaten on its own as a snack, or added to your favorite desserts.

Wild Salmon

Fish is an important part of your overall health, but can also help with improving your skin and hair for natural beauty. However, omega-3s are not found in all forms of fish, which is why only certain ones are considered superfoods. Typically, the wild-caught cold water fish is best for you in terms of superfoods with omega-3 fatty acids, which are helpful to moisturizing your skin. This includes wild salmon, among others like mackerel or sardines.

In addition to the omega-3 fatty acids, wild salmon also has other nutrients, including vitamin D and selenium, which protect your skin from sun damage and can help keep your teeth strong. Salmon is a low-fat, high-protein food, so it fits with just about any diet, including if you are a pescatarian who can still eat fish even if you don’t eat other forms of meat.

Some good ways to enjoy salmon include grilled on the side of rice and veggies, cooked and put in your salad, or even raw if you enjoy sushi.

Sweet Potatoes

Now moving onto vegetables, let’s talk about how you should be eating more sweet potatoes! These are one of the best vegetables and superfoods for beauty, as they contain a lot of different nutrients. Not only do sweet potatoes have a high amount of beta carotene, which helps to even out your complexion, they also contain vitamin C for antioxidants and vitamin A to help repair damaged cell tissue in your skin. They also naturally have biotin, which many people take for stronger nails and to stimulate hair growth.

Sweet potatoes are lower in carbs than other types of potatoes, so even while on a low-carb diet, you can enjoy them and have your favorite potato dish. You can eat them baked, boiled, grilled, or in just about any other meal. A popular trend right now is having sweet potato toast to replace the bread in your diet and add more nutrients at the same time.


Why not try some tropical fruit? If you enjoy food on the sweet side, you don’t have to feel left out when you are on a special diet. Pineapple is an excellent alternative, and just so happens to be a powerful superfood for beauty and general health.

Pineapple is often recommended as a detox fruit, because it helps to get rid of toxins in your body. These toxins could be affecting your skin and hair, so it is important to get them out of your body. Pineapple is also great at reducing inflammation, which might also be affecting your skin. The nutrients in pineapple further help to produce natural collagen in your skin to tighten your skin and provide excellent anti-aging benefits.

One of the best ways to enjoy pineapple is just by having it fresh after cutting open the pineapple. It is a low-fat fruit so it’s easy to enjoy even when you’re on a diet and trying to lose weight. You can add pineapple to your cottage cheese as a snack, or even top your salad or pizza with it for a fun, tropical meal. Grilled pineapple also tastes amazing, and it goes great with chicken and fish.


While beets may not sound like the best vegetable, give them a try. They are actually very tasty, especially when you know the best foods to prepare them with. If it helps, beets are also an excellent superfood for beauty, providing antioxidants that can firm up your skin and help you look more youthful.

Beets are a superfood because of all the nutrients they contain, including vitamin A, magnesium, potassium, and folate. These nutrients help with anti-aging, stimulate better cell production, and can leave your hair looking its best.

The bright pinkish-purple color of beets makes them perfect to add to juice or smoothies in the morning and make them fun to drink. Even if you don’t like the taste of beets, it will be covered up by any fruits you mix with it. Apples are the perfect fruit to add with beets in juice or smoothies.


Another type of seafood that is considered a superfood for beauty is oysters. Oysters contain a high amount of zinc, which are effective at helping to repair your skin cells and actually promote new skin cell growth that will help to fight the signs of aging. Zinc can also keep your nails strong and healthy, and provide nutrients for your hair as well.

Some of the other nutrients found in oysters include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, protein, iron, and calcium. All of these are important not just for your beauty and skin, but for general health and wellbeing. Try different oyster recipes, whether you make a pasta dish or eat them on your favorite salad.


There are a lot of different types of nuts that are good for health and beauty, from almonds to cashews, but one of the best is the walnut. Walnuts are superfoods thanks to all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals they contain. They provide a good dose of vitamin E, which as you know is wonderful for skin and hair. In fact, vitamin E oil is often recommended for removing stretch marks and wrinkles.

Walnuts also contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, so if you don’t like fish or you are on a vegan diet, you can still enjoy walnuts and get these important nutrients. Walnuts help to give you bright eyes, smooth skin, and improve the health of your hair as well. They are also good for providing essential nutrients to your bones.

Here are some different ways to add more walnuts to your diet:

  • Use them to top salads for extra crunch
  • Put them in a food processor to make walnut butter
  • Top your pasta or rice dishes at lunch or dinner
  • Have a handful of walnuts with cheese for a low-carb snack
  • Mix in walnuts with baked treats like brownies or cookies


Believe it or not, dates are actually a fruit. It might not seem like it, but these are a sweet and delicious fruit. It is another fruit, alongside figs, that are highly underappreciated and not enjoyed nearly as much as they deserve. A good type of date to go for is the medjool date, which is low in fat, high in fiber, and super sweet.

Dates help to cleanse your body from toxins, which could be affecting the health of your skin and hair. They have a lot of other nutrients to make them a superfood, from copper that help you to absorb more iron for better collagen production, to providing an alternative to sugar in baked dishes.

You will notice that many low-carb baked dishes or ones for people who are cutting back on sugar will use dates instead. You can enjoy them this way, eat a handful of them, or add them to just about any meal right on the side.


Another fruit on the list of superfoods for beauty is the kiwi. This is another tropical fruit, that will taste great with those pineapple slices mentioned before. On the outside, kiwi look like small, brown and fuzzy fruits. On the inside, they are vibrant green and juicy.

Kiwi is a superfood thanks to the high amount of antioxidants, which protect your body from illness and disease. These same antioxidants also improve your natural beauty by boosting the health of your skin, hair, and nails. They are also good for improving the health of your teeth and bones, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Kiwi are also a good source of vitamin C, providing even more support for your skin, hair, and teeth.

An easy way to eat kiwi is by cutting it in half, then scooping out the kiwi fruit with a spoon. You can also add kiwi to pancakes for a tropical flair, top frozen yogurt or regular yogurt to add some sweetness, or make a dessert like kiwi pie.

Dark Chocolate

A lot of the superfoods for beauty are fruits and vegetables, but don’t forget about your favorite foods. Some of them are probably also considered superfoods, including dark chocolate. This is an excellent way to enjoy your decadent treat without feeling guilty about it.

Dark chocolate is an excellent source of antioxidants, which as you know help to hydrate your skin, make you look more youthful, and remove toxins from your body. Dark chocolate doesn’t cause acne, but can actually improve the appearance of your skin. Just make sure it is dark chocolate and not milk chocolate. Look for at least 60% cacao in your chocolate and it will be of good quality.


The final superfood to consider adding to your diet for beauty purposes is a grain called quinoa. This is a healthy grain that is very nutritious and is one of the best foods for naturally healthy and shiny hair. The nutrients found in quinoa can actually strengthen your hair strands and help prevent split ends and breakage. When you have less breakage, it also helps with shine and to reduce frizziness.

Quinoa is a good source of protein, so it is perfect if you are trying to reduce carbs and want to replace regular rice with this grain. The protein is also going to provide more nutrients to your hair. There is vitamin E in quinoa as well, providing a natural oil that helps keep your scalp and hair roots healthy, while also improving your skin at the same time. Other nutrients found in quinoa are vitamins B6, B12, niacin, and biotin.

There is a nutty flavor to quinoa, so it is good as a side dish replacing rice or pasta, or when added to your favorite salad. There are many healthy meals you can make by using quinoa.

Try to find ways to combine superfoods for beauty to get the maximum benefit. This is going to help you add as many as you can to your regular diet without feeling stressed or overwhelmed by your choices.

For example, you can try some of these combinations:

Add pineapple, kiwi, and dates to your frozen yogurt.

Have quinoa with sweet potatoes and walnuts.

Enjoy a dessert of kiwi with dark chocolate.

Make a pitcher of fruit-infused water using lemon, kiwi, and pineapple.

There are many different ways to use multiple superfoods in a single drink or dish, you just need to get a little creative!



When Digestive Issues Are Wrecking Your Life

We’ve all had those irritating (and sometimes embarrassing) moments when we had to break away from a conversation, intimate moment, meeting or other social activity to run to the bathroom.

If it happens once in awhile, it may not be significant. But, if digestive issues continuously embarrass you and make you frantically look for a way to leave a situation, it might have a negative impact on your life.

Digestive issues such as IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), flatulence, acid reflux and gastritis can certainly wreck your social life and eventually drive you to stay alone as much as you can to avoid the embarrassment.

You should know that a continuous and irritating digestive problem might mean you have a serious health issue. Whatever the issue, if it’s severe enough, then it should be addressed immediately by a healthcare provider before it becomes dangerous.

Digestive problems are part of the wide array of embarrassing health issues that we don’t want to talk about – but, it’s imperative that we do. Some think these issues are simply a part of life, especially as we age.

Even though the symptoms don’t appear to be life-threatening, there may be issues occurring in your body stemming from a problem that could be simply cured or dealt with so it doesn’t get worse.

Common Digestive Problems and How to Deal With Them

Embarrassing digestive issues affect everyone sooner or later. Diarrhea, gas, stomach pain or cramps, heartburn (GERD), Irritable Bowel Disorder (IBD) and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are all digestive issues which could cause embarrassment.

Treatment for these nasty problems might include lifestyle changes or medication. Even if pondering gas or diarrhea isn’t the most exciting thing to think about, you should know about them and what you can do to relieve the situations.

For example, you should know that IBD is different from IBS. IBD is defined as a structural disease, which means the symptoms are caused by some type of physical damage.

Ulcers, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are all considered to be inflammatory bowel diseases. IBS is considered to be a functional disease – meaning symptoms are experienced but no physical problem is found.

Both IBD and IBS cause constipation, bloating, diarrhea and stomach pain which can be both embarrassing and present a real problem if you enjoy an active lifestyle. Symptoms of both IBS and IBD might include blood in the stool, fever, worsening issues, inflammation – especially in the joints, eyes or skin – and weight loss.

Treatment for both might include controlling the inflammation with immunosuppressive drugs or, in some cases, surgery. Heartburn (GERD) is painful and may be difficult to deal with.

With acid reflux, the stomach acid flows into the esophagus (the tube connecting the throat and stomach) and heartburn is a symptom of GERD. You may be able to use over-the-counter medications for an occasional bout with heartburn and some modifications in your lifestyle might be in order.

For example, avoid certain foods such as chocolate, citrus, garlic, onion and spicy foods just before bedtime. Try eating smaller meals throughout the day. If you smoke – quit. If you’re overweight or obese try to lose the weight with dietary changes and exercise.

You can also try placing blocks under the head of the bed to raise it a few inches while you sleep. If antacids or acid-blocking medications and changing your lifestyle habits don’t work, you should be tested to see if you have a problem that would warrant another type of medication or surgery in extreme cases.

Gas, belching and bloating are all uncomfortable conditions and very embarrassing when you’re around people. Most of the time, all three conditions are caused by swallowing air or the way your food breaks down during the digestive process.

Some people have occasional bouts with these digestive issues, while others may suffer from them repeatedly on a daily basis. With these three issues, one thing leads to another.

For example, when built-up gas isn’t passed out of the system by flatulence or belching, it will likely gather in the stomach or intestines and cause bloating. This condition can cause stomach pain.

Having a bowel movement or passing gas may help to relieve any of these situations. Some ways you can relieve the problems of gas, belching and bloating include avoiding eating fatty foods on an empty stomach, stress and anxiety, smoking, drinking carbonated beverages or eating gassy foods such as beans, cabbage and onions.

Your situation may also be caused by a disease, blockage or infection of the gastrointestinal tract, IBS or other problems in the intestinal tract. If changes in your lifestyle and medications don’t help your situation, see a doctor for a complete checkup.

Frequent stomach pain and cramps are red flags that signal you should see a doctor. You might be suffering from IBD, IBS or a structural disease. Your doctor will likely run a series of tests to help diagnose the issue and determine which treatment to use.

Less Common Digestive Issues That Can Make You Miserable

There are numerous digestive issues that go beyond the norm of common digestive problems and need further diagnosis to define the real issue. For example, peptic ulcers can cause horrid stomach pain which is further exacerbated by painkillers you might take to alleviate the misery.

Over 25 million Americans will suffer from peptic ulcers at some point in their lives. Smoking may cause the problem – or alcohol and stress may also contribute to the disease or at least exacerbate it or delay the healing process.

Peptic ulcers may be treated with antibiotics and perhaps combined with acid reducing medications. Perforated ulcers may need laparoscopic repair surgery to completely eradicate the problem.

Diverticulitis is more common in those Americans older than age 70, but only about 20% of those with the disease will experience severe complications. Diverticulitis occurs when a diverticula (abnormal bulge) protrudes from the intestinal wall.

The bulge may cause a tear or become inflamed and cause severe pain. One way to avoid diverticulitis is to eat lots of popcorn and nuts. If you have an extreme case of diverticulitis, your symptoms may include vomiting, fever and tenderness in the abdomen requiring surgery.

Gallstones are almost certain to require treatment. They’re made up of little stone-like substances largely made from bile salts and cholesterol. The best treatment is to remove the gallbladder by surgery – which is one of the most common procedures in medicine.

Sometimes the stones inside the gallbladder become stuck in the ducts between the small intestine and the liver. When this happens, the flow of bile is blocked and inflammation or infection of the gallbladder may occur.

Gallstones are said to occur because of a lack of fiber and too much fat in your diet. Gaining and losing weight may also set the gallbladder up for gallstones. Removal of the gallbladder can be done in several ways, including laparoscopic surgery or surgery through the vagina or mouth.

Lactose intolerance is also become a problem among Americans. Those who suffer from the condition likely lack an enzyme needed for digestion of the sugar found in milk. Symptoms include bloating, gas, nausea, cramping and diarrhea.

A breath test can usually detect lactose intolerance and the high levels of hydrogen associated with the condition. A blood test may also indicate the problem by showing how the blood reacts to the patient drinking a beverage high in lactose such as milk.

If lactose intolerance is detected, over-the-counter pills can help by replacing the enzyme (lactase) and by only ingesting lactose-free milk. It’s usually not necessary to avoid all dairy products.

Medical Tests for Digestive Disorders

If medication and lifestyle changes aren’t helping your digestive issues, a doctor can order some tests that will diagnose the ailment and put you on the track for recovery and relief.

A clinical examination is first on the list of tests and may help the doctor diagnose such disorders a constipation, extreme acidity and diarrhea problems. A blood test may be in order to see how your liver is functioning, monitor your blood count, pancreatic enzyme test and lactose tolerance testing.

Your doctor may also order a stool analysis to assess the functionality of your GI tract. The test profile may be used to diagnose such conditions as constipation, diarrhea, IBS, indigestion, malabsorption and infection.

If the test reveals higher than normal levels of fat in the stool, it may be a sign of pancreatitis or celiac disease. If there’s a high pH level, it could be an indication of cancer or some type of inflammation.

An endoscopy is in order if you’ve suffered from long bouts of acidity or heartburn, sudden or unexplained weight loss or changes in your bowel habits. An endoscopy is non-surgical, but lets the doctor thoroughly examine the stomach or digestive tract for abnormalities.

During the procedure, the doctor may gather small samples of tissue for biopsy. This test will help them detect polyps or cancer cells which may be causing a digestive issue. An endoscopy ultrasound test is sometimes utilized to help diagnose problems in the upper intestine.

A renal function test may be done using gadolinium with contrast agents that are commonly used in CT scans and MRIs. If you’re experiencing failing kidneys, the kidney function testing may be done before the CT scan or MRI of the renal area.

A device called a manometer is used to measure movement and muscle pressure in the GI tract and oesophagal. Anorectal manometry is used to measure how the anal sphincter muscle contracts.

Barium X-rays are used to help the healthcare provider view the stomach and small intestines. It’s usually given through the rectum in an enema. This test can help diagnose gastrointestinal problems such as ulcerations, narrowing of the gut and fistulae problems.

A breath test may be used to diagnose such conditions as lactose intolerance. If sugars in your diet aren’t completely absorbed by the small intestine, the bacteria in the colon may produce hydrogen gas.

If you’re lactose intolerant, the breath levels of hydrogen will be extreme. You may also be experiencing a high growth of bacteria in the small intestine, which then may be absorbed into the blood and transferred to the lungs.

Abdominal ultrasound, MRI and CT scans are sometimes used to examine the blood vessels in the organs, liver, pancreas and gall bladder. These high-frequency sound waves let the physician view real time images of the internal organs, blood vessels and surrounding tissue.

Monitoring the pH level may be in order to diagnose such digestive problems as GERD. You’ll be measuring the amount of stomach acid within the esophagus within a 24 hour period and can also test the effectiveness of medications you may be taking.

The pH test involves passing a sensor on a thin tube through the nose and placing it just above the esophageal sphincter. This will detect the amount of acid that enters the esophagus during the time period.

A diseased liver may cause digestive problems that should be addressed immediately. A test called transient elastography is non-invasive and can let the physician record the elasticity of the liver and test liver fibrosis.

The test involves inserting a small transducer probe into the liver which delivers a 50-MHz wave. The velocity of the wave is measured and the measurements are then used to diagnose the liver’s stiffness.

The more information you have about digestive issues the better able you are to discern if you have one – or to take measures to prevent a problem in the future. There is a ton of information you can gather from medical websites.

You don’t have to suffer from one or more of these digestive issues in silence. Americans, especially, are experiencing growing digestive problems and even becoming a growing burden by the number of clinic visits and hospitalizations necessary for treatment.

There are also growing organizations which address problems such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis which are the most common of the inflammatory bowel diseases. The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America can offer a wealth of information about gastrointestinal disorders. Don’t let digestive issues and disorders wreak your life. Get out there and discuss it with others to find help and relief.

How to Avoid Carbs and Make Good Protein Choices

Carbs aren’t necessarily bad for you. In fact, they provide lots of energy for you to get through your day. But for some, reducing carbs is a quick way to lose weight without feeling like they’re having to give up many of their favorite foods.

Part of the problem is, most men and women get far too many carbs – way more than they need for energy. They might even eat mostly carbs, avoiding protein, so they never feel full for long, and constantly want to snack throughout the day.

This packs on pounds quickly. A typical carb-laden diet might be donuts for breakfast, a sandwich with fruit and chips for lunch, and pasta for dinner. There’s very little (if any) protein in a diet like that, so the person is always hungry, and might even add dessert carbs to the mix, too.

Try reducing your carb count to under 100, lowering that number the more weight you want to lose at a faster speed. You can focus on net carbs when you look at the nutrition label.

Net carbs are the total amount of carbs minus the fiber count in the product. This actually allows you to eat more carbs than if you simply tally the total carbs on the label and log those in your tracking system.

Swap out certain foods for low carb options. For example, if you like making bean burritos at home, switch your regular white flour tortilla with a white flour low carb option. A regular tortilla has about 98 carbs, but you can find low carb options with only 4 carbs in them.

Or, invest in low carb bread that you can order online from places like Netrition. The bread looks, feels and tastes like white bread, so the flavor is there, and you don’t feel deprived.

Focus more on eating carb-friendly vegetables (like broccoli or avocados) and fruits (like berries). Eat plenty of protein. Don’t worry about the fat content. If you like a marbled steak, go for it!

You can even have real butter and plenty of cheese when you’re on a low carb, high protein diet. Fat isn’t the enemy. In fact, it gives you that full sensation you need to stave off the munchies.

If you’re craving dessert, there are low carb option you can make such as chocolate bombs. Or, buy sugar free candies in the store made for diabetics – because these give you the sweetness you desire, without the heavy carbs!

Shed Your Belly Fat with One of These Diets

Belly fat is where many men and women carry the bulk of their weight when obesity sets in. It’s uncomfortable, but it’s also unsightly and embarrassing when you’re trying to squeeze into clothes that gradually get smaller and smaller as you gain.

There are many diets that help you lose weight all over, but some promote better digestion and reduce the bloating commonly associated with dietary changes. If you don’t mind the weight coming off slowly, then you might opt for a plan like Weight Watchers or Mindful Eating, where you can curtail the amount of food that you eat and watch your stomach deflate as you shed pounds.

But sometimes, you’re in a hurry – and you want to lose weight more rapidly. You might want to go on a low carb, high protein diet to eliminate belly fat faster. Carbs sometimes make people feel bloated, and cutting them in exchange for lean protein can help trim your waist quickly.

Using a Mediterranean or Whole Food diet where you’re getting plenty of fiber in the form of vegetables can help you say goodbye to belly fat. Choose vegetables rich in fiber such as lentils, artichokes and broccoli.

Vegetables help reduce constipation, which makes the bloating disappear. So as you lose weight, your body will reflect a flatter, trim stomach. Make sure you cook them in a nutritious manner so they don’t lose their nutrients.

Eat vegetables raw whenever possible, or steamed or grilled lightly to cause the least amount of breakdown possible. Add on a bit of olive oil for a healthy fat that delivers rich taste and even more benefits to your health.

Sometimes a good detox diet can help get rid of belly fat. It’s only temporary if you go back to your old ways of eating, though – so many sure you adopt healthier habits afterwards.

A sugar detox diet can promote better stomach health, banishing bloating and allowing your body to function better in many ways. Or, go on a low sodium diet to get rid of the water retention issues that often cause a stomach to bloat, too.

You could go on a fast from fast food for awhile. Junk food, and other processed foods, contribute to the inflammation that can invade your body and cause a massive amount of bloating and digestive issues.

No matter what, if you begin treating your body better by giving it more of the things it wants (such as probiotic yogurts and whole foods) and fewer foods that disrupt it (such as sodium and sugar), you’ll notice a big difference in the way your stomach is now, compared to how it flattens out on a new regimen.

Slash Your Sugar Addiction Little By Little

As with most things related to dieting and losing weight, making big changes all of a sudden makes it harder to keep your commitment. It’s the same whether you’re talking about exercising, cutting calories, eliminating sodium or cutting back on sugar.

Sugar has a very addictive nature for many people. It almost mimics a drug addiction, and your brain becomes dependent on it for things like satisfaction during meals or snacks as well as energy for some.

Instead of simply going on a sugar detox all at once, you might want to work on curbing your sugar addiction little by little. Start by cutting down slightly on the sugar you put in your coffee in the morning.

If you use two tablespoons, go to one and a half, then one, and so on. Don’t add extra sugar to your sugary cereals or other meals that already contain it. Watch product labels to see how much sugar you’re consuming.

Sugar is one of those things where, the more you have it, the more you want it. And you may not even be aware of how much sugar you’re actually eating or drinking each day. You might want to tally it up for a few days just to get an idea.

When you shop, think about the foods you’re buying and see if there’s a healthier option. For example, if you love having orange juice every morning, you might be shocked to find out how much sugar is added to it.

You might want to invest in a juicer and use whole oranges instead to make fresh, organic juice without all of the added sugar. Not only will it be healthier, but it will taste better, too.

If you’re big on processed foods for meals in your home, you’ll want to look at the label of those, too – because they’re often crammed with sugar in every box, can or jar. It might be better to start making things from scratch (or at least choosing a healthier option).

Sometimes, you think you’re making a healthy food choice, but you’re not. Take yogurt for example. It sounds healthy. But some yogurt tastes so great because of the amount of sugar they pour into the container.

Some people might recommend making the switch to a sugar substitute. But these can often cause digestive issues for many people. So it’s better to gradually wean yourself off of this substance or at least lower it to an acceptable amount.

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