8 Ways to Prevent or Lower your Risk of Having a Heart Attack - Better Health Solutions

8 Ways to Prevent or Lower your Risk of Having a Heart Attack

There may not be much you can do about your heart attack risk if heart issues run in your family or you already have heart disease, but there are many natural ways to lead a heart-healthy lifestyle without drugs if you wish to reduce your risk of having a heart attack.

1-Maintain a healthy weight
The more you weigh, the more wear and tear on the body, including the heart.

2-Move more
Regular exercise improves heart health and circulation. It can also help you lose weight. Current recommendations are 250 minutes a week of aerobic activity, that is, exercise which raises the heart rate, spread out over 6 or 7 days, plus 2 30-minute strength-training sessions such as light weights or yoga.

3-Count calories
The general recommendation is 2,000 calories for women and 2,500 for men per day. However, this does not take into account the age or activity level of the person. Eating 2,000 calories which are not burned leads to a gain of 1 pound. It takes 3,500 calories burned to lose that pound. Set a reasonable calorie count so you don’t starve and aim for filling foods that are high in protein.

4-Count carbs too
A diet too high in carbohydrates can also be dangerous. Carbs have been linked to Type 2 diabetes and even Alzheimer’s. Those with diabetes have a much greater risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular issues.

5-Know your cholesterol numbers
Cholesterol is a natural substance produced by the liver that helps form cell membranes and certain hormones. However, too much of it in the diet can lead to hardening of the arteries. As the arteries harden and get narrower, the blood supply can get cut off to vital parts of the body, such as the heart or brain, leading to heart attack or stroke. Know your numbers, what they mean, and which heart-healthy foods you should add to your diet.

6-Deal with High Blood Pressure (HBP)
Blood pressure causes wear and tear on blood vessel walls.

7-Eat a low-sodium diet
Too much sodium can trigger weight gain and high blood pressure.

8-Stop smoking
If you smoke tobacco, stop. It has been associated with heart disease, lung disorders, and a number of different types of cancer.

If you’re worried about your heart attack risk factors, try these simple changes and see what a difference they can make to your heart health.
